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Kingston Gazette, March 5, 1811, p. 2

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hi; tf«1 u\ i t«u-k< 4 y«i :v 6 tfol he a- v-'id/ I'm! the mm with warmth* * I ffwll not £< frit.' The s elicf rnmprmy returned t > the guard- houta Tht- !"<■»» j,.Js iv ere replaced every four boors, and, a1, the appointed time, li.e guard again matched to relieve the poll. To ih.ir incxprclViVk-aPoriifn^cnt, the rnntl was gone ! They fe.«rc]»-.d round the foot, but no trace* could be f-o..d of his difnppear- tw^o:. It was iifctfriry that the iUlion, from a ilronger motive than ever, (houkl not re¬ main unoccupied ; they were compelled to leave another m.in> and returned to theguard- hoofe—The fuperltition of the foldiers was awakened, and terror ran through the regi¬ ment. The Colonel hiring apprifed of the occurrence, fignffied his intention to accom¬ pany the guard when they relieved the fent:- *bel they had leu". At the appointed time they all marched together ; and a^ain, to their unutterable wonder, they found ths pail vacant, and the man gone ! Under thefe circumftances, the Colonel briitatcd whether lie fliould flation a whole compart) on the fput, or whether he (hould 'tgaiu fubmic the pod to a Angle kntiuel. The eaufecf the repeated difappeatanees of men, whole courage and honedy were never fufpe&ed, mafi.be difcovered ; and it feem- td not likely that this difcovcry could be ob¬ tained by perfilling in the old method.-------■ Three brave men were now loft to the regi¬ ment, and to affign the pod t> a fourth, feemed nothing left than giving hioi up to ddlruclmn. Thepoor fellow whofe turn it was to take the ftat.'on, though a man of i.i- comparable refolution, trembled from head to foot. 4i I mo ft do my duty," fjij he to the of¬ ficer, '< r !_ iow th it ; bit I ihouhl like to loie say bfe with motes credit." " I will leave do man*" laid the Colonel, "againftbis wR*» A man immediately flept from the rank*, and defired t'> take the pod. Every mouth commended his nfolutjun. u I will nut be taken Miye," (aid he, « and you (hall hear of me on the halt alarm. At all events I will flic my piece if I hear the leaft noife. If a crow chatter*, or a leaf falls, you fivail luar my mnlket. You may be alarmed when nothi ig is the matter ; but you mull take the chance as the condition of thedifcovery." The Colonel applauded his courage, and told him he would be light to lire upon the le;:ft noife tint was ambiguous. His co>n- vaJes (nook hands with him, and left him with a melancholy foreboding. The com¬ pany marched back and waited the event in the guard-houfe. An hour elapfed, and every ear was on the rack for the dScharge of the muikct, when on a fudden, the report was heard. The guard immediately marched, accompan¬ ied, as before, with the Colonel aid iomeof the moll experienced officers of the regim¬ ent. As they approached the poll, they faw the man advancing towards thorn, drag¬ ging another man on the ground by the hair cf his head. When they came up to him, it appeared *o be an Indian, whom he had fh-.t. An explanation was immediately re- cured. • I to-d yourhonor," laid the man, " that I fliould fire if £ heard the lead noife. The refoiution 1 had taken has Paved my life. I had not been long on my poll when I heard a ruftling at fome fh j» t dhiance ; 1 looked, and law an American hog, fuehafs are com¬ mon iu the wjod.s, crawling along the ground, 3nd feenrngly looking for nuts un¬ der the trees and anongft the leaves. As thefe animals are fo very common, I ceafed to conlidrr it for 'ome minutes ; but being on :he condant alarm and expectation oi at¬ tack, and tcarcely knowing what was to be cunliuered a real caufe of apprehenfion, I kept my eyes vigilantly fixed upon it, and marked its progrefs among the trees; dill there was no need to give the alarm, and my thoughts were directed to danger from an¬ other quart"i. It (truck me, however, as f.rnewhat Gngular, to fee this animal mak¬ ing by a circuitous paflage, for a thick cop¬ pice immediately behind my poil. I therefore kej.t my tye more condantly iixvd npoa it, aadasit was now within a itw vara? of the coppice, hefuated whether 1 fliould not lire. My comrades, the i' T will laugh at me for alarming tr is* by (hoyuug a pig ; I had almod refol- % ' to e» it atone, when, jull as it approach¬ ed ti ! :ekvt, 1 thought it gave an unnfu- al fpriiv. I RQ longer hefuated ; 1 took i».^ ..ti ; dt;chatged mv piece, and the an- i->..: &3 m'iantly ftretched before me u ith ^ ^ ou.i e. !ch I conceived to be that of a b .man .-'eature. I went up to it, and judge i ,; £.&>* fihoien-r wh;n I found I had Killed .... ],, ij£.i ' %-ie li;«! enveloped himfelf with 1 h; rt »1 une of thefe wild hogs, fo com- t - > nii ha ;. and, kct were fo entirely « "'. i - ucd iu it, and \\'h gdit and ap|)<arance • • ■ I • <j:rv corrci,3on lent to that of the ■• * :i ha! i i| ' *.:tly as th*-y are always . i -.i wi:c«, the t:<:_ atid janglcSi th«' dif- g..ife cnnJd not be penotrat-'d at a cid.ir.ee, en*i fcarcc*y diTcCvercd upon the neared a-f- pctSL He was aimed with a dagger and tomahawk." Such was the fabftance of this man's rela¬ tion,__Tl»e catifcof thedifeppcatance of the other fnitinels was nowapparettt. The In¬ dians, flieliered in this difgiiilV, lecretcd ihem- felves in the coppice ; watching the moment when ihey couid ihiow it od" ; burft upon the fcutincls withowt pievious ahirm, r.T.d, too tjuck to jrivc them an opportunity to difehzrgc their piece?, either dabbed or Fe« *p- ed thens ami b-re their bodies away, which they concealed at fomediftance in the leaves- Whatever drew romances of wonder may ap¬ pear m th* relation, there ate many now a- ii.-e who can atted it* authenticity. \_Er,vtiJ]j public a t'tcti J Foreign Intelligence. -------o—-— Bulletin of the King's Health. - "Windsor, Jan. 5.—The King during the kit two or three days has been fufucient- ly recovered to walk to toe apartments ad- ioinhtS his bed-chamber ; but his removal to rfie Qjtrcn'a Palace eaunol take place tor a fortBiffht.'* Froteft of the Royal Duke?. u 1 « SIR—TW Prince of Wales having af- fembled the whole of the male branches of the Royal Family, and liaving communicated to us the plan intended to be projjofed by his Majcfty'tt confidential ftrvants, to the Lords & Commons, for the edabliihment of a redric- ted legency, (hould the continuance of his Majtfily's cvi-r-to-be-deplored illucfs render it neeciTsi y ; we f^tl it a duty we owe to his Ma- jefty, to our country, and to ourfclvcs, to en¬ ter our folemn proteft 2gainll meafures we eonlidtfV a^ perfectly unconstitutional, as they are contra; y to, and fubverhve of.the princi¬ ples Which leated our family upon the throne ot this, realm* (Signed) t% Frederick} " WilUam% 41 Edward^ t: Eniijl, M R. M, Spencer Perceval, &c." Augtiflus Frederick) Achilphus Fredtrick) William Frederick. Mr. PcrcevaPs Anfwer. •' Doivmng-Slreef, Dec. 20, iSrO. M Mr. Perceval has the honor of acknowl¬ edging the receipt of a foiemn Proteft, in th? name of all the male branches of the Royal family, againd the meafures which his Mnj- cly's confidential fervauts have thought it their duty to communicate to his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, as intended to be propoi'cd to the two houfes of parlia¬ ment for the edablidiment of a reftrietcd re¬ gency during the continuance of his Majcfty'a evcr-CO be-lamen-tcd indifpofition ; and ilat- higthat their Royal HighuelTes confuier thefc meafures a? perfedly uTKronllitutional, and co Urary to, and fwbverfive of the princip-les which feated hrs Majedy's Royal family up¬ on the throne of this realm. ft Mr. Perceval hai felt it to be his duty to fubmit this communication without \o£»pi time to his Majefty's Scivants ; and, deep at they lament, that the meafure which they have thought themfelves bound to propofc5 (hall appear to their Royal HighnefTcsto de- ferve a charafter fo dircdly contrary to that which it Ins been thnr anxious endeavor fliould belong to it, they mud dill however, have the confolation of reflecting, that tht principles upon which they lnve aftcd ob¬ tained the exprefs and concurrent fuppoit o: the two Houfes of Parliament in the yean 1788 and 1789 : that thofe Houfes of Par¬ liament had the high fatisfaftfon of receiv¬ ing by the command of his Majedy, after hffl Majedy's recovery, his warmed acknowledg¬ ments fur the additional proofs they had giv¬ en of their affeftionate attachment to his per- fon, and of theft zealous concern for the hon¬ or and intereds of his crown, and the fecurifj and gooJ government ot his dominions ; anfl that the uniutenupted confidence which hit Majedy was pleafed to repofe, for a long fe* tics of years, in the perfons who propofed thi* meafures which were grounded on thofe prim ciples, entitles his Majedy's fervants,in thei. judgment, dill further to conclude, that thoie principles ami meafures had the fancs tion of his royal approbation. " His Royal Highnefs, the | DukcofYork.'tic" J* London, Jan. 4.—A gentleman of veracity lately arrived from Pa lis, ftates that it was currently re ported in that capital, that Bona¬ parte had very recently i'ull'ereJ another attack of the hidifpnikion with which he was ieverdy aillictcd at Vienna, during the Detonation of the laic peace with Auftria, and to prefevihe for which the celebra¬ ted phyfician, the Baron de Corvi- iart, left Paris and proceeded to Germany.—Courier. Private letters from Bucharefl: mention that a congrefs of peace between Rr.fli^ Turkey, &C- is foon to be heid, which will be attended by the miniilers of fevcral Lu- ropcan powers ; and that the Grand Vizier (the commander in chief of the Turkilli ar¬ my) had received full powers to pegocJate a peace with Rufin. ting the covering of^ houfes with flilnj.-^ were read a third tine, paffed and ordered to the k-giflative coimcil. The quellion (>f concurrence on the refo lotion of the committee of the v^ole, tn in" * r * -4 quite ix it is expec^-ut lo continiAr the du. tics levied under fne i& of 46th was put and agreed to ; mi Geo. H|# and a fpecial com- Iwverpool, Dec. 28.—The merchants of thU town, trading to the United States, have fent a requcd to his Majedv's minii'ters, for a precife and definite anfvver ae to their tev fome x{pAC ^ ^^ re £c(j _ intentions to continue or to tufpena or abio- K[H ,nd obtained leave to lit again. it tee nancd to prtpareabili accordingly^ Thnrfdayy 14. A metH-ge was received from the legislative council, acquaintinn; the houfe ot their agreement to the Three Riv. ersjail bill, without ary amendment. The houfe refolvcd itfelf into a committee of the whole on the report of the fpecial committee appointed to inquire into the ac¬ tual date of the building In which the fit¬ tings of the h-gifl-iturc are held, and in which a number of the public offices are kept; af- gate the orders in council. # 1 _________ Stockholm, Dec. 14.— According to private letters received here-bom Riga, under date of the 2 itt ult- (old ttyle) a new ukafe has been ptibifflied by the emperor Alexan¬ der, for the levying of 160,000 troops, whofe dedination will be the frontiers of Po¬ land and Finland. Extract of a letter d<;ted GlafgoiVy January 7</>, LSI1, to a gentleman in New-Torh. As to the failures that have happened and ate dili takiiig place, yon are rightly inform¬ ed, but as to a famiae being in the land, the reverfe is the cafe. A year of greater plen¬ ty we have not for half 3 century been bid- fed with. There is the fome abundance in England. Paddy too has had a pjodlidfa crop, excellent in quality, of his favorite root. Trade is vrorfc than it was iii^i793, and there have been more failures- The prefent dagnation furpaifea any living of the kind I believe that any of our oldeil mer- chunts have expeiienced, but I think it is at its word, and that an alteration may be look¬ ed for by the middle of this month, as gov¬ ernment have come to a determination of aid¬ ing by loam, thofe merchants who have funds that 1 hey cannot realise. They have alrea¬ dy advanced two millions of pounds fterlmg 011 approved fecurities through the medium of the Laid; of h'.mdaud, and the confidence IS niiw trrnnfr} •'• .» p ....,.-«. r>iil(ir>..> ••■II lake phi'V Ctf huiiff". that are nkimately com- peti-nt [odif<'harge their cngagemems. H; R. fk 1. of London, have got the loan of a hundred and ten thoOiand pounds dtriing under this atrangerncnl, and jour friends the R— Printfield company, one hundi ed and forty thoufand, for which Mr. R— lias giv¬ en feeurily ovei three of his edates in your native country.- PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF LOWER CANADA. HOUSE OF JSSEMBLT. Monday, Feb. it. Mr. Viger, from the committee to whom was referred the petition of John Molfou, for an exclave privilege for demr boats between Quebec and Mon¬ treal, reported in favor of the faid petition, and a bill was introduced accordingly, read for the firft time, and ordered to be read a fecond time to-moirow. The houfe then went into committee on* the bill to allow the covering of houfes with fhingles, which committee reported the bill with fevcral amendments, in which thehoule concurred, and the bill waa ordered to be engrofled. ^ Several orders of the day were then pod- poned, and the bill regulating provincial pod houfes was ordered to be engroned. Tuefday> \z. Mr. Blanchet, from the committee to inquire into tht date of the building in which the feffions of the legiila- ture and feveral public offices are now held, and if it be expedient to build a new one, and of the fcite and probable expenfes, re¬ ported that the f tid building i** infufficienl, and that it is expedient to build a new oik, and that the cxp' afes would not be lefs than 50,000b The faid report was icferrcd to a committee of the whole to-mo"row. Mr. Coffin, from the committee to iuquiie into convenient fcitcs for lioufes of corre^Lion in the fevtral didn\cts and of the probable expenfes, reported tlmeon, and that theey.- pences, e.vclnfive of the prices of the lots of land, would be 36,000!* The faid reports were afterwards referred to a committee of the whole for Friday. ■1 Wmntfday% J 3- The fleam boat bill was read a fecond time and lefeired to a fpecial committee. A meffoge fronj his excellency the Gover- iit r ;:! chief, by the hon. Mi. Irvine, wn; re¬ ceived, witli the \\i\ of the imperial parlia¬ ment of 49th Geo. 1!I. fur dlabiiihing courts of judicature in Kewfoundlan I, and i".- annexing \nvt of the co-jit of Ln&radur to that iflantfc AnJ an addrefs •.+ thar-ks Friday, 15. The hon.. Mr. 11 vine prefent- ed to Mr. Speaker a tnefiage from his excel¬ lency the Governor in Chief, with the public accounts of the province for fhe year 1810. Mr. Irvine with the other mefTengers re¬ ported that the addrefs of thinks to his ex¬ cellency t!ic Governor in chief for his com¬ munication to the houfe by jus mefiage of the 13th toft, had been prefented to his ex¬ cellency, and that his excellency had been gracioufly pleafed to receive the fame. The houfe then went into a committee of the whole, further to confider the report of the fpecial committee appointed to fncjuire into the a&ual date of the building hi which the littingsof the legiflature are held, and a number of the public offices kept, & came to feveral refolutfons which vrcre reported to the houfe, and the queflion of concurrence on the fame was ordered to be put to-morrow. Progrefs was made on the bill fur regula¬ ting the fhipping and pilots. Saturday, 1 6.—The lumber trade bill was read a full time.—Molfon's bill was amend¬ ed and referred to a committee of the whole. /*co,ooo was voted for buildings tor the leg'lliture, executive council, and offices. Monday* ttf—The Speaker bein<r abfent on account ol llcknefs in ills family, the houle adjourned till to-morrow. Ttufdciy, 19.— An engrofled bill for the better regulation of pilot* and fluppitigj Sum \\\x> amended at the Cable, pafTed and ordew cd lo Llic 1 uiliauv'.: OMinoK The houfe in committee went through the Montmorency bridge bill, arid repoited to the houfe, which concurred in the report. The order of the day for going into com¬ mittee on the report of the fpecial commit- tee, relating to houfes of correction* was podponed till Friday.—Sundry orders of the day were podponed, and the houle adjourned. Wedn'fday, 20 —The houfe proceeded to Ihe queliion of concurrence on the amend¬ ment* from the committee of the whole ou the Montmorency bridge bill, and after con¬ curring in feveral of them, the bill was or¬ dered to be recommitted. Mr. Papineau, jun. prefented, according to order, the bill for continuing the a£t of 45th Geo, III. chap. 13 ; which bill was read the firft tim^, and ordered to be read a fecond time cyi Piidiy. The bill to continue the lumber aft, was- re*d a fecond time, and referred to a com¬ mittee of the whofe on Saturday. The hoofe then went into committee on Molion's fleam boat bill, which committee reported, the' report was Teceived, and the quellion of concurrence ordered for'Friday. The order of the day for going into com- mittec on the police bill, was polluoned tifl Saturday. And then adjourned. FROM THE UNITED STATES, ----000 §000---- NeW-Orleans, Jan. 7.—Serious diftur- bances have finally broken out ir* tbe king¬ dom of Mexico. Three battles have beerr given between the infurgents and the troops of the European* government ; we learn that the lail which has taken place on the 29r.h October/has been very dreadful, and termi¬ nated to the advantage of the European par¬ ty. 6000 of the infurgmt^ w*re faid to have been killed or wounded. The infurgents have flopped feveral car- riages full of gold and Elver wedges, which were to be conducted to the mint. IV the MWifjippi Territory* ar tn JAN. 14.—The biigands in the upper part of this territory have commerced fevere depredations on the planters. A letter from Mr. Andry, father of Governor Claibornct dated German Coall, January 11, dates that an attempt was made to affiiffinate himfell—• that one of his fms utn fcrjci^fTjrmun1:'"- Csd, and that fiom his plant at ion To Wr. Fur- tiers, tveiy hind of mifchief and excef« had been committed. Mr. Andry clofe1*. fc>w" ever, by obferving, that having railed acuu* nderable patty, the brigands were pi'ifiwdj and maiiy of 'il.em killed ; and that Icvnat of the puncfpal leaders were taken n> th< uas voted to f.is Fxcelh.uey for fii.l niellagc. j^i.ndr !>• the jMirfuMlffi party, udm VCff llie poll houfe bill, and the bill pern,it Loin in-'the couuirv, and from whofo fp*1^

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