s- w . **>s ">V '"x ">V SX .'ik '* '!■* TO p 0 li ri R Y. town by tlie treachery of the fchoolmafter, put rods into the children's hands, to whip their POX TH' K.NGsT»N GAZETTE. jpjjftgf b.ick a'^UIl tO tllC WIlllS C)f Valprii, and at°thc fame time wrote to the leading men of the town, that he fcorned to conquer them by treachefy ; that he abhorred the perfidious monfter who offered it ; and that he made them a pref- ent of their dear innocents. This „ean by this >' vociferated he « y,u Le mined my clouble-cafedbnglifii vato,. CANDLES. ca an AN INVOCATION? OR, A TOUCH OF THE SUBLIME. THOU Mufe ! who from Prtfca&ift' lofty cop Didrt thine own mantle on u Sincerufc*1 drop j Who in fom iiif'rous tones erfl. di-ift irifpire w AlcanderV felf to ftnke the tuneful Kre j Who fur immorul Grains on bards waft wont To filed a ray divine—for mercy don't Withhold thine influence now—but kindly add On^ glimmer too on my poor profe run mad, While vet the gea'iGUS imputfe fires my breaft, While to my raptur'd fenf^ thy power's confelt, Grant me, O Mufe! thine aid, thy fuppliant hear, And him far, far from wit and humor bear. So fliall my n-ime to ages be enrolPd, W:th yon bright luminary* of this Weftern world»f So /hall thefe dulcet notes my well-sarn'd fame re- h'-arf-*, And all Acander*s graces ornament my verfe. Thus Whtfri through optics iarg: the fa^e explores The weekly page tor news, and dozing pores O'er fubje&s trite, my polilVd lay will claim E'en from the fage a peerlefs poet's fam — Opprefs'd he'll nod, and nodding oft repeat, ** None but Alcander's notes were e'er fo iweet." ^^^^^^^^^ X1? rulfrll,c[ ^1 rvcd v and a patent lever ! Wtt ever Inch (lupidi- ± Boxen dippcij ami 16 Boxes mqtfA rV ' What put it into your confounded bead CdNDLES, which will be lold K by,he to make ful m Irifh Bull a, to boil my..........W- «.—< vaich ?"-" I am of opinion, fir,' anfweicd (he, « that it was you that made an baghjb Bull, in fuppofing me fo ignorant as not to know how to boil eggs-without a watch. The cockney finding he was bit, paid for his breakfart, and departed not quite to Wile in our idea, as he entered. [Shamrock.] C - noble behavior fo affected minds or the Valerians, that they furrendered the town, and dhofe rather to have Camillus tor their During the time of the attack on Sulli¬ van's Illand, General Lee was one day re- conuoitering the communication made by the bridge of boats between that place and the continent. As the balls whittled about matter who had faved the lives m abundance, he obferved one of his aid-de¬ nt their children, than to hold it *np* ■ very young man, tank every now ui ujcu ^i.iici , and then, and by the motion of his body, any longer at the uncertain chance w*d - ^g ff pom^ the to .„ of war. ». '{jdeath, fir," cried Lee, " what do you mean I Do you dodge ? Do you know that the King of Prnffia loll above an hundred aid-de camps in one campaign ?" " So 1 im- box Or leis quantity. Also—A ity For Caps, weavers' Ree(jg "lover Seed—and a complete afibvtment of Dry Goods, Liquors and Groceries Crockery and Hardware : which will be fold as ufual ai the Montreal prices, and all kinds of produce received in payment.-------(£Jp Crjh paid jar mo/1 hinds 0f Produce. S. B A lit LET. Kingston, Feh'unrx 26, 1S11. 2l * A cander* \ We great geniufes think nothing of thefe trifles ivitnejs the delegable gingle in a late Gazette of4< gen¬ tle" and " tmple".....cc «m" jw./ « cleanly " =x»<»^ A WISH. From empty dilhes an.l from cmnty mugs, Frona fuftsat law, apothecaries' drngs— From pinching boots and ilioes, fine Iktni and coins, A faithlefs wife, and from a pair oi horns, A fmoky hoafe, a fcold, a flat, a fool, A broken penknife, and a crooked rule— From a dull horfe, to ufc the fpur and (lick, And always from a dirty rafcai'd kick, From wa-iton daughters, and from ipend- thrift ions, From ^rij>»ng ill irpers, ;n.l, a ir;t o: duis^ laconftant fiitfiids, as fickle ^s the wind, Ad empty pock t and a fordid n uidj From vvouiius vvhi^h cokvaru:i ;;ct who turn aucj run, A v;orth!'--s dog, and fr.-m a l>rofcen gtifl — Vein burning THE PAINTERS.----A FABLE. A Monkey ufed the pencil ; as a ftricl obferver of nature, he drew the animals with a mor't fcrupu- Idus refemblance. To the horfe he gave his free and noble bound, to the bear his clumfmefs, to the tiger his ferocious countenance, to the afs his length of ears. 'Die carniverous animals, difpleafed with their pictures, not only re¬ fund to pay him, but he was obli¬ ged to fcreen himielf from their refentmeut. A Fox, more cunning, though not fo Ikiiful, faid to himielf, -4 I will make an advantage of the fo!- ly of this faithful painter. Surely a true dc-iltaud, 6r,w replied the yonng omcer " but I did not think yoa could fparc ft o many." n, Ficm pinching hunger and f limit, A drunkard's guzzle and a ghii ton's gu From a final) b»«ttlc and a narrow neck, A narrow foul, bine fliift* a«id Ibin-d back, From bed infefted by a Img 01 rlca— From each of thefc rnay i eontinne free. DIVERSITY. CAMILI/US. ONE of lhe moil extraordina¬ ry inihnces of public honor, and which deferves to be recorded in indelible characters, is the follow¬ ing, which Plutarch relates in the fife of Camillus ; and as it tends to Sfive the mind a generous turn, and to vaife it above every thing mean and felfifh, we imagine it may nut be unacceptable to our readers. it is not pruoent 10 refemblance of thofe proud anim¬ als ? No—they wifh to be Matter¬ ed, and then they will pay well/' The Fox mixed his colors on a different pallet. Notwithstanding the lion's dreadful mane, lie crave him a fofmefs of countenance ; he contracted his wide mouth, nay, he almoft made his roaring rnaief- ty appear to urate. The leopard had no longer the cruel ianguine eye in his drawing—the bear be¬ came delicate ; the pig had a light fliape ; the wolf fecmed gentle ; the birds of prey no longer had crooked beaks and iharp talons. In confequence, thole haughty animals, charmed with their new forms, gave a patent and a penfion. A certain Cardinal was fo afflicted with a quinfey that he was almoft choaked, and the A yonng farmer vas invited to d;:-e for the Brft time with bis landlord, who was a very bofpitabte man—irhen he entered the drawhig-roam, a w:;^ .old him, that if he did not t-at. a!1 that \m landlord gave him, ho mull immediately fight him—the cloth was laid, and the partes began ; the hod. bei^* polite, was vi-iy attentive to their coarfg gncll, and filled his plate repeatedly, ail which the farmer devoured with lomc labor ; at lafl, the inviter Was in the v.di of potting a large flice of pudding upon the farmer's plate, when he ftarted from his feat—threw down his knife and fork, and began to dn'o 111 bait9 and'put himfelf in an attitude of de¬ fence,vociferoufly roaving, " dom mi, come on, for I'll fooner fight till L die, than eat till I die." SCOTS WARMING PAT?. A gentleman era veiling 'through fame part of Scotland in a cold ieafon, Hopped ;.t an inn on the road ; when at lupper, he war, at¬ tended by a fuse flout idO.r, whum he defircd to warm the bed that was prepared for him. On going to his bed room, he was furprifed who was literaliy a DiomJo's wife ; he ;iL- ed her what /he was doing there, to which the girl, with all her native fimplicity, an- fwered, that me was warming- tlie b(.d as his h'»nor had deiired, until he Ihonld be ready to get into it. Lovd«npap. -. ' «- . , \ t% diieafe n<jt beinor conquerable by medicines, Camillus, a celebrated Roman hfs ^jixchm left him as mcurable. His general, was engaged in the liecre of Valerii, a town in Italy, which refilled to acknowledge the Ro- man power. He had long befieg- ed it, and ftili met with a visorous <*» • oppolition. It was the cuftom of the Valerians to educate their chil- fervants minutely expecting his death, feil to plundering his lodgings, taking the hang¬ ings, pictures, ftatues, carpets, cumiono, and even his Tobes, while he looked upon them, but could not reprove them, being unable to fpeak, The Cardinal had an ape, whu fee¬ ing all his houfe-mates providing for them- felves, he thought to come in for his (hare in the dividend, and entering the chamber, employed himielf very bufily to fes what was Spi dren at a public ichool, in order to inlpiretliem with patriotic prin- Mt for him . and finding-nothJng blIt lhe Ciples, and tO give them a Warm- Cardinal's cap, he clapped it on' his head, er attachment to the ilate.—Thefe children were put under the care of a malter, who had fupreme au¬ thority over them, and againft whole decifion they durft not ftruggle.—This villain conceived one of the bftfeft and moll treach¬ erous fchemes that ever entered in¬ to the^ heart of man ; he carried the children without the walls of the city, on purpofe, as he preten¬ ded, to give them the air, and uied regularly for fome time to return with them ; but at laft, when he Imagined all fulpicion of his treach¬ ery was removed, lie carried them and trifked up and down, as extremely plea fed with his new promotion, at which the expiring Cardinal fell into a very vehement fit of laughter, which broke the quinfey in his throat, and having difcharged it by vom¬ iting, recovered his health, and after that his ilolen goods. AN ENGLISH BULL. A cockney travelling in the north of Ire¬ land, Hopped at an inn in a fmall country town and ordered breakfad. The landlady afked him what he wo did chufe tu have. " I vont have any of your potatoes or herrings," anfwered he, "lam an EngHfhman, mt ™c" « 1 did not ale you, fir," faid Hie, " what you would not have ; I aiked you what you would have." " Let me fee, then," «Oi,Ai._ . li .. T 1 /» iv ■ The fubferiber begs leave to inform the- Public, that he has juft received and has for fale, at the Store lately occupied by Mr. A. Boiton, the following articles-------Viz. Broadcloths, Kcrfeymercs,Coat¬ ings, iilk and cotton Velvet, Dimity, Cor- duioy, Swanfdown and Patent cord Veiling; wliitj and piinted Cottons ; Bandanna, Ro* tnal and Cotton Handkeichiefs ; Camels' hair Shawls ; common ditto ; Leno, jaconet, feeded and book Muilins ; Cotton Cambrics, Gingham, Chambray, Irifli Linen, Shirting, Cottons, brown Holland, Lace. bits, Whi(ky. Teneriffe and Fort Wi.es, Sugar, Teas, Tobacce, Snuff, Soap, Raffing, Chocolate, black, and purple Morocco Skins, Seal 8c RufTet dilio, Shoes, Sufpendevs, Olive Oil, Sioughton's Bitters, Camphor, Turlington's Baifam, EflVnce of Mud aid, Lemon, Bergamot, Peppermint, Harlaem & Britim Oil, Opodeldoc, Arnatto, Windfor Soap, Nails & Hardware of various defcriptions. —also— The following BOOKS :—Mrs. Clark's Memoirs—fun ins' Letters—Ameri¬ can Lady—Charles Twelfth— FJizabeth— Cadebs—Eniield'b Speaker-School Bibl s— Teaaments—Webder'sSpellingbooks—Dil- wortlfs ditto—befides Lveial articles too te¬ dious to mention. The whole of which are of an excellent qualiiy, and will be fold at the moil reduced prices for cam. &*CmMryProduce taken in payment. H. C. cry was removed, he carried them feid he, Bfibmrng a look of va(l importance, to Camillus's camp, and in order " have y,,u gw fiwh things as eggs in this to ingratiate himfelf with him of- h"!c c,)U,,try •" On being anfwered in the THOMSON, 7 Mhigjor Mr.Q.Sr. OmmE, TorL.S Kingston, Dec. 18, 1S10. \o tf feted to deliver the children, who were t he {lower of V:.lerii, into his haiKb, provided lie would fecure tu him fome diftinguiflied pott of honor. Camillus, io far from ac¬ cepting his oiler, and taking the I»eie country ?" On being anfwered in the affirmative, he ordered eggs and conN-e ; "anddoyon hear/' added lw, pujling out hla gold xeatch and handing it to her, " boil the eggs with my Vc.tch." " Ye« !ir/' ;i,i- iwer. d lhe, and went out. Tu a fc\v liVm- utes flic- returned with his watch audi 1,,-c,^; em a plate, having literally 6hcycd Ins or¬ der., and byiied :iij (0gcther. " VVhal do m Northrop, W&lmtt 'if Abbe* Have removed-fro N'». 54-jt. Paul Street to Ha, T02, «„c door N;.rt!,ofMcf.Vs. B;,.l^, C,,;,^, WfU'rj they JHv.ar:,,,,,, AlFurirhtin of N. VV. ."•: At\K;.' The iubfci ibers have juft received a confignmeat of Sixty Sides cf ALBANY SOLE-LEATHER, which they oiTer for fale cheap for cafh. Alfo— * A few Barrels of LINSEED OIL Feb. 26. ABBOT ty BASCOM. FOR SALE, Con/iilrally be!civ Jirjl cojl, A V E ft Y capual yoke of OXEN, with jL an O.k C.:'t, Wa^-jToa. Double Sleiah, Karnefs, &c.— A credit cf three months will be given.—Aoolv to " CHARLES SMYTH. 7 ph Ft!/. 1S11 23 4w TANNING ^ CURRYING. npiiE fTt!;fcribers inform their friends and I the {.vtihlic, that thev carry nn the 7'y/XIViAir tf CURHriNG lnifjncfs, at their woiks in Kiu-itou, and pledge thern- iches that their woik (hall be well executed. They will tan hides upon (hares for inch as may ddirc it, upon liberal terms. Hides will be received at the houfe of M* RcKsSRh ad¬ joining Walker's Hotel. Morocco and other Currying done at iiuTt notice, bv a workman lately horn New Yoik. MOSES ROGERS, JOHN ELLERBECK. Kingllon, J.muaiy 1, 1811. Ij« For Safe. a> iltf Kinpion M/V/j", Boards and Plank oi N. ii. No credit will be <nVen but Produce of every kind taken in payment at a fair valuation. Jj,n. 22. (t2n) SHERIFFS SALE. " Midland Diftria, to Diftria, I pT virtue of a Wri wit : j of Fieri Facias,//: fuel out ofhis Majeflfs Court of'King's Buck and to we directed, agtiittfl the lands and tene¬ ments rf Do'CTORPk'.KDJ.r, at the fiat of'Bryar, Crawford Efq. I have-je?'zed and taken in execu¬ tion the erf t half of lot No. 3, fecondeonceffionoj ire tovciijhip of Fredirickjburgh\ in the couni'm of Lenox and Jlddington, and dijlrid aforefaid, containing by admeafnrement one hundred acres, and an improvement of thirfy-fve acres, be /he fame more or hfs ; which will be ad- judged io the highefl bidder, at the gaol door in the town of Kingston, on Monday the zzdoj jidynext,at the hour of'lOo"e:och in the forenoon,, And any perfon or perfons xvho Kay have any claim to the above mentioned premijh, by mortgage or c'.hertrjife, are requeued io maketh fame known to me before the day of fale. CHJRLES STUslk7, Shcrift Sheriff Cfjicc, 1 yh Nov. 1810. $tf% SIXPENCE per buihel will be ._ given for good HOUSE ASH¬ ES, at the Store of CO MM INC & IIA MI ETON. January 21, 181 i. i8tf Writing and W ping Paper for fale at thio Office. rap- C ash paid for Rags, AT THF P »IN T J N G OP f IC JK. K1 N Cfc TON- ZjSubfcnpiions or Adv^tijemenU for this P"/> r will be received by tl& Editor v) the Csib',ti)i -,.v Cwrant^ Mmtreal; /LSfiM- troon, Iff Ltiz-.u-ahtown ; S. StmxiroMt Fjq Shgifht} IF. F. G■//•>, Ffj-Jm town ; /Em. J-/ --x, E.',. i'f Si- C ccsf or M, . •/. Q##t:iiicv#jtfrlnH-}f*»'h Mr-si* tf*** //****, N:.; ;.:>:, ; „• J .11. . E. E >*' 'V./>v, 11,/',.-, turn, 1 A". E.J lxn INT .1) AN il Pi IiLISM " •'••'•/,' ;■ ! ' \ \ r V ./:*■'* J > , -..