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Kingston Gazette, January 29, 1811, p. 3

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o reign Infill> < 1 f l hi. tic ,0ND0N o~mcc a •W 4 ■ ......____ November 15.—VVe are con- cerncd to (late th it the fquadron rmd -r Dip- tain Me*\ rftc-s landing the ffftopa tmdm- General I#lkr neat St. Andero, encoun¬ tered a itorm, fo which the Magd&ma Sp iii- jfti frigate, and a brig went :o piece-:, £U*d of 700 perfons on board 660 pgrimed. A Captain of a vefFel til* J*, ft rwcfe:d T.0i.don,'iM;m Holland, who hfnton the gth inftant* He Cay* that a mejfure yet more rigorolis Chad the law of conferiptiori hnd been adopted, and th?.t nil males be¬ tween IS and 22 yesrs old, v;Ithd«t excep¬ tion, were dt agged to tl« artn'V-s, from the .families of thehigheii; rank to the loweft. The Decree of the 18th uL\ rcfpe&iag the burn in >t Colonial produce, had not been then carried into effect. The Kino- of Sweden landed yefterdny at y.-inno'th, from the Tai tarns frigate, u.n- A paffolger in the Cuir"hfcland, j.5 day5 ftotfl Life '•'), report^ that M.iv--;? a. d French ainrv i'» PottuValtook no ru.ii r^r- rogiade line o! march on the I'/ii of No-. fiorn then" fortified camp in fioiu of the com¬ bined army. Lord Wellington \imm&ic\ir detached 14,000 troops ill purtuit, and the next day, the 1.7th, prtrfwM with his whole army : that it was expected a gen 'ral action might take place ah.MU th.* 22:! •-! November, if MaiTt'ua <vm: :i.ir too weuk, Lo'd Wel¬ lington W3S laid by the hiH ?K*"OU?iit.s to be 36 miles from Lifb.m, in pvirf-nt ol Maffma.— The French armv led a vail number 01 iioif- E3 in thei for want 'd e paflkngers in We learn vfabnnv, by tit he Paci]h% that feverai American veflels had arrived in England, which'had been hoarded by French privateers, and were trea¬ ted politely. New-Toripaper. r encampment, moll of whom died having provender, the French not had for fome time any grain for man or bead. He lays 500 prtfonera taken from the It L alio fa id felling o n" violent c ->■ f 12 or was fc» On reaching tn der a ia'urc o beach, he wasreceived with tht.ee fuch fear- fa •y cheers as perhaps lie nev'T ol... re nearn, and (itch an imprehT.m hfcd they upon his Majerly, that tears of par.itode W- re obfcrv- ed to trickle ffrwn his cheek?. He was re¬ ceived by Lord Gardner, the Port Admiral, yvnofe carrage vra« in waiting, and into wh'ch his SwedilVMajeitv got, a:-d, preceded by the Well Yo«kmih::a, wi-h color; flying and band* playing, he repaired totbe Ldgle Inn< to tike refreshment previous to hU kt- ting off for London-• He was dreff:d in fcarlet, wore a (for on his left breall, and looked remarkably vrtll* Novtmbcr \6 —T!:e Lcru^ an 1 Commons met yederday purutant to adjournment Miniliers moved, in both hdnfes, for a fnr- ther adjournment of a fortni^'it? Lip-n tlie ground of his Majefty's coi^alefeenee, ^ in expedution o^; !iis perfect recovery Within that interval. This motion of adjournment was not refitted by the rcgu'ar opposition ; although Mr. Po-ifonby, their Under, **b- lerved, an adjoarnmeiit for a f»-e*'fc would be fever this evenin^^.,, [Signed by ttos Phyficlans.~] " Windfor CalUc, November r 7. " His Mnjeily has had a flecplels night, and upon the whole, been more feverifh than for the lafl. two day,." ' (Signed as above.) French \Ve;e fent into Lifbon, that Maflena tffued a pfofihmation forth, puvious to his retreat, thai a contagions difcrder was 1 aging at Lifbon, he thought it moll: prudent £■« the fafety of his armv, to draw them further "?Tf rftn that city. The months of Oclober aal November had been verv dif igrecable at Lifbon, from the o-re;tt falls of rain in thofe months. Letters from Clmrlethm of the jxft D"c. ibrte, that a velfel had jtifi arrived there from Lifbon, which port lhe lei't j.)ec. 3d, but bro't no news. No general battle had been fought at that date. ■FyrniF -if n letter frmn TJJbony dated 5 to of December* rteevocdper the London Pachel. " MafFena's army has taken up a ftrorig polhion on the plains o[ Santarem and Tho- mar, about 1501* j 6 leagues from Lifoon, and con fill ing of about 45,000 men. The fellies amount to more than double that num¬ ber, and I have heard it faid by Englifh of¬ ficers, that it is iinpolhble for him to get out of Portugal. Silviera's army is in ht& rear, and the Englifh in fight of him in part, and all communication with the interior cut off. 'i'he roads are rendered impaffable for either man or bealL The allies are receiving reinforcements daily of Britifh and Spanilh t»oops? whilil the French are Idling as fait by hckuefs and defection." STRAYED, ROti ?he Stable of the fubferifer m Saturday, the 26th in (lam, a bnaL I Bay MARE.—Whoever will return }icr (hall be handfomely rewarded for tlirjr trou¬ ble. S. BARLLLT. i&th January, i8t I. 19*3 w OSTPONEMENT OE oAf.E. Midland Dl/lrul, 1 ' Tp HE S.. 1 e ofthc to wit. j 1 ASBBS which were of Beajmnm Seymour', deceafed, now in the hands oi the Executrix, tak**f) w Execu¬ tion by mc, at th- fuits ok' AI\ n McLean, Efq. Mr. John S/iuier, and Wdlmm Hunter, is'poitponed till MONDAY, the 4th day of February next, and then to take piact on the premifes now occupied by E-:~:UL>i: Sey¬ mour, Executrix, at the hour of two o'clock P.M. CHARLES STUART, Sir. riff. Sheriff's Office, 2 111 January, 18 ti. CO M U UN 1 CAT ION, 'Subjects for ParBammfary Inquiry. —TJnder this ?? JlL.sszs. Editor head, at nd FROM THE UNITED STATES- o 1 Washington, January 12.—We icarn * • that the la It difpatches from governor Clai¬ borne ftate, that Pulwar Skipw'th, ityuiig himfelf governor oi Florida, had avowed a determination to refill th^ hitcip:nation <>f the United States. With a view |n refill: governor Claiborne, he had ordered General 'Thomas, who with a body of ftee hundred men was matching to attack Mobile, to re¬ turn immediately. Skiowkh, with the re- mainder of his regular forces, had thrown himfelf into the fort of Eaton Rouge, hav- ing declared his determination and that of his partizans to die at hi* colors before they would fubmit to the authority of the United States. Philadelphia, Jan. 14. The follow¬ ing is the fabftance of the late ft advices from Wufhington : " The bufinefs on which both houfes of congrefs are now debating with clofed doors does not relate to Florida, but to the non-ia- tercourfe with the b-.Tigerents ; and I be¬ lieve the revocation of the pvefident's procla¬ mation refpecting the non-intercourie with 0* Britain, is the lirll obiccl before them-*' Ext rati from another letter. "The fubject in dilculfion with do fed doors is of the lall importance. The admin- iteration fay our late miniiler to France wa deceived-he fays the Prefulent war pre na¬ ture in iffuinghh; pr()clamation."--iV. A'^r. 8 New York, }:m\. 9.—C-vpr. Phulav, jBdays from Laguh i, fiijorn;* us, that G*-*n Miranda aniw I :u that place 1 on the (ytli tif December, wiitf ceived witli great |"\ , and ^ttander in ch ' -'i'Ij. in lOtq Engkvid j he was re- r< ! • i:.»;." 1 La!eft from Gibraliar. Captain Virmilye, of tl ie brig Swiftinre, who arrived Ian evening m forty djiy« from Gibraltar, informa us that Lord Blaney, with a d.-tachme;it of 1 800 men,had made an attack on MV;aga, in which he and eoo men, were taken by the French : the remainder of his troops eicaped over the mctiiitainsL, and returned to Gibraltar; The French troops at Malaga were difguifed in Sp.-niih uniform, and made no oppolkion to the landin.'* of the Britifh detachment : lord Blanev fupp"ihig, from the appearance of t! 1 mat the tvoyj'-ttitefcoutfi with England will not (o be permitted to go into operation on the 2d of Feb' nary. Perplexity and confter- nation appear to pervade every branch of the government.—From the want of a fyftemof wife and raft policy, and firmnefs and cner- gy in purfni.ig fuch dfyrkm, everything h left to conjecture and uncertainty." \New-Torl Sptilator. jiings, ih.t Malaga had again fallen into the unds of the Spaniard*, proceeded without the commencement of your eftablifhtnent, iome j.apers were olTered for the confideration of the Provincial Parliament. As a call of the Houfc will in all probability take place on Hit; fecond day of next month, it may not be improper refpectfully to invite their atten¬ tion to a fubject in which the community at large, but more efpecially the inhabitants of this diltricl, are deeply interefted. I mean the aft irnpofing a duty on hawkers, pedlars and petty chapmen, In 1807 when this aft was pafied, the amount of the licenfe money thereby required to be paid to the collector of the culloms, was fuppofed fufiiciently high to difcourage thisrlafs of men from attempt¬ ing to interfere with the trade of the province: but their numbers of late having increaled beyond all former example, to the great det¬ riment of the fair trader, and (although it would be difficult to make him believe it) very much to the injury of the farmer, it is plain that their profits have been rated too JU11V, and that here, as in other parts of the • .ui'^n,t,iu\beij tcPCSSfiN#BB fftt&pAf&t a ifture greatly require both THE OLD SETTLERS, o-f-o M A RR IE D, ^On Sunday evening lall, by the Rev. J. Mr. Bernard Du Boe to Mifs rargarct Timmons, niece of Mr. Francis *'i<oier Rocheleau, all of this village. EAt Williamfton, U. C. 2d inftant, by the \v. J. Bethune, Alexander MdcKen%ie, Tq. to Mifs Ann MacLeod, both of that llage. The fubferiber bees leave to Isifbrrn t-lie Public, that he has jull received and has for fale, ac the Store latch- occupied by Mr. A. Bo:tun, the following articles-------Viz. * Broadcloths, Kerfeymeres,Coat¬ ings, filk and cotton Velvet, Dimity, Cor¬ duroy, Swanfdown and Patent cord Veiling;. white and printed Cottons ; Bandanna, Ra- mal and Cotton Handkerchiefs ; Camels' hair Shawls ; common ditto ; Leno^ jacontt, feeded and book Muflins ; Cotton Cambrics, Gingham, Chambray, Irilh Linen, Shirting, Cottons, brown Holland, Lace. Spirits, Whiiky. Teneriffc and Port Wines, Sugar, Tea?, Tobacco, SnuiF, Soap, Raifins, Chocolate, black and purple Moiocco Skins, Seal & Ruffet ditto, Shies, Sufpenders, Olive Oil, Sioughton's Bitters, Camphor, Turlington's Balfa.n, EiLnce ot Muftard, Lemon, Bergamot, Peppermint, Harlem & Britifh Oil, Opodeldoc, Arnatto, Windfor Soap, Nails & Hardware of various defcriptions. —also The followincr BOOKS : Mrs. S ^UAPeT, From Wafhtngion, January 12. Both houfes have fat great part of this day with clofed doors* The houfe of repre- fentatives isy«.t in feflion, and probably will be io until 12 o'clock at night, as the fub- jeft of their deliberations is earneftly debat¬ ed, without much warmth however, on ei¬ ther fide, and there appears to be a deter¬ mination in the majority to get through it :o- .nfes—by M. Coyle, at StoughtotCs Inn. fCJT TILL be fold at Public Auftion, on W\ WEDNESDAY next, the COLT Cork's Memoir*.— lunius* Letters—Ameri- A the public, that thev carry on the TANNING & CURRriNG bufinefs, at their works in Kingiton, and pledge'them- - felves that their work (hall be well executed. They will tan hides upon fhares for fuch a» may defire it, upon liberal tefms. Plides will be received at the houfe of M. Rocr.Rs, ad¬ joining Walker's Hotel. Morocco and other Currying done at (hort notice, by a* workman lately from New York. MOSES ROGERS, •JOHN ELLERBECK. Kingfton, January 1, 1811. lctf i- j/ V W £*UL\Ji,dur\ 1 next, rne uuial rnpi f -% p •% * 'vertifed by the fubferiber, to defray its ex- 1 iTC lUDlCri DCrS haVC night. Another meflage of a private nature came from the fenatc to-dav, I have tin- derftood that the nature of their deliberations is fuch that the injunftion of iecrecy will feareely be removed from them during the prefent feflion. G. M. HAMILTON. Z%th January, 181 I. Ann Wilkes, NFORMS her friends that (he a /r *t■•• j • aA u* fi,» a intends to open a SCHOOL in A melfage was this cay received by the *- Jr ~ nate, from the Prefident of the United vINGSTON the farlt of February. juh. received a coxffignmeht of Sixty Sides of ALBANY SOLE-LEATHER, which they offer for fale cheap for earn. Jan. 1, 1811. ABBOT&'BASCOM. S faerebt NOTICE -quiring a decilive anfwer as to their intentions in relation to the fen States, enclofing a letter from Mr. Pinkr.cy, dated, I believe, November 5, in which he dates, that after the arrival of the ill No¬ vember he addreiled a letter to the Briti/h mini dry, re what were United States. To this letter no anfwer had been received at the lafl dates from Eng¬ land. The letter was probably fent to con¬ grefs with a view of appriiing them that no¬ thing had yet been done by Great-Britain in relation to her orders in council. flat ions, T do not believe that a bill will be reported for enforcing the non-mte:cou» le before the lat¬ ter end of the month. Indeed the fubjeft is fo involved in doubt and d.nknef* at pref¬ ent, that it would perplex: congrelsto act m relation to it, unlefs fome evpnnnion is fbou gj m G IS hereby given to all thefe Indebted to the fubferiber, for Carding I Tool or jDfeffirt* rr FOUND, J* N the Store of the fubferiber, a fmall bag -2_ of money : the owner may have it again, v proving property and paving for this ad- -rtifement. ' ' S. BARTLET. Cloth* that unlets they fettle their accounts- immediately, they will be put to trouble and colt. DANIEL KINGSBERY. Napans Mills, Jah. 19,1811. til Kin ?slon , Jan. 28, 181:1. ■ 9*1 QIX ES. at In refpeQ to our foreign relations, CHEAP STORE. WHITNEY, Ikis jufl recciv- • ed and is now offering for fale, a very xtenlive aifortmerit of FALL k WINTER GOODS. -----ALSO----- lardware. Weft India Goods and Groceries. IXPENCE per bufliel will he ven for ffoo'dHOaSE ASH- S, at the Store o£ CUMMIMGck HAMILTON. Jamary 21, • 1811. lotf e Ail of which he will difpofe of (wholefah md retain at as low a rate as'can be nurchaf- it cor- ibit of cxam- ne for themlelve-?. Kingston, \jl D::er.ihv, 18 \ O lit if The fubferiber re- turns his fmcere thanks to his friends and the public for part favors, and informs them that he lias on hand a large quantity of BOOTS,—-Men's, Women's and Children's SHOES,—Sole and Upper LEATHER-- a few pair of Caft-lrcm 'SEE/CH-SHOES. and a general aiTortment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES-^-v.hieh he will fell at a very reduced price for cafh or produce. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston, Dec. IIf 18IO. 12 tf Cd'ThchirI.ea {vieegtten forgooa Fw ft

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