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Kingston Gazette, February 26, 1811, p. 2

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Foreign Intelligence. ~\y Uttvr Yoitcf Feb. :i.—The (hip P*ra- <roi, Fowler, arrival at this port on Satur¬ day evening '•■ the fh«wi pufihge of 29 days fiprn Liverpool ; and has farniflied lite ed¬ itors <f the Merc-Viile Aovertifer »w*fc London papers to the (5th of Janna'y, Liv¬ erpool papers to the Sth, and Lloyd's Lids to the 4th. Botli hoitfes of the frnperfol Parliament bad been occonud a 1m oil exclnfivehr, From the laft day of December to the jfth day of January, in dtfenfiing certain refolutfons 011 the fubjeci of a Regency, in confirquence of t]v* King's incapacity to exercife the royal function*. The papers are filled with ani¬ mated debates thereon. In the Commons the Chancellor of the Exchequer maclr t^e following proportions, which were alio iuLiuutialiy made in the upper ho life, vi?:. ' ;. " fhzi for the purpofr of providing for the exercife of the Royal Authority dtJlinij the continuance of his Mijclty's illnefs, in fuch rnrnnerand to focii extent as the prelcnt circumllat ces and the urgent concerns of ihe r.alion appear to require, it is expedient that his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, bchig refident within the realm, (hall be cm- powered to exercife and admiiufter the Roy¬ al Authoricy, according to the laws and constitution of Great Briton, in the name and on the behalf of bis Majefty. and under the 'ty'e and t't*eof Regsnt of th* Kingdom} and to life, execute and oerf inn in the name and o;* the behalf of h"i Mhjefty, all anchor- itle-- prerogatives, a<5L of gjoveriTfient. and admi' i(lra:jtjn of the fame, that belong to the King cf this 'calm to ufc, execute, and rerf- rm, ac* ording to the laws thereof, fuljtft to fuch •\\w'\ ations and exceptions as /hill h? provided."—On this qucftit»n, a.id an amendment, whether there (ho.dd or ill(/jId not be reftrifitlons ; the h nvfe divided, Fur rr(liicftion> 224, a<rainit them 200, ma¬ jority 24. On a di virion in the H utf ■ <yf Lou!-, on this que {Hon there was a majority of 3 again ft minifters. 2. " Thai ft is the opinion of th's com* mittee, that, for a time to be limit-. U the power fo to be g?w*n to hia Royal Highnefo the Prince of Wales (hall not extend to the granting of any rank or dignity of the Peer¬ age of the realm to any pcrfon wlntlocer, except luch pcrfon or pttfor.s as Hid1 per¬ form Tome finffutat; nnvnl pr military achf< ve>- iticiu. ^ Un a divifion, there appealed, for the motion 226, againft it 210, mojority 16. In the Lords, on this motion, mini/lcrs had a majority of 6, including Lord Grenville. 3- " Thar ft is the opinion of this com¬ mittee, that for a time to be limited, the faid power (hail not extend to the granting of any office whatever, in reversion, or to the granting of any office, faiary, or premium, for any other term than during his Majefty's pltafurc, except fuch offices as are by law requited to be granted for life or during good behavj'or."-------For this reltri&fon there ap¬ peared 233. again ft it 214, majoiity 19. 4- " That it is the opinion of this com- m it tee that fuch parts of his Majefty'a pri¬ vate property as are not veiled in truftees, ftall be veiled in truftees for the benefit of his Majefty/* Agreed to without a divifioa in both houfes. 5. 4t That it is the opinion of this com¬ mittee, that the care of his Majdly'g royal pcrfon, during the continuance of his Majef. dated the 4th January, in which he is ftatc»3 to he *• as well as he was the day preceding,?* i. e. he had palled a quiet night, without mi'c'i deep. Sebaftiam, with 2000 men, has taken th*e to irmove from, ov fo nominate and appoint Lortisof the Bed-Chamber, Lord Ch*>mbc<- ]ai:-, Lord Stewaid, Mutter of KheHorie, Groom of ihe Stole, and other great offices of the houfchold. The amendment was car¬ es (lie of Marbella, near Malaga ; and Sou?* l ried by a majority of J3. was carrying on hi> preparations again It C diz with thentmoil activity and ptileveranee. Letters from Berlin, of Dec. i3, adveit to a tr.aty of marriage in contempictfjon be. tween the king of PrufEa ard a veYy near relation oi the emperor Alexander. On the fame atvtho ity it is mentioned that a coali¬ tion between the two crowiu will be formed, for the purpuric of mutual defence, under a danger whi :h is (crionUy apprehended. A dividend of the late Mr. Goldfmith's property \v;b ma'le to the amount of live lhillings in a pound ; double that fum was expelled by the creditors. Moniteuts have arrived £ his rnonn.ig%of the 28th and 2yth ult. They confirm the lots FROM tOND-.N PAPKRS TO JANUARY 6TH, CtIV£!) AT NEW Y-O K K • RE- KING98 SICKNESS. Dec. 26.—We do not rcco'hft London being thrown into fuch alarm as it was du- lif.g the whole of yefterday morning. The fact ot the Prince of Wales having been fent for in the middle of the night gave rife to the moii gloomy report?, and the anxiety u- niverlaliy cxpreficd, furnifli-d our venerable Sovereign with a frefh proof of his people's love. The moil eager inquiries were rnadd for the Bulletin, which not arriving fo early as ulual, created a very general belief that thee was but too much foundation for the reports in circulation. It wax not till Mun* day evening that the fever came on with fuch fevcrity. His Majcily's bowels were fo fe* riouily difordered, that at . u time it wad feared an inflammation had taken place. The p dfe was at 120, and his Maiefty was in a- cote pain. At ten o'clock it was deemed advifable to fend off an exprtfs to thcPrir.ce of Wales, who reached Wludfor between 4 and 5 in the morning. But before he arri¬ ved the pulfe had become lefs quick, and the pain had fiibllded. His Majcfly had fallen afleep, and when he awoke the fever had greatly abated. " Bulletin, Wlndfor Cajlk, Dec. 26. " His Majefty, fmce the abatement of his fever,has continued nearly in the fame ftate," [Signed as ufual.] of the Minotaur, of 74 guns, c^pt. Barret, - ofFthe Texe!, in the late tremendous galls. One lieutenant and 110 men were faved.— The ret?, we grieve to fay, pcrifhnh Never was known fuch dreadful weather ! Appre- henfiona are entertained for the fofcty of forr.eof the Minotaur's convoy. Jan. 5.—Price of Hocks this day—3 pa¬ rent confols reduced 6jI—Omnium 4^. Baiffqfi 7 P*m. *Vhe letters from Peterfbuig mention that all the {hips under the flag of the U- States which have been iequeflcred,and which are under the diflinction of Tcneu'fFc ll'ips, (hull liave thtir cargoes fold ; and the fales aftu- • ally commenced at Riga, on the 8th Dec. * mo Letttts from Koningfhurgh of the 21ft Dec. fpeakof the probability of war between Kuflia and France. Thofe from Copenha¬ gen mention, with much alarm, a projeA for the annexation of Denmark to Sweden, to which it is fuppofed the King of the former will £ive no oppofition. An article from Naples, of the 27th Nov. ohferves, that the Englfffi have fiiipped off a pnrt of their force from Sicily, dcllined Iiovfc guards and trumpeters filed off. yi hearfc then approached, and &s C(jgjB W taken from it by 8 yeomen tti ih«r fta,„ ... • arm, who carried il on tJiarihoalders fu ported on a bier, covered wiLh black d \h and thick';y ihiddcd v.-i'h filver nlC 9n [ which hss Royal Higbnels ihe * Vince of Wales, and the $her perfons who folI0Wcd 10 w»c mvlmchoxYtma entrred the aiflc r the (.hapc!, which was illuminated bv fl-° beaux, foorne by a large djefifchmait <rf Vj,, biu?s, From whence, after a (hort tinie dey0 ted t-> arrangement, the whole mo^d forwald row^tlje Mjrof the .hupei (the floor, a!. tar,WKlJHHpn ot whichtras covered with black clotu).in the order defcrihtd in the ceremoni.il pnbliihcd «>n Sunday laft. The Pimee of Wales & the Royal Dukes were dceffetl in fuitsof p'ain mourning. The Ladies were drdled in black, with lonjr white veils. The body having been placed uptm the treflels prepared for its reception, the chief 4 hex feat at the head, and the knelt c net and Cufin'on beinp- InirTnpon the coffin pall clt on each fidf. The Cero¬ id i: for Portugal. ' " —«j^uj niaii nave tfie r remove from, and to nominate and appomt fuch perfons as Hie mall think proper, to the hi 1 \? Y ,°Jdlfchar^ this important tafl<! 'tualloexped.entthataconncil.mallbeap: ie wer «ta upc „ath llK phyfic"4„s";a;d^;e': *u2*X3X TK ™\M ma""s & m.eio. An amendment was mo.ed to ihtt ,-efolution by Earl Gower, to Icav ourcertam words after the words « t> e J...gsmoatxcdlent Majefty," and3to: i-.t together w.th the fole diredion of fuch Pr.o,s "ndeftablffhmentasarefuitable Botonii^-JIred, Dir.$l, lBlO. A defpatch, of which the following is an fvtrafl, was yeiUrday received nl lord Liv> eipool's ollice, addreftld to his lordlhip by licut. gen. vifcount Wellington, dated Carlaxo, 15th Dec. 1810. No alteration has been made in the ene¬ my's pofition in front of tin's army iiucc 1 had the honor of addreffing yon on the 8tb inft. and all the deferters and prifoners con- tinnc to report the diftrefs which the troops fufter. The enemy detached a body of cavalry* confiding of 4 regiments, toward* Coimbra j but finding that town occuoied by gen. Bac- ciilar, thty have returned again to their (la- tion in the rear of the right of their army. I am concerned to forward the enclofed report from marlhal fir William Beresford. of the death of capt. Fen wick, the late com¬ mandant of Obidos.—During the laft two months he had been engaged more than 20 times with the enemy's foraging parties, and I have had feveral Opportunities of reporting his fuccefs. Upon this laft occafion he had made an attack upon, and had driven in, a party, con filling of 80 grenadiers, in the neighborhood of Evora, near Alcobaca, which had come there in fcarch of provifions, having Uddei1 his command a detachment of the fame num¬ ber of the militia of the garrifon of Obidos* and was purfuing them when he was mo;tal¬ ly wounded, and he died on the loth : wt have thus fuftained a great lofs, and he i» lamented by all who had any knowledge o' his gallantry and exertions. It is generally reported that the battalion** composing the 9th corps'have marched to* wards Madrid, where preparations were ma¬ king for the afTembly of a large body ol troops. It is certain that all thefe troops, as well as Gardanne*s "detachment, have re¬ tired from the frontiers of Portugal. Dover, Dec. 25. The Eliza, French f 'gate, which we ycfterday ftated to be on fhore, has been attacked by the boats of the Diana, under the battcriosuf Tatihou, which fncceeded ra letting her on Gre, and com- p:etely deftroyi<jg het vriihou\ the lofs uf a n.am ExtroR of a letter frmi IVillwm and Rid;a< d Rathbotie, dated Llvrrpool, %». 3. A letter has been addrdTed to the Prefi- dent of the council of prizes, in which it is olfcrved, ihat in confequence of the Ameri¬ can government having engaged to caufc its rights to be refpecled, all cafes pending, rel¬ ative to the fcizurc of American veffela, fub- fequent to the ill November, fl.all not be decided upon according to the piiocipks of the Milan and Berlin decrees, but fliall ie- n.ain fufpmdcd, bt-ing, fa the mean time, held under lequcftration til) the 2d Februaiy next, when, in confequenee pf the United 8lU€$ liav/ng fulfilled their engagements of caufmg their rights to be rdproW, fuch vCf- fcls, with their cargoes, /hall be rcllortd to their rightful owners." and the efcutcheons exuofed to view, the pal ges then ranged themf.dves in front of the altar, while the other perfons who took part 111 the procrffion occupied the places which had been previously appointed for theirrecep- tion.^ Thtir Royal HighnefTes talcing their feats In the Rails on etcftfih of the weft di>or at which the proceihon entered, the Knights of the Garter in their relpe&fve ftSi, the Physicians, Lords of the Bedchamber, Min¬ ifies, Canons, and Lay Clerks, in (he other jacaifE places, and the' Ladies on the lower feats next rhc cbrpfe, TbefediTpi iirfons having been made under the direaiwi cf a Pa-re the Dean of Wind- (o, from ihe fuHranse hall, tend that part of the burial fervice, before the interment, with infinite pathos, after which the chiar chanted an appropriate hymn, duriog the whole o? which the decpeii matksof forros* were depicted on tire countenance of every pcrfon prefcnt,and amonglt the Royal Broth- ers the fcyre fentimenta of poignant grief leemcil to pervade all their bolbrns. The lirit pare of the fervice being termi¬ nated, the proceiBon moved from thecliapel m the fame order in which it entered, and with the fame degree ot awful folemnity, the Choir again chanting a folt-mn dirge', and taking its courfe to the right from the weft- era door, proceeding through the north aifle to a R^flage behind tjieahnr at thrriflrm ex- the temporary vaujt for the reception of the arJ.y renins other Royal HiUn,^ FROM BELLAS MEiSK.NGFR, NOV. f^, FUNERAL OF THE PRINCESS AMELIA Tucfday being the day appointed for con- figning the remains of her late Roy&J High¬ nefs the Pu'ncefs Amelia to the Vault of the Chapel Royal at St. George's, the various perfons who were to form die procefiion af- fembled at an early hour ill the town of Windfor, which exhibited on the melancholy occafion the moft gloomy appearance. All the fhops were doled, and fcarce an inhabit¬ ant could he obferveH who was not dr-fT. i ir\ deep mourning ; and in many inftancea, the addition of crape hat bandn afforded a. (biking proof of the finceK regret with .vhich ihe death of a Pr.'neef; fo amiable and io u- niveraUy beloved wa» regarded. At three o'clock, the court yard and gales of the cattle were clcled, and none bi't pei • fons of decent appearance were admitted.— Shortly after 5, the Royal Staffoid Militia 0>arched from thtir barracks for the prrpof* of flanking the procefiion, which ;hcy per- formed by forming a triple line, from the fouth door of the Royal Chapel to Auguihi Lodge, each 7th man bearing a flambeau.— The interim between 5 and 8 o'clock was filled by the various perfons who were to take poft in the procefiton within the chapel, arriving in their carriages, and proceeding to their refpeflive ftations, while thofe who were to accompany thebodyaflrmbled at Au- j — •*M*s"«*aSj pre¬ vious toils final removal to Cardinal Wolfey'al Chapel, which is in a forward ftate cF prepa¬ ration. The corpfe having arrived at the verge of the vault, which was !':.cd with olack cloth, the yeomen lowered it i^ito the hollow and the cuihion and coronet were pla¬ ced on the top. The Royal Brothers were now obferved clofe to the laft home of their departed filler, and as they gazed on the har¬ rowing fcenr, the big tears rolled down their manly checks,while thtir bofoms heaved with internal augniih at the awful tafk it became their duty to perform. Whil ecame the W<T of W»fe. birfl '£: tSfc5 • 1 ., , "■"'c'" rle lobbed, and evpn cued vv>t!i amnft f ^- • , V e" and pa.d the tribute of frat.raal low to 2 gufta Lodge, and at 8 prcctfely, the Mol tl ,r^fM,* • n w""" arc lul£^^te in tt pn&M arcmQances to the care of the V'-.'? 1 fac.ed perfo,, and roval Hf«A- » K London', Jan. I,-----The Elizabeth. In- diaman, (country (hip) was loft off'Duiikirk on the 27th of December, and out of 403 fouls only 21 have been faved. A report had reached Cadiz,at the depar¬ ture of the laft Packet, that the Toulon fleet had put to fea, which occafioned tlr: detention of fome Ihipa of the line, which had been previously ordered for England. Jan. 2.—An amendment was moved lafU ____^w.ud, mere ap- night to the 5th refolution, propofed by tfce jt-*ru—Contents 110, Not-Contents 97— Chancellor of the Exchequer, the efledt Off i ioiy 15 a/ninft the niiniftry. In all thefe which amendment is, to give her Majefl 1 di*f (1 rfl>j Mr. Canning voted agp.inft the min- only the direction of fuch portion of Ins Mai- - —J T ' "" " em, as jefly'r* houfehohl as (hall be coulidcred no ceflary to the care of his Royal Perfon ; o>f COurfc; therefore, Hie will not have the miwcr were in motion, and proceeded manner m the following order :- in a /low lull State cafion. The floor of the aiOe m which the vault is fixated u-as covered with black c!,th th f*"* 5ff^rf which, t getter tohh he fombre d.« of th, fnnumerfble ^^ e rand' ,rS' ^ * * aw% There were not more than 300 perfons ad- nutted into the aifles of the Chapel, ,ofcpf Th?m'31 ^ycXi.fn :d cn.rttr.ee to the imeftr, durinjr the burial fervice. ^ At theconcluiion of 11:c ceremony.Hich was net coa,p!eted til! , 1 0'C10CIC) glV ff.4ac ttcard, King at Anns, pronounced Lhefcl- Iowmg words : " f,r[nc^\Am^> agd 27, fixth danoh- -----•-*" ^-i", l=j wnom oof life, health, iud profptriry." L .. n and Lord Caftlcreagh for th 'k fur-n 1. of Lord Sidraquth. The la'.clt bulletin of the Kind's health i* Servants of the Roval Family in ivcnes. A 1 v Four Trumpeters. ■rv oetaenmentoi Roval Hnrf^r*. ^ j /(i x « PL. ,. . _ *-r>~ -/»..«*« ««uKu- A Plain ferfe,S^F;^S^^3 ^^M.j fty Gu ejhe ^. f A deuchmn,-. 0f Hoij, Guard- U..,ingtLe Pnnce of \V,IcS and J«latter the€hief Mourner ScPMC « temporary faloon was JAjps ROBINSON, hftydor of Pot 'if Pearl Ajhesy* 33PRCTFULMT informs the «1«1- crsrn p.rt & pearl afl;es, that he no? oceopici ,. p;,rc of the /lore near his irli- <\' iic.- Ik-Io',.;,.,: t„ Rkhard Cart<wri*li,V.^, •'I'-U-TIL. m\\ I,,infprch-d with the great. • It RUmu'tiuavd difpatcli. fCfopiBn, K/,. 11. 1811. t:6

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