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Kingston Gazette, February 26, 1811, p. 1

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^ o N. Vj O \ .11.. f.J. K.NUKTON, fW/jE/2 CAKADAJ 1UESDAY, FEBRUARY 86; 1811. [No. 23 .• \T '.., c ;>' '■■■■ • ■ account, w! by prom- 17 f UV IS f.hl\?'y I'V'V.'/. HTV ,»Vi >v. foi.s i.ulcln.u t > tiic ^;}atc of j[ A'r. \..NMKK M-. Hoi • ,.!>. hak« T.lut I> -ok [„•.. '• * ird.ua immediate pa.yn* fit istft&3t! t.-i:- luhi. •. tacts (who .ir. du'y authorised tu-.a:v.. lite fame and give ;;;\.nitt:;n<.es) uj.'i*-: uutti vvii^be puc into iiiu Etstnds of ' fai .'roriKV.torcolLc'lio.'i. Ail ycrfons hav'incr any d-iims kv<"\ i •;.! clV-.tc, by prumifibry note, book Si&iaiU, or o!h.-r*(M/.l,';r.lt;t,n) arc remit lied to pio.lnce the fame for adjnflmetit, on 01 bt-fore tk iriliuayof Man hncxUtolhe fubferibers. ALEX.-:. MACDONfXL, ^/.-a-V. JANNST MACDi>HKI,L»^&i»x. K'nviton, loib Jaa. 18.1. ROMEO WADS WORTH, fl^ moved iv the late arrivals from London tfflri Liverpool, ct frcjjj j]:yo,y of Drugs & Medicines; Which he offers For faie on better terms than they ever Have been lcuu in lias country* Among which art the following artkki ; , *^ Ailurn ^o b. Gum Mvirh looib, A iCiniony crude 5°- loo - 300 . loo - 100 , *5 • 400 . 200 - 2^° 'b. Ciem Tartar 3°"-o ;b. i'lor Sulpnur 3°> * PiorCh-mon.ile 5° - F<;! Digitalis S° - Gum Ammoniac 100 - Gurn Arabic ?5 -^ Gurn /ilTjiceiida 5° vgCn, Benz.»m 40 . JS • 3o . 60- 25- 3o * o . • SHERIFF'S SAL* MidhnrLDijlrih^ p Y vTtue of a Wr» «? wit. j jQ gf T^W Farias, iffu- ed out of his Ntojcftyff Coutt of King's rcixl^aid to me directed, againft the lands and tenements of James North, at the fail of James. Robins, 1 have feized and taken m 1 AlfsCELLANY. * A.-natto Aloes Aq tafortis Nitre Fortis Gum Camphor Caritharides CaJiia Cloves "ns Copperas ; 3° u >5 * Gam Scarnmony, Mag reft a «|*1I2. - Gum Thus ^o - Gurn Tvagacanth 5 - - Mace Manna Ni triH'gS O^ium ForuvAn Bark Ja ,n .. Powjet d Rhubarb 150 - ico - zoo - IOO - I IX - ICO - 75 " Sjry,> in eraln I do* in powder 3 Tons G^uber Sales 75 lb.Sr>e.'ir>acetti 60 - Tartar Emetic 25 - Soiubil 30 - Vitriol 56 - Tapijca 30 - Vearucilla 300 - Vitriol Roman 56 - -*io. A.bo Gum Elemi Gum Galbanum G..m Guaicum - Gucc Gimb. Cum Juniper Gum Seed Lac 3000 - Salt Peae Gum fhellL^c 300 - Pearl Barley Gum Mdlic f tA'J ftfldeifori's Pills H.iluui cf H.-.h y Biliam o»" G1 lead Batem*'^s Drops Back's Cl.xir B>wvkM\fsMue Plaifvcr Biif <b Oil GcfhaUtSi^uff Co- PUfter C;ijrtftickingPlai(ler Dafiy'^EIxir ^Iny's Cjr'mir»ative Ban's Rcm.-dy for the Hooping G >ugh Do. Pe^/criaiat Do. P nnyroyal EllVatial falc of Lemon Gialfes MagntTia Gadircy'a Cihdirtl ' Govvund's Lotion ii,nipei*s Pills Jain*s^ Analeptic Pills d.>- Fiver Powder Jcfuit'S Dr"p3 L q^iid true Blue do. Nankeen Dye Loaer.yes Tuiu Ma^nefM Lozenge3 Oim/knk Medicine Rcfiucd LiquOTice Stecrs's Opodeldoc Su>ughton^ Elixir T.ncV. B^rlc, Huxhem'fl Turh^gtOft's Balfam Effvncc of Multard Do. do. Vinegar COLORS. Blue, Black WnJts Cha k R;J do. Carmine F-ak? White Ifjuifcfoft Black Indian Red Inuian Ink li'ory Black L-rno Black Litharge Ycliow Ochre P»uffiao Blue, No. i,2> S Rule Pmk Pumice S^one Rotten do. o.).ii»i:]i Blown Vci million Spaniih White SAUCES. Chockee Sauce Inuia Soy Mufliroom Ketchup EC Anchovies Quince fauce S^uct Royal Civke STJNPKTFF. |AD0thfcary fcalcs and Pewccr iyringe* weights Camil-hair Pencils Gal!?, ots ia forts Gold kaf LozAes Peppermint l^WLSyringes Lo P2reif?Comp. Moaars P White lea Teeth Bru/hes Vial C.ks Bottle du. Wafers, fuperfittfi Wax, fealing fopefine do. foi Wipe :her Skins e^Qance Meal'ures Windfor foap W ^ L .S 0. JooKegs White lead, Chocolate gT0uod Spermaceti! C3ndle3 'S° do- Spaniih brown do. do. Oil 50 fireen do, Caflc Raifins 50 Ycilow ; 50 Black Box do. *O0boxes Window Glafs Figs, Olive (Ml ,fip%ed, 6X8, 7Xo, Currants, Almonds ^fo, l\X$jL Wrapping & Writing Pv A general alVortment cf per aliened ftop furniture, vialsaf. Mefs & Prime Pork Tort^d, a vaijfcty offur.. Plug-& P'c>ra'!l Tobacco^ ^SOQ's mftruments. Pepper, Alljpice ^ ON HAND. .--------, -- - . ffi'Mpf-vder, ^ ' Tnw-rher W th a ^'^ne " Young Hyfon, "Vf.ii /kio, Hj(f«jp Chulan, Sfluthorjg, %* CoMMisSTOS Business tr?l (JP U«: i.( ulr, f.ns,;.nd C»fh advanced .>'■ 3i*y Kim. Pepper, AlHpice CofT^e, L^at fafat Together AM'ntm.ofDYESTUfK-, „. P*«M Pafehs, T*N" TEAS- TKR H-OKS, JACl-S, &e. «5c- *Ci /i/r /^f Kingston ^Gazette. ----- I RECKONER------No. 9. //<£ nug(v fcria clucent In mala. Horace. Mr. Reckoner, . . . I HAVE prevailed noon myfelf to taming by uuuaeafu.jgmeHt tVo hundred acres, . write this letter to-you to lee if its infertion and an^mprovement of about 40 acres, be the will remedy a very great grievance to which feme children fu the ho'ufc that I boaid in 2re daily expofed, and which never perhaps came under your 0( tree,—You mult know then, that the children conlitt of three boy-?, very much indulged by their parents, and frnfk more or lefs, which will be adjudged to the hirrheft bidder, at the gaol door in the town of Kingdon, o» the 16th day of April next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon. - And any pcrf&i or .DCifons who may jtifliee and abfurdity are rmmFcrt, even to the children themfelves ; and nothiog w-r.kens parental autluirity fo much as its improper exertion.-—The nufcries of lif- arc fufficient- ly numerous without mcreafing them unne- celTariiy, and childhood, which is not with¬ out its iorrows, is a very nnrit time to en¬ force reflrjfnts that produce much prefent pain but no future good.—Kow much bet¬ ter ^ would it be for thefe perfons.to keep their children in better 01 der, and to reltrain them with reafen ; then we fhould no* hear the boys ;exclaim, we are not fo hippy aa farmer Du.ncan's children, who love their parents and eat only what they like. have any claim to the above mentioned prem, very little inclined to indulge one another. lies, eulici by mortgagees orherwife, are re- The houl'e is contii.ualirfilled with bioils— quelled to make the fame known to me be¬ fore the day of fale. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 0Sober 9, 1810. 3tf ONTRE AL * Hat Warehouse; MS At lie Sign of the Military Hat, Nc. 54, Old Market Place. JABEZ D. DE WITT, efpe£tfully informs the Public, he has on hand a rnofi exter.five 2nd complete aflbrtmfent cf HATS, HAT 1'RIMMINGS, &c &c. Amongst which are, 4; Molt fuperb iV.iiitary Hats, wLh orna- meats complete^ G'.Miilemen's mojlfajhionalle Beaver Plats, Do. Bet weens do. Do. Yeoman crowns do. do. 13o. bl'k fuperfine green under do. Do, drab do. do. do. Do. black do. extra larsre brims do. do. \ do. den do. do. do. do. do. do. Do. drab do. Belt black water proof filk Ditto green under do. Do. drab do. Do. do. green uirdef filk Do* cattor Roratri do. Plated do. Genii's varnilhed leather Hats for travelling. Servants' ditto do. Boys' Morocco Hats of all \olors. Do. do. Caps do. Mens* & Boys' fine Cordies. Do. common do. Do. Wool Hats of every defcription. Gold and lilver tinfel Cord Bands. Common do. do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coarfe and fine Bow firings. Morocco of all colors fuitable for Hats-, Fancy Tip Paper, do. do. Belt and com mo« Glue. Logwood, Copperas, Verdign?. Aquafortis, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks. Hatters' do.—Railing Cards. Hat Brulhes of all kinds in ufe. Irons, Stamper?, Runners do\vn, Pickers, &c. &c. 5:c. l.z&\e&mnfrfi<f]n>malk b«av. Hats & Bonnets, viz. White do. Maids' do. & children's'do. One gejs a broken head, another a bloody nofe, while the mother, poor woman, exerts herfelf unremittingly to pleafe them all— Now Peter that's very bad, why did you ftrike Widiam with your fpcOu ?—Well3 my dear, here's a lump of fugar, and Peter you mull prom ife never to hurt him again— Mamma I m have fome too, it was Wil¬ liam's blame—ue threw fome miik upon me — Look at James, burning his (locking in the (love—Now James, if 1 come, I (hall give it you.—It is in this way that the day- is fnent—they are always domineering over each other, and in.lltr.d of obeying their motjher, they are continually oppofing her •onunarids—thev confider her a great re- nraint upon their inclinations, and frequent¬ ly give her much imnecefTary veiiation. The father rarely interferes, and inllead of exerc- iuo l|,er authority, and enforcing obedience, thv- pains-taking mother is forever employed in giving them long counfels, which they difocgard or do not uodertland. She tells thepn that this is not pretty, and that good boy$ are obedient to their fathers and moth¬ ers.-—Ytt rs the rnofl indulgent parents have fome fyflem peculiar to themfelves, fome i- deas; 0f authority, there is one thing in which thefe pe-fons are both unneceffanly ftriS. T/'he boys are obliged to eat whatever is let before ihein, whether they like it. or not. Here there is no indulgence, no lefpecx for antipathy ; the dilh b not V/ithdrawn, and if their obftinacy fhoold exceed their hun- 'j-c-r, it is fet apart for the next meal.—This is the ooly point of authority infilled upon by the father, and he has by fome flrange reafonincr convinced the mother of its pro- BIOGRAPHY. ----0CG§000— MRS. CONSTANTIA GRIERSON^ • WAS, born in Ireland ; and as Mrs. Bar¬ ber judicioufly remarks, \7ascne of the moll extraordinaiy women that either this age, or perhaps any other, ever produced. She died in the year 1733, at the age of 27, and was allowed long before to be an excellent fcholar, not only in Greek and Roman lite¬ rature, but in hillory, divinity, philolbphy and mathematics. <4 Mrs. Gr'cifon, (fays (lie) gave a proof of her knowledge in thr Latin tongue, by her dedication of the Dub¬ lin edition of Tacitus to the lord Carteret, and by that of Terence to his fon ; to whom (he likewife wrote a Greek epigram. She wrote feveral fine poems in Engliih, on which me fet fo little value, that ihe neglected to leave copies behind her but of very few. What makes her character the more remark¬ able is, that Hie role to this eminence of learn¬ ing mertly by the force of her own genius and continual application. She was not on¬ ly happy in n fine imagination, a great mem¬ ory, an excellent underlfandmg, and an ex¬ act judgment, but had all thefe crowned by virtue and piety : fhe was too learned to be vain, too wife to be conceited, too knowing and too clear fighted to be irreligious. If heaven had fpared her life, and bleifed her Wrtb'hcUltn, v.'iiicil'lbc vv^nutl lor t.>u)e yean* before her deith, there is good realon to think fhe won'd have made as great a figure in the learned world, a3 any of her lex are recorded to have done. As her learning and abilities raifed her above her own fex, lb they left her no room to envy any ; on the con¬ trary, her del'ght was to fee others excel. She was always ready to advife and direct thofe who applied to her, and was herfelf willing to be advifed. So little d'd fhe val- priety.—Now Mr. Reckoner, I confider this a very great evil, and I am not convin- . . cod of its * ifdom. It has indeed been laid uc herielf «P9n n<* uncommon excellencies bv orave authority, that children fhould be aceuHomed to a" kinds of foo$, beeaufe it mnv happen that in the courfe of their lives they diOike. Hatter's d o. Light fawn Drab do. do. Hair, brown do. Olive Purple Blue And Green HAT TRIMMINGS,-™*- „Pink Linings Green Linings i?ed do. Orspge do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. - do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. White ^o. the'y may be forced to live upon the n'iment But is nbt this a ridiculous fpecies of reafont.ng ?—For tHofe who live fn walled towns have as good a region as this to accuflom themfelves to eat holies, rats and mice, and even boiled leather, becaufe it may happen that they will be be'ieged and reduced by famine to feed upon all thofe o- ditmftarticles.—Surely !ir, it belongs to no principle of found philoibphy to anticipate evils which may never happen, and to prepare for trials which c?n hardly ever be encoun¬ tered. Betides, iuch occurrences produce of themfelves the neceffary preparation.— The devourer of horfes and dog-? in the time of a fit^e has his natural antipathies conquer¬ ed by the pains of hunger—here the horrors ot death fland on one iide and prejudice on the other. But thefe boys are forced with¬ out any fuch necellity to eat almofl every¬ day what they diflike—one of them hates ' ll 1 eilow Blue do. [peryd.^ - ^ ^ feg muft f^]]ow {t 0'r get no din- do. . Bi'k do.Tr. 1/610379 nor_tni, ^ a law of the* Medes and Perfians Hat Covers of every kind in ule. . w^ich altereth not—in vain does the pork • BINDINGS. Bell military bindings for cocked hats ; Mtiniftitl, Sept. 15, iHia 1 lit Black Galloons from 10/to 30/per Gioce. Befl drab do. Com. do, do. Belt black and drrtb Bands ; Common do. do. White and black.worded Looping ; Common white Hat Bucklt-s ; fieel do. Yellow Union ditto; white do. do. Cords and Taffels") of all fizes & colors, for Fancy Trimmings} Ladfef Bonnets. . Extra large Cords for Ladies' Peliflct, Fafh. fancy Trimmings for do [ Bonnetr Plumes of all colors,for Lad.es'& Lhddren s All of which will be fold at the mofl reduced prices, for caih or fbo.t and ap¬ proved credit. McntreaU Sept. IC, l8lC« hater in treat for a flice cf bread and butter, Oi a little milk ; his requeft is rejected with difdain.—Another diflikes fapan, but he is fovced to eat of it as often as it is placed be- f'ire him. The third cannot bear filh, but in the particular of eating, a rigid equality pi wails. It is true that this variety of taftea appears to create additional troub'e, but it is father in appearance than in reality—for thffiy would be pleafed with the funp'eil food in exch T'-iere ts ctffant enforcement of this law, they are frimetimes obliged to eat made dilhes highly fe^foi.ed, and fu.ely it is not very likely that th-ey will be reduced in any fittiatfoo <f life to eat fuch victuals or to Uarve.—Their ♦hat it has often recalled to mv mind a fine reflection of a Frencli author, that great ge* niufes fiiould be fupmor to their own abii* itits. 1 perfuadc myfelf, that this fhort ac¬ count of io extraordinary a woman, of whom much more might have been feid, will not be difagreeable to my readers : nor can I omit what I think ia greatly to lord Carte* ret's honor, ih'nt when he was lord lieuten¬ ant: of Ireland, he obtained a patent for Mr. Grierfon, her hufband, to be the king's prin¬ ter j and to dillinguifh and reward her un¬ common merit, had her life in. it. She was miltrefs of Hebrew, Greek, Latin arid French, and undcrllooi the mathematics as well as moll mea ; and what made thefe extraordi¬ nary talents yet more fnrpri'fing was, that her parents were poorj illiterate, country people ; fo that her learning appeared like the gift poured out on the apoltles, of fpeak- iti'-r ail languages without the pains ot flady; or, like the intuitive knowledge of the an¬ gels ; yet, imfmuch a* the p >wer of mira¬ cles are ceafed, we mull allow fhe ufed hu¬ man means for fuch great and excellent ac¬ quitments. And yet, in a long friendship, and familiarity with her, 1 could never ob¬ tain a fatisfactory account from her on this Head ; only fhe faid; fhe had received fome littleinflruction from the minifter of the par- illi, when fhe could fpare time from her nee- dlesvork. to which fhe was clofely kept by her mother. She wrote elegantlv both in vt-rfe and profe, and fome of the moil delight¬ ful hours I c-er pafTrd were in the converfa- tion of this female philofopher." ■ autre for that which thry diflike.— is alfo fomethinnr ridiculous in the in- Ei.rc-TRicirr. An experiment of a new kind was tried laft fnmmtrar PhillipHhal. in gaft Pruffia— This was to fplit a rock by means ot light¬ ning. An iion rod. fimilar to a conductor, was fixed in the rock, and on ihe occurrence of \W fir ft thunder ftortn, the lightning was i tf co.molaint, Mr. Reckoner, is 01 .more rmpor- conducted down the .rod, and fpht it into twnwihaa you may at full imagine—its in- feveral piece,, without difplaemg ;t.

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