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Kingston Gazette, February 19, 1811, p. 1

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' . Vol.'I.] KINGSTON, (UPPER CANADA,) i hot ice is hereby given9 TOTO perfons indebted to the eflate cf Alexander McDonald, baker,tate $f the town of Kingflon, deceafed, by prom- iffory note, book account, or othe/ob!Ra¬ tion, that nnlefs immediate payment is made 10 the fubferibers (who are duly authorifed to receive the fame and give acquittances) their accounts will be put bio the hands of aiugorney for collection. %H perfons having any claims again ft fa^eitute, by promiifory note, book account, or other obligation, are requeued to produce th£ fame for adjuftment, on 01 before the 15 - fef of M:\rchnext.tothe fubferibers. ALEX*. macdonell,^^v. JANNET MACDONELL,^ Kingston, icih Jan. \ 8 i l. ROMEO WADSWORTH, Has received by the late arrivals from London and Liverpool, a frejh fupply of Dmgs & Medicines ; Which he offers for falc on better terms than they ever have been fold in this country. Amoti^ loOho ore ih? fJaw.rig am. its ; m x- 17—// ICO - 300 - 100... 100 - 45 . 400 - 200 . 2 Tons /iiium 100 ib. Aiiimon_y crude 50 - A.nactj Ai'jes Aq-.afc.rr'js N:ite Fof.is Gum Camphor Cai-cha. ide6 Cafl-a Cloves 3 *oj;s Copperas 200 Ib. Ciem'iartar 3oco ib. Fi.irbulp.iur 3co - FlorCh.-oKHj/iIe Fol Dig&atfo Gum Ammoniac Gwia Arabic Gum AfT'ifcstida Gum Der.zom Gum P-ltrmi j pj. Gum Galbanum t 3° -"• Gum Guaicuni ' to - 28 - Gum Seed Lac 50 w So - Joo „ 7S - 50 . 40 - '5* 20 :b. l**vin Mvirh 15 - Gum in amniony, Gun? r] hi** Gum Tragaranch MaCC * . M?.rna Nttmega Ooium !\iuv-dii Eaik K^-dcr* J Rhubarb Sj^> ii&gid n co. m powder 3 Trns Glauner Salts 75 lb. S, errnu -tti 60 - T*rtar Emetic 2c - i>»>iubii •so - h Vitriol ^0 - Tnrroca 112 - 50 - 200 - 1 50 - ICO - 5c - 2C0 - ICO - 1)2- ICO - 75 " *5 - 30, 30 - Vci jiijv.illa - GuctGunb, 300 - Vtiiiol .Rowi-aa Gum Jui.iper 56 - ilo. Aib. 30c o - S Mi Pet re 300 - Pearl Barley Gum ihell Lac Guij M *k Al»e>ffonV Mill*. __ <.:;:!^ Ma-rcfi fcLli.*"' or* limey jRlUm pi1" Gilead Batcmaii'sDiops |JofcuCk% Elix.r Bowdm'a lilue Plaifter Brittlh Oil Cephalic Souff Corn Plailter Court ftickirg Haider Daffy's El x.r ^ Daisy's Carminative Eari's Remedy for the Hooping Cough Eflence Co.ufo->c Do. Peppermint Do. Pennyroyal Eflential fait of* Leirlnn Do. do. Vinegar Cor"trey's C. •c'-.a! G-'wIjiicI's Li.Ciun Hooper's Pills J imt s' Analeptic Pills do- F' vrr Powder Jefuitva Drt.pl L c id 1 rue Blue ft do. Nankeen Dye I o^enc* s To'u Mr\<n*.*lii Lozenges OiXTiIkiik Mcd.cii.c RrfincJ L'quurice Steers s ©po'dtrldoc Sto6ghton*6 Elixiv Tina. Batk, Huxhem's TMrlir-gtoo's Bail'am Effriice ol Moil aid COLORS. A Litharge Y:-liow Och™ P.ufllan Blue, No. 1,2, 3 Rofe Pink Pumice Stone Rotten do* iS.iauiih Brown VeunillwQ Spanifh Wlviie SAUCES. Cherukce Saucs Inoia S« y Muilirocm Ketchup Blue, Black Wiiice Chalk Red do. Carmine Flake White Frankfort Black Indian Red Indian Ink Jvory Black Lamp Black EfF. Anchovies Qnince fauce Siucs Royal Cavice SUNDRIES. Apothecary feales and Fcwut fyrifigeS weights Camel-hair Pencils ^Gallypots in foils Gold leaf Ivory Syringes Lozenges Peppermint PatentComp. Mortars Pewter Ounce M'-alur^s W.ndlor loap 4 A L £ 0. 100 Kegs White lead, ChicoJate * groend Sr-ermacetii Can^ks 150 do. Spanifh brown do. do. Oil 50 Green d«>, Caik R.aiGns 50 Yellow j 50 Black Box do. aorHoxss Window Glafs Figs, OHire Oil afforted, 4XS, 7X9, Cunants, Air, r,n«J3 ^Xio, 7^XS^. Wrftftr'iss & wf'ur,§ Pa_ A general ailortalent of per aborted 4#fornitjre, viaUaf. Mefs & Prime Pork fwled, a wirty tfftir- Plog & Pigtail Tobacco soft's inftruments. P.'onor, Allfp'.ce ON HAND, CoftVe, l^at f«gar G<in|-owJcr, "\ T.>t:'.-t'.ier With a Gm—al Hyfm, I AiTortm.of Dyf.stufp, y^unt Hyfun, [rr&Je •F**M Papkks, !f.«- Hlfriflctn, j **"**. T£R h-oks, Jacks, Teeth Brofhes Viai CorkS Bottle do. Wafers. 1>-'per fine Wax, baling laperfine d>>. fo» Wme White leather Skins Y, FEBRUART 19, 1811. [No. 22. MONTREAL Hat Warehouse; At the Sign of the M.utart Hat, No. c\±, Old Market Phice. JAEEZ D. DK WITT, TW|0S r reipedlfully informs the PubKc, 1.YX th:.t he has on,hand a mod extenfive and complete aiTortment cf HATS HAT TRIMMINGS,. &c. flfc. Amongst which arc, M<»ft fupcrb iMiiitary Hats, with orna- ments complete. Gentlemen's tmjlfnfhionaUe Beaver Bst». Do. l)ot weens di>. . Do. Yeoman crqwns do. do. Do.bMc luperiirte gieer, under do. Do; drab do. do. da. * Do. bkek do. extra large brims do. ■ D$. dral> do. do. Btft black water proof filk Ditto green under db. Do. drab h do. Do. do. green under filk Do. csftor Roram do. Plated do. 4BB0T& BASCOM, J J-Iavejuft received and are now opening for faie, at their Store in Kingston, A*VERT GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF fALL and WINTER GOODS; AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING : ^«JPEKFINj:,f^cQno& B.ack, patplp, flate&bot- iJ l-v-vpric'd Broadcloth' tie green Peljlfe Velvets MISCELLANY. For the Kingston Gazette. RECKONER No. 8. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. C-entl's varniihed leather Hats for travelling, 'Servants' ditto » do. Boys' Morocco Hats of all colors. l^o. do. Caps. do. • do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Mens* & Boys' fine Covdies. Do. common do. Do. Wool Hats of every defcription. Gold and iilver tinfel Cord Ban<ls. Common do. do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coarfe and fine Bow (bines. Morocco of all colots i'uitable for Hats. Fancy Tip Paper, do. do. V • '\ and common GJuc. 4 Logwood, Copperas, Verdigris. Aquafortis, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks. Hatters* do.—Railing Cards. Hat Bruflies of all kinds in v.(e. Hitter's Irons, Stampers, Runners down, Picker?, &c. ^'c. 2<c. LaditfS' wojlfajhi'jjiahle beav. Hats & Bonnets, ■ \>,. \yiUij3 4o. r.l-.iiJo' Uti. Si . liildrcn's do. Lisht fawn Drab do. Hair, brown Olive Purple Blue And Green HAT TRIMMINGS^-vl*. Pink Linings Green Linings Red do. White do. Orange do. Blue do. fperyd. Yellow do. i Bl'k do. fr. 1/6103/9 Hat Covers of every kind in ufe. BINDINGS. - Bed military bindings for cocked hats % Black Galloons from 10/to ^ofpet Groce. Bcft drab do. Com. do. do. Belt black and drab Bands; Common do. do. White and black worded Looping 5 Common white Hat Buckles ; fteel do. Yellow Union ditto ; white do. do. Cords and TaiTelsl of all fizes & colors, for Fancy Trimmings J Ladies' Bonnets. Extra large Cords for Ladies* Pelifles. Fafii. fancy Trimmings for do. [Bonnets. Plumes of all colors,for Ladies' & Children's All of which will be fold at the mod reduced prices, for cadi or diort and ap¬ proved credit. Montreal, Sept. io, 1810. l *f i ) law prie'd Broadcloth* f >reft Ctorhs f/uhter's do. Scarlet do. } cr&yf, CaMiraeres p4'mf9 & Funnels girpeting fluifitng & Bhpkifts J'lain & twill'd Velvets 'I hickfr'ts O- ■:,,* Cord iiue&djabjerfcy Knit jjvvanfi'own, wor(re'jC'>ril, Tuiiinett ?■: Merfailles Veilihg ^aliibary FUnnel I'hina b ok Furniture C'nin'z do. pltto Fringe tiiik. & co ton Bandanna H.«n .Iceicbiet's li^ck^njiurei Si lie do. £*ine*] S: cotton pocket 00. viiic & cotton &k«wts Pnntcil Sc plat:. Bi'tnba- ZCt-3 Calirnanroes &Dur.mts W:ldb«.'CS Julie, lam>?s Wdolj vvorfted ft cotton H){: l.-liTib'S WO0IG1OVCS Vfortted do. Ri.ri a'id b'ue Caps Robe Pattei n$ Fancy G oghams Calicoes Dlrntties Color'd & white Muiftna Jamaica Spirits Sc. Croix do. French Bran«»v Ho'lard Gin ' • Po;t \Vir:e !-• H« Tcnerlfie do., Shrub Ilyfon, hyionillin & fin- g!o Teas Popper,A IT^ice & Ginger lViu<cr>vatio fugac Raifins c^ Figs Almonds, Cunants 1 amarintfs Honey Indigo, Fig Blue Starch & Scud Plirgj roll & fmoking Twbacco C:gars> 2nd Rappee fattff Lrpper Leather Morocco do. Calffltms Mcii^ flioes Coarle Bouts 1 i> f< k* blur, p-jrnlc, r?d 5c pnatcd Morocco fhoes 5"lea^d B.,-?ks You K*s & children'sdo* A GlidesaJ Arf)rttn«-nt of Hardwak?,Cutle* RY, CnoC *;>; R y, and Iron Hallow vVake Bar Iron V- iiter & Crawley fteel H '!i^ & pocket PiftoJs Japan^d, fceded, dnrn d ft! Shovels & fpatfrs fit*lii'd blk. & whaccdo. ^0 )C!> Cfc c I-ac^s i.otton Sewings whiti & color'd Thread j Waila ' f I eclc'd t'o. Papss f^ihtri Batton^ ]Sl.ick, purple,blue, p\ttUp brown, hut}, and flatej colored CacEiWicki White Cotton Scriped ft ciieck Cotton o!in"ing L'rvngs Plat III aa Sulk & Cotton Umbrellas S.HtiTv*, Luftrings TTaifhica, Saicencl9 S »lk & TNVift Klacktblae, fcarlct&drab PelilTe Ctofihi IVir.ro Cords ■ L"itto Tnmminps Hats 6XS, 7X0, 7^X3*, and SX:o VVinaow G.aJs . Oun Powder Sht>t o' B/»r Leal * S:!'t: w^rer proof Fa/hioa, Beaver Caitor Roram f.'-n's ft bov%. flit <Jo* U ». C;j, hoc Oin.i;c& feather Caps for childrcu Rae*fcf^*8 Lawn Hit Covers Belt twilled fillc do. Lid'ies* falnionabk Beaver Bonnets Ditto low 1 r'c-d do. A general affortmeni of DRUGS& MEDICINE—among which are— Rritifh Oil Cinnamon Harlem do. & leers*s Opodt mjjfenm Peppernutit Mujlard odeldot >» 7> Cephalic Smffl Refined Liquorice Sel Poinent Saltpetre Burgamot IVindfor Soap Qhwjfs Worm dtjiroy- Gold Leaf ing Lozenges Silver do. Godfrey's Cordial Jvory Black jfefuifs Drops Blach Lead Onirch's Cough Drops Anchovies Ketchup Rifus alifl, nifi quern v'fi movcre dolores. oris. SIR—I was lately invited, by a very wor¬ thy neighbor, to dine upon Cod-fifh, with a hint that the party was to conlifl cf a fcledt number of ladies and gentlemen who weie to- be gratified with a dance in the evening.—. The company afiembled on the day appoint¬ ed, in their bed drcfies, and although the meeting in the drawing room before dinner is announced, be commonly dull, it was eafy to perceive that we were all very much incli¬ ned to be pleafed. Being a fort of an hu- moriit, Mr. Reckoner, I am frequently dii- concetted, and even offended at occurrences which give no trouble toother people. I cannot, for inftance, hear, with patience, af- fc<£lcdexcnfes when they are evidently baits for unmerited prajfe, nor can I recommend, any thing that I diflike, or that I think in itfelf unworthy of approbation. The dinner was eKcellent, the difhes well cooked, the paltry white and nicely raifed, but the lady of the ho ufe made many apolo¬ gies during our repaft, that the dimes were not better, and the variety greater.—Thefe hollow lamentations called forth loud and fulfome praifes, which were again received with reiterated apologies. All this was ex¬ ceedingly difgufling, for if the good lady re¬ ally thought the dinner as bad as (he preten¬ ded, why did (he not make it better ?-our in¬ vitations had been lent feveral days before— or i£ the,dinner was rood, as it certainly was, why pcller us with apologies ? The next.vexation that occurred refpected the cod-iiih.—Every body eat of it, and ev¬ ery body prailed it. Now, fir, 1 hate tifli that has been frozen and thawed nine or ten times ; it has no more tatle than a piece or Tutten wood—1 therefore helped myfelf to- fomething elfe, and not having eaten, I did not think myfelf bound to praife it. But I v.as not to efp^pc thus—What, t eat of the cod-atti* you twil u«».i ,-. w«;.wj(p»t fr** one—1 (hall not forgive you if you do not tafte it, faid our entertainer. Do taki a Imall bit, rejoined his lady.* It was in vairt that 1 declared fifth my averfion, I muft eat a little. When jufl on the point of yield¬ ing, I made my efcape by drinking a glafs cf wine with the lady, whofe attention was immediately called to fomething elfe. The dinner was now proceeding very well, and we were anticipating much pleasure from the dance, when one of the children, a boy of two years old, was introduced. All conver* fation was now at an end, the child engrof- fed every body's attention.—What a fine iMJtr, cries one—What an excellent eve— The turn of his nofe, according to Lavater, indicates wit. Pray how old is he ? Only Malfam Honey ffooper's Female Pills Pink Roof *inderfon?s Scotch do. Court Plajler jfames' Analeptic do. L,eeys 1 r>-f 7 t, . , > bilious clo. Uoit s j IVheotoifsjawi. Bitters Barley Sugar lniperialTooth pozvder 1'ceth IrJJruments J.ipfalve Nutmesrs Cloves C Sugar Gdndi Flor Sulphur Gum CarrrbDov Cro'vn Lancets omm'jn i do. likewife rentec :1 the to Mrs. Fiskle, in Midland Dif rid,1 T> Y virt io ivit. \ jL} of Fit 'Fon Chilian, *■ * &*. fcc, &c« Commission- Bvmmft.s tfanla&ed °Q tl>e tifual tei ms, and Caih advanced on ?yy kind of Produce and oilier properly k ft ivilu lum. Montreal, Sep/. i $, Jl.ro. X I tf SHERIFF'S SALE. tue of a Writ eri Facias, ilTu- ed out of hts Maj'.fty's Court of King's Bench, and to me directed, againft the lands and tenements of James North, at the fuit of James Robins, 1 have feized and taken in execution lot number twenty-fix on Well Bay, in the townfhip of Marylhurgh, county of Piince Edward, and diftria aforefaid, con¬ taining by admeafurement two hundred acres, and an improvement of about 40 acres, be the fame more or lefs, which will be adjudged to the higheft bidder, at the gaol door in the town of Kinglton, on the 16th day of April next, at the hour of tin o'clock in the fore¬ noon. And any fXtfbn or peifons who may have any claim to the above mentioned prem- ifes, either by mcvtgngecr othcrwife, are re- quelled to make the fame known to me be¬ fore the day of fata CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. ^ Sheriff's Office j (hkltr 9, 1810. gtf They nave New Store belonging Mmeftown, where thev are now opening a Cicnera! AiTortment of DRT GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, and QROCKERT : allot which will be fold « remarkably low, for prompt pay only. Cafli, Pot & Pearl Aihes^Wheat, Flour, Poik, Furs, Butter and Cheefe re¬ ceived in payment. ^ Iff Conftant attendance will be given at each place ; orders from gentlemen of the faculty attended to on the (horteit no- Vse ; and medicine put up in tlie bell order. November 1 i. 181 o. 8tf 13, 1810. Northrop^ Wolcott ^ Abbe^ Have removed from No. 54 St. Paul Street to No. 102, one door North of Mcffrs. Bellow?., Gates & Co. vvhere they have a General Attortrnent of DRY GOODS on hand, which they offer tQf fale on reafonable terms. N. W. & ABBE. 1 vf Montreal, 10//; Sept. iSlo two—Blefs me how larrre for his age, and how fenfible. I have feen boys twice as old not half fo fprightly. Kow like his father —Pardon me, I think he is more like his mamma. He has her line rinnff forehead. —The child was exhibited like a cunofity to all the company. He muft now drink all our healths and pronounce our names too. As his articulation was bad, we were all ga¬ ping to hear our names, that we might not fail to thank the polite Utile gentleman, and yet two or three were thanking him at the fame time, for we could not underftand what he faid. This farce, Mr. Reckoner, was very tedi- ous.—I am fond of children, I like their in¬ nocence, but I do not like to fee them ex- hibited as puppets before ftrangers, not for their entertainment, but for a trial of their patience. When there are only one or two particular friends, the children may come in after dinner for a few moments, without much inconvenience ; but to large parties they mutt always be difagreeable. Parents fnould confider that though nr.ture has very wifely infpired them with a firong affection for their children, ftrangers cannot partici¬ pate in it ; indeed the amiable proofs of pa¬ rental tenderuefs mould never be ollentatiouf- ly obtruded rpon thff world. Fathers ani mothers mould learn from this fun pie circum- itance, that as their affection becomes ftron- ger the more that a child, from ficfcnefa or deformity, requires tUeir affdlance ; feelings fo exquifite cannot be fliared by iheindivid* uals of a mixed company. A gcmilerran took up theory on his kn«-e, and was giving htm an apple, when the lit¬ tle urchin feized hold of his h -; and pulling

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