LATEST FROM CADIZ. New York, Feb. 25.—Cant. Hmvardi of the hrlij Orion, failed lu»m Cadi/, on the jcth of December, um<] informs u-, that o-.* the day f? M$ departure, the B.itilli gnu- bontb made an attack upon the French bat- irries ; that during ihe a<H»^ feveral homh* ftcils ft'll into the town of Cad!/., which did a^fiderahlc cfeiraage ; one ilieil fell upon £ fcJi0ol-u<n)fr\ killed the null it fy of it, and tookofl"ahoy'a Itrcr. Ca;>t. 1J. furth.-r lla?e?% that considerable confuKoJi was dif<;<#vcrcl en ho if'- if the Spamlh al's (hip ; :r:.d It wa? i'.id a fhell had fallen fen hoard from the rrcnih batterifh. The firing- had not ct^fed when Capti H. failed. Pkiurst Cadiz was 1 > dollars ; Rice did!; Oats i collar and 50 cents. * KINGSTON : Tuesday, March it. iStU UNITED STATES BANK, On the final vote in the ferrate on the re- nevval of the charter of this bar;k, the mem¬ bers were equally divided, and the rictr-prtflS- dent gave the calling vote agaiuit the bill. The bill ia therefore loft- Nearly (even millions and a half of dollars in the ftock of the United States bank a e held by Britifh fubjefts of all defcriptions and all parties. A large proportion of this was lately fold to them by oar gnierrimeiit, the very men now in power, at an advance ia price of from 40 to 50 per cent. This fale, at fuch an advance, nvuft ceitafnly have been confidered bv the punjhalVrs.a-., a njc ijfe that the fellers wonld do nothing to depre¬ ciate the value of the propeiiy. What v/iil be the refentment. therefore, of tfeufe p. t- chaf^rs and of the prefeat hoidnd of the flock, when they find thai the vtry men who conveyed it to them, hnve, by their awn set, wantonly, and without the pretence ofnecci- fity, reduced that property to, perhaps, one half of ihe original wine ? [£/". S. Gaz. A late New York paper contains a 1 ill of feven (hips and three brigs, which, with their cargoes, have been by the collefifcui of that port, in confequence of the Pivfidenc's « reclamation. Seven of tIMe VcUels »m om Liverpool, one from "Did lin, one from Greenock, and one from Ltith. The infurredtDtl of the m-:n of t&far of Louifiana, has been quelled by the eitwiion of confidej able blood. It is dated 111 the Conm-6ti<ut Qasrtte, that four men, with a I'mall fetfie, on the night of the 5th January, caiu'hl nhte thouf and'nine hundred pounds &f jtf&\ of the b;ifs kind, at the head of Niantie River. Thele fifh vrcre difpofed of the next day fur 275 dollars, and afterwards carried in a f-uack to New York, where they fold for riling 800 dollars. ------- CO UNTERFEITF.RS* A camp has lately been dilVovered in the woods near RobbiidWn, Diltrid of Maine, with every necefTary apparatus for counter¬ feiting bills ;*-nd fpeci:, and forging bills of exchange. The gang concerned is' (aid to confift of upwards of 4.0 perfons* Among many other articles taken was a recipe for turning copper white, by chemical prepara¬ tions. The dies which were found were well executed. In purfuing a part of the gang, a Mr. Downs was killed by a glia- fhot. Three or four of the villains have en fecured. day A letter from an officer of the 6th United States regiment, dated 'at the Cantonment, Waftiington, Miffiffippi Territory, January 8th, 1811> to his friend in Piulburg, fey*, " An exprefs arrived this day from Mobile, dating, that Col. Cufhing of the IJ. States army, on attempting to p:ifs the Spar.ilh fort at that place, was driven back, with the lofs of one captain, one fubaltern, and four men* aid that a general order was iffued the fare day Tor all the effective troops at that place to hold themfelves in readme!* to march at a moment's wanuno-." Inundation.—About 1 o'clock inthemnrn- lngof the 29th ult. the Driggfe Refervoir, at the tAjf StanedgefNn Mavfdch, about nine mil&weft of Hudderstield, burft, and the water flowed in an adjoining valley. This refervoir, formed for the pwpoic of fupplying the Hudderstield canal, co\ered about 28 acres of land, and fueh was the de- ftruftive impetuofuy of the flood, that it f-vept away a cottage, occupi'd b\ Jauwss SehooVfield, ftanding on tbe declivity of tli2 hill, and his wife and four child'en D-ivli-'J in the flood. Rufhin^ forward in US fatal courfe, the water advanced to th-1 uuU o| Meifrs. Hanfall, audio e^tnplrtcly iuirudaN ed the houfcofthe miller, itiai ldn;Wfa»^l Jiis wife were (loated out of tliA U^l ; Lrf feized the ilouc work in the w iiv-^'v.. and for fomc'time h.-ld ir< wif- in hk errfersce i but (lie was at length f«tced from him, and fkZX Iifdcfe body wsw taken up the next morn¬ ing at a place called the Paddock, two miles mm Huddcvsfield ; the hulband however, Kent lib hold ci* the window till the Water fubfidtd, and by that means piHcved.hls life. ^ Befid-s t\u fe fatal at cMentft, in which fi\ lives were loft, many others of lefscopfe- qnence occurred ; the foil from the top to the hoitom of the hill, and extending a eon- llderable diflance along the va'uey, is com- pieiely waflied away, a»d the fur%e exhib¬ its all ihe appealanee of the bed of a river. Some idia rany be formed of the rapidity an,d force of this imn.eufe body of water, wh^u !t h ilaied tliat a ferae, of an oblong for.;., weighing 15 tons was carried from the fummit of the hfJI, av.d lodged in the mill- race of Mcifrs. Harvfall, a France of two ^"*8 ! . London j, p. Dreadfiil Occarreiice. Ct)rk, Nov. 5.—It i^ vm\\ great horror tiiat we have to relate a calamity, which far exceeds in ihe f&tal confequence^ rtfulting from it, jicrhapi a::\* caft.aTty ever known in tij.'s eity. ALoi;t jo o'tlock on Saturd ni^ht an explofion w*i> t .____^ from t!ie quarter of ti. iiarrys, fo loud and usexpe£ted as to pioduce the deepeft feufa- tioris of wonder a-'id alarm. Crowds ran to the place from whence the roar of dell ruc¬ tion fecrued to proceed, and in a fhort time, it was too evidrfat tiiat ap';rthenfion hvtd not over calculated in the bodingftof misfortune. Tl was difcoveced that three hot;fe> in Bran¬ dy Lane had been blown up, apparently by gun powdcv ; that the adjacent houfes were in flames ; and from the fad teftimony of facts it was clear, that ma.iy unfortunate creatures had been the victims of inllantane- on*" dcltruflion. For a moment horror and conllernaiioii fufpeuded enquiry—all was mere amazement—nor was there any one near this feene of death and ruin who could for a thn«% 2>ve any relation of the cauftrs of this d'frnal traufsiclion—while the increafing crowds were gazing upon the frnoaklng re¬ mains of the houfe.;, an.-, the mangled limbs ' .ir.d bodies of their unfortunate inhabitants. The cries <>f thofe whole houfes were in jl ones a: length called forth fome efforts and iu a little tinie fuch ztaious and generotis exertions were uui.le as always dittuiguilh the inhabitauts of lhift ciry, in cafes where misfortune makes any claims upon them. The two houfes immediately adjoining the conllajn-ntion were almolt litltantly pjllcd u'o...;, auti eh'*, vil wv*e J-.».J i\\ I I Jw-'fui. tion. Ofth ic who have already periflicd, the namci arc a> follows :—Mary Mahony, a v.-id-AV ; J jhn Corkeran, a child ; Thomas Ehard., the fuppofed eaufe of the calamity, had one of his thighs torn oft in a dreadful n anticr, and died as he had readied the South Ii.ihmav\ ; Mary, his \vife, Florence Stilivan, a mafon ; vatneii'.e, hi3 wife, and Edwaid) hi, ioii, aged 20 ; Mary Egan, f- n. a ri Mary Egan, ]un. -9 Daniel Daly, a 0 oper, Mary, his wife ; Mary Connor, a child ; John Toorny, a laborer, Elinor, his wih*. Houora, his child, Denis Toomy, his brother ; Elinor Daly, a fervant; and John M'Carthy, a laborer. There are three oth¬ ers in the infirmary, of whofe recovery fearce- ly any hopes are euiertained. The bodies of thefe unfortunate people exhibited a dreadful fight, which even iu defeription would overpowei the feelings of the generality of our readers. The five which cere in the houle with Toomy, the "laborer, were mangled and mutilated in a dreadful manner, their limbs being fcattered about the place, and feveral of the women who foffered j to add (liil to the misfortune, were pregnant. There was nothing want- ina to enhance the mifery of this moll (hock¬ ing event, which as far as it extended, was complete in dcfhu&io:1, eighteen perfons hav¬ ing been literally almolt tarn to pieces, and the remaining three hourly expefled to be telcafed from tdtture- Three houfes were blovfu to ruins, and feveial others extreme¬ ly injured. The cond;:ft of the mayor and {heriffs, Deane and Beilard, and the city coroner, Mr. H. Hardy, demand to juiticc the moil univcrlal praife. -—0+0— MARRIED, In Afhiield, (Maff ) Mr. Nahnm A. Bur- ?;W, to Mifs Hannah Brawn* yTis nothing grange, that Ilannah/i&wW - IYjl\h her nanus and 'urn it7 Shi how couldJh in loving moody 25V c»rahfc;nd to Bum—ct ? DIED) W In England, Johs Douglas, Duke of Ouceiifbary, Marquis of D^mfaes, and Lord of Douglas, aoed 86; he left, befide an immenfe Ian led etkte, peribual property v , rh-*;;nTjuut of five mil.ions cf dclhtrs.— Ih \::u\ 1.0 iffue On t!;c z6\k January, a promifing ynung 1*0an, of about z\% by the name of Lyman *| tf ;v, late of Hanover N. II. who was employed in teaching a fchool in Hartford, ^."rrmont, (hut hindclf through the body.— Tl« caufe of this Ilorrtd deed was Hated in J$ttefS which he addrefftd to his friends, after having formed the refolntlon to dcflroy liim- f^rlf. One of the Utters will be found be¬ low. The Dartmouth Gazette dates, that this young man had long been driving in op- pofition to the current of fortune, to place himfelf in a Quation to become diltinguifhed in the world ; and his friends fuppofe that - &TBM BEST KIND f\ F Albany Infpccled SOLfc. V LEATH R, jua received and fM laic at i/.y per lb. at the Store of A'Lnr/j 12. S.B/1RTLLT. «£FOR SALE, A Pair of STILLS, CONTAINING 180 Gallons_____For particulars inquire of Paul Trom- pour, Efq. of Adolphufiown. March l 2. the failure of various projects for the attain- jj **** Lcilces of the Crown and eprcfied his A Clergy Refervcs, and thole who have 3 rnent of his favorite end, had depr fpiritS, brought a fettled gloom upon hi mind, and finally bewildered that reafon, which once would turn with horrcr from the rommiilioii of a crime. He was a young* man of an amiable difpofition, beloved by all his acquaintance, of an unbiemilhed moral character • had made fome progrefs in claf- fical ltudies, and pofftfled talents which mig'.it have rendered him eminent in the lit¬ erary worlthl LETTER. Ah ! my dear Parents, it is my mod ear- nell wilh that you may be free from the grief in reading this, which I feel in wtitino it— My heart aches while I mull tell you the caufe of J»y conduct, and conclufion I have made. It is fome time iince I doubted the full enjoyment of my reafon. It will be more unexpe&ed, as I employed deception. I ear¬ ned a heavy heart under fictitious ftniles and feigned fpirits. But from obfervation it fait increafes upon me, and dreadful it appears to me to he left without my reafon. I know in duty to you 1 ought to (pare my life and fhidy your eafeand comfort. But it would be the very reverfe. I fear I fhould be a continual torment to you and a difgrace to our family, and for thefe reafons 1 have de¬ termined to meet my exit, if 1 lhould have my reafon long enough. Ah, me ! difap- pointed in myfclf. Why did you thus fond¬ ly bring me up to difappoint you and dif¬ grace inyfelf ? My derangement fafl. increal- £$. I am frequently loft to any thing about me. I feel it a cfcrtaiuty that my fenfe is going, and i eameftly wifh my life to go with it. It pierces me to think* I blafl the hopes of fond indulgent parents—But I die. May you be as profperous and happy in this life as t:.e world can afford, and may you enjoy the bkfling of your other children wiihout bemoaning your lofs in me, more than a blank which was never filled ; and may yc»u teagu tf*cm wiiut j.^.*. u^: i,- kv Farewell, Laura !# Farewell, rny brothers, Farewell, my father, Farewell, my mother—Farewell ! ----------- LYMAN TENNY. * His onlyjijieri Erratum. In thefrft pigs of this paper % qth colunui) 2$d£ne!,fvr prevent iwrfpervert* a^-NEW GOODS. ----000§O § 000---- THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST KF.CF.irET> A FRESH SUPPLY OF GOODS, AM'NO'T WHICH ABt FUR N1TU RE and printedCalicoes,Silk . Shawls, Cotton do. Ladies' plain and figur'd Silk Sleeves, Leno ditto, Kid Gloves, black worfted Hofe, Caipeting, Veilings, Brown Hollands, Checks, &C. &c. All of which will be fold very low for Cafh or Country Produce. B. WHITNEY, Kingston, Wtb March, l8ll. 25 Licenfes ot occupation in the Midland D)J1- ricl, aie reqnelled to pay the arreais of rent due by them refpectively, to the fubferiber, who is legally amhoiifed to receive the fame and giant receipts. C. Stuart, Sheriff. Sheriff Office, zd March, 1811. 24 JAMES ROBINSON, Infpcaor of Fot cjf Pear I Ajhes, RESPECTFULLY informs the deal, ersin pot & pearl afhes, that he now occupies a part of the ftore near his refi- dence belonging to Richard Cartnwight, Efq. where allies will be iiifpected with the great- ell attention and difpatch; Kingsion, Feb II. l8*I, I26 FOR SALE, \ FARM confining of 25S acres, be- JT\. ing Lot No. 6, in the 1II conceffion in Pittfburgh, fituate 6 miles froth Kingilm —10 <>r tZ SCtes under improvement, with a good log hnufc on the fame, and a good Mrirfh affording hay for 12 or 14 head of cattle.—For particulars apply to Laugm- M'Intyke, flifp carpenter, Bttftorgh. ruary 1 2, 1811. 2 Itf LIN Feb The fubferiber in- forms the inhabitants of Kingston and m vicinity, that he intends carrying on the MASONING BUSINESS, fuch as briefc laying, (lone work and plaftering : he will be ready to perform ar.y bufineis in hit* line at fliort notice, and in a workmar-!;ke man¬ ner. MOSES DRAKE. \ Firjdoor South of Walk?*s IMA The fubferi bcr re¬ turns his fincere thanks to his &it*nds anj tlie put>ltc tor pail tavors, auu niTormslUe: that he has on hand a large quantity of BQ0TS,-Mm% Women's^and Children's SHQR&*—Sole and Upper LEATHER— a few pair of C^ft-lron SLEIGH-SffQjRS, a:nd a general afibrtmentof DIIY GOODS and GROCERIES—which he will fell at a very reduced price for cafh or produce. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston* Dec. I t, T R i b- 12 tf (£j*The highctl price given for good FtQUR. C^TO BE SOLD* A GOOD ftand for a Tavern, heretofore occupied by the fubferiber, confidi-.g of a good twoftory dwclling-houfe, horfe (bed and liable*, together with 6acies of land, being a part of lot N°. 12 in the 2d conceffion, on a crofs-road in ErnellTotfu. For terms of fale inquire of JOHN BELL. Emejl To-Vjn, March 12, 18111 2$ Stephen MoRSE...PoflriJer^ INFORMS his cultomer*, that the 26th number of the Kingston Gazette will com¬ plete a half year fince he commenced his pre- fent bulincfs, and on the delivery of that pa¬ per he mud infill on a generalfcttkmtnt of their accounts. f&Thofi who live off the road will pleafe to make payment 'where their papas are left. I March 12. — ——————.- • —- ADVERTISEMENT, I'^OUND, in the road near the - premifes of the fubferiber, a POCK¬ ET-BOOK, containing feveral rotes of hand given in favor of Aro« Conner.— The owner can have it by paying the char¬ ges of adveitifincr. STEPHEN FAIREIELD. Eirnjl Ti'uvj, March <fr tSlU - %$ BAGG fcf HAGAR, HAVE jttft received fio.n LonDot:, and offer lor fale, at th:ir Hat Store & FaEiory, No. IOO St. Paul Street* Montreal, ntxt door jvu;b vf MeJ/n. Bc'toTvsy Oam & Co. A General AiT-urrrwit or Gentlemen's fine Be AVE* Hats ; filk Warer Proof, Leghorn aid Wiliwwco. j Ladies and Children's beaver ami ftvaw BoknetSiOI the tatcil faft tons and heft quaiiiy. Al^Oi Mi'itary Folding Hats, elegantly trnumed ; Ha; Trimmirigs, &c.&c. whichttereifliported upon as ^ood lernis, aii*3 will be fold as cheap or cheaper; than can be bought in tb.S country. The> have a!fo a variety of Hats of" their own make, \Vhich they are wiping ro warrant to be as durable as any ?ver ofleied for fale in Canada. Orders from the counzry ihtnlcfutly received and fttiftJy attended to. *## CASH paid for FURS. MoN TB E At, Nov, 20. I$jO. IO tf OTO BE SOLD, THAT V4iuabir ftand for a Merchant orTAV- ern -Keeper in the tpwnihip of Frederic^i- burgh,bordeiing on the Little Creek, ncai Brad(haw*s Mm. The property confifts in a neat Dwell!ng- houfe, piinted Spaniutbrown, forty-fivercet in l*n^T*i and twenty-fix fret wide,including a gallery in fronti which runs the whole length ^f the houfe ; the vti\h and partitions are all built .{ foi.r.J buinC biuk ? a good brick chimney wi;h two lire-places: triers a e five rooms on the lower floor, and one bed roorc on the fecond. Likewise, a good leg ftore boufe and a horfe ftable, and uuwards of two hundred ac»es of moft EXCELLENT LAND, bounded on rhr weir fide by the Little Cieek, and on the call tide by the eait half of lot No. I}, e attending from tlu King1* highway foutherly, d>»wn acrofs the B»» CeeeSc* *.* For futher particulars jpply to Joseph For¬ syth, Ef<?. K'ngfion, or to t'^e ("bfc:ibcr At Thurl.'W. ULthNw. tit-J.________JAMES WtNABV. Houfe Building and Painting. THE fujUrjb-ialUi b %w 1.00c- 1. c.einhab. itants of Kington, Erncftown, Adol] hultowDf and other adjoining plac-*, thawthe^ intend coon.'1*) lit* nex- feafon in ths vc nity, in P/JIN7ING HOUSES* outfuear.d ir.iide, Pa'er> P> t:nj rf R>»-ns,&c. a- A rhf h.ifincfs of HOUSE CARPEN- VERS and JOINERS. Their Woik will b< ew- c.tcd with i^auiel»an*idiiVatch. Amplication ouj be u-.jd* a"t the dwehlng-houfe or Mr. SToUCe!r>::^ i?>^-ci>er, in Kingta'*, M-s. 1>a>v,io Etwft- town, it Mr. O. RaKVYi in^lcerpe., ••: A t,m\ NATHAN VrHESLE^j Hov.*e iS». ANDREW pl-CUMS