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Kingston Gazette, April 2, 1811, p. 3

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«,a;j»xmcun.i<t. i,,,!,) Udit,,- PROM THE UNITED STATES, grt m is ii. fin" lliv Mill irlolutioii jj, in .H'lw.i oMov.d. lh.it ,. 1 IhaVdd I dtt.it«< H«> w ;i:» .« 1 IhaVdd In- \\;>tiiinr to ;ill my tjntiea if |ha'it-««'"^" * "I" ,l,c f.iered truft winch We ihi* *'ay ttii*c»< the new Slate Paper ifl»" *T ^ H*pWtCj in juilificatioiS in las Wl AMirw ,,,s :|(C^ 'M noncxinjr Holland and ikcJrl^dt; lVv.*i»i to the great family of the Switch EmptK-i In rhis paper there i* the ttloJ to>unt of fnycttivc Hgaiult the j^aloufy irt-i r^°{V*r °^ ^no'- M'* And the. fame fclrlX'l k-( u-'Vntaiu ,» ©f the lamentable tf- fetf* cf put impolicy. He now fays, that the Ce»'u> and MiUni decrees Hull be the 4P-!e of Europe iv til we adniic th..' principle thit neutral fisgs (hall make five goods ; and that nothing but. un adhuil blaekade fhatl he Emitted as a fjthcieut ground for fcizing" a pfle] entcung a pon. Such is the proud Jan^uafic whi h, through the in beetle coua* t^oi" England* he ii enabled to hold ! JPhw Hate paper, we find in the proeeed- jp^R J|th,- Conftivative Senate, dated Lite xaih of December. The following is an ~It It w*? neceffary to wait for a period wlieu puviWttil repuLls would compel her to return to raftiee. That day has arrived— The decrees of Her'tfl and Milan are the re- The Bvitiih peaK, uictitted them to Fnnce. Euro' e frcetves them for her code, and thai w^jhall be the palladium of the feus/' ply to the orders in council. Thi Cabinet have, fo M fpeak, dieted «t i L' /- I i | "We cannot help i; Jolting the hope, fro/n the prehdeiU'* mefTige* that the differ- euccb which have fo long dillurbcd th- reld- tioos between this country and the United Sf Bet* are likely to be foon fii a'ly aJjnftcd. A&er ail*** It iBtift neceflarily be Bonaparte's objeti, rather to injure our navigation than onr commerce, provided ^hey can be kept diitind^ there is the iefs reafon to be fcepti- Calaslb the iincenty ef the revocation of his decrfe:;. It appears to be evidently the con¬ joint intent of England and France, as well as America, that all thofe obnoxious edi&ti and regulations touching the ngbrn %iv\ ^oiv> Tt»erce of neutrrd^, uhieh have giveu tl.er.i io mwh offence, m^uld be abrogated aad done aw«yt The Ueiitfiisof foreig i tiadew:il rn- d^fiv y \ ,v vrtAI A\r knbh* r'N "n r?>'tt>s at all times, a;»d the period, \vc fmil, ih ap- pioaehin^, wSen it will be delivered tiom mat Wr*% and lhacklcd Hate, in uhleh it ha3 cfla^^bcva doomed tcre^air*." Mxtrad cfahtt* r dual I on.-fo*>. r.'A %v(uary, l8l f» h a hovf: in New- / orlt. "We are foi the prefent entirely lhut out from the c^wtnif't. By a veilet uhidicf- can^d fvom the Elbe and had only 44 hours paflfnge, we received feme verbal news ; but letters, we do not receive any more, the hrul of the conferpM'Tices if difeove^ed hei^jy too great.^ Hamburg, Eren^en, JUibeck, the mouths of the E;be, Wefer and Ems, the Dachiw of I-auenSurgii, Oldenburg and a certain part of Germany, including Holland and Frieila-ul, are to form a new kingdom, ib flinch t\\v> principal courts of jullicc are to be e(\ahli{hed, the feat of' one to be the Hacrue"the other Hamburg. Devoull it is faid will be made a kin^, probably this new kingdom is intended for him. The fenate of Hamburgh refigned on the 27th December, and on the iftof January the Hanfe towns were taken poifelhon of in the name of the iimperor. It is iirryv.iTiblc 16 deferibe the fufferinjrs^ pnrciculaily of m^a:?ti!e people; all thole who could were wttidjwg tip their aliaifs, to live on what was left thex—Reciprocal con¬ fidence i? at an end ; every one had to de- ptnd on his own mt'dUS* and even thole very Highway Robbery, Ki ENK, (N. H.) March 9.—Op Sanflay evening lafl, about duOc, a robbery was com¬ mitted on a young Mr. Harris of Marlboro', on the Fitzwilliam turnpike, by a perfoft c.\lhnK himftlf George Ryan, of Montreal. P yan is a well looking man, and has the ap¬ pearance of a gentleman. He had been in this town, apparently without any bufmefs, ne.irly a week, and on Sunday afternoon, af¬ ter drinking pretty freely, proceeded towards Tollon on horfebaek. He was armed with a pair of travelling piftols and a dirk.—Af¬ ter takn.g the young man':,- pocket-book, containing only a trifle of money, he threat¬ ened 2 teamftere, who having neither money nor watches, were fuffered to proceed.__ Soon after he Hopped at Mr. Ofgood's tav¬ ern £11 FiUwilliam, and while enquiring for lomethiug to drink, one of the teamfters came up. On an alarm being given, one of his pillols which he prefented in defence having been wrelted from him, he mounted hishorfe and fled, hut foon after took to the woods. The wood was furrounded, and about 9 o'¬ clock he was taken, after a violent ftruggle, duu'ug which he fnapped his other pillol at DoCtor Lane, and after clofing with him at¬ tempted to (tab him with his diik, but fnil ft liking his (boulder blade, fo bent the point that further attempts at his life proved inef¬ fectual. He was immediately fecured, and examined the next morning before Ebenezer Wright, Efq. who ordered him to be com¬ mitted to Charlcftown jail, to take his trial before the lupcrior couit, next to be holden in May. ----------- Lateft from England. New York, March 15.—By the (hip Jane, Gilford, arrived this morning in 50 days from Liverpool,we receive the following intelligence ; The Prince of Wales had accepted the re- gencyj, and was to go in itate to the houfc ct lords on the 22d of January. A new miniftry had been formed, among which were, Lord Holland, prime cunifter, and Lord Grenvilie, fecietary of llate. Earl Ivloira is appointed con.mandcr in chi f uf the forces, and the Marquis of Lani- do\rne* lord lieutenant of Ireland. \*aAlament was to be diffolved, and w-'ts for a new election iiTncd, immediately after It uas undtrftooa a veffel was immediate¬ ly to be dilpatched to thifi country with ad- vic*«. [The Jatie brov^pht in the. crew of the Liig Fafifcur, from Wilmington for England, pL!:ed up at fea. J SPOTTED FEVER. Montpelier, (Vermont) Feb. 2t.— We continue to receive accounts from various parts of the {late of the prevalence of this diunJer. Since our lad, there have been a- hwvt forty cafes in this village. The a^rm excited among the inhabitants on its tird ap¬ pearance, was almoft beyond defcription.— On Fiiday lad, at a moft critical junctnte, our twt» phylicians were both violently fci^- ed near the fame time. Defolation for a moment feemed to dare us in the face.—Ap¬ parent hoiror was depidled in every counten¬ ance. The univerial cry was,what (hall we do ! Bufinefs for a while was almoft fufpen- ded. It was difficult to obtain fufficient af- fiftance to take care of the lick, although the inhabitants were extremely kind and ac¬ commodating, and readily volunteered their fervices. Happily, however, Dr. Lewis of Moretown, was called in for our relief; By his fnpeuor (kill, and very judicious manage- rrjtcnt of the diforder, not a cafe to which he was called in the early ftage of it, (and he has had upwards of 30 cafes) but what is do¬ ing well. Only two deaths have occurred "precarious, as'n.ither property in the ware- .^irhrn the laft week. hcule o' cafli in the ckeft was fafe from fel- The phyficians, have found the greatefl zureon fomc ground or other. Dreadful as tines were, it wa-i Hill feared that it had not corr.e to the worft yet ; and we fee no bafis en which a peace could be concluded at pre¬ fer t. We underftand from (pod authority that our government by way of neoei-ary retalia¬ tion interds to flop^he cxportat: >n from the continent, including alio Raffia ; and we have no doubt this will^e the cafe. Thus you may forefce, in this country, as well as with yon, a conliJeraMe rife of all articles, the growth or mannfr&urc of the continent, fuch as the ufe of which cannot be difpenfed with." aid, and a mod certain relief, from the ufe of the fleam box. KINGSTON : Tuesday, Avmi 2, 1811. In the courfe of the debate on the non- intercourfe bill, very high words pafTed be¬ tween fome of the members of the houfe of reprefentatives. A challenge was confe- feouentlv fent by Mr. Eppes to Mr. Ran¬ dolph to fight him, in which the latter im¬ mediately concurred. The difference was af¬ terwards adjulled upon " honorable terms, —without fighting. Mr. Pitkin, of Connefiicut, occupied the floor more ttian one third of an hour.— rificc of mt right* Bur Mr. Speaker I rc- )v'u<% rind I will rejoice, that there ii n mon¬ arch who is determined, ;m«l whofe fubjeftfl cheerfully contiibute toaffift, in flopping tin- career of France, in Her attempts at a total fubveiiion of the univcifc." >> The JJte of Frances as talm hy the Enghfi on the 2<l DuaaleA* 6/,-ijales, 3 pops of .--- ,_,*- he faid • y AmmanJhtppmg* ure aljujutd to stum w tnk •rn. Onuuehrxeeftof l..v- , Nap«.hoii never U«?ea ihc Kn.p.rlH H" atl'iid* all fur IU,v;,aud Hi» paftkH J.. oil, to iiicKftfc as flxc advances and who, like a uver overflowing its banks threatens to deluge the whole world ; oil xvhofe countenance a fmile never fat, nnleb he had rancor in his heart ; that man of -atlu of whom we never yet heard one fa. uble trait—Napoleon demands this lac- vol A paiTenger in the fchooner Amazon, capt. Rich, who arrived at Philadelphia in 19 days from St. Johns, Porto Rico, in- forma, that he left. St. Thomas on the l 2th Feb. on which c'ay a&vicea were received tltere of the capture of the Cork fleet bound to the Weft Indies, by a French iquadion of 8 fail of the line and 8 Frigates___Frcem.J* Yeftcrdsv, between 3 and 4 o'clock, P. M. the large ilore fitosted in Bath Village, belonging to the New Hampfhire Iron Fac¬ tory Company, was difcovered to be on fire, which appeared to have been accidentally communicated from a fire place in one of the chambers, and which had made fuch progrefs before being difcovered, that it immediately after burnt through the roof, and dofe thro' the fide of the (lore near the chamber where it began. With thefe appearances added to the cirenmftance of the upper part of the building being fo crowded with condenfed fmoke that a man could fcarcely remain in it longer than he could draw ma breath, all ex¬ ertions were fnppofed inefle&ual ; but be¬ ing informed that there were fix hundred weight of gun powder in the {lore, twenty quarter cafks of which were placed under the roof, it was thought th?t the txplofion would produce fuch a terrible catailrophc, and that the lofs of the {lore and contents would be fuch a facrifice to the company, it was determined a defperate effort fhould be made to fubdue the flames ; accordingly a line of men wTith buckets was formed from the rive* to the llore ; others went by a lad¬ der on the roof to receive the water, and oth¬ ers went Into the garret in purfuit of the powder, which was fo darkened with fmoke that they could fee nothing but the holes that were burned through the roof dife&Iy over the powder,and the fire conftantly drop¬ ping. In this fituation the twenty calks of pow¬ der were all taken out with the matting round them burning, and one of the cafks was actually unheaded with the powder ful¬ ly tKpoled ; but no (parks happened to drop into it.—The other cajks were fo much hea¬ ted that to day the powder will run out be- efforts of the people who happened to be prcfent, eventually faved the (lore, although it is coniidciabiy damaged; Hanover paper. The fubferiber in- forms the public in general, that he has this day opened an ENGLISH SCHOOL, in Barrack Street, where Orthography, Reading* Wrhingi Arithmetic and Englijh Grammar, in their various branches, will b* taught tc per¬ fection. Thofe who are pleafed to favor him with their pupils, may rely that the greatefl: afliduity will be uf-d, by JOHN BATEMAN. Kingston, April 1, 18 11. ALL perfons indebted to the es¬ tate of the late JERMYN PAT- RICK, of Kingfton, clock & watch maker, deceafed, arc once more required to make im¬ mediate payment to the fubferibers, or their accounts will be fued for without further no¬ tice. Such perfons as have claims on faid eftate, are alfo requefied to give in the fame, properly authenticated, to W. P. PATRICK, 1 m , JOHN FERGUSON,! Kingston, ifl April, 18 11.________jfto SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Dipicl ,\ DY virtue of a Writ of viz- I ±J Execution iffued out of his Majefty's Court of King's Bench, at the fnit of Peter Grant, of the town of Kingf- ton, againfi the lands and tenements of £ ' - uel Rofe, late of Maryfburgh, yeoman, to me directed ; 1 have feized and taken in execu¬ tion, as belonging to the faid Samuel Rofe, the weft half of lot No. 2 in the firft concef- fion of the townfhip of Maryfburgh, weft of the rock, containing by admeafurcment one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs. I do hereby give njtice, that the abovemen- tioned lot of land, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, will be fold and adjudg¬ ed to the higheft bidder, at my office in the town of Kinglion, on the thirdday of March next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon—at which time and place the conditions of fale will be made known. CHARLES STUART, Shorty, And every perfon or perfons having claims on the above defciibed let of land, by mort¬ gage or ether right or incumbrance, are here¬ by advcrtilcd to give notice to the faid .sheriff, ;,t his office in the town of Kingitun, previous to the fale thereof. Sheriff ri Office* 2 d Manh, IS u. 18 GARDEN SEEDS, For Suk hy -ABBOT •. l:/i. '.0/1/. I7OUNI), in the prcimf s.of ': e -*- fuljieriher, on the 24th of M;., h inft* Six Ba<rs of Flour. The owner enn obtain it, on proving pr< »cr- ty and paying charges—Applv to ISAIAH VAN' OliDER. King, n, March 26, 1 8 I I. TO BE LET, T^HE HOUSE now occupied by A Mr. Samuel Mown, carpenter. For further particulars apply to the fwbferhVr. ALBXr. MACDONEI.L. Kingston, March 26, l8tl. n-l TANNING & CtTKRYING. r J 'HE fubferi'oers in/orm ilui. friend* and 1 the public, that they carry on the TANNING & CURRYING bufinefs, ac their wo-ks in Kingfton, and pledge them- felves that their work (hall be well executed. They will tan hides upon {hates f,.r fuch a* may defire k, upon liberal term?. Hides will be received at the houfe of M. Ro^t-m, ad¬ joining Walker's Hotel. Morocco and other Currying done at fhort notice, by a workman lately from New York. MOSES ROGERS, JOHN ELLER3ECE. - Kingfton, January 1, 18 11 - 15tf CAN D LES; HPHE fubferiber lias jaft received -5 X Boxes dipped, and 16 Boxes mui-ld CANDLES, which will be fold low by the box or lefs quantity. Also—A few Fur Cap?, weavers' Reeds, Clover Seed—and a complete afTortmcui of Dry Goods, Liquors and Grout i:sy Crockery and Hardware ; which will be Told as ufual at the Montreal prices, and all kinds of produce rec»My«?d in payment.--------Zj- Cuff paid for w*(l ktndt of Produce. S. BARTLET. Kingston, February 26, iStt. 2; SHERIFF'S SALEi MidlandQijiri£t9\ TT> Y viitut of a writ .of <p£s; 3 Xv Fieri Fac'tus* itlucd put of his Majefty*? Court of Kittg** Utrucl\> at the &tt of i)o'dbv Asa F. Rrin>, ol ir.e town of Kiivgflon, agaiuft thclanda and ten¬ ements of Andrew Johnson, of E-icft- Town, inn keeper, to me dire&etl ; I have fclzed and taken in executon, as belonging *o the faid Andrew Johnfon, the eaft half of lot No. 9 in the firft -co-uer2^?n of the towrifhip of Erncit Town, containing hy admeafnre- ment, one hundred acres, be the fame more or lefs ; together with a framed houfe and barn thereon ere&ed. I do hereby give no- tice, that the abovementioned tot of Ian;» with the bufldingfi ane> appurtenances th«rt> unto belonging, will be* fold and adjudged to the higheft bidder, at my office in the towo of Kingltoii, on the third day of March *-ext. at the hour of ten o'clock h\ the forenoon—■ At which time and place the couditioas oi fale will be n.ade known, CHARLES STUART, Shrift And vvery perlou or perfons having claims en the above defciibed lot of land, by mort¬ gage or other righc or incumbrance, are here¬ by advertifed to ^ive notice tu the laid Sher¬ iff, at his Office in the town o/' lLJugfton, previous to the fale thereof Sheriff's Office* %d March* iS i T. fcS SHERIFF'S SAUL Midland Difiria, 1 O Y virtue of a Writ ot <uiz* \ j|_J Fieri Facia?) '-'A^a oik of his Majetly's Court of King's Sench, at the fnit of James Robins, of the town oi Kir.gllon, Eiquire, ap-ainil the lands ar.d ten¬ ements oi Amos Anfley, of King ft on, yeo- wan, to me directed ; 1 have fuzed and tn- kcu in execution, as belonging to the faiu Anios Anfley, the north half of lot Nci, i: in the third concellion of the tnvnihip o- Kir.gllon, containing by admcafnrennent one hundred acres, be the lame more or lei^ ; to¬ gether with a log houfe and framed barn thereon erected. I do hereby give nortec* that the above mentioned lot of land, With the buildings and appurtenances thereunto b longing, will be fold and adjudged Io the highcit bidder, at my office in the towi? oi Kinfffton, on the third day of Much next, a: the hour of ten o'clock, in the forciiooli—at which time -..d place the conditions r»f U\t will be mad- known. CHARLES STLURt, ft And every perfon or prrfens Iv.v cii-ar* on tlu: above delcnbcd I t >t I u«i, bv m ■••; ■ g9ge orotner rigbc ormcucnbiariccj v by adverciied to give notice t.» iU :•••• ■ ! • iff, at bw ivflic« in ijhc towoof Kuu o . v|.)i:s to i!u- laic t!i- " of. sh.r- "'* I ■ '. idM •'" '

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