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Kingston Gazette, January 15, 1811, p. 1

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* ■* 1 M VXl5 klNUis ion, (iM'i'Eii CANADA,) TUESDAY, JANUART i5, 1811. ' t f [No. 17 .'• Hvr1 fahfcnbor herd's ■ IVI .i i I- ?\ilri\', I I, i! I, • K.u jt! I h I.-. !. v. i:i 1 \m .v.i.iv lauly M|. .; 1 ) Mr. j£. j'Jo.lj,;, l!u' foiluwhn; j... , .i;!; 'I3ul rt.i 1 )ii V.ci'ic'. Dimity, Cor* t, w. i ■ \ % tS.v Kl'do*.'.l lii'I I'.Ucnt Civr.1 Veiling; Vvii ;• ;::il ! jni t> d - Wi.l-.ra3 ; IV iidiuiriji, ['.•>- i;;.i n > i Cot ion Vinutrknchi IV; C:tmt 1©J ]!(i.-s:..i-v" : eirrivmuji ciiil >; L*:..<*. Jao» u r, ;.,!•..;. ni L:m*k Muilbis ; C\>wo.i Lan.!>rf-••:, Cru^a-Ti'* CittmbiMy, Irifh Lni.ti, &hh liiH*, Cotton jbivwri ['KiMawd, Lice, P,ri \7uCa, Sr ;:\-'y Tear, TuUu'c>, SUhiij So^.pj Rar!i:ist Chocolate, Ufaefc and purple Morocco Ski"% beal & Ruflet d;t.io, M..,v.;, Sufpcndin, Olive Oil, SiomiUton's biri.o , CariMUMMj Tur]:H'>ion,:i BaH.im, Elli'ilc.* or MiH.kJ, jLeiw n, Bgrpn'tmift Pepper-; in,, Harlfem 5: iir.'t.ili Oil, Opodeldoc, -\.nutt-i, Wiadfor So!]-, Nails § H:i dv»at.coi various defcript i • m i ••> — a hs {»— JLliL ICtiUW ill' U\J\ 'h-.aJ -- Dark's Memoir*— can Lady—Crnrie-i Twelfth— Kfc/ahcih- i he lublcnfae Der re¬ turns life frncere than!;:, u, h*3 friends and. th • •■■:•."-■ for paft favors, and \i.forms ilum \k-.\ li- bas on h«-. 1 a large quantity of Jju0.rst—Mc*i% ^omtm'sand Children's 87tQ-£&--Jk/lc ;md [Jpp.r LEJTHFR— •a \\r p:i£i oi' O-iUiiiv, SLEIGHS HOf.S, and a gtiieral affortmcuttJ DRY GOODS a.»,i GROCER] £S—v.hici. he will fell at a very reductd r.ri^L- for canh or produce. RICHARD .SMITH. Kltiptmi Dec. 11, i H i o. 12 tf Cj'l'ht highdi price gi^ca for goocl FidURi MISCELLANY. For the Kingston Gazette, RECKONER No. 3. n £77//// TANNING & CURRYING r .! H li fiibfcrfbers inform ilieir fn\-nd.s and fe the pnhii-j, that they carry on the W?/miArG ^v CURP.i'JNG buiwefe, at 11. ■;'.!- woik« in Ivinnjlton* aiid pledge tlxm- ftives tiiat their work (hall bc-v.-ell executed. rl h -y will tail hiJes upon fliarea for fuch as n ay defire ir, upon liberal terms. Hides will br r.'ocivci ac tlM bouic of /i/. Rc<;f.ks, eul- 11 Iv- .1 rinh: >•• v •' a f. k s [•7 s Hoi <ri. C(sle!j--—E«.Seii'*s Sp.^I;,-r— .'■IcJ.ool Kill.:.-- 'EtBfo-aC'te'i—\\ ebiKr'uSDcilinsbooks—Dii- worth's (Jitto—betides iVveial articles too te¬ dious io mciitio.;. TIic wliole of which arc of ari eXGilknt quality, a:>d will be fold at the ir.uil reduced prices For cafh. 0 GoinUryProchicj tzL'n in pjy^c:: Klnpim, Dec. i%t iSio. Morocco and other Currvin^ JpiH-: at fhort Liotie?j ly a \vcrkwnn lately horn ^xcw V o;l>. MOSES ROGERS, johh ells:kbe;ck/ i? tt l^j New Cheap Goods* S. DART L E T, INFORMS his Fn\:;ds 4*4 the P^^ ■1 that be has t nls day rreeWed, tind sow *piag i^r lale, a LARGE 8t3PJ?JUY of G O O 11 s CONSISTING OF •; Groceries, V.hii-ii. in add»Vir»n to !:is former Kock, will hi; alTortni' 't verv complete : the \\w\u- SHERIFFS SALE. ZMmlDitblZA "OY virtue ol a Writ io ivi. J X3 of i*7M*/ Ft&aS) JfTo- ed oi:l of-' his JNiisjtily'^ Court of lCing*s BcAci;, and t'. me dircvled, againft the lands and tenement1' of James North, at the fu'h of jiimcs Robius, 1 Lave iei/.ed and taken m e^coUtion lot duother twenty-fix on Well ii:i'-, fa the tciwpftiip of Marvibiirjrij county ufFiihce Edward, and dilhict afort:faidrcon- LrfininsT by adoicatur^nacut two hundred acre?, n .ci a-i tiviprovemeut of about 40 ac.es, be t!ie faitie niore oy tcf*- which will be adjudged to lhe hf^hvft biddei-i at the ^aol i'o^r i'i tlie tm'.'a '-1" Kiiij '«">- 1;» ;! • iCiJi '1-v of April kxr«t) t-i the h'vuroi ten o'clock in the foie- i.oon. And aaj pciionor pexfons whvrmy Itayc any claim to the above mentioned prem- i(':s, rjilici by mortgage t»r otherwifet arc re*- quoted Lo make tht fame known to mt be-*- f.»rc the tiny of lale. CHARLES SHJAllT, S^r^ f'rerl/f's Office, QiloUr 9> 1C10. * jtf •i,,,],.- ««!' winVh vs-i'l be fold at tlie I'.t'.uiiwu As he is now doling hh hufinds BAGG 6f U AG All, AVfc. j:jlt received tiorei LonuoW, afcd OflfiJl ;„ t!u> plac*4 no credit will be {'jveu* and Mods sriU be f.»ld lower llwta c;:u be por- M A V t j lit received jk jL fo* Otic-, at their call and cxautiue Itii tiiakd in tlie P oyinee : Pud as he i^ tut* - mined to Kll id! oft, e.unttUv ktlkfa hh friends and cullomers to C Cam: anvi tlic hrghefi: price paidf.r PRODUCE. N. B. AH tbofc indebted, either h Note or Book Aiiduni, are res&jleu io 'rnakj Khmfca, Ouofar i > i8*c. 2—tf "1 C^SADDLIN< THE iubicribors imvxng remov¬ ed to theb-iidin^ ocj?\Jp*ed Ivy MeOVs. Arbot & Bascox, rtf.ivdfolly inform tho Inhabitants or K':zg-tm and it > vicinity, tii.ii; thev are now carryiivj on the SADDLE^ HARNESS &' TRUNK-MJMMQbn* utiefs, in their feveral bia'u^hes; ( They have p.ow on hand a quan- tity of warraated Vtoxk ; and their (lock romprifin^ ?.imo(l every arrcle ufuaQy kept ,» a Saddler's fh-vn, they hatter tfeejuftflvca viat they {}i^)\ be able to aafer all Gfders ^rwoik in their \hc—and %bn on as wsafon* Wae term?, f:>neady pay, s& can be purcirdcd 111 the Province. Conitaiit attention io baSmefe* s^the qu.ili.y of thtif won;., will be tueir 5%e1aiiB upon the public patronaire, *%*RhPAii.-ihc (hme. on tht /hoiir/l mfm'» C. V;iIJ.[STON .ce Gft* A *&»u+tJ&2_____f...0 a* I-.....i— ivmw*lr v * it p. Hat Store & FaBory, lh). 100 St. Paul Streety Montreal, mxt dcorjoutbof MtjJ'r*. Bellows, Gates & Co. A General A-flTorrgj^nt at Gentlemen's fine BsAVEft IIatr ; filk Water Proof, Leghorn and Willow do. i Ladies ado Ch't'l'^ri 3 beaver and ftraw Bonnets»oI" tlic latfrt fafhions and beft c^ality. Also, Miiitaiy Folding Hats, elegantly tr.mmea ; Hat lrimmiugs> &Ci &c« which were imported upon as gnr>J rerms, and Will r>e fold as ch. ap or cheaper than can be bought in the country. They have alfo a variety of Ha?* of their own make, which rl""*y a*e willing to warrant to be 81 durable as any ever cft'erei for fale in Canada. ORDERS from the country thankful*? re«Wed and ftfiajy ateended to. *^# CASHprAd for FURS. Montreal, Nov. 20, To 10. Gaudml fcrilentes ; etje ven'rantttr, et ultra Si la'CtaS) laudatit quk quid fa if fere beat). HQRACK. HE who makes Ms appearance as a public inllrudor generally raifcs an belt of enemies, becnufe be conceives iifmfrlf fuperior to his readers, rnd iii the pqffcffion of genius and knowledge wettby of their particular regard. He has foflie new difcovetfes to make, lb me new fyilrm to exp'ain, or he Satfers hirnfelf that by the eloquence * f" his language, or the variety of bis flluflrations, he (hall be able to ^lace knows truths in a more ihiking light. But as we are ^pt to efifmate our talents at more than their fall value, it dees not always happen that an author fulfils what his preface hath promifed. His leaders are therefore difappointed, and have frequently to lament' theii !ofc of money in parchafing the book, and their lofs of time in perufing it, Thde two evils t have endeavored to ob¬ viate by the method which i have chofen to convey my thoughts to the public : for if I fhall be found totalis unfit for my utidertak- ing, the reader has only to pafs over the col- uouis devoted hy the printer to my lucubra¬ tions j ana as he would have purchakd the Gazefte though I had never wrhten,'he Can¬ not blame mc for any pecuniary lof-. I am fuffici^-ntly aware that this mixiety to fave the fiioney and tame of tlie public will not exciife me to thofc who think it the threat eft prefumpiion in any but themftlves to write for the amufement and inftrufiion of their fellow fubjedls—But I do nor defpair of rendering tven them friendly to my dellgn* I am not fo arrogant as to defpife the mur¬ murs of fuch critics as are difpleafed with my efforts to entertain the public, and are at pains to point put my deficiencies and the blunders which 1 may commit. On the C'Mitravj i (halxbeai their correction wlthpa- tionce9 anU enUeftvor "ti> rjmfl&l flvmu iuv^j blow. They may complain of my vai.ity and folly in attempting tu tell others what 1 have not yet learned rnyfelf. They may warn the public not to fuller fuch a babbler to take up that fpace in our newlpaper vvuli meagre imitation and iujudicioua pillage, v.hich rr.i^ht be more ul'cfnlly filled with plcafiOg anecdoti-3, choice poetry and amui- ing tales. But I fhall (lill prefetve my good temper, and while they admit of no plea in my favor—no good-natured motive—no de- fire to furpiOl innocent amufcmcnt—to im¬ press upon the public a greater reipeft for re¬ ligion and virtue, or even to excite a laudable th'irll for nfcful knowledge—1 fhall content inyfelf with inviting them to afHll me with their fupcrior abilities, and with telling them that I fhall at any time prefer to fill my col¬ umns with their fag'j oblervations rather than with my own. Delighting in harmony and peace, I am determined not to be offend¬ ed at ctnfure, nor puffed up with applauie. With the Utter I {hall not be much incom- elegant nnd fticcefs-ful writer. Attacks of this kind have been refilled by different au¬ thors in various ways. Some fet critics at de¬ fiance, and provided their works are purchas¬ ed, they difrcgard their vociferation*. Oth¬ ers adopt the motto which I have prefixed to this paper, and rejoice in tin ir own perform¬ ances. " I have fpent twenty years," laid a writer on the Nightingale, "in compofing this *' treatife, for I confider it the duty of every " man in fociety to do all he can to piomote " the general good of mankind ;. but yet my " love for the public welfare, which has in- " dnced me to public this work, has not to be " fuffered me to forget that it ought t< " written with franknefs and fincerity. Another author who has publifhed atreatife on CORNS,affumes all the airs of a moil /kilful and valuable phyilcian,and complainsthat our noble ur.iveriities will not confer upon HiA an honorary degree. he fau'1 IO tt I Heufe Building a ml Painting. THE fubfcrih?rsherebv $\ve notice to the ialub. Hants of K.Rgrton, Emeftovn» AdoTj.huftQwn, a..d other adjoining piae**, that the? infcod c<> c^'oy t»- n-xt feafon in tins venity, in tMMJNQ HOUSES, oucfide and i:-.i"ide, Patent P«£"»*°) Ro.J!Bv,&c. and the bufineis of BOUSE CARP EX* <TERS and JOINERS. Tbelfwotlt will be ate, cuced with ncuo.elsand difpatcb. Application m y be made at the dwelting-boute of Mr. Stoughton, innkeeper, in ICingfton, Mr. JoM Bell, in Eneh town, ot Mrs, Douglas, h^eyr^T^AJotohttfli tnvn< NATHAN WHEELER, Nov. 20, i?io. ANDREW PICKENS. (CrTO BE SOLD, n .HAT ■aluaWc rtandfora Merchant orT/^- I ERn-Keepep. in thetow.Uh.p of FrederickU ^11 of Lot nutikh r tw^aiV "r(-'i 'on<l *' -^ M acrfft. ia the third ro;u'fiio.-! ut IB »P of K ^ t ■•',, ;n ti'2 C u.i'v D Lcei:, -n.i (; b, fill 1 -m: ;>t rflJiVrS----* -i< l»d I■' j ill-.- I I tfe-p fjiCTP, j,. [I.'.CMIAI! WAltDFK. "(" Ol KUf ' d,; 1.! ■, :.s ti.- u- (J.-i'mmk--. b.. , !|J WiJ f*t< li I v. . r, j J f.M i ' M^h;,b ,, and partitions a.e ailbu.it of f,«>nd burnt o, D gj.d brick cnimney with two ^places, the^ Lf fife rooms on the tower floor, :«nd one b-d roow, a 1, „,, ft,b»r, and -,-V-.rd^ ■»( two hund.ed cr. , n e bv the Ufw Creek, a. d on the ealt B»H*J lvM.hwjvio«dK'ty,dAWQacrr.fsrheBrg^!ee.. % M-o./oth,rr,.(icUla.,av-<r!v tolos, h Foa. f. .' " Vi ■ .a „ «v t.d.ef^fc i^-.a in... 1 c!ed, for many people readonly to find It : they look not for acutenefs of remark, fpicuity of arrangement and elegance of flyk ; but they fcarch for a doubcful poOtion, an error of reafonlng, a trifling omifiioi:, or a deficiency of fa&s ; and it ihefe cannot be difcovered, they wilt exert their ingenuity to make them. In former times, criticifm de¬ lighted more In Uluftrating the merits of an author, than \k expoiing his faults ; more en- ^er to encourage than to deprefs, the critic dwelt upon the beauties of any literary per¬ formance that carne before him, and touched its defeds with a gentle hand. But the pop- ular critic of the prc-f nt day adopts a differ¬ ent rule. Having found fame error, r.r made fome, he rail3 againlt the author as a novice, a vaiti ma;* ignorant of hi* fabje&*who fhould Le lent hack to his grammar For the grofs blunders which he makes in wrilinff his na- t:ve IangU3gCi Sometimes he appears with mote ciedit—An author has employed many years of his life incoHecticq^nisteridls ior a literary woik, hut unluckily his talents for eompontion ssre rot equal to ais inouflry.— Such ?» petfon, i);c otitic thinks fair gawe ; III* hunts him down—he ri'licoles hw IK-'e nn<\ the order of his argument—baghsat his dulnefs and obfearity ; and afee? having hvlu him un to oublic dcrifion* h-? condefcends to write on the l:.n»c ftibje& hHt-feVf, ?ml afT'i.'d by Uic matcviala coIlt6t«'<iby the cub/rit, it is eafy for him to write i:» a mor*. impofitig manner, and thss to aSTurr>e the piMvii: of ? » • PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF LOWER CANADA. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Monday} Dec. 17.—A bill to continue and nme-id the ?.ct for the better prefervation of* bfs Majefty's government as by law happily eitabliflied in this province » and a bill ro re¬ vive and continue the acts therein mentioned refpeftfng aliens and certain fubjeth of his Majcily, who hove reftded in France ; were brought down from the Hon. Legislative C( unci!, by the matter in chancer)-, and read a fir ft time. Thecommittee ofthcwhole honfc.tov.hom had been referred the petition refpe&ing ll Montreal jail, reported that the fum limitc by law for building the faidjail was infuffi- cient, and that a fur:her fum of 6600I. be granted for that purpofij. The report was accepted, and a bill brought i:i accordingly. Tucfhy, 16.—The engrofled bills iffpeS- Ing aliens, &c.—aad to continue and amend the ac"l for the better prefervation of his Ma- jefty'a government, were both read a fectind time and iticiied ioa committee of the whole The bill for difabling judges from being eltfted or from fitting and voting in the ho ufe of affembly, was read a fecond time and ordered to be engrofied. The houfe then refolved to go into a com¬ mittee on Saturday next, to confider if houf- es of correction are requifite in the d?ftric"ts of Quebec, Montreal and Three Rivers, aud of tlie means for providing the fame. Wednejday, '9.—Mr. Mure, from the committee to whom the contingent accounts of the two lad fefHons were referred, reported fun dry refolut'ons, which were agreed to by the houfe, and an addrefs was voted to hia Excellency for tlie amount of faid accounts. A mefTaee was received fom the legifla- tive council, informing the houfe that they had paffed the following bills, and requefting the concurrence of the houfe to the fame z. An act for the more eafy difcovery and ef- fcclual puniflimeiit of buyers and fellers of ilolen goods, &c; an acl for preventing the forging and counterfeiting foreign bills and notes, &c ; and an aft to prevent the abufes of oppoflllon afin d'amiu/kr, afm de dijlraire% and afin de charge, Sc. Tlie bill for the relief of the poor, in the loan of feed wheat, was read a fecona time, and ordered to be engrofled. A petition from James Strothers & RoVt Gilmau, praying for the erection of an alms houfe at Montreal, was received and referred. The bill refpe&Ing the completion of the iail at Montreal, was read a fecond time and referred to a committee of five members. Twoengroffed bills, for regulating the in¬ land trade between this province and the U- Btted States,—and for difqualifying judges from fitting and voting in the houfe of af¬ fembly, were read a third time and paiTed. The houfe then, with cloied doors, went into a committee 011 his excellency the Gov¬ ernor in Chief's mefia^e relating to the im- fcnfotjment of Pierre Bedard, Efq. returned a member for the county of Surrey. Fridayt December 21-—The bill for grant¬ ing a ftiitliet fum of money towards build inc.; and completing the Montreal jail, was rejoined from tlie fpecial committee with fev eral amendments, and it was ordered that the bill and report be confldercd in a com- 1 -.iitce of the whole houfe on Wedoefday >v Saturday -?> -The houfe in commruee pffed tht I'll to regi 'ate alien.", filled up the b1anl:«»an \ ■ , on W^ o'u '- '- w-': ' • (hredthat the h I -5 1.1:1 tided jctnjn ! !.

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