•a f ir :i. l/'ttkd beer rinds. &2 Cajfc« ( efTcncc ID BOX'-S t ipvujo 4 Reps _} 6 Cails Canada balfam* 1 44. Bales capilairc, weight 7375 lbs- 1 Cafe oil peppermint 7p 1 p r. rr t> bees' wait black 3C 31 Ditto clover iced 1 Box bird ditto ^o Bales hops c Barrels apples go — onions 6 11 ^flfmitF 1 Calk J 88 Sides folc leather 195 Stoves 72 Links of pipes 1 7 Calks potatoes 3 Barrels feathers 18 Boxescontain'ga mould or a model of Quebec 29 Cafos turpentine 40 Kegs paint 5Blis. ]kmP 14 Cafks red ochre 251 Barrels ditto 85 Grindllones 15 Boxes milliard 16 — tin 720 Iron (hovels I Call: f.vords 22 — nails 18 Copper kettles 159 Tin ditto 144 Scythes 5 Cwt Slot 8 Kegs gunpowder $S Chaldrons coals 1 Hhd. " 6 Crates 6 Boxes"! . , , P 1 Calk J broken glafs 4 Crates earthenware 2 Gigs and harneli 24 Barrels tar 4! Tons fullick 2 Bundles fteel C / Tons iron i 2 Cwt. fhect iron 12 C'.vr. 1 qr. 2lib?, copper \ ,U rum 2 Hh<k. 2 Pipes Spanifn wine 8 Pipes, lihJs. and qr. cafic Madeira 2| Pipes port r\ n r Teneriffe 3 (V. calks J 1 Crlik 1 1 rr a -,r J- molaiies 3 Kc^«J 4 Cafks kaf tobacco 1 Qr, calk 1 Barrel j* vinegar 2 Jars Fwrj Exported* 98523 Bcavei flans 554 Marten 2645 Otter 16.) Mink 2536 Fifher S2551 Deer 10731 Bear and cub Fox 2428 Cafed and open cat 19 Wolf 534 Elk 5 17 Woolvenn 1 S33 Swan 2684 Hare 527 Lynx 59 Seal 1 Puncheon ox hides 24 Calf fkins 8 Kegs') Cafrorum,\vg 2 Calks J 2 651 lbs. 29c Hbas. refined fagnr, 268.449 )bd: >'. 929 luh.l Mtilcovado fu j So Tics, > gar, lbs. I738BMS.J 1,478,89° 14 i lercesl 85 Barrels > CofTee 11 Bags J 1 Hi id. kaf t iWcolba. Q$2 2 C; lie manned. Snuff do. 366 Packs playing.ca' Minors Salt ids T4554 81621 Teas 11) Ion 160 c Sbuchong *J*S l'.ohca 710 3<^^ 2*3^5; jPer $« KtMGSTQ# Gjzette. RECKONER- No. 5, fli* riper fo fee tWfelves in print, I nvy j! ;vc ckum.ined to diiappoipt them i.nm my ;ul!ou(y of their lap-iior talents. Let no ore however defpood, or fuppofe that tbe.-r labors are rrje&ed from any faults they contain:— Perhaps the Reckoner is not free fr^ that narrow fj frit of txiluiiun which he hn< been ccMidrninlng in others; perhaps caprice or the want of talk prevents bira frow peveeiv* ing their merits, 01 perhaps he waits foi a more favorable opportunity of htfroduciir them to the notice of the public. #»//««• boni fine felo jucunda p^ffffr.'.-'-SENECA. IT is curious to remark how much the idea oi exclufiori enters into all our plans of enjoyment. Alexander the Gnat refufedto (hare the fovereignty of the world with Darius, and CVefar preferred being the iiril man in a country village, to being the fecond in Rome. This fpirit keeps the gay and frivolous world in continu¬ al agitation by daily changing the faihion. To be the fir ft to introduce a new color for a gown or petticoat—a new manner of making them up, and to have the advantage of wearing them a tew days before any other per few* can pro¬ cure clem, is to many a fair lady a triumph of the molt pre- cio^s kind. And he that has had the wall pleafure of fport- ino; a coat with twenty capes, or one without 'kiit©, before To the Editors of the Kingston Gazette. WITH mouth and eyes dilated much leyotul their 11 fualexpanfion, IperufediuUh amazement and delight^ in your lajl numlcr hut one the let¬ ter of the learned Farmer. /«wm ama%ed at his erudition, I -was delinked mid his philan¬ thropy. When I contemplate the ufbanky of his manner, the fuaviiy of his diction, the profufi- dily of his information, and the mild and calm, yd dignified'manner in which he males me fen- ftble of the afperity criih which my former letters wen written, I am overwhelmed with contri¬ tion, and it harrows up my fid to think that for fpoken t£ in high terms of panegyric nnd ccujgra'illation. Prefideist Madifon, ipeak- tag of the new ftate of agricultural and marjJ ufafluring profperity occafio.ned by tlitir non- iniercourie; rellrieTticn-j, in Lis mefTage puh- lifhed l'i a lace Gazette, declares that, *» in a i:atk>uai view, the change is juftly rtrf*. \. ed as ot itfelf more tltzn a reeon pen«0 for i'liofc privations and lofles refidting fiom for. eign injullice, which furnilhed the general impulfe required for its accomplimmcnt.?' How tar tli>. ir boalled improvements in man. uiMC-hircs and internal reiburces dfindepei- dence and wealth will prove a national LeneJ lit, time alone can determine. Whatever may be the ultimate tfTtCi. ofthe embargo policy upon the permanent irtterells of the ITnitec) States, it is generally admit¬ ted to have been beneficial to Canada ; as it fent a portion oi the American commerce a- crols the bke and river, to the Brhifh fide, formed habits of uling our grtat outlet for the pirrpofe of exports and imports, gave a fpring to bufimfs here and promoted a fpirit of entcrprize, which, if rightly directed and applied, will be ufeful and falutary to this country. any of his brother beaux can poffibly obtain them, ipoxiks one moment I .fhou'tdhavegi-venpain to a man of it a, of a piece of good fortune which few men can reafon- of his tendernefs of heart and delicacy ofjeehaig I «'«b:y expect. Now it is the cxclufive poffefdon which con- {litutes the gnat pleafure on th-fe oecafions ; for as foon as numbers imitate the leader of the mode, the pleafure ceafes, and a &c£b attempt at novelty mull be made before it can be renewed. Were this exclufion confined merely to the fiifhions it might be fullered and dtipifed, becaufe it could do little harm ; but it produces endlefs contentions in fociety ; and being almolt always at variance with reafon and virtue, it becomes a fruitful fource of mifery and crime. Even nations inftead of contenting themfclvcs with the lilent p<nTeffion of the moil valuable privileges, do not think that tlry enjoy them if they arc not continually lemiuding their neigKbors of their inferiority. They boafl of their political iiiiiitutions, their more correc"l habits and manners, their greater genius, learning and freedom. Thefe boaRings en¬ gender irritations which at length grow up into fettled en-~ mity and frequent wars. In religion too this fpii it of ex- cluiion prevails in a moil remarkable degree. The Turk thinks it impofliblc for any to enter Paiaxlife who is not a follower of Mahomet; and confidering the reil of mankind onteafta from Heaven, he is not difpofed to do them any kindm:fi. On the contrary he treats the Christians wiih the molt fpvereign contempt, calls them dogs and obliges them to fubmit to the moil degrading humiliations. Even among Chiiil:';iiis who profefs a religion which fpeaks harmony and peace ; a religion whole fpirit is brotherly love ; the differ¬ ent denominations treat each other with as much contempt as the Turk*;. Animated by that zeal which diftinguiflu'd the Jews, they do not hehtate to condemn one another to . eternal miiGry. A few lccVaTks'e^dJuhej^i'ilh^i'ii'Lvrtnpuix- tion, all the heathen fiorj] falvation. In poiTeflion of heaven themfelvcs, diey fliut the gate to all but their own company, and let limits to the goodnefs and mercy of God himielf. The lame Ipi'iii. of exclufion is notorious in political fac¬ tions : Has one party power, they delight to ufc it in de- prelung their opponents ; and in their hands power becomes valuable not becauie it enables them to do gfcod, to pro¬ mote the profperity and happlnefs of the nation and the (la¬ bility of the government ; but becauie it enables them to revenge themfelves upon their political adverfau'es. The members of the conquered factum complain moll bitterly, and they have reafon to complain, for they are treated in the moil: unjufl and cruel manner. Should affairs take a turn, and the party now deprefifed obtain the fuperiority, no change for ;Ik better would take place, for they would mcafure out the lame, or a greater portion pi cruelty than they had ex¬ perienced. The fame exclulive fpirit influences clubs and fmall locieties of men who become attached to one another in inch a way as to lit reafon and religion at defiance. A ■„ti(l afjij} d to the enterprijtn^ merchant* and to he induftriuusfarmer, to learn that in /he town What a fund of •valuable intelligence he has com- m vnlcah d to the public ! What a conflation it 1h of Kingston there is a hank with a capital of £62,ceo Halifax currency in fpecie, under the con duel of directors ready to extendtheir fjlering hand to every individual in djlrefs 1 What glad tidings of great joy to the merchants of Montreal, to be informed that foe capital ft s of Upper Can¬ ada have large funis of money 1>efted in the funds of foreign countries ! Who can fay that the flocks of Great Britain thenf Ives, have not.been largely influenced by the capital from this Province P I had doubted if the commerce" of this place rri'jid have fupporled a bank, or if a bank would have been of benefit to its commerce ; but my narrow policy had never contemplated the i;n- tnenfe expanfe of waters by which we are almqfl fir rounded $ it had never occurred to me the advantageous intercourfe we might have with the United Stales, ('there Ling only a balance of 15" per cent agdinjl us,) or the great emolument to lc derived from our coafiing trade. But this Parmer has opened my eyes, he has convinced me that a bank in Kingston will have the fame cf- ft els in this inland and remote province, as thofe of Scotland or the United States ; countries that carry their commerce and indujlry to the remottfl xrnijrs of the known world ! 1 re/c/ce to,think. that weJhallfoon rave our ve/pls in the foreign trade making voyages to Niagara, Gem fee, Of- wrgo and Sachefs Harbor, our coajlers to Bur- lingion Bay, 2 Irk, Smith's Creek and the Bay of 9itint\\ to the general benefit nf the province, and the immetfe emolument of the hank of Upper Canada* I am pJeafed wiih the mo-lejly of your chamel- <c For forms of government let fools contefl ; (t That, which is be/1 adminiflered, is bcjl" There is much good fenfe in this poetic¬ al fentiment of Mi. Pope. In the political as well as natural world, experiment is to be preferred to theory. The administration of a government, its practical operation, is the true tell of its merit. On this ground Eng¬ lishmen value their constitution, which has grown out of the experience of ages. Even citizens of the United States, who are mak- ing an experiment of reprefema'ive democra¬ cy, under the moft favorable circumttancesy admit the Englffh government to be better than any other, except their own ; and many of them give it the preference, without that exception./ The characierillfc evil of their democratic fyltcm is its tendency to fofteran uncontrolable fpirit of paity. Their fre¬ quent popular elections of all blanches of their government furmTn fuel and fan the flame, The rage of their parties has become intol.rable. In their mutual ft niggle:; to op- pofe and crufh each other, they ft are nei¬ ther feelings nor characters. If their newt- paper publications were to be credited, we fliould think almofl every man of any promi fervor m party zeal mufl difturb the harmo¬ ny and intercourfe of fecial life, and pollute the dreams of jufb'cc It mull lender their tribunals and especially the popular branch cf them, their juries, prejudiced, partial and prone to favor their co-partiz/ms and con¬ demn thofe cf the oppofite party. In fUch a ftate of thing?, no man who has been an object of public fupport and cp; olition, can be hie in the trial of a canfe affecting his / ;';• Hw c- 1 .!■ 1 t rr * property or character, before a jury of polit- thepublic," £5c. c3V. I think I can dtfityser to • i" ' * hm r 1 '«• ? , , r 1 ti r . r a n 1" 1 ; / ^a! opponents. 1 hele are the practical and be one and the jQmus fcrfou, the Hydra headed patriot, and the df/uterc/lcd fupporter of this bank. From his philanthropic d'fpojltion I an convinced that it will give him pleafure to learn thai lie letters /have herettfm written, how- _ ion cot refpondenf, who under the various Jigna- tures of the u Public's Fncd" '"' A Friend to rother is to be fupported at all hazards, and to be protected the influence of mortal man, and that I have not whatever injury he may have done to thofe v\h<» are not of the (mullcit will to have the f arena r ofihebib- the lame locnty. Even the fpirit of commerce, fo favorable lie's mcaey. Let him lay las hand on his heart ever ill exprejjed, have been the pure dictates a di'fnterpjird mhnd ; wiih the bt-ltl cotftduue oj truth I can alfurc hiai that i havr n-i been under ,j .1 , . -r,x- . -a , , . ,, . n Mr , 1>"■,•"' , 1 the mother country, are dutms'uuried by fin- the influence of mortal man, ana tbai ± bow not «.*„!:* tx«-i . • r o.- i perhaps inevitable effects of the principle of democracy, operating npoia the pailions of human nature ; and they detract much fro»n the advantages of eieclive government. \\\ thi i'l^vincc, wiu.fe government is the Eiigl-di conilitutiim reduced to a fmaller icale ', our courts and juries, bke thofe of the fame fociuy. Even the fpirit of commerce, fo favorable to freedom and the arts, has been polluted by this exclufion, which has g'wzn rife to n onopolies highly injurious and deh.ruc.1ive ; and which could only be maintained by the moll unjuil and cruel laws. Where public monopolies have not exilled, private companies of adventurers have acquired the fame fpirit, and have not fcrupled to facriricc individuals to the common intereft. Different occupations imbibe the fpirit of their profeUion. The divine, the lawyer and the phyiician are continually merry at each other's cxpenfe—the failor defpifes the foldier, and the foldier the faiior. Even candidates for fame are ap>to fuppofe that fere is not room for more than one at a time ; tho' examples arc not wanting and make the fame offerii--n lie hus miflalen '■'■ Ghcil. When he hum-* me Inter, he will (us learn thai I cringe to no man for favor, av.-.id no man from fear. ? 0 coir.-inre him cf my go.-J will J fenafyctt erclofed lie Copy of a letter jrc a a Eritiflt merchant to the editor ;.f a r.ffeet able partiality* Whatever imperfections there may be in any part of our Provincial fyflem, we arc happily exempt from thofe overwhel¬ ming tides of party pafi'on and prejudice, which prevail in more popular governments. Let us, then, not envy Our neighbors, but be contented with and improve otir own con- ci:;;cn, a..J, in,obedience to the apoilolic in- ,J, „ . . .. „ J. ,, IJr, r , miction, lead reaceahle and quiet lives mall London paper ofihs %dof o<v/. Lift, onthefub- „ y. „ r „nA *. .1 ^L yea oj paper currency. Should yen have roc-.n ~,______________,___;___________________- you will oblige t;ie, and-1 thiol g:vs the pub lie fmh» informations by inferti/r it in your next Ga- IMPORTS. 1 a J n S Burts T49 Pipes 17 Hhchr. j 57 0r.chefts \ - 4C£efts7 bottled J 232 Pipes ~j 2 Hhds. ^ 137 Calks J 74 Butts") e *26 Pipes I ^ 332 Hhds j do' Si to CO o o port do. (h > t 3 iS Hhds. 20 Qr. 4!2 Pints hds. ") r.ca.i Malaga on C ••■, "IS o o CO *\ VO VO low them their full weighr. It is true that this fpirit has been declared productive of many good effeds : it has been called the fpring of all our nobler! a&ions ; that unlets we expeaed to rife above others, where would be the hero or the genius. But it is eafy to di.'iinguilh between a fpurioir, and a folid love of glory. The virtuous man feeks not fame by the depreffion of another his neighbor's fall, and he places no napp or difappointment of other men. Indeed the delire of ex¬ cluding others from the happinefs which we pofiefs or hope to tame her—he feeks to rife, but not by e places no happinefs in the failure rt o do. Teneriffe 17^ Hhds} do. 10 Hhds j French 0 Cafes J do. 226 Cades 1 Brandy zHrT £enevai" 29«944 (xjlr>PU*.l RUm. iW Hds J 726,534 gbs for true felicity cam fons conRitutes a part is fallacious , _ ..u. „miy caj;i only flow from thofe fourees to which all have accefs, and which do not, on that account, become the Ids valuable or the lets pleating. 1 am fearful that, in this paper, I have bet* armin- mv- readers againlt myielC, and part.Vuh.rl> thofe who may Wi me with their cor,elpon.drr.ee. Wltije tfv.y are watehini else, ij not, when lonveuici;! for yourfehues. The Ghofl of Ab'xn Nc\vla:id'. [LETTER HEKi:.a TMR J COMMUNICATIONS. The American embargo, while it was m force, had ftrong advocates and violent op- pofers. It became, uj an tkc whole, unpop¬ ular at home as well as al road, and attached no fmall degree of unpopulanly to its atitlior* Prefident J-lTerfon. Some, however, are of Opinioa that it tvas the mean, of laving the Spates from a war. Iffo, Us negative ben¬ efit, fa that lelpe^may have counterbalan¬ ced many pofitive e-ils.' feint >'!ieilier they l"hl, without it, have boeuuatxallyd)awn u»to the vortex of hofUb i :% fs v problem aweafily toheiorvt-d. TWo^alio anoth- YvVYNTED, A YOUNG Max, about 14 or 15 years of age, to attend m a More ; good re-, conimetidanons will be required. Inquired the Printers. \ Jan. 15. tf FOR SALE—A Conjignmnt of Q J Barrel? ONONDAGA SALT, cheap *? l for cadi, at the Store of JOHN KIRBY & Co. Kingston, 14//6 Jan. lS(l. t2 2 g? TO BE SOLD, THAT v-uuahir ft.md for a Merchant orTAV" er.n -K EEPfR in \\\ ■ towu/hip oJ Frcdcric.lcl- luifc'h, bordering on fKc t v\c Creek* near BraJ/hiw's Mill. The property co.filts in a neat iWflfap houle, painted St-anif>. brown, focty-five fest in length and twenty-fix feet wide, incluJ.n,; 3 galiciy in rVoBJp which runs the whole length >>f' the houft ; the wall* and partitions a?e all built of found burn! tKitM a ?«>-id brick chimney wiih two fire-pi»«*s "** are five robins on the tower floor, and one bed t"0,j %....... v ■• *«v<« -viiii/ u.i'.K.j- jit uvr m mis on tneiowcr iioor, anu "<•- v»w ■ er \!...'.- oi (he p*...fii y cf the embareo or nun- on ,hc foc ,r:d' Likewife, a pood log (lore houfean- \H\ rconrfe fvllcrn 1; is f-il.1 t-! h 1 •. , ,. k H ll"'ir' ft'^'e, and ufward* of two hundrcl jci« ' ■ " • l 'S Uld ' ' h*Vl WO" moG EXCELLENT LAND, bonded on the «* fide bj the Urrte Cteek, and on the cal! fide l»v » nai\ half of |i>£ N». 15, ffxtending h-m the King tiighwjj foaihctly, dnwu icrofothc Btf Creeks *,/ F01 in ihei paiticitlariul'plv to Iobr»'H '**' M » n Rfe. K.ru;u\M....i tpthf fobfer rr a' THjjJ * 1 i*'*^^ Ltt:ed a great chynge in the InbFtinl .he A- n^ncan people ^neratly, and turned «t«rh active cnpstal aard Jabot from e.n.ii.invi.i eai- phA-nKtit to hiamifac'tnre* m.d infernal in,. 1 \tb .". .'. 1S1 ■