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Kingston Gazette, March 19, 1811, p. 4

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P O E T R Y. THE BEECH TREE'a PETITION, O LEAVE this barren f;.ot to mc I Spare, woodman, Tpau the beechcn tree ! Though Ii'fli or fl..wivt nevrrgrow My dark, umcarimnff (hade behnv ; Nor rummer bud poll.me tor dew Of roiy U'J'fb:, or yellow hue ; Nor fruits of Antumn, blofTorr I>i>nT, 3k!y screen and eLiflV leavts adorn ! J r? o . • No: manuring tribes, roui rne derive The amh-t-ii.il kfr.fecf oil be hive, Yet K-avc Cm barren fp-.t to me ; Spare, wuotean, fyarc the beecheu fee ! Tb.ief twenty fiimmefS J ha*« feff?* The iky grow bright, the farcfi £reen ; And mai.y a wintry wind have ttoou In bloomkfs frnhkfs Jolitude, Since childhood in my pkafanl howrt FlVfi fpent ir> fweet and fpoitivc h.-nr, Since youthful lovcio in my Iliads Their vows of truth and rapture made ; .And on my trunk's furvfrmg fiaiiie-j Orv'd many a long forgotten na.iic:. Gh ! by the %hs of gentle found, Firil brenth'd upon this facred ground ; By all that love has whifper'd here, Or beanlv heaid with raviih'd ear ; As love's own altar honor me, Spa:e? woodman, fpare the beeehen tree i thinff, even a canfc.match wailed, and to teach his fervants a leffon of economy and frugality ; for, contimicJ the ^LiUleman, it the feivant h*d bc-.n indulged in wafting a caudle match ihe would take the liberty of tfarcm !Tvg--away thing* of greater value.^ But if all the fervant* and the whole family be tanglit to obfervs the (trieteft rules of econo¬ myh all things, much in the courie of a year may be fa?ed lit charitable purpofes. Thi;% by a prudent economy b favkg final I things fresis being wafted, lam everfupplied with a fu^eirflcy to meet all charrtablc de- mr.hd* in the Libera! manner which you have ui .,c[f.-I."—U » hoped that every reader v. ill talw this friendly hint, and go and do E PIG R A M. Imtated from Sir Tsomas Mogkf. OS A LADY WHO HAD A VERY LONG NOSE. ONCE on a time I "mc ptirinda kiiVJ, Whofe no/e was too diiiir.euilVd to be m:i"»M ; My dear, fays I, 1 iai;i would kiis you clofer, But tho' y'Ur lips fay ya, your noi'c i:\v5 No Sir. 00 CHARACTER OF A TRU£ IRflND 44 7"rwf hujs; if man fr;ay reel / :?, ;'.,■ e*mp'j!t>d) <l Of Lea/is in union ii.uiuo.t'j .dnl..:,\!.'i CONCERNING the man yon &&\ your friend—telj ine, will he ft-cxp wish you In th^ hoUT of your diftn fs ? V.'iil he faithful- ly reprove yuu to yaur face, foi actions for which othera are ridiculinw or ceufuri..■■- you brimul your l:n.k i Will he (tand Jortli in • ■ ' i ,-. en tietracif.on 4 fc'crtLfy airn- ing it>7 ijeadly' weapons nt your reputati.'ii ? Y\"<.'\ he-acknowledge vuu with ihe fame mv- dijdiiv. and behave to you with the Lime i i-u!y attention, in the company of your i'-ioerfors in rank and fortune, as when the claims of pride or vanity do not interfere with thofe of friendihip ? It misfortune and loffes fhould oblige you to retire into the walk of }ii'c> in which you caOiiot appear with 'he fame dtftinflion, or entertaiii your fviends with the fame liberality a3 formerly, wiil he ftill think himfelf happy in your iockty ? in¬ tend of gradually wiihdrav.'ing himfelf from r.:i unprofitable conBeCiion, take pleafurc in prok-iTmg himfelf your friend, and cheerful¬ ly aflift you to fupport the burthen of your afflictions ? When licknefs fiiall call you to retire from the gay and bufy fcenes of the world, will he follow you into your gloomy retreat, and Iiilen with attention to your tale of woe ? Will headminifter the balm of coufolation to your fainting fpirita ? Lafllv, ■whea death (hall burft aiunder every earthly tie, will he hV-cl a tear over your grave, and lodge the dear remembrance of your mutual friendihip in Wn Ik art, as a trcafure never to be reiigned I The man, who will not do all t/jtSf may be your companiun, your flatterer, your fedueer—but believe me, he is not your friend. ECONOMY, THE following anecdote will fa the fob- ject of economy ?n a itriking point of view : 44 At the time when the Loudon Biidge tva< building, or repairing the gentlemen, who werefolfciting fobferipttans to carry on thewoik, called at the door of a wealthy gentleman ; and jull as they were entering the door, they heard the gentleman fcolding at his female fervant, t'o^ throwing into the fire a match of biimftone, after me had ulcd Jl w lighting a candle. The rdkc¥ons of her ft-"* - , [he had deviated from the exam Plc fct by the reft of her icx? fhc booed the uncommon proor iae \ad given of the fineerity ^d ar¬ dor of her attachment lor his Ion, as an incentive to TANNING 8s CURRYING. - motives might i>c liberally con- uu**w - wijlkh^ lied and if m thai o:^ instance rpHE fiibfcnhc«. inform their fifc^ l^AA^\,ted from the exam- i . the P«bl.c, that they carry , TJNNim &CURRTING Uh,Q their works in Kingllon, and p-.efue thL W -then. would operate felv.es that their v;ork (hall be well executed They will tan hides upon fharca FotW ' nay deiwe it, upon liberal terms. Hideswij be received at the houfeof M. Rogers^, . joining Walker's Hotel. his forgivenefs, and induce him UomccQ and othcr c not only to conient, but to txie ii^s ^^ ^ ^^ notJcej by a workmanfaJ from New York. MOSES ROGERS JOHN ELLERBECt Kingtton, jauu-i.y i, i8u.. jjtf influence with his ion to bring a* bout an happy union, npon xrhich her happinefs or miiery depended. PI She then left the aftonilhed father, A ^ T *t i ^ -L> V ^ * '•-"-• CI" WILLIAM COV/PEK. THE preiom'nmiE genius of a mm muy, in motl -cafes, .be traced to fome early mel- dent in his life. Ccwper, it iVcrrp, Was f;• m his Childhood devSted to me.'iCi-t.on and ie- cl.ukMi, and ei d.^A with aAtiparhy to every noify concourfe or n-.:ae!v lucrative parfuit, This temper was ftrengthened by an at- tachmeni- between him ^.id the daughter pi a ndcrhhorirtg family. The rfual obj'-ctfous on tie fcore of birth and foituue, did not rxifi in this cafe, and neither family was a- veile to this coiineflion. It was neceiTary-, to tltc opinion ofCowper's fuher, that the union filould be poffcpmted till the young man had eftabli/Iied himfelf in iome gainful and honorable nrofrfiiou. For this ptirpofe the youth was tent to London, and placed at the Temp'e. To this fane of fubtle'y atnl faience all hij n:r:.l difj,ofitinns accompanieii \Ar,\. The cultivation of literature and po- etrv tavilhed his atttotios away from the Colts and Cartheivj of hi$ library, and Ins hvii.'s wereipmt in compofmg render ditties {■-.: his miiLtefs, inftead of tiaiVfctibing into his ccmmon-t>!ace bock the demurrer* and narrati'ms of the law. H'S falhertwhofe heart wa? :"-t upon Q:eing his ion Wiil one day adorned whh ii-*e flowing aa 1 yvell powdered honors cf ch.*.nc?il■■■*, w.'s fXtremely difpleafed at this infatuation and inpmenels, obferving, that (he ihould call the For ^^ ai fhe Kingston Mills, next d:\v for an anfwer, and in the ' -, J 131 i " „ i.....n^\iA ^L«nf h«r Boards and rlankr formed. mean time iliould acquaint her own parents with the vilit fee had made and the refolntion fhe had The feqiie! to the fio- ry, is, tliat the young lady has been threatened with a mad-houfe, tndthe young gentleman, inienu- ile to his proilered happincis, has actually hit his father's houfe, the better to avoid tirj addreiTes of ill defeription?, at the ufnal prices. N. B. No credit will be given, but Produce of every kind taktn in payment, at a fair valuation. Jan. 22. this mofi enthuilaicic and roman¬ tic admirer. Loud. p. Northrop. Wolcoii & Abbe9 ■1 Have removed from No. CASt, Paul Street to No. to2, one door North of MeiiVs. Lellcws, Gates lc Co. where they have a General AfTcimtnt of DliV GOODS on hand, which they oner tor iale on reafonable terms* N. W. 6V ABBE. Montreal, loth Sept. iSio. I tf CANDLES. ■ 'HE fubferibtr has juft received it j. Boxes dipped, and 16 Boxes mould CJWMLM, which will be fold low by the box or leis Guantitv. * * Also—A few V or Caps, weavers' Reeds, Clover Seed—and a complete afTortment of Dry Go.oJjf-9 Liquors and Groceries, Crockery and Hardware; which will be fold as ufial at the Montreal prices, and all kinds of produce recciV-d in p a y i n e n t.-------cO" G* Produce, /{':':■■ s:or, Frhr'iary 26, 1 8 11- 2j O lull L/'V/M»<V*- I *+;%»*+..... 'aft f()id for mc.fl kklk oj 8. BAIITLET. 0 // n. n -aj Sj <j is ^^ The fubferib 1 H e trtcu various expedients to aw. k n in his heart a more prolitable an»bi- tion. At length he fancied that he difcuv- ered *be (>'.V'.-.: of ail thefe unhappy propen- iuie-'. in the afTeCticn wh.ic.li VVilliam had fo aiii.'uoufi) foi'cered with a country maid. He refolved, therefore, to put an end to his hopes ; and, by unlhidied incivilities to the !.-»*: v 's fi-nily, excitvd their fU-A*n->* -./. f-> fo -T that the piri was nrohibited from further in.* tercourfe. DiTofvjdience to tiiis mandate, produced the ulual It retches r-f parental tyranny. Tlie vidiin was relVri&ed in her walks and viuis ; and, finally j irnprifoned in her chamber. The gentle fpirit was forely bruifed by the rod. Grief and melancholy were fucceeded by the lofo of iraderflaading, and an untimely clofe was put 10 her exiilence m the cells of a pri¬ vate mad hojfe !—Such was the father's policy ! and the effects of it upon the ion's happinels and cietlmy ate generally known. EFFECTS CF LOVE. A SINGULAR occurrence tooK place a few days iince in the city : ■The daughter of a resectable tradefman, v/ho had faiicn in love with a younff man. who refided in the neighborhood, and having in vain attempted to attract his no¬ tice by placing her/elf in his way, at length determined upon mak¬ ing a public declaration of her love to his friends, and throwing; her- er pegs eave to intorm the Public, that he has iidt received and lias for (ale, at the Si^re lately occupied by tvlr. A. Boirtot the Mlowiiig articles-------Viz. Broadcloths, iyci feymeres.,Coat- *n«:;s, li.k and entton Velvet, Dimiiy, Cor- onroy, Swanfdown and Patent cord Vefiincrj *'hitd ml printed Cottons 3 Bandaiipa, Ro- ~nA r>nd C.a^.w B#i}t\h*t&u*& . r:ui*i \: hair Shawls ; e*nirmon ditto ; Lcno, j.-ccje t, feededand book Mufiinii 5 Cotton Cambrics, Gingham* Chamhray, Itrflt Linen, &hicimgt Cottons, brown Holland, Lace. Spirits, Whi.{ky. TenerilTc and Pore Wt-res, Sugttr, Tea?, Tobacco, Snuff, Soap, Raiiins, Choeolale, black and purple Morocco Skins, Seal & Muffet ditto, Sa- es, Scfp^ndeis, Qh've Oil- Stotrchton's Enters, Camphor, Turlington's i;al!am, Elk nee of Muilard, Lemon, ik-ueamot, P«:ppcrmfat, Karlaem & Britifh. Oil, Opodeldoc^ Arnatto, Windfor .So^p, Nails oc Ha-dware of various deicriptions —a uso— The following BOOKS :-Mr Cb.-k's Memoirs—Junius' Letters can Lady—Chnl.-s Twelfth—EVzzhtth — C(-:Iebs—Enlield'i Speak jf— School Sible =— Telbment?—V/cbtier'sSpeilinobooks—Lik worth's ditto—besides feverai articles t >o te¬ dious to mention. The whole of which are of an excellent quality, and wiil be fold at the moll reduced prices for cam. ty Country Produce taken in baymenh H. C, THOMSON, > ddin-jfor Mr. ^ St. Ge^ge, TorL j" W HAGAR, AVE j.jft rcc iced frorp Lokdon, and offer tor fak', ac their Hat Store & Fawj* No. fay St, PavlSfre*^ MoKnA, ntxt tkcrfitity Mejjh, JicdoT.s, Gates & Co. A General Alffrimru! uf O.-uI-mca's (w^ifi*1* Rat3 j lii.'c Wan.- t>.wf, UtfU.orli a»J WiHw^'j LaJ e- and CbiUreivs beaver a>id tita* Bohs*?"1 theUt.Kil UButim inl beft qualuy, Al^'.M""1/ Foltflfrg nau, U - u ily tum.Ucu j Ha\ Ti taWNF^ SC'.i'cc. vvlikhw^'t. 1 j 11 |>v>. 1 -.1 upon as gooH i'un<)Jl' w. 1 Lie f/.J ..•, ».li, at) or tl.c.i|Ki lluo <JH ^c *>vl>'e' tlic cuurirry. They b.'vc a'l'i a varictyrt? Hats of «,llMr rn.ake, which ih.-v v- wuij,,,. 1 , ,. ■ ini jo •" <lura',!c as ,ny Cv-, ,(}, red tor fa,e .n C*9£>* 3 O.nr.s fmrn ,1,, country «h-:kruliY recc?,«l ftrifl .v ,,tr. nded to. * ,# CAh II paid fa vrrn M.)N r»"Ai, Nov. ?.o. 1 J? 10. Ufait for FVR3 aaj lorf C^TO BE SOLD, .- —>KJ:,„«» opamiz otowty, forty-five /eel in !.B , an; VV-,n>^X f,:" f ^-.'"eluding a galle /J'1 •*«h run, the uNo.e length of the ho°ufe ^itfi end parftrons are ail built of fovnd burnt h I g-dbrKk chimney .wiOi two n4-pSs ^ a e livei KM* on the I n-.cr rtonr, and one bed 00L A i, . iJL I 1 f ielf upon their generofity, and his fcnhbility, in hopes of obtaining her wiihes. She accordingly wait¬ ed upon the young man's father, and, without the lead htJItation or embarraflment, revealed her paflion in the moft tender and pa¬ thetic way ; adding, that if Mr. D. could be prevailed upon to ac¬ cept her for a wife, a life of love, gratitude, and affectionate concern for his interefts, Ihould repay him r hhmiQn, Dec. x8, : 810. \3 x ine Fubfcribers ha ve hjghw iv ^uf-he iy, d w . acrefs che Big C^efc " •»♦ F^: iu;th,r_PPrc:cu:arsBPi-Jv toJc?£P; FoR. Houfe Building and Painting. HE ja....->iib?i-: !i-icb. g-ve notice ro the inhib JL icar.rs _>f'K"ng'^n?Er.ierr^o,Adolphu,bWnI r.J ocheraJi,.in,a^pj ce», that they intend to employ u." -' "r '•» k"'°'" :n ch's v': n:ty' in PJWWG fiUUbES, cumde aod infide, Patent Painting of Ror.csj&c. an : th" b.ifioefs of HOUSE CARPEN¬ TERS and miXERS, Their w.»rfc will be «e- Ci.tr-, w,rh r,t4..,v-,,and di^attrH, Application may be made ac the d-.-sllin'-Iioi -V cf Mr! Stoughton, iJiakeepe-, in Kif^^,ils M**. Davy, in Eradt- :pwn, or Mr, O. Ranny. i'anK'eVrer, in Adobhuf- -'ovvi>- NATHAN WHEELER, N«v. 20, iSjo. ANDREW PICKENS. juft received a coniignmeiit of Sixtv Sides of ALBANY SOLE-LEATHER, Midhnd Diirf^, which they offer for fa 1 c ehea.y ror eafli. SHERIFF'S SALE. t'J VVJ Air. Ainu- A lew Barrels of J ^"^ cf Fieri Facias,// LINSEED OIL fwivutoflm Majefifs four: fKmtfs Batch, and t) me direcred, again/} the lands and tone* Feh. 26. ABBOT £f BASCOM. FOR SALL, Confida-ally below fr/r co/?, the tmwifhip of Frederhlftwr* S, in the comiUns ofI,.n>x and Addittgton^mJ fftridaforcfaid, comAiriucr [>y admeafurcmetii 01.. hundred acres, fflS^beffafi for his condefecniion. The rather A 1 o«k? 'iv ^ 1°XJN' *A """' "' -A—-' <f ':'%fe -«' t-ic gcnt.eriien iianaing at the do^i, were as n .,, . l v-1 ■*■ •-*«• nn ^-'x Laic, \> a rg-on T h-»nKh> ^i ■' i» a, ,/ ■• »/» • ,*' •;/ /. ^/ olW,, « WcH, if L mM is lo'n^h : -^ifomlhed at the Angularity HM, fo^A «djft& Jtnct'Si Afta ^ ^ * A ifi^ fraid of loliiio a mai-rK „f k,.^(i ,„., _„_ OI Hw» smnlirctisvn 9ft/1 li*,fS««. •»! .jc riven___.A,,,,!, ... J«W-'n '"- -S'A/t lul-U.......<. gaot w e as r ., - ........- ...~-h a- fraid of lofing a match of brimil..,ie, v.-e Shall mod certainly Ife our labor in (tew- JDg him car propofa!.» They bmR pre- rented their fubfcnptlcn paper, a,.d he out down againft his n;:,^ the generous fum of eten<*rsdfc*&b. The gencicni<fn then told l:.io;.;..n.l doner what had been tlu-ir re- v":"':(i:- *ll<1: '!«--i'.i:':- at the door and hear- H.& mm fco.d ai hi's fervaait-, for vvaftiiw the nwteh 'i^^iue. The -entkman repli¬ ed, " that it wii not for the value (!f ,he nntch tliat he feoltk ! at th- fcrvant, but it w-to mwiil«a Lis dir^crfaft at feeing any or tlie application, and having no JCSIvcn- realbn to doubt the virtue? and charade? of the young lady, was wholly at a lofs how to act. He was about to rcafon with Iter up¬ on the boldnefs and im of her conduct, but fhe prevented him by faying, that (he was fully aware that her conduct mult ex¬ cite furprife 5 but as her character was above reproach, flic trailed .rt-pplj (o CHARLES SMYTH. Kingston, 2~th FJk ks-,. ^ »w propriety the tarn a tf A/'/;-,.vv;, ■•■•' ■■! nhiy the 2idoj ^./v/a'.v;, it t.[>s ;■■,•;; tfiQrf.'k>c% intkforenoon* dud tiny fierf'jn or j; ■■/. ., who may b&w any c!..:>. fa the rl-w •>:;<' -cl prtrriijcs. by ft -':•/ e ..<■ ft/-* i^', inr ,. • fled to mak^t y..;;;(.' L-. w . . . me deft •'• /'«. r^1 of /<!&• 0/ ■■■ ;'-'•'>- '">•■ -k,k,, „ ;l:, 1,,,.,; -J [ftaat ie.ti 1,1.., ?\ ■';'[' •' """' ,• 1 ■ V.' • .' . MO. W ■ & r'/ 5'- STt^RT, SJwSE r- $!*-%%<$Mm\l*t X u \ti v) i) -\ < D ri.n'i.isJU'KD '-ii. I •".•• ' / / r '■ A .... ?A

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