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Kingston Gazette, May 14, 1811, p. 1

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^JP ion Vol- I.] KINGSTON, CUPPER CANADA,) GAZETTE TUESDAY, MAT 14 iSn. [No. 34. Emejl Tomi Academy. lii'.ii the NEW GOODS. h tcnus? or ubijribets hereby inform lvanitng that an .Ay/- deniji-ai 8.i>;'J, irt.dei the fupcriniendance of BUexperki.cedl preceptor, is opened in Erneii Town, n&*r the Church, for the inftruction of YolU-i in Luglifh-reading, fpeaking, gram¬ mar ami composition, the learned lanp-ua~c<?, penmamhip, arithmetic, geography and oth¬ er branches of Liberal Education. Scholars attending fiom a diltance may be boarded in good families on reafonable terms, and far fifteen 'hillings a year can have the ufe of a valuable Librarv. ROBERT McDOWAL } BENJa. FAIRFIELD, "" Wm. FAIRFIELD, SOLOMON JOHNS, STEPn. FAIRFIELD, Wm Vv'U.LCOX, SAMUEL NEILSON, GEOKGSi BAKER, coi§c§ooo THF SPMCJtrlBER H.IS JUS? RECEUT.D A FRESH SUPPLY OF GOODS, AMONGST WHICH ARE ■pURNlTUPvEandPrintedCalicoe8,Silk -*- Shawls, Cotton do. Ladies* plain and figur'd Silk Sleeves, Leno ditto, Kid Gloves, black wovfted Hofe, Carpeting, Veilings, Brown Hollands, Checks, occ. &c. All of which will be fold low for Cam or Country Produce. B.WHITNEY. Kingston, 11 th March, ! 8 11. very 25 NOTICE. /TPHE copartnerfhip of Smith & A. Lyons is this day diflblved by mutu¬ al confent. All claims againft the concern will be fettled by Andrew Smith : and all thofe who are indebted 10 them either bv note or book account, are defined to make imme¬ diate payment to Andrew Smith, who is du¬ ly authoi ifed to receive and difcharire the lame. ANDREW SMITH, JAMES LYONS. EU-zalelhtown, April 2\th, 1811. (£5* The bv.iioefs will be conducted in fu¬ ture by Andrew Smith, who will fell on the mo ft reafonable terms for Cam or Coun- ORIGINAL MfSCELLANT. FOR THE KINGSTON GAZETTE. RECKONER No. 19. try Produce. 8 » Erne.? 7 own, nth March, iSn. J 27 MONTREAL r Y t I -7 t Warehouse; At ih. Sign of th: fflir.itAs? Hat, No. 54, Old Marled Place. ' JABF/Z I). DE WITT, MOST icfpe&fully informs the Public, that he has on hand a molt exteidive and complete ailcrtmeut cJ HATS, HAT TRIMMINGS, &c. &c. Amor.jsi which are, Moft fnperb iV'iiitary Hats, with orna- REMOVAL. Northrop, VVolcolt (cff Abbe, Have removed from No. 54 St. Paul Street to No. 102, one door North of MeiTrs. Bellows, Gates & Co. where they have a General Affortment of DRY GOODS on hand, which they offer for fale on reafonable terms. N. W. Sc ABBE. Montreal, I oth Sept. 1810. 1 tf G ments coinoI«-te. entlemen's mofl fofiionahle Beaver Hats. Do. Be L weens do. Do. Yeoman crowns do. Do.bl'k fupei line gieen under Do. drab do. do. Do. bla^k do. extra large bums do. Do. drab do. do. Beit black water proof liik a. Diito green under do. FOR SALE, A FARM confiding of 258 acres, be ing Lot No. 6, m the id conceiTion in Pittfburgh, fituate 6 miles from Kingfton —10 or 12 acies under improvement, with a good log houfe on the fame, and a good Marfli affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cattle.—For particulars apply to Laugh- lis MTntyre, fliip carpenter, Pittfburgh. February 12,1811. 21 tf —>*— — — .. do. do. do. do. d.>. O .-• Do. drab .IV Do. caiivr Ruram do. Plated d a. do. •u!-r (ilk CO. do. do. d<>. do. Gentle vamiiru d leather HaW for travelling. '"Servants* ditto do. Boys' Morocco Hats of all colors. Do, do. Caps do. Mem* & Bays' hue Cordks. Do. common do. Do. Wool Hats of every defcription. Cold ami fitvef tinfel Cord Bands. Comunn do* do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coarfe and fine Bow firing:-. Morocco of ail colois Likable for Fancy Tip Paper, do. do. Bed and common Glue. Logwood, Coppeias, Verdigris. Aquafortis, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks. Hatters' do.— Raifing Cards. Hat Brufties of all kinds in \\k. Hatter's Irons, Stampers, Runners down, Earthen & Glass Ware. '"jPKE Subfcribers refpec! fully inform _I_ their fiends and the public, that they have received by the late arrivals from Liv¬ erpool, a general affortment of EARTHEN fc? GLASS WARE, which they offer for fale wholesale and retail, at their Store, No. 50 St. Paul Street, lately occupied by James linnlup, £f*j, *>o a*s> g'.^d terrr.* a* can he had at any ilore in this city.—Ware packed in the bed manner, and a liberal difcount made for cafh. CO* Country Merchants and others are requefted to call. GREEN & EATON. Montreal, July 1 81 o. 2 6ff GRENO & SAWYER, T) ESPECTEULLY inform the public, I\ that they have opened a fliop one door ead of R. Walker'j Hotel, where they have for fale a quantity of Fashionable CHAIRS. Old Chairs and Carriages repaired & painted, (£5Sign Painting and Gilding executed with elegance and difpatch. May 7. Found, A large Mill-Saw. THE owner may have it, on proving property and paying charges. Apply to THOMAS FALKNER. Kingston, May 2, 18 I I, CANDLES^ THE fubferiher has juft received 75 Boxes dipped, and j6 Boxes mould candles, whkh win be fold low by the box or lefs quantity. Also—A few Fur Caps, weavers' Reeds, Clover Seed—and a complete affortment of Dry Goods, Liquors and Groceries, which will be fold as ufual at the Montreal prices, and all kinds of produce received in (payment,-------:£/" C.ajli paid for mojl kinds of Produce. S. BARTLET. Kingston, February 26, 18 I f • 23 C. WILLISTON h Co. Have lately received a new Supply of Stock, and now offer for fale, on good terms, N affortment of Gentlemen's ^TtiE BEST KIND OF Albany Infpecied SOLE- LEATHER, jud received and for fale at 1^4 per lb. at the Store of . March \ 2. 6\ BARTLET. A Hats. r"|^HE LefTees of the CeOwb and -S- Clergy Referves, and thofe who have and Ladies' SADDLES, wliich are warranted to be well made and of a fuperior quality. also, HarnefTes, Bridles, and various other kinds of work in their line.^ Repairing done onrfhort notice, and ev¬ ery favor cheerfully acknowledged. Kingston, April 15,1811. Pick era &c. &c- Sec. Indie*'nwftfafiwtibk beav. Hats & Bonnets, viz. White do. Maids' do. & children's do. Light fawn Drab do. Hair, brown 01i»e Pin pie Blue Ia'cenfes of occupation in the Midland Di/l- .ricl, are requeded to pay the arrears of rent due by them refpe&ively, to the fubferiber, who is legally author ifed to receive the fame and giant receipts. Charles Stuart, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, 2d March, 1811. 24 TO BE SOLD, T HE one half, (or if bed fuits the purcha ler, rhe whole) »i thai VALUABLE &T0JV1 ha- do. do. do. 00. do. do. do. do. 00. do, do. HAT TRIMMINGS,-viz. Pink Linings Green Linings do. do. do. do. 60. do. MILL in Mar>fburg, with two ran of ltones uc tor buimef*, one fuperfine and two common bolts, and four hundred acres of LAND, w'.th about 30 aces improved. 0>i the pretnifev,near the mil!, U .1 good Dwelling-home, with three roorn3 and a kitchen on th- lower floor, and a convenient houfe nearly aojoin- U ASH paiQ lOr JVAUO) longing totheertateofthe late Feter Van Ast> 1 tine, tfq- deceafed. The fituation is lo well known mat a further defcription is deemed unneceffjry. Thole who may wi<h to put chafe will pleafe to ap¬ ply to Thomas Darunp, Efq. Adolphurtowfl. CORNELIUS VAN ALS11NE, Iw^uteri. GEORGE W. MEYRES, 5 April 16, jSii. 3° AT THE PRINTING OFFICE, KINGSTON. Mi Red do. Orange do. Yellow do. And Green do. White do. Bine do. [peryd. Bl'k do.fr. 1/6to3/9 do. do. Hat Covers of every kind in ule. BINDINGS. Beft military bindings for cocked hats ; Black Galloons from 10/to 30/per Gioce. Beft-drab do. Com. do. do. Bell black and drab Bands ; Common do. do. White and btack worlUd Looping ; Common white Hat Buckles ; ileei do. Yellow Ui ion ditto ; whit* do. do. Cords and Taffdal of all fec« ^ colors, for Fancy TrkwttojjsJ Ladies' Bonnets. Extra large Cords for Ladfcs' PslHTcS. Fafh. fancy Ti imn.ii-s for do. [ Bonnets. Plumes of all co!or%for Ladies' % Children s All of which will he fold at the mcift »educ« d puc..', for calli or (hort and ap¬ proved credit. Mmitcal, Sft. io, 1B10. » « SHERIFF'S SALE. Y virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias ,ittue& out of his MajehysCourt of King'sBench, at the fuit of Peter Grant, of the town of Kingfton, merchant, againft the lands and tenements of Samuel Rofejate of Maryiburgh,yeoman, to me directed; 1 have feiaed and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the faid Samuel Rofe, the weft half of jot No. 2 in the fir ft concef- fionofthctowi.fhipofMaryfburgh, welt of the rock, containing by admealurcment one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs. I do heieby give notice, that the abovemen- tioned lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed to the higheft bidder, at my office m the town of Kingfton, on Tuefday the thud day ot March next, at the hour of ten o clock in the forenoon^-at which time and place the conditions of Cale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. And every perfon or perfons having claims en the above defcribed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advevtiied to give notice to the la.dShenrt, athis office in the town of Kingfton, previous to the fale thereof. Sheriff'* Office, id March, loll. 7 T) THE fubfenbers hereby give itants of Kingfton> Erneft Houfe Building and Patntmg. noticp to the inhab. H itants or K-inglton, urneitown, Adolphuito-Aii, and other adjoining placer, that they intend to emo'.oy toe next feafon in this vicinity, in PAW2IAG HOUSES, outfide and infide. Patent Paintrnp of Rooms, Sec. and the b-.finefs of HOUSE CARPEN¬ TERS and JOINERS. Their work will be exe¬ cuted with neatnefs and difpatcn. Application may be made at the dwelling-houfe of Mr. StoughtoN, innkeeper, in Kingfton, Mrf. Davy, in Ernelt- town. or Mr. O. Ranny, innkeeper, in Adolphuf- tjwn NATHAN WHEELER, Nov. zo, ,810. ANDREW PICKENS. Hrhat e'er is wretched is no longer wife. SOPHOCLES. TO be fuaviter in modo fort it ^r in re, gentle in manner, firm in condudf.,' is the gieatell perfection of which Lord Cheller- field has any conception ; and it muft he al¬ lowed that he frequently illuftrates this im¬ peding maxim in a molt pleating manner.— But when he refers us to thofe who have been mod fuccefsful in its application to practice, he totally fails ; for we find them all to have been either extremely weak or no- torioufly wicked. Before a fentiment can be admitted as an unalterable rule of con¬ duct, it lhould be viewed in every pofllble light, tor fear that it may fanclion fome er¬ ror, obltrucl the progrefs of virtue, or very ealily amalgamate with vice If it do any of thefc, it ccafes to be a maxim ; it may itill apply in particular cafes ; but then it muft lervc under the direction ofreafon.— That this celebrated faying is very confiftent with weaknefs and wickednefs, i^ ably prov¬ ed by Lord Chefterdeld himfcif. He tells us that Lord Albemarle attained to the great- eft offices, not by his learning, his parts, his political abilities, or his application ; but by his air, his add re fa, his manners and his gra¬ ces. The Due dc Richlieu, his p.c-xt exam¬ ple, rofe not by the purity of his character, the depth of his knowledge, or any uncom¬ mon penetration or lagacity ; but by his en¬ gaging exterior he pleafed—and by pleating became a favoiite. As thefe two men iofe to great eminence without virtue, the natural inference is that vhtne is fuperiluotif ; and confequently the great ohje^t which the no¬ ble lord had in view for his ton, could be ob¬ tained without any iolid meiit. Indeed vir¬ tue ftandsoiuu 1.1 the way of thofe who whh. Richlieu nor lord Aberdeen would have been diftinguifhed had they been men of worth j for they never would have debafed themfelvea with flattery and diffimulation. The Duke of Onuund, v.'ho polTefTed this artificial po- liteiu-fs in the molt perfccl decree, was ths weakeft but the beft bred man in the king¬ dom. The Duke of Marlborough was alio a paragon of politenefs. He had wound up and tuned his whole machine to pleafe : but this was all art in him ; art of which he we'll knew and enjoyed the advantages ; for no man had ever more intciiot ambition, pride and avarice than he had. Such are the mod¬ els fele-Sted by the noble author to prove the great excellence of his maxim. It was rath¬ er unlucky that in the whole range of hifto- ry he could find no character eminent for virtue, who was a perfect mafter of the man¬ ners which he praifes fo much. As he did not want fagacity to felect proper examples, if they could have been found, it is fair to fuppofe that a ftrici adherence to his maxim formed no part of the characters of thofe whom we are acctiftomed to admire. That gentlenefs of manner which appears ct fifffc fight fo agreeable, is a mode oi deceit, a concealment of our feelings, which truth and virtue cannot fancxion. liiliorypre- fents us with no great man uniformly prac- tifing this maxim ; becaufe it is impoflihle for any perfon who refpedts the dignity of hu¬ man nature, loves virtue and religion, to re- ftrain his indignation when he hears them reviled. It is impofilble to pay tlte fame rcf- pe(5t to wickednefs and goodnefa ; this would be to level one of the barriers between vice and virtue ; to deftroy that motive to probi¬ ty which weighs more wich many than any other. He mentions Cxl'.ir ns a per¬ fon eminently polite ; and he might have named Alcihiades as the belt bred man of all antiquity : but where were their virtues ?— Why does he not quote fome characlcr em¬ inent for his moral worth ? Socrates, for ex- his manners : fo in- MASONING, The fubferiber in¬ forms the inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that he intends carrying on the MASONING BUSINESS, fuch as brick laying, ftone work and plaftering : he will be ready to perform any bufmcis in h 28 is line at (hort notice, and in a workman-like man* ncr: MOSES DRAKE. ( Firfl door South of Walker's {lotel. J ample, fo engaging in dulgent to others ; fo ready to forgive. This eminent fage pofleffed mere true po- litenefs than all the artificial characters which Lord Chtuerrield names. But Socrates dif- dained to flatter, or to conceal his real fenti- ments. Had he been of our modern fchoel of politenefs he would have faved his own l;fe by the help of fome of its deceptions. All thofe n.en whofe lives we admire, and who perifhed in the caufe of truth, ate con¬ temptible in the opinion of a polite gentle¬ man, as they fulTered from a foo'.i.'h obftwa- cy, in his opinion extremely rude. Even the condefcendiug, cheerful and witty Sir

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