. < I * I V • •' I ' - * '7 -____", " i -■- . i iih^ii P O E T R Y. MONTREi Hat War eh V* oust; bU ^^ yf/ /,fc Sim of the Military Hat, No. 54, THE PORTVGl ESS ^ |4 * *or. ^ ^^ p/^. ~~ JABEZ D. 0E WITT, OSTrelpccif:.]"')' informs the Public, 1 moil extenfivo he autiful The ground-work of the following (himsU is hid not very remote from thofe "fields -here the EngK/h and French <marri- ors are now, perhaps, drenching their fires Vi each other's blood They ars fa'td feel¬ ingly to'!. {tribe themtM.yetfcrsch&s—tender, yc.i "vindictive dmrrMcr of th Jpor/ugaefe pcafantry. [Morning Pol, THE beacoii is blazing bright, fit-.er, And ftrong is the cannon's fh<>ck ; And fee what a fwarthy light, father, Stains the peak ofAlvcrca's rock. *Twas the tramp of an "EnglilTi courier, Which clatter'd fo quick on the moor, For I faw the fotdier'sfabre Fiafll bright, as he darti'd by the door. So, take down the good old brand, father* Bat lend me my brother's dirk ; '"Tis light in a ftripling's hand, father, And ht for a ftripling's work. Then away to the midnight battle 5 But foft o'er the thivihoid trad, Left my mother mould hear your foot fall. And feream as we leave the fhed. Still brighter the beacons blaze father, And ttrongei th.! cannon's ihock, And the fmokehas hid the ;ays father, Which flaih'd round Alvcrca's rock. One kifs on the check of my mother, One kiis will not break her He -p ; Then awav for the midnight bitfle— Then awav for Alverca's fteep, j 1 that he has on? hand and complete aflbrtment of HATS, HAT TRIMMINGS, &c. &c. Amongst which are, Mofl fupeib military Hats, with orna¬ ments complete. Gentlemen's moflfafiionabk Beaver Hats. Do. lie: weens do. Do, Yeoman crowns do. do. Do.bl'k iuperliiic green under do. Do. drab do. do. do. Do. black do. extra large brims do. - do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do- DIVERSITY. SIGNS. IF yovi fee a man and woman, with little or no occalion, often finding fault, and cor¬ recting each other in company, you £ ay be fure they are man anil wife. If you lee a gentleman and lady in the fame coach, in profound filence, the one looking out on one fide, the other at the other fide, never ima¬ gine that thiy mean any harm to one anoth¬ er, they are already honelily married. If you fee a l".dy accidentally let foil a glove Or a handkerchief j and a gentleman cest her Mud* ly telling htr of it, that die mi^l.t gather ft ii!-)—man and wife. If you fee a lady pre¬ facing a gentleman with foroething (ideways, rt arm's length, with her head turned anoth- er way, fpeaking to him with a look and ac¬ cent different from that which me uics to others, it is her hufuand. If you fee a man and woman walking in the fields h~i a direct line twenty yards diltance from one another, the man flrides over a llile and goes oil fans ccrcmonie, you may fwear they are man and wife without fear of perjury. If you fee a lady whofe beauty and car¬ riage attracts the eyes and engages the ref- pect of all the company, except a certain gentleman, who fpeaks to her in a rougher accent, not at all affected with her charms, you may be fure ic is her huibaud who mar¬ ried for love and now flights her. If you fee a gentleman who is covetous, obliging and good natuied to every body, except a Do. drab do. do. Bell black water proof filk Ditto gieen under do. . Do. d'ab do. Do. do. green under filk Do. caftor Roram do. Flared do. Gentl's v-Hrniflied leather Hats for travelling. Servant*' ditto do. • Boys' Morocco Flats of all colors. Do. do. Caps do. Mens' & Boys' fine Cordies. Do. common do. Do. Wool Hats of every defcription. Gold and fr.ver tinfel Cord Bands. Common do. do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coarfe and fine Bovrflrings. Morocco of all colors iuitable for Hats. Fancy Tip Paper, do. do. Beft and common Glue. Logwood, Copperas, Verdigris. Aquafortis, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks. Hatters' do.— Raifing Cards. Hat Brnfhes of all kinds in ufe. Hatter's Irons, Stampers, Runners do;vn, Pickers, &c. Sec. Sec Ladies' mojlfajhiondble beav. Hats & Bonnets, viz. White do. Maids' do. & children's do. Light fawn do. Drib- do. do. Flair, brown do. Olive do. Parole "do. Blue do. And Green do. a' o. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. HAT TRIMMINGSr-fir.. Pink Linings Green Linings Red do. White do. Orang-e .!o. Blue do. [peryd. Yellow do. Bl'k do. fr. 1/6 io3/9 Flat Covers of every kind in ule. BINDINGS. Bed military binding's for cocked hats ; Black Galloons from icy* to $cf per Grocer. Beft drab do. Corn. do. do. Bell black and drab Bands; Common do. do. White and black worded Looping ; Common white Hat Buckles ; ftcel do. Yellow Union d?tto ; white do. do. Cords and TafTels") of all jfizes St colors, for Fancy Trimmings j Ladies' Bonnets* Extra large Cords for Ladies' Pelifles. certain female who lives under the fame roof ?a'h' fan'S>r Tn"mmin^ »r do. [ Bonnets with him to whom he is unreasonably crois and ill-natured, it is his wife. If you fee a ipan and female continually jarring, checking and thwarting each other, yet under the kindeil terms and appellations imaginable* as my dear, &c. thev are man and wife. Plumes of all colors, for Ladies' & Children's All of which will be fold at the moft reduced prices, for cafh or fhort and ap* proved credit. Montreal, Sept. 10, i^io. I tf The fubferibers have RAT POWDER. . . . THE village of Crovden was lately vilit- I°* received a conHgnment of Sixty Sides of cd by a man, who held'in his hand a fmall ALBANY SOLE-LEATHER, caiket containing a coniideiable number of vvhich they offer for fale cheap for cafh. packets neatly fealed up, which he offered $#, U iS 11. ABBOT & BASCOM, for i3le, remarking that they contained a---------------------------------------------------------•--------=■ powder that was a fovereign remedy agair.ft WHCTCaS I the fub- the exiHence of rats, wlrerever it was prop¬ erly adminiliered. Several perfons attracted by the venders cries, and no doubt annoyed by the troublefome vermin to which he allu¬ ded, approached him, and afked the price of his produce, to which he replied, they were only iixpence each. Fie was then afked in what manner the dofe was to be applied, but he prudently declined giving his i'rfrtructions until the medicine was bought. The price noc being very high, he foon obtained a nu¬ merous body of purchasers, and having at length emptied his bafket, and pocketed the cafh, he informed his credulous cuftomers, that the bed mode of admmiftering the pow¬ der contained in the paper would be, to match until the nits were cfleep, and then to pour a quantity into their ears, the confe- quence of which he obferved would he certain death. Having given this important infor¬ mation, he walked off, leaving his auditors in the utmoft adonilhmcnt at ?im\n^ themfelves thus dv'tn-A. On opening the packets they were found to contain fome excellent///^/. [ London paper. fcriher did, fome time in the month of Janua-. ry 18 10, p-'^<e a note of hand for twenty dot-, lars and uxty-two cents to Auguflin Barthol¬ omew, which note was not to be paid by m<$ until the faid Bartholomew fhould fifnifl) a^ SUPEKF1 low pric' ABBOT & BASCOM, Have jnit received and are now opening for fale, at their Stoic in Kincstom, A VERT GEKEFAL ASSORTMENT OF FALL and WINTER GOODS : AMoKG wri.CH ARE THE FOLLOWING ! UPEKFlN£,f-cond& d Broadcloth F reil Cloths HjnteTs <3o. Scarier do, Kerfeys, CalTimeres Baixes & Flannels Cirpeting Fl.iihing, e> Blanket3 Plain & twili'd Velvets Thickfetts Genoa Cord Blue & drab Jerfey Knit Swanfdown, worfted Cord, Toilinett & Merfailles Vetting Salilbury Flannel China biue Furniture Chintz do. Ditto Fringe Sillc 8c co ton Bandanna Handkerchiefs Black & figured Silk do. Linen & cotton pocket do. Silk & cotton Shawls B ack, purp.e, flitciv: bot- lle green Pelt fife Velvets Jamaica Spirits Sr. Croix do. French B-andy Holland Gin Po.t Wir.c L. P. Tcnerifie do. Shrub Hyfon, hyfonikrn & fin- glo Teas Pepper,Allfpice & Ginger Mufcovado fugar Raiftns & Figs Almonds, Cunarits 'I am3rinds Huney Jndigo, Fig Blue Starch & Scap • Plug, roll Sc fmoking Tobacco C:gars, and Rappee in tiff Upper Leather Morocco doB Cilflkms 2 TfUla A iurr> 100 ib. Aivurocrtjf crude 5° ICO A 'Mil i.tO Aloes ROMEO WABSWORTH, Has received by the lite arrivals from London and Liverpool, a frijh fupply of Drugs & Medicines ; Which he oilers for fale on better L'rms than they ever have been lo!d in this country. Among which arc the foil, ivtr.g arttclei : 30 ib. C»urti Myrrh Gum Scammony, Aleppo Gum Thus Gum T:agav.antb Mace Magncfia Manna * N -tmegs Op5um Peravidn Baik ICO - Jalap 112 - Powder'd Rhubarb ico - Sago in grain 75 - co. in powder 3 Tons Glauber Salts 75 lb. S.icrmacettt 60 - Tartai Emetii 25 - Solubil Vitriol 300 100 100 *$ 400 200 200 - A<.j izforus * Gum Cimph^r Ca-ithaiidea . Caiiia . Cloves . Tons Copperas ' Ib. C:em Tartar 15 " nz - 5 " zio - iqo - lOO - Sc - aoo - 1 3000 lb. Fior Sulpnur Printed & plain Bomba- Men's fboes zettes I Coarfe Boots Calimancoes &Durants Wildbores Blk. blue, purple* red 5; printed Morocco fhoes 5° u ioo ^ 75 - 5o . 40 - x5 • 30 . 60 - 2S - 30 ^ 20 - Fiv'i Ch^maciiile Gum Arnmon'vac Gum Arabic Gum All i;ce:ida Gum Ber2">m Gum Etetni ■ Qua Gaibaoura Gu»n Cuaicum 3° * 56 - Tapioca 30 - Vermacilli - G^ccGamb. 300 - V.triol Romai Gum fuoiper 56 - do. Alb. Gum Seed Lac 3000 - Sak Petre Gom xh'lt Lac 300 - Pearl Barley Gum Martic PA7.ENT MEDICINES. . Silk, lamb's wool,worfted| Sclefted Books & colton Hofe Lamb's wool Gloves Worftcd do# Red and blue Cap^ RoDe Patterofi Fancy Ginghams ** Calicoes " Dimities CdlorM & whjre Moflins Youihys & children's do. A General Aflortment of Hardware, Cutle¬ ry, Crockery, and Iron Hollow Ware Bar Iron Anvils, Vices Blifter & Crawley fteel Horfe ?c pocket Piftols Japan'd, f»eded? dotted &, Shovels fcfpades figured bik. & white do. Frying Pans Nails Lenoes & Laces 6X3, 7X9, 7*1 X81, and Cotfon Sewings SXio Window Giafs White & colorNi Thread Thermometers Taprs &ftiirt Buttons I Plated fpurs iaclc, purple, blue, pink, Gun Powder brown, buff, and flatc Shot & Bar Lead color'd Cambricks V/hite Cotton Striped 2c checked do. Cotton 5hJr^ing Linings. Piatillas Bi wn Holland Silk & Cjtcon Umbrellas S^tin^i Lu ft rings Taifities, Sarcenets Silk cc Twift Black, blue, fcarlet&drab PeiifTc Cloths Ditto Cor.ls Ditto Trimmings A .'Iats Military Sillc water proof Fafhion. Beaver Caltor Roram 1 Men's & boy's felt do. Do. di». fine Cordies Leather Caps for children Hat fcrevws Lawn Hat Covers B*ft twilled filk do. Ladies' fafhiunabte Beaver Bonnets Anderfon's Puis Baliufn of Honey Baliam of Gilead Bateman's D.ops Boftock1* El.xir B.>wien%s Iilue Plaifter B.-itihOil Cephdlic SnufF Corn Plaifter Court flicking Plaiflcr DafiySE! x\r Daiby*s Carminative xiarl's Remedy for the Hooding Cough L(fence Coltsfoot Do. Peppermint Do. Pennyroyal EfiVntial fait of' Lemon 1 Do. do. vin^^ar CilalTea Magne6a Godfrey's Cordial Gowland's Lotion Hooper's Pills j aroes' Analeptic Pills d«>- F<;ver Powder jefuit's Drops Liquid true Blue do. Na.,kterj Dye Lozer.ltsTo.ii1 Magnefia Lozenges Ornjlkiik Medicine Refined Liquorice hteers's Opodeldoc Stoughcn's E.ixir Tiacf. Bark, Huxl.em'* Turlington's Balfaoi Llf-nce ot MuiUid J . COL OR S. Litharge Yellow Ochre P.ufli.inBluc, No. i,*it ftoft Pink Pumice Stone Rdt.'n «Jo. 5>aniih Brown Vermillion Ditto low oriccd do. general affcn*tment of DRUGS & MEDICINE—among which are— Cinnamon Cephalic Snuff' Refined Liquorice Sel Poincnt Brilijh on Uuium l"J. Steers's Opodeldoc '•[fence Peppermint Mnjlard Bur<ramot Bled, Ebck White Chalk Red do. Carmine Fiakir White Frankfort Black Indian Red Indian I.>k. lo:y I'lack Lamp Blade F.fT. Anchovies Quince faace Sauce R.ojal Cavice Anothec-rv fcales ana PcWvr (• ■-i ■.-*-* S^aniih White S A UCE Si Cherokee Sauce India S-y Mulhroom K.etchup d alt pet re , Windfor Soap Chinas Worm dtjlroy- Gold Leaf m$ Lozenges Silver do* J very Black Black Lead Godfrey's Cordial J fat's Drops 'church's Cough Drops Anchovies Balfam Honey Ketchup Hooperh Female Pills Pink Root Anderfon's Scotch do. Court Plafer ■James* Analeptic do. Sugar Candy Lee's 7 Coifs j Wheat on 'sjann. Bitters Barley Sitg ar Ir.t'crialJooih powder Teeth Inftruments Lihfnlve * * Nutmeg® Cloves weights CameJ-hah Pencils ' Garlypots m fort5 GuiJ leaf Ivory Syringes ■ Loze^rres Peaoernrrnt Parent Comp. Mortars Pewter Ounce Mcafures A L ico'K.fgs White lead, Teett Bralite* Vial Corks Bottle'do. Wafers, fuper fine Wax, iealing luperfine *io. foi W>ne White leather Skins W.ndlor foap «S 0, ground Bilious do- Fior Sulphur Gum Camr-hor 1 Crown Lancets Common do* They have likewife rented the New Stove beionojno- to Mrs. Finkle, in Ernejlown, where they are now opening a GcTJeml Aflortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, and CROCKERY : all of which will be fold refuarkably low, for mompt pay only. Calh, Pot & Pearl Affces,Wheat, Flour, Pvik, Furs, Butter aiui Ckeefe re¬ ceived in pavment. £T Conftant attendance will be given at ench place ; orders from gentlemen of the faculty attended to on the fliorteft no¬ tice ; and medicine put up in the belt order. November 13, I 810. gtf SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Diltrict, 1 DT virtue of a Writ to wif : j aJ Chocolate Spermacecu Candles 3:o(!;. Sraalih brown do. do. Oil 50 wreen do, Cafk Raifins 50 Vtilow ; '50 Black Box ao. 2or. (•> ices W'n-.dow Glafs Figs, Olive Oil aiT rted, 6X8, 7X9, Currant*, Almonds ZX10, i{X£h Wrapping & Writing A general ..flortmen: of per Aiiortcd fhop furniture, viaUaf. Mcfs Sc Pn'me Pork forted, a variety of iuv, F ug & Pigtail Tobacco gton's in.1ruir.snt5>. Ptpr-er, Alll'pice 1 ON HAND, Coffee, L:>a.* fugar Oiinprwdcr, Ft ji (<«n, V./Ung Hyfon, Ktl .r. fkin, Hyfon Chuian. Souchong, *■£* Coivir.iissTON Business tranfaftei on the uftial terms, and Cafh advanced on any kind of Produce and other property left with him. Montreal, Sept. 15, i8ro. L >a? fug To^trlier with a Gencraf Affjrtm.of DYEjTirr?) TEAS "RFSS Pap ehs, Tt\. TF.B Kh.KS, JACKS, .<*,/• J?r<- A-- &c. & turned to miidi the faid work. Thefe ai*% to caution the public again(t receiving or pur-, chafing the faid note, as I will not pay it mip. til the faid Bartholomew has finiflied thc^. mill in queftion. ASA F. RE ID. Kingston, Dec. 31, 1 8 1 oj Crawford Ef 1. I havefe>%ed and taken in execu¬ tion the eajl half of lot No. 3, frond eoneejfon of the townfljip of Frederic'Ljlitrgh, in the eounties ofL 6'8 Notice is hereby given^ ^O all perfons indebted to the eftnte'o Alexander McDonald, bakcr,late of the town of Kingtlon, deceafed, by prom- hTory note, book account, or other obliga¬ tion, that unlefs immediate payment is made to the fubferibers (who are duly authorifed to receive the fame and give acquittances) their accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney for collection. All perfons having any claims again ft laid eftnte, by promiflbry note, book account, or otter obligation, are requeftedtff produce the fame for adjuilment, on o\ befor; the j 5 th day i >f March nVx t, to the fubferibp* ALEXr. MACDONCLL,^/wV. JANNET MAC DO NELL, Adm%* Kingston, I nth Jan. 1811. 11~-~V . *... Strayed into the? premifes, and now in the liable of the fubfern-. ber, a BAY COLT, about two years old • whoever it belongs to, will have it or, applica■_ lion, and paying the expenfes. G. HAMILTON. >- Kingston, D:c. 2C, l3(0. AT THE HINTING OriKI KlN6tT'N . '- %&%%!fi^'£%^^7h Cash paid for Rags Wt town oj Kingston, on Monday the 2 id of 1 July next, at the hourofioorlock in the foreman dud any pcrfon or perfons win may have any chum to the above mentioned prmtfes* by wrtgage or otlerwife, are rifled t, make the Jame known to me before th* day of [ale CHARLES STtrAXT/uKrit SbettJi s Office, lyhNov, iHio, PRINTED AND PUntlSHBS Bv MOWER &' KENDALL. \uf [puicr virruns shilunci 4+* **>'Nili' i'/Blank Notes, Cj/\/ /laiuibilk haKdf'tuly executed atfh<rt nvlkt*