mttlim! npv\nU < f live km; '* «) *vU«I r\mi W") '<»* ii\iv*li \ ,m luvl •tlir I'llVi tnurii ^k'^l- » i \v i i rti*i.« if* IL J. Nt, i t\^u\n corpn iflj/a it i '-^ <<i^^HtHin \v;i: llrwii l>y rtuvsy fo r?n I r f-Vi ■ v ivt.icc irl iWiv power. 'I'iic ,m>!i;Ctiv* < -lA^ng .umcii rhetolclvosurni in tub»I it ft ili«- Am ritan connucrcc fliwnj !<- mi; aini-.'l (»>.-w!.im« cxUnt <!' thccofiU*»K it nj Ku: ;rjcT an i reducing brbq&aiy I: mi* iIm-iU mJ uttt m&rchmrta by hi^ i- uurcfi and roi;ij:rr.-io.,q, |n4 c<otcJ th^ mingled emu. A few daya fine? stitoilier httpcriafde- Cfce hud 1>c.:ii received, giving no ptTmjfiion It tituiH or nitafttfhroeflt and Mfgnarioos xv;i:i in he b'>p?d, that while commerce w riVMJrrted to filch iMKwampl-d rufTcrnnnfi and focvUiccs abnnd, the; dclh'ii&ivc iio'lil.ty of {\u ;veathvrui eu.^nrly lia.l) trfimiicm -:-d our own government would have btcnTpar- tthciv march, rli h frfle^ n.,t vxcnl^,; Lhir- td ; iiiHt It prot?fcU'r. could nut be afforded. |v tnvM. fTjoMir.j on i 'Kr.ihk* hrvrf^, hut ' w/i'i- o>!rtin!l illy r.t-riiliitfui.r as they nr..jitvf» (t\\ v.v t — o\ u!t. Tue r<vul lei two uv tl'v . e je^iuHWAS crowd M with cart!>£<.'» 5*0*1 « -**h full vi'j><p;>1' ? ruiiwii^ tii^lr ck^jvo from Uie r*vagts cf the bantUui—i-.^i^cs halfnakcd, 'up to tjteit ktiers in nv.J, ivllli large p:w:k- aiTCs o.i tli'ii h:;xl* duvjusi al:-n-> to war la the city various Fcirand panic hni 1*:/. d tb-sc that were in k^i£ tivclr efcape, anJ il was uot pgfflible t.) ma!;cai>y cltrnr.t ' of the farce of the briganik. Sow? (laud tlu-m to be 5flpftong, and tine ;»t lead *me !i .If of thon wee armed with mufkets and fuiii;, ati'i the others with fab res and cape-knives. When we had a-;ived within a leiv'Ue of Mr. Forticr's, whefe the banditti we:c fc<j)U in^j, o;ir numJ^erA had inc^eulVd to near one hundred but br.dly armed and accoutred.— Major D.irrington, of the United States in¬ fantry, was named as our comma-idant—! ut indeed it wa> but a name ; for h* tvai decid- ed!y of tht opini >n, tint we pugSit out to at¬ tack the enemy with the fmall ^ovct: we had uniil daj£fight ; in this opinion h% WSW fup- ported by the bell informed .hari't^rs in the drtaehment, bift without avaiK for fome of thole who were for attnekind had advanced. The Major crave orders to prepare foi action, (this was about 8 o'clock at uight) awu at the moment when every dlfoofition (ihm mak¬ ing for the article, General Hampton arriv¬ ed, and decided agniuft attacking thtui un¬ til the infantry could be bmjo.hi. up ; this he was not able to tff. cl, a though every ex¬ ertion was made, until o'clock in the morning—the clouds had difperfed, the nioon (hone c!e?.r, and it was exccffivtdy cold ; the arms of the United States' troops glit¬ tered in the moon-beam?, and mti'l h ive.heen the caufe cf ihe b»i;;ands difcovering us ; for foon after the foot filed off to tak-: thcni »n the rear, they rung thf aluvm bell, and with a d^tfree of esTfaordhiaf.y jfilctice ft->r fuch a rabble, conum-nced and elicited their rretreat up the river. When we took pofitflion of the ground where the b'igands had bc-n commitiing their ravage8 i 1 night, our troops and hor- fes were fo exhnuiled, that they were unable to purfue the fugitives; howtver, by the a&ivity of the militia above, and the prompt- ne^ of Major Milton, and the regular force unoer his command, that day and the next, w the whole of the banditti were routed, kil¬ led, wounded and difpciled, and every thing is now tranquil. In this melancholy affair, but two citi¬ zens have fell by the hands of thole brigands, and three dwelling houfes burned ; not a fingle fugar houfe nor fugar works were mo- lefted. The poor wretches who were con- ceroed in the depredation?, have paid for their crimes—upwards of one hundred, it is gerierally fuppofed, have bten killed and ' hung, and more will be executed; This kfs alone is immenfe to the planters, as the mofta&ive, prime flaves, were concerned or joined the poor deluded mifcrcants who firft commenced the ravages. New York, March 4. Capt. Brown, of the fchooner Hamilton, fr >m Naples, Tunis and Gibraltar, at rived at this port ytfWrday, in 67 days from Naples. It was faid at Gibraltar, from whence Capt. B. failed on the 20th January, that no vefftl had been a- ble to get through the Gut for fix weeks ; consequently the Bay was very full of {hip¬ ping. Information was received, and con¬ sidered authentic, that Ferdinand VII. had entered Spain, fome accounts fay with an army of 30,000 men ; but that the Span¬ iards had refufed to receive him whilft under the influence of the French emperor. No intelligence had reached Gibraltar of any re¬ cent battle in Portugal. tu ; Hint it protect! -r. could nut be afforded, a p.uMus ikiiui wou/i net he -applied to Hi?;i;rl- its o&tning. Throughout thr.- whole piu^r.l.; oi this b'.ll a linn front of oppofi. tion wis oppofed by tlic minority • true to ill.- belt int«irdfcs of *h'.- country, every Inch or ground was cont'\led, and every argu¬ ment iind motive which talent and ingenuity could lupply were interpofed againft this dii.iltrous niwai'ire, but all in vain ; [hat fpir- h of party, which ftveeps like ihe befom of deMiucL^'i, has finally triamphed, and ad- del uew laurels to its fotrncr inglorious tro- phie>.— Thecaule of France rifes, while that of America Utiles, Albany Gazelle. KINGSTON : Tuesday, March 26, i3ii CI/*After this paper was put to prefs, the editor received a New York paper of the 131I1 inih which ftaiea the arrival at that port ot the Britiih government hired fchooner Thiitlc, Lt* Depeyfkr, with the January mail. She faded from Plymouth Jan. 21, and was cait awny on Squatn Beach on the 6-lh o{ March, with the \oU of 6 of hei crew and 3 newfpaper mails. Capt. J. G. Ogden, of the 56.I1 regiment, came paiTcugcr, with difpatttics from the Britifh government to Mr. Motier. The packet U alfo itated to have brought dtfpatches from Mr. Pinkney to th«r American gnvernment* OJ^At the time of her departure the King was better, and had appeared in public at WinJior.—The regency bill had paffed to a third reading.—The Kflex frigate was at Piymmth,waui»jg the orders of Mr.Pinkney. (Cj'The Amt'iican Congrefs doled a lcl- fion (»f three months at i 1 o'clock on Sun¬ day eveiiing March 3, after paffing^I afts. The t•on-j'i;teicourie bill is paffed, another loan of5 millions authoriled,and the pn fident allowed 10 accept the ferviceb of 50^000 vol¬ unteers. By t!ie fhip Pocahontas, Coffin, in 50 days tiom Lilhon, we learn, that the French army under MafTena, were about 50 miles from Ltfbon, and that they confilted of it- bout 52,000 men. General Vittor had iotr- medajiMition with 17,000, and another army under Soult was expe&ed to join fhorc- ly, wheo it was fuppofed MafTena would at¬ tack Lord We.l ng on. The French have eroded and were on the fouth lide of the Ta- gus. Lord Wellington had upwards of 10,000 men employed fortifying the heights oppoiite Lifbon. Several officers of high rank (amongfl whom were 3 Generals) were g-MUg to England by the Packet ; but when Lord Wellington heard the news of Vi&or'a junction with MalTena, they were immediate¬ ly recalled, except general Fane, whofe ill itate of health would not permit him to re¬ turn. Junot is called home, it is faid, for difobedience of orders to MafTena. The Englifh army are very fickly. All the hol- pitals at Lilbon were full in confequence of the exceffive rains. Merc. Adv. From Wafomgtcn, February 28. After having been in feflion/er 37 out of '& lajl 48 hours, 1 am now barely able to move my pen. The day before yelUrday the houfe was in feffioti flora 10 o'clock A. M. to 4 o'clock next morning ; ydlcrday Ac fame courfe was repeated with a protrac- tion of the feffion to $ o'clock fhis morning. The fubjeft was the new nou-intercourfe I ill againa Great-Britain : a bill involving the great commercial interclls cif ihe northern •ndcaRcrn ttatcs—a hdl at one. calciilaud [ We have been favored (Jays the Trenton Fed¬ eral]]}) with the following interejling extraQ of a letter from a captain of a vejfcl in France to his friend in New jferfey, dated " Rochelle, (Fiance) Nov. 28, 1810. " When L wrote you lad, 1 was in hopes of being out of this dreadful country before this time ; but when a man is once in Fiance, and has bufincfa to accompliih, it is pad human forefight to tell when he will leave it. Notwithstanding every exertion on our part that could be made for battening our departure, almoll four months have e- lapfed fince I airived here and received the fraternal embrace of French affection and care. So very folicitous were they for my welfare, that 1 was not fo much as allowed to attend to my own bufmefs ; my veflcl was feized, as I before mentioned, immedi¬ ately after my arrival, becaufe I had been fo unfortunate as to be boarded by an Englifh cruizer on the patTage, although I had no cargo, and was only bunging pafTengers to France. My fea ilores of every kind wene taken out of the veflcl and fent to the Cuf- tom-Houfe Depot, there to be lodged until the fpecial decree of the emperor of the Great Nation, fignifying his pleafure upon this great ajair, mould be known. At length after" two months had been confumed in pe¬ titioning, remonUrancea, hopes and difap- pointments, it pleafed his highnef* to decree that the veflcl mould be liberated from le- to lake onr fea (lores again, on conditio,, <,f paying 3 duly of 50 cents per pound on 01/r (K>if?tf, the fame on our refined fugar, and 40 '.t';-s on our brown fugar ; fo that the whole amount ofdmies levied on our fea* Rfirefi, which were brought for flu'p and paf- ivngcr's ufc, ia e^tial to about one thoufand dollar.-. *• But why fhould I complain who am a foreigner, when the i'ubjeds of France ihare agkrious pait in every imperial decree ; al¬ moin, all of which are framed for the pur- pofe of injuring the £nglifh, and the quef- tion never afked whether they will benefit or injure th.- French. War is the order of the day. I believe many of the rencounters of the cabinet of St. Cloud with the com¬ merce and manufactures of the Britifh turn out very different from what was expected. Englifh goods have for a long time been pro¬ hibited in this country, fiuce which large quantities of thofe goods have been introdu¬ ced into the French dominions, by captures of Englifh vcffels. Thefe goods have been permitted to be fold on condition of being exported by the pnrchafers within a certain length of time. In order that no fraud fhould be practifed, the goods were depofit- ed in the imperial depots under the direction of the cuflpm-houfes wherever they might be. —A fhort time fince a decree has been paffed that any perfon attempting to introduce Eng¬ lifh goods into France, or any of the coun¬ tries under her influence, fhall forfeit the whole of their property, be branded with a hot iron, andferve in the gallies for life I Shortly after this another decree came out that all Knglifh manufactured goods depofited in the public cuitom-houfes for exportation, and all others found in France, or in the countries under her influence, as well as thofe which may be taken by her armies, SHALL BE BURNT! " It was the opinion of many that this de¬ cree would not be put in force ; but no foon- er did it arrive than it went into operation, and the burning commenced this day at this place. 1 went to fee it with many others, and being a novel fight, it excited the curiof- ity of every perfon, and altho' I believe hard¬ ly anyone dare oppofe it, yet fome of the owners of the goods could hardly refrain from curfing the man who was thus robbing them of their property in fo barefaced a man¬ ner. What Wad idiliui ItBgttmi t«» me, w.»4, that a part of the goods which were burnt to¬ day were Dutch and Bengal goods. As I obferved before, few people approve of thefe violent ineafures. It is a common obferva- tion among them that they could bear no more —that the people would not fubmit ; but one decree is palTed after another infringing their rights of liberty and property, and ft ill they fnbmit, not through patriotifm, but through fear. This dreadful Hate of affairs cannot continue much longer. I believe another revolution cannot be far diflant, and it would not be a matter of furprife fhould it take place before the end of another year. The cruel war againft Spain I believe will haften this dreadful day, as it has been one of the molt unpopular fteps with the foldiery that the emperor has ever taken. Such is the de- fertion of the allied troops in this war, that they can no longer be trufied, and none but native French troops are now fent into the armies of Spain. The conferipts for two years to come are called ont. Were I to tell fome of my friends in America what I daily fee in France, 1 fhould fcarcely be believed, viz.—That numbers of the peafantry (far¬ mers) are brought in here by the gens d' arms, tied together lihefo many pigs, not by the hands or feet, but with ropes round their necks, and a fpace of about 4 feet between each, and obliged to march in this way to the public prifon,which ia called a depot for new troops, where they are trained for a fhort time and then fent to* the armies : and it not unfre- quently happens that you fee the father and fon tied in this fame firing of equality, and dragged by it from the lail embrace of wile and mother." * Ernefl Town Academy. nP.HE febfcribcra hereby inform -*- the friend* of f-y.riiIi;r th-r an Am- aemtcdl Schadt tindei the fuprriritendance of an experienced preceptor, ?«opened in Erncft Town, near the Church for the inilroaion of Youth in EngHfh reading, fjinking, gram¬ mar and compofui,.., th? feinted languages, penmanfhip, arithmetic, geography and oth¬ er branches of Liberal Education.' Scholar* attending from a diftaftce may be boarded in good families on reafonable terms, and for fifteen (hillings a year can have the ufc of a valuable Library. ROBERT McDOWAL") BENJa. FA1RFIKLD, Wm. FAIRFIELD. SOLOMON JOHNS, • STEPh. FAIR.FILLD, Is Wm WILLCOX, SAMUEL NEILSON, GEORGE BAKER, j Enefl Town, nth March, 18 11. 27 TO BE LET\ A DWELLING-HOUSE, with acon- fiderable improvement of LAND, fituate on the corner of lot. No. 9, adjoining the 3d concefhon road and the croft road be¬ tween No. 9 and 10, running through the 2d coneefTion of the townfhiu of Kingfton : —convenient for any public bulinefs. Inquire of JOHN YOUREX. March 26, 1 fit i. g?T0 BE SOLD, A GOOD ftand for a Tavern, heretofore occupied by the fubferiber, confiding of a good two flory dwelling-houfe, horie fhed and ttabks, together with 6 acres of land, being a part of lot N°. 12 in the 2d concefiion, on a crofe-road in EmellTown. For tetms of fale inquire of JOHN BELL. Ernefl Town, March 12, 18 I 1. 2$ \ FOR SALE, A FARM conlifting of 258 acres, be¬ ing Lot No. 6, in the 1 (I concefiion in Pittfburgh, fituate 6 miles from Kindlon —10 or 12 acres under improvement, with a good lopr houfe on the lame, and a good Marfh affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cattle.—For particulars apply to Laugh- 1.1 n M' t n r v r r, fhip carpenter, Pkt&argjhu February I 2, 1S 1 1. 2 Itf Notice is hereby gi-v£tiy fHT^O alVVrf<>ns indebted to the eftateo? JL Acexanoer McDonald, haker,late of the town of Kingtlon, deceafed, by prom- ifibry note, book account, or other oblttja- tion, that UTvlefs immediate payment is made to the fubfenbets (who are duly authorised to receive the fame and give acquittances) their accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney for collection. All perfons having any claims againft faid eftate, by pro mi (Tory note, book account, or other obligation, are requeued to produce the fame foradjuftment, on or before the 15th davof March next,tothc fubferibers. ALEXr. MACDONELLt^/wV. JANNET MACDONELLj^^x. Kingston, 10//; %#• I Si I. 17—tf For Sals, at the Kingston Mills, Boards and Plank of all defcriptions, at the tubal prices. N. B. No credit will be given, but Produce of every kind taken in payment, at a fair valuation. Jan. 22. (t29) THE LefTees of the Crown and Clergy Relet ves, and thote who have Licenfes of occupa">:i in the Midland D'tjt- rici, are requefted to pay the arrears of rent due by them rcipectively, to the fubferiber, who is legally auihoufed to receive the fame and grant receipts. Charles Stuart, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, id March, 181 1. 24 The committee on the fubjeft of a Na- ~ . \ , ^ t t tioiud Univerfity, have reported that Con- Writing ailQ Wrap grefs have no power to create fuch an inlli- f- - - ■----- tution. ping Paper for fete at this Office. The brig Salem, from New Orleans for New York, has been call away on the fouth fide of Long Ifland, and veffeland cargo to¬ tally loft. TO BE LET, ■ H^HE HOUSE now occupied by A Mr. Samuel Hov/e, carpenter. For fuither particulars apply to the fubferiber. ALEXr. MACDONliLL. Kingston, March 26,1811. 27 Houfe Building and Painting. THE fu u 10-isii ivby 3 vc f»wic<«tw the\nh*bm iiancs of K iTgiton, Erncft vvn, AJ0I1 h ittow'n, anu other aJjoinmg ptac-', that they intend n etfi' ' th- n-xt feafan in this verm), in VAlNIING HOUSES, o.itfideand i-ftdc, Pa'ei-t PM"tuv:of R.rt.ns, &c. 3 ■' rhe bv/inefs ot' HOUSE CARPE-N* 1ERS a.,d JOINERS.- Their w*<t Is *»U 0^ a.. cuced w.t'i n.jcn-lsanJ diffatcrt, AppHeattPO '» Ji h« rnaoe at the dwelling-houfe of Mr. StouCMTON, innkeeper, in Kingfton, Mrs. Daw, hi E. e.t- to*r:, or Mr. O. Kan ny. innfcri'per, 10 A ..«.-huf- tov.n. NATHAN WHEE! H.^, N v :o, 1S10. AKDRE«V »'l KKN> to widen ihcl.p.a-h whli Ciu-at-lirn/. n and ....... ......... draw theft Hates »n*r i«tc policy «,n- qne(lrat,on, on co..d.tioD that ve W^ trol uf Prance. That l.u:h a, llu-ull ,K):t a cargo of French produce, to wlucu iKWeniplerj iu fuvoi of L"iaiice at tl.e mo- \,: aqceded, Cash paid for Rags SAIL CLOTH & JUMK, at the PRJ>TiKg of;-ia, .vJm^tov 3 VV »••hed -nd b""•■'v"'h ut : • penoiis .ne t.nb'-i harbi'tt"* ot 1 uU ng h 1 " " • ■ crtortf^ 4. 1 w.ll pa) -> -" ■■■ ■ '■' ' - ; • ths.Mr,, W 't CVtJ fe llj* • . L . . N. *'-•-'■' I '• I-"- • I 84