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Kingston Gazette, May 7, 1811, p. 4

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W O E T R Y. SFRflvG. NOW bch'Id the Spring returning, Nature paints the pleating icen^ % See the Joiy fpangkd morning Breathing odors o'er the plain. X\z\y th? n;bd creation vv'v.ivrr, Scetke ny.nd< vviall arrr.y'cl ; lto\v the frugal bees arc toiling, iloaovjig o'er the flowVf ghc>. J.o ' the pr.j!pe£i :iow incieafes, See tfie oalnnis all in bloom, Softy jray the fragrant breezes, Watting found a fwcet perf;::nc. M,-.w the tuneful birds ?.rc finding, Sounds reipoo live chret the groves ; Mi:lie wakes, the dale-, are ringing, Warbling nations charm their love?. See ill* virgin'.0 check frrfh blooming, Love, her wishing bofora heaves ; Sef the kindly Cod illuming, Ev'rv pleaiino- rrace reviews. Now the lambs, in fportive gambol?, O'er the verdant paftures play, Ever harmlefs in their rambles, Always innocent and gay. ITaik, the found of babbl.'ng fountains Pudd'ing through the flow'ry vale, See the ^reen, ei■beliifliM inouiuains Waving-to the balmy gale. Now the grateful hymn cf nature Stems prpfufcly pour'd abroad ; Plrau."'- fmiles in ever,'creature, Every thing cifplaya a GOD. A SMIIX ArD A TEAS. -. »W;d a /mile to a teat-% On t!ic cheek of mv dear s And beam'vl like the run i.i fpriag weather^ In footh, lovely *&?#"» \i lb an j;e mull aupear, That we ikouid be both here torjtthen I came from the heav'i:* A foft halo to trapsit To yonder fad daughfc r of gi i< f; And I, fa id the fnule, That heart now beguile, r-ince yju gayc the pcor mourner relief. Oh! then laid thetaapj Siva-t fmile, it is clear, We are twins, and foft Pdy our mother; And how lovelv that face, Which together we giace, Forthe woe and the biffs of another. DIVERSITY, THE TWO BROTHERS. IN a iTtthuicript, in one of the libraries at Paris, we are told that the count de Ligneville, and count de Autricourt.* twins, defcended from an ancient familv in Lorraine, refemblcd each other fo much, that when they put on the fame kind of clrefs, which they did now and then for amufement, their fer- vants couid not diftinguifli the one from the other- Their voice, gait and deportment was the fame, and thefe marks of rcfemblance were lb perfect, that they often threw their friends, and even their wives into the greateft embarraiTment, Being both captains of light horfe, the one would put himfelf at the head of the other's fqu ad r on ,w it tr¬ out the officers ever fufpecting the change. Count de Autricourt hav¬ ing committed fome crime, the count de Ligneville never fuffered his brother to go without accom¬ panying him, and the fear of feiz- ing the innocent inftead of the guilty, rendered the orders to ar- reft the former of no avail. One day count dc Ligneville fent for a barber, and after having fuffered him to {have one half of his beard, he pretended to have occafion to go into the next apartment, and putting his night gown upon his brother, who was concealed there, and tucking the doth which lie had about his neck under his chin, made him fit down in the place which he had juft quitted. The barber immediately refumed his operation, and was proceeding to finiih what he had begun, as he fuppofed, but to his great aftonifh- inent, he found that a new beard had fprung up. Not doubting that the pcrfon under his hands was the devil, he roaied out with terror, and funk down in a fwoon on the floor. Whilft they were en¬ deavoring to ca!l him to life,count de Autricourt retired again to the clofet, and count de Ligneville, who was half fhaved, returned to his former place. This was a ne"vV caule of furprifc to the poor bar¬ ber, who now imagined that, all he had feen was a dreani, and he could not be convinced of the truth till he beheld the two brothers togeth¬ er.—The fympathy that fubfifted between tlicfe two brothers was no lefs (insular than their reieinblance. r and Liverpool, a frejh fupply of Drugs & Medicines;% Which he offers for fale on better te»ms than they ever have been lold in this country, Amuhg luo'icb are the Jolhtuing articles ; 2 T • A.lum joo ib. An:imony crude how to ward off the b,'w, came ro - . ROMEO WAD3W0RTH, i i a ~C ,-a;iinrr 3 l-iro-e Bat receivedby the late arrivals from l0njGT. the conclulion or railing a lar^c , ,. . ... m n ~j. *°m* fum of money, with which, on the day appointed, they waited on the governor, and told him that fince the time their forefathers had bor¬ rowed thofe things of the Egyp¬ tians, their nation had undergone various revolutions, their temple had been burnt, and their records deftroyed, fo that it was impofiible for them now to tell whether or not ed fat prefenting him with the money, added, that they hoped he would not make them, who were but a few, accountable for what the whole nation did fo many thouf- and years ago. rJ*his being all the governor de- fired, he took their money, for the Egyptians had ever receiv- atisfaction for their jewels, and Arnatto Aioes Aquafortis Nirrc Fortis Gum Camphor Canthaiides Caflia 5° ~ ico - 3°° • IOO « 25 . 400 - 200 • Cloves 3 Tons Copperas 200 Ib. Ciem Tartar 3000 Ib. Flot Sulphur i one fell itck, th difpofed alfo ;, if one received a Vvound, the other felt pain ; and this was the cafe with every mif- fortune that befel them ; fo that, on this account they watched over each other's con duel with the crcateft care and attention. But what is flill more aftomming, they both often had the fame dreams. The day that count de Autricourt was attacked in France by the fe¬ ver of which he died, count de Lie?- ncville was attacked by the fame in Bavaria, and would have funk un¬ der it like Iiis brother, adds the manufcnpt.hadhe not made a vow to our lady of AltentinG*. which he gave them, in the name other was in- of the Egyptians, a receipt in part payment for the borrowed jewels, and fo left the fame door open " HUMOROUS STORY. * A CERTAINgovernor of Egypt having occafion for a fum of mo- ncv, tell upon the following molt extraordinary method to raifc it. lis.. fifrueuf an orvf "~ ** er,commanx.iVni !!g the chief of rill the Jews fettled ijn Egypt to appear before him on & certain day ; oh their being con,. ductcdinto his prefence they foun^l him furrounded With his divan o>r council, and the Pentateuch in hiis hand—be then afked them if they believed all that was written w\ that book, to which they replied that they did, faying that it con¬ tained the precepts of their reli¬ gion ; on which he turned to and read the 1 ith and 12th chapters c^f Exodus, containing the account of the Jews, juft before their depar¬ ture out of Egypt, borrowing of the Egyptians their jewels of gold, filver, &c. When he had finifhed, he told them that fince they had confeffed their forefathers had about 3000 years ago borrowed of the forefa¬ thers of the Egyptians their jewels, &e* he had fent for them to know if thofe things had ever been r<e- turnedy or fatisfaction made for them : if not, he added, it was now high time payment fhould be made, and that he, being the po¬ litical father of that people, he was in duty bound to fee that they haid juftice done thfcm. The poor aftonifhed Jews flood filent and knew not what to fa?y, though they immediately faw thro' the drift of the avaricious goverm- or. He, after waiting forne tinne for an anfwer, difmifled them, biut ordered them again before him iin a few weeks, telling them that Hie gave them that time to deliberate and to fearch their records, and ffce whether or not they had ever lire- turned or made fatisfaction to tllie Egyptians for the jewels they h;ud borrowed. When the Jews had retired,tlney after confuting among thcmfclves any of his fucceffors who may think proper to tAke the fame fteps to fqueeze that poor unfortunate people. A SINGULAR. IMPOSTOR; A portly well drefTed man, latel)' vvalking along the itrand, London, fuddenly dropped down in an Rrjople6tic fit; and tho* no lefs a man than iir 1-------n E-----------tt was coming by at the time, and was willing to give every affiftanie the Materia Medica could afford, ft was all in vain j the body was dead beyond the reach of any phyfician. A corpfe in the ftrand unowned, f.»ou drew a crowd ; among them came a well drefled, good looking young gentleman, who was curious to fee the dead man. He had no fooner made his way through the mob, fo as to get a full view of the corpfe, than he was (truck with amazement; he remained fix- ed, his countenance changed, and the tears began to flow down hi* cheeks. As fod» as fee cmM ww fowrtfeVifrfe*' ps to gain utterance, he exclaimed—" Oh5 God ! my poor uncle ! Is he gone ?—Well,'* faid he, with a dr^p ligli, " fo perifh my hopes ! I am happy, however, that I luckily paffed at this awful moment, to refcue his poor remains, and fee them decently inter¬ red." Accordingly, the forrowful youth called a coach ; and the charitable mob, who pitied the difconfolate nephew, ?/filled to put the corpfe in the coach ; where the pious young man foon [hipped the body, and de-firing to be fet down at a famous furgeon's very confeientioufly fold his pretended uncle for two guineas.-------Lot, Pup. * - A perfon went to confult a law¬ yer*, how he might fafely carry off " You cannot do it at 39 an heirefs. all, with fafety," faid the lawyer, " but I can tell you what you may do ; let her mount a horfe, and hold the bridle and whip ; do you then mount behind her, and you are fafe, for fhe runs away with you/' The lawyer was, however, fufficiently punifhed for his advice, when next day he found it was his own daughter that run away with his client. A gentleman, while walking in company with a lady, unfortunately made a mif-ftep an<l fell. The lady feeling for his lituation, kindly aflifted him in recovering his feet, obferving that (lie was extremely forry for hisfhuxpas ; to which our gallant angrily replied—« What's that you fay, madam, 'bout my fore paws ?" and immediately left her. -i___• NOTICE. "JPHE copartnerfhip of Smith k -&• Lyons is this day dilTolved by mutu¬ al confent. All claims againft the concern will be fettled by Andrew Smith : and all thofe who are indebted to them either by note or book account, are defired to make imme¬ diate payment to Andrew Smith, who is du¬ ly authorifed to receive and difcharge the fame. ANDREW SMITH, JAMES LYONS. Ehiobcthtoum, April 2qth, I 8 11. C3*The bufmefs will be coadudedin fu¬ ture by Andrew Smith, who will fell on the mod reafonable terms for Cam or Coun¬ try Produce, H 300 - 50 - 50 ., IOO ►. 75 - 5° ' 40 - 15 • 30 . 60 - 28 - ZS - 30 - 20 - Flnr Chamomile Fol Digitalis Gum Ammoniac Gum Arabic Gum AiTaf'etida Gum Benzom Gum El-mi Gum Galbanum Gum Guaicum 30 ib. Gum Myrrh 15 - Gum Scamaony, A»eppo 112 v <E*n Thus 50 -.•-^imTragacanth 5 - Mace aoo - Magnefia 150 - Manna joo - Nutmegs . Op.jln ^ Peruvian Bark ' Jalap Powdcr'dRhuharb Sago in grain ao, in powder 3 Tons Glauber Said 75 Ib. Sperrnacetti 60 - Tartar Emttie 25 - Soiubil 30 - Vjtriol 56 - Tapioca 50 - loo - ICO - 112 - ICO - 7$: 30 - Verroacilla - GuttGamb. 300 - Vitriol Roman Gum Juniper 56 - do. A!o. Gum Seed Lac 3000 - Salt Petre Gum Hull Lac 300 - Pearl Barley Gum Maltic PATENT MEDICINES. Anderfon's Pills Ballam of Honey tJalfam of Gilead Batcman's Diops Boitock's Elixir Bowden's Iitee Plainer Brit ft Oil Ctphalit SnufT Corn Plaifter Court (ricking Plaifter Dafr'y'sElKir Daloy*s Carminative Earl's Remedy for the Hooping Cough. Eftcnce Coltsfost- \> Do. Peppermint • ,Do. Pennyroyal . EfTential fait of Lemon Do. do. Vinegar COLORS. Blue, Bbclc White Cha.k Rod do. Carmine Flake White Frankfort Biack Indian Red Crlftflcs Magnetja Godfrey's Cotdial Gowiand's Lotion i Hooper's PilJs James' Analeptic PilHl do- Fever Powder Tefuit's Drops Liquid true Blue do. Na. kteo Dye Loaengrs Tom Magneha Lt-zenges Oimikirk Mcditine Refined Liquorice Stuers's Opodudoc Stoughton's liixir Tm&. Bark, Huxhcm1! Turtingiou's BaiUtt ElTcnce ot Muitaid 1 ■ 'lharge 'elinw Ochre ruflian Blue, No. l,*»$ Lub Y P Rote Pink Pumice Stone R uten do. ■Spaniih Brown Vermillion Spani/h White Indian Ink Ivory Black Ltmp Black Efl*. Anchovies Quince fauce b'-'dLicYI^oyal1 Cavice SUNDRIES. Apothecary fcales and l*ewtcr fyringes S A t/CE S. Cherokee Sauce lnoirt Soy room Ketchifp Teeth Brumes Vial Corks Bottle do. Wafers, luperfine Wax, f-aling ruperSnfc do, for Wne White leather Skini Wmdfor foap _ a weights Camel-hair Pencifa Galiypots in ibrts G^ld leaf Ivor> Syringes Lozenges Peppermint Patent Comp. Mortars Pewter Ounce IVLafur^s ALSO, 100 Kegs White lead, Chocolate ground , Spermaceti Candlei I50 do. Spantih br0^7n do. do. Oil 50 Green do, Cafk P.iifins 50 Yellow j 50 Black Box do. aoo boxes Window G'afs Figs. Olive Oil l a(T»ncd, 6X3, 7X9J Currants, Almonds 8X10, f\Xi\. Wrapping & Writing pa!j A general tlfonment of . per aflorted ihop furniture, viahaf. Mefs h, Prime Pork forced, a variety of fur*. Plug & Pigtail Tobacco geon'i inftrume) ts* Pepper, Allfpice ON HAND, Coffee, Loaf fugar Gunpowder, ^ Together with a General Hyfon, I Airortm* of DyisTurr, Young Hyfon, l%gj£ Press Papers, Tin- Hyf«»n fkin, t * * ter Hooks, Jacks, Hyfon Chulan, I Sec &c. &c. Souchong, J %f Commission Business tranfafieJ on the ufual terms, and Cafli advanced on any kind of Produce and other property left witti 111m. Montreal, Sept. 15, 1810. BAGG gP HAGAR, HAV£ juft received from London, and offer for fale, at their Hat Store & Fa&ory, No. IOO St, Paul Street, Montreal^ next door joutb of MeJJ'rs. Bellows, fcatei & Co. A General AiToTment or" Gentlemen's fine Bbavek Hats j fi!k Water Proof, Leghorn and Willow do.'} Ladies an j Children's bejver and (haw Bonnets,of the laceil fjiaions and beft qualiiy. At>o, Mi itary Fotding Hats, elegantly trimmed ; Hai Tr minings, &C&C which were imported upon as ^,t>nd terms, and w.,1 be fold as cheap or cha&per il'un can be bought in the country. They have alfo a variety of Hats of their own rmke, which ftisy are wiUlrtg »-o warrant ro be as durable as any ever offered for fale in Canada. Orders from the Counrrv thvnlcrully recededani ftridtly atcended to. * + CAS ft pah'for FURS. Montreal, Nov. 20. 1810. 10 if Writing and Wrap^ ping Paper for fate at thrs Oflicef. PHHirn AND MMM^D By CHARLES KENDALL. By whom Sftfifiriptions antl Advertikmeiiii fir this Paper «iul\ be received, nn.t Orders for Printing promptly pujorn.iJ.

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