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Kingston Gazette, April 23, 1811, p. 3

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foreign intelligence. -----■ p-4-41------ \\\\\ I'lSl! NAVY. |((,m..>n, i >b. "•'—The Julio wing is the Ijrt^wu •'• "'• "rii>fh uav.il foice up to thin hs. -'X( ,l"•' **V 'hr^HirftUc line, 9 From 50 tl, .ijiiM'i, 125 iiij;:\'cf'., 100 (loops and T.iU-lif*! 5 bom Us and liir (hips, 140 brigs, o;cuiUid, J3 icbootkra, £tiu vcllcls, lug- jrfii. &**• Tv)ial 5J5. 1 ii poit and fitting, m of the i»;t?j (» Irani 5^1044 guns 37 fcli.^-H, ,'vt. Total 184. Guard ihips, jt.fil Sips, piilbu (hips, &c. 39 of the Jin.- ; 6 from 50 to 44 guns, 6 frigates, 5 (bops, &<e. 1 cuil.-t. Total 53. In ordina¬ ry anal repairing, 64 of the line ; I I from ro to 4-j- gufls ; 6s higates, 44 Hoops, &c. 8 bombs ivc. 17 biigt, 4 fchrs. &c. Total 216. Building, 35 oi tin- line, 2 of 50 guns, 14 fi/gate*, 3 Hoops. Total 54. Grand tjtal 1^62. Ifj. g-j—The Regent, )cfterday, held his fceo 1 d privy council. 1 he principal bufinefa that occupied the attention of the council was the pricking for the- SlienfFa. and lignmg two proclama¬ tions for the obleivance o£ two public falls, in England on the 20th of March, and in Scotland on the 21 ft of the fame month. We have received Spanilh papers to the oattfhf the 24th ult. containing important information. Tlie troops of France in the whole ratJge cf Andalulia were proceeding ti Portugal to co-opeiate with MafTena.— On the 14th January, So ult, with about 12,Co men, entered Z.ifra. The enemy v&* hovering round Badajos ; but the force fc ll.c immediate neighboihood of that for- 1 "cf» wsfo only 2000 cavalry and infantry, Tlie Conde de Perme was proceeding with ihe vanguard of the Spanifh cavalry to iccr.r.rioitre the enemy, who had taken OIL- Vrza. On the 10th January, the French commenced the burning of Britifh manufac- Wm at Seville We nnderftand, from an authority we are not permitted to que(IIon, that it hag been d(t rrrimd l>y tlie piince regent, to impofe »»» commands upon Karl Moira, to under¬ take the high <-ffices of lieutenant and com- tnandei of the forces of Ireland. J A Liter from Lifbon dates, that Colonel |v ., p.,iu»w d'cin.. ilewsa in a battery w.;t!, tJvir, Fane. who was tiying todtllroy f.M.c I gat* vviikh the Fruu-h had col'ectcd c,. iW oth-.-i fi e itt 'rhti liver ; a (hot t.< m a Fffltdi h.iltny, which was playing upon Ihtm, tvwk off the front eaJt < f th<- co',<-ncFs hat ch>le to hid f«.iche^d,and broke in pieces a fi.y-gbls he had at the moment at hi« eye, but Without doing htm any material injury. DREADFUL INUNDATION. , on ion of The following account of an inundation wki.h happened™ Ko^cuiber lail, is ftom a ioi^o.. p-pcr I , . •' A wry heavy rain commenced m the ■^hb-nhood cf Exeter on Tuefday le'n- r.wht, which continued without intet million until t«n o'clock the i'uccecdi.ig night, ac¬ companied bv a llrong gab-of wind J the wa¬ ters rofc fo laptdly that all the low grounds were prel'ently deluged. The flood was 3 Inches higher or the Exeter Quay W^evcr known before, Three vcfiVls, oi M$* bur- den, were thrown completely on the* Quay, and with maeh trouble and danger launched into the river a day afterwards ; many walls were entirely thiuwn down, or carried away ; fcvcral out houfrs deltroycd ; the Mou- ir.outhfhtre militia, in coming item HofartiW were obliged to wade through the water up to their necks. The Clarence coach _ from Plymouth was entirely flopped on this fide of Alphington, about half a mile from Exe¬ ter. There were five gentlemen infule, three men and the conch man on the outiule. This coach was diawn by fix horfes, with a poft loy : the waters being higher than thehor- fcs they all fwam with the coach again ft a flrong current, but the pofttllion lofing his feat, clambered up a hedge, the two leading nori'ts immediacy began to turn, which the coachman perceiving, defcended from his teat and cut off the harncfe, being up to his chin in the water ; four of the bodes fwam off, hut the other two were drowned. Six paf- fcngers, after llruggling with the water, got on a hedge, and fiQTQ thence reached a neigh¬ boring houfc. Ano'.her paflcnger, taking a dftrent courfe, remained under a high hedge nine or ten hours, till he was rtlcaled the next morning. The empty coach was car¬ ried back a conhderable dillance by the ftreum, and facie in a hedge. Ai Dawlila, 9 or ,q houfeu, with their furniture, weic ntalvdemolifned, ai.d one iwept into the octiu, the water coming down the hills, built Mi with (uch force that nothing coula K-ilhfUn;: it, fury. Mr. Tapper, Place, ua, aw.ke by hearing .he water run &ru,*h \wh<JvSn> but no! con'-deaug any <i..ugrr, rcmaiued within till day light Saturday morning, when at the perhnfu the neighbor!, he, wifh hi*, wife and child, <|uitted the premifes ; which they had fcarce- ly lef» when the roof fell in, and the whole honfc- was drifted into the lea, with the fur¬ niture, and not an article was faved. The aln-shonfe adjoining, which had flood the brunt of ojafly a ftorm and temped: upwards of 100 years; was like wife demolifhcd". The beautiful canal at Dawlifh, with the bridges, are fo entirely destroyed, that not the fmall- eft rcferhblance of its original form can be perceived. About nine o'clock, on Saturday morning, the flood broke in upon Budleigh Saltertou with a violence indcfcribable, in the COurfe of an hour fwept completely into the fea two handfome houfes, near ihe beach, together with a great part Of the furniture: The force of the water was fo prodigious as to make a channel of about 60 feet wide and 12 deep. From the London Gazette, Feb. 16. Foreign Office, Feb. 15.—His Royal High- rtefs the Prince Regent has been pleafed to appoint AUGUSTUS JOHN FOSTER, Elq. to be his Majefty's Envoy Extraordina¬ ry and MiniftcT Plenipotentiary to the Uni¬ ted States of America. ... . < [CJ* Mr. Fofter is nephew to the Diitch- efs of Devonshire, and was fecretdry to the American .Legation.J • - Letters from Germany of a late date men¬ tion that the conflant refufal of the emperor of Auflria to co-operate in the " continental fyftetn/* has produced an evident coolnefs between the courts of Vienna and Paris. Feb. 19.—The letters from Sweden by the Anholt mail, flate, that Ruflia, Denmark and Sweden, are at length convinced of the ruinous tendency cf the meafures which they have been purfuing, and that they only wait a favorable opportunity to reftore commerce to its ufual channels. The French miniftcr Caulincourt has not beers able to extort from the emperor Alex¬ ander hisconfent for acting up to the fpirit and intention of the '* continental fyftem." No Britifli merchandife has been bumed in Ruflia. The French Minifter was particu¬ larly anx'ous to have this infulting .part of his Mattel's fyftem adopted, but all his lb- licit ations to that effect failed. Indeed the Ruffian government is faid to.have manifeft- ed io much firmncison this and other impof. L.i.U point*, aa 10 render it evident that Alfi_ ander only waits tor fomc arrangement wit^ the Porte to r«£ttme his independence Franc>c was io fully awaic of this difpofition, th^t (he was believed to be fecretly encouraging the Porte to continue the war againft Rtiffin# Fit. 20.—The French conful at Gottei^. burgh is faid to have directed, that all letter3 ft<i:n England, addreffed to any of his 3w^, difli M.ijefty's fubje6ts, mould, previous \Q delivery, be fubmitted to his infpeclion.-^. This order was rejected ; and immediately af'er a deputation of the merchants waitcj on the French conful, and informed him, th^t > The Duke of Albuquerque, the Spanifh patriot minifter in England, died on the 18th of February—in a flate of violent derange¬ ment produced by tlie misfortunes of hit country, continually exclaiming " Mortar Napoleon." The French Duke of Ragufa in retalia¬ tion oi an AuOrian decree, fofpending the executions againft Auftrian fubiects for debt till Ocl. has fequeftered all Auftrian prop¬ erty in the Ulyrian provinces till he can ob¬ tain orders from Paris. The Ulyrian fub- ject.3 are forbid to pay any debt tO an Auf- tiian fubjeft till Oct. and to give in within three days a ftatement b,f what they Owe. them, that in Mr. HtdwtlVs caff there rvould not, probably, turn out to be any lofs. Honv frequently Mr. Bidnvcll hat been afpec- tator of our courts ; or whether he hat attrnded to hear the public debates of our provincial par¬ liament, or was employed as an agent to tranfacl any land bvfincjs before the council, ifc. rjr of which of the polii'tcdl parties he was, I will not attempt to fay. But /third: it an act ofivfliceto de' - r - • JJJ mm, • in April'6.—Ship Alert, capt. Nichols, in 23 days from Liverpool, brings London and Liverpool paper to the 13th March. The following are the leading items of news that they cohtain : Mr. Perceval, in thelloufeof Commons, March I, informed that Mr. Pinkney, the American miniflery had taken his leave of the Regejjt previous to hL return to the U. States-—that the negotiations on the points n difcuflion (the right of fcarch, impreflment of feamen, and the orders in council) had broker! off—^-that Mr. Pinkney would leave a charge d'affairs to carry on the ufual cor- refpondence between the two nations—and that Mr. Fofter would carry out to America immediately, proportions which he thought the Arherican government would not refufe to adopt. London% Match i. An American gentle- JTian authorifes us to ftate, on informatioii derived from Mr. Pinkney himftlf, " that all tile powers, of that gentleman have totally ceafed as td entering into any further difcuf- fion with the Britifh government, touching the matters between the two countries."— The charge d'affairs has only a power to fign paflpdvts, and tranfaft fmall bulinefs. Miniftere we learn have received informa¬ tion of a propofal having been made by Bo¬ naparte to the American government of a K)an to them of 15 fail of the line, in cafe of a war with England.—Morn. Chron* [[The Courier denies the above.^] 'eclaref from myperjoridiacquaintance with h that his converfalion is candid and moth ft* his behavior tegular and exemplary, and h't fvnti- fncnts favorable to Hnriot and friendly U govern¬ ment i avoiding politics) he devotes himftlf to lit¬ erary purfuits. Having been a tutor of the jirft college in yf- merica9 his qualifications fjr academical' inflruc¬ tion are appropriate ; and his cenduff Jtnre hi? employment here, receives the warm approbation of his employers ; who being willtn? that yindex A..... jame privilege on their part. To the exercrfe ef this right they feel themfelves competent, ninth* out his aid. His attack, indeed* has by no means dthtini/hed their confidence in their pre¬ ceptor. Very different feelings are excited. Jfthefyflem of' neivfpaper perfmalities is to be introduced^ and invefllves tranfplanted ft the licentious papers of the /later, it will not 0 lead to retorts and are defirous toavoiJ ; but in their opinion foon render the prefs unworthy the patronage of a people difpofed to live in peace ihernfelves and un¬ willing to fee the peace of their neighbors difh/b- ed. One of the Com 'S ts rom onh 'ts and recriminations% which they to avoid ; but in their opinion foon MITTEE. KINGSTON : Tuesday, April 23, 181 r fo jealous was every Swedifh fubjec\ of an,„ infringement on their eftablifhed hbertie.? th it his (the Conful's) life was not wori^ 24 hours purchafe, fhonld he periift in a righ¬ to f, arch into their correfpondencej by brea^. ing the feals of their letters. On this repre_,_ feiuation the intended plan was abandonee}. We find in the Moniteur a decree forca\i_ ing out 80,000 of the conferipts for the p%. lent year. The firft detachments are \0 march from their refpeclive departments c;^ the 201I1 of April Changes in the American Cabinet. James Munroe, of Virginia, is appointed fecretary of fiate, in the room ot Robert Smith, refigned.—Dr. Euftis, fecretary at war, is alfoilated to have refigned—and gov. Tompkins of New York, is named a6 his fuc- cefTor. The Aurora mentions that the port- mailer general, Mr. Granger, is about to re¬ tire. >-^ '------- t' COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. Editor—The Trujlees of the Library requejl that you would infert in your next Ga¬ zette the following note. It will doubtlefs be highly gratifying to the proprietors of the Kingston Library and to the fubferibers at laige to be inform¬ ed, that the valuable collection of Books or¬ dered for the lafl year, and which wete fup- ------- pofed to be loft, are fafe, and may be expect- Anagram on th name of Horatio Nelson, Mr. Kendall.At has jriven me and ma¬ rry other of your fubferibers great fati^fa&ioT to fee in your laft paper the piece figned Vindex. We confider it as a fatisfacftoiy proof of your readinefs to co-operate on all occafions in .fupporting the principles on which focial order and happinefa are founded. > The prefs can never be fo nobly and ofefully employed as in difcountenancing vice, and in .; vindicating correct principles and public de¬ corum. To thoie, if any there be, who mav be difpofed to blame this honorable effort to roufe and invigorate the fenfe of propriety which feems to have been growing torpid a- inongft us of late, you may aptly reply in ! the words of the poet, • " ** Whin truth and -jirtut »n ajfront endunit . 41 Tb' affront is mine, my friend, onjjhiutt biycurt." . more eipecially where fitch album has been io co'.itp'icuou* auti gktftttg. Go on and profper, afbired tint, while thus employed, you will always receive t'ru: fuppoit of the refpectable part of the com¬ munity. Of every man who is the friend of his country and of decency, or is defirous ot being included in the honorable old Roman appellation under which I have thought proper to cxprefs to you on this occauon (he appiobation of feveral of your belt friends. Patria) Piulorifqiie Amicus, A man by the name of Bra.'Tey, 18 year* of age, measuring B feet, and weighing more than 26 (lone,was lately exhibiting mLondon. ■ ed early in the fummer. They were (hipped at London in the month of July laft ; but the vefTel was mod unfortunate in her paflage, arid fo long out that (he was given up for loft. It appears, however, that fhe reached Galpc, in the Gulph of the St. Lawrence, where (lie was obliged to winter. While on this fubjed, it is but juft that the public fliould know that we are indebted for 4 large part of thefe books to the liberal- The Britifh frigate Amethyft, of 38 gun,s, it Qc j^r# j0HN Kirby of this place, who s been loft on the rocks in Plymouth, fc;. £te ud for the benefit of this inftitution the h bay. About 30 of her crew, and feveral ohj. cers, perifhed. FROM THE UNITED STATER Russelville, (Kentucky) Feb. 1. C>n Friday evening laft, Mrs. Bogan, wife bf Samuel Bogan, in the Georgia iettlemei^ was (hot through the body, as (he was fitting by the fire in her own houfc, by fome perfr^ from without : On Monday following Joim Webb was taken up on fufpicion and lmru^. diately confeffed himfelf guilty, and that fa was hired to commit the a& by the hujband th They are both in jail in this place. 1 fee woman is living, but in a dangerous way. gave up fum of fixty-five pounds, being his (hare of fines levied from plunderers cf timber,wbom he was the means of profecuting to convic¬ tion. of that Boston, April a—On Saturday laft %r. rived off Gloucefter, the (hip Sally A..in, Cape. Glover, in 35 days from Liverpool, bringing paper, from that place to Feb. 2.t. Ship Packet, Rogers, from Bofton fe, Liverpool, taken by a French cru.zer w..as retaken by a Britifh vefTel, and arrived at Cork. The Packet failed fibm Bolton, Jam. 17The laft bulletin of the king's illnefs, Fe.b. 2 t lays, " His Majefty's progrefs couhnms the expectations of his recovery." The Prince of Wales tefrained fiom at¬ tending Parliament perfonally on the Mr. Editor—In your lajl paper 1 fee a piece Jigned Vindex, reproving theErnefl Town fchool committee, for employing Mr. Bidtvell as a pre¬ ceptor* andjlating certain accufations as having been publi/hed againjl him in American neiujpa- pers, together tuith feme obfervations upon his principles and his conduB here. The committee do not feel very much obliged to Vindex for his reproof; as one of them, 1 am fare I do not, 'whoever he is, and whatever may have been his motive. With regard to Mr. Bidtvell, I have under- flood that he ivas unfortunate and embarrajjed; and in confequenee of his embarraffment, relin- quijhed bujinefs and left Maffachufetts, having committed his eflate there to trujlees fur tlje len- ejit of his creditors, tuith an expectation that up¬ on the decj/ion of certain conlejled claims, brought againjl him as a county treafurer, his accounts would be fettled and his debts fatisfaclorily paid, The following anagram is, perhaps, the neateft and moll pointed one extant, and can¬ not be tod generally known. The Chriftian and furname of the late hero of the Nile and Trafalgar make exailly the fallowing Latin words : Honor ej} a Nilo. Honor is from the Nile. Thirteen letters, exactly the fame a* in th; name of Horatio Nell on, which form a happy coincidence and allufion ; for had he bren chriftened Horace, or Horatins, the ana- £nam could not obtain ; anJ farther, had he not gained the victory of the Nile, it ftU! would have been defe&ive ; but a? it is, it is, perhaps the happieft and moft complete that ever was produced ; audit iajuftly attribut¬ ed to the ingeuiou* and learned Dr. Br.rncy, cf Greenwich. Had this anagram been pre* vioufly difcovrred,it wouIg have been a mot¬ to for his lorjfhip's armi, equally, ii net more in point than the prefent : u Pa/mam qui meruit, ferat" "Let him bear the palm who has deferved it* [European Maga%tHS* FOUND, in the preinifes of tin fubferiber, on the 24th of March infl t. Six Bags of Whea The owner can obtain it, on proving proper tv and paving charges.—Apply Jo y ISAIAH VAN ORDER, Kingston, March 26, iSn. la ite ure and removal. Indeed the governor of that Bate, in a recent communication to the Icgi/lature, TO BE SOLD, GREY HORSE, 5 J*"" otd« lvar" „ ranted found, and lit for faddle o: any Otker work. Alfi, a plated Har.uis for.....■ horfef made in Entfhnd, ufed anly 3 »mt ra liketuiA a good laddie, Biidlc, and tt new Sleigh. """rnn'becaufe the prefent' minifters com. 'fpeaking of two of their county treasurers,wvoje M^^^^^^"^^ founts were If unli^M has ,jon,d Inquire at Capt. Enright's^; w ingsfott, 221I Jprif, '■■■' Kings/

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