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Kingston Gazette, January 8, 1811, p. 4

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•; ;-; y. *4 V :• V ■': H"M p 0 i ; T I: Y. FRANCE: :\ NATION Suu'd forevyy noble art. That warms the l^-eait or tli^rt Ik- the heart, Giowir r with ardor in a loyal cr.ule, The him fupporter of thth ancient laws— : ;cli <wa wa»rraLCO. NoWhowalishlcfdc'd, Her laurels blighted and Iter fen* difgrae'd; lawful fov'refgrn, gftililcfii Louis, flam; will be 320 hofhds ; h. 8 *cw», which fume formers jjlam in a fenfoi*, <'r ^'!1 bc^boih- c.i,,-------1 im inhume 1 that pimc Farmers tu the province plant only '-lie eyes of their po¬ tatoes, ami gi e the iclt 10 thur cattle or IxOhs. With thefe the iofs nrnft be ilill g 1 v. atcr. L HAT WAREHOUSE MONTREA^^^ ^ ». s±m #*** **«- ) A th: ^>" <?/ '■'* M i« D. ^ 0%'> * the Public, that he has on hand a mod extend*.. nd com. OST refpe&&% f^r^e fIAT*TRIMMlN<?fi. &e. &c. ./Wtf ^ -" v:fih onia- DivERsrn r Examination in Pure Irifh. ;' ■ , 1 .. l, 7 *JA . .;VierM o'er the The following curious examination of an Hi- Her [JobleJt b ood v,,u-iuati a ou uic / a - ,*■;#:.. r . ttrman aal-heaver charged with a trifling do [ l.un ; .' I.*:r princes victims t> 1 ..- .,.,,./ .,-'..,r. ,v 1 f(ii-ei'"n land fa murderous band, Qre.\iles wanLenng m a An itpffert d« fpot, with bs iron Ivvay, Tears with relentleis h'utd iier fan* away 5 'j'p add hew victims to hi. btozea chain* Or once free 1 nation* to fubduc again, •'the Mufes fly—Religion difsppeavs— Ana ill the land a gloornv viTage Wears. "Where now are fceu of former fence the pride, < [wide ? The fehools of Ictter'd fcience fpreading Where now the loyal dictates of the 1-rc.all, In former France on cv'ry mind iaiprcll i Or where thofe. ions o( virtue that excell'd N't Ida in private life than in the field ? HuuYd now thofe dictates oi the upright nu'i.d— HnhVd or regarded as the empty wind. Crime-, ^efobtion, ruin, govern all, The vv^'eked conouer, and the vimious fall. ftl'jnw M$ place before a 'worthy ma-jjh\iU tn the Eftjlafiw 'daysface.—LONDON p. Mwfiralc. Well fellow* what have you to fay in your defence : Prrfiwr. Nothing at all, your honor,— bur'n the prolecutor hasn't towld a word of truth ! ■Mtigk How old are you I Pyf Thirty-and three lai grafs, plage your honor ! M"7. What countryman are you ? Pnf. Faith I'd been an Enghihman, on¬ ly tint I was born in Ireland ! Mag. Have you ever been 10 fea ? Pnf To fee wiio plaze your vyorfhip ? I-Lvj. Have you ever ben out at lea 1:1 fiiip ? " Pr'if. No, your honor* Mar-. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. CO. do. wS AGRICULTURAL. Experiments to dgtennlm whether it is bell to plant large or /mail Cuttings, cf Pota toes. [By the Rev. Mr. Codran.J IN the Nova Scotia Magazine for Dec T7P-9. tnere appeared fome extracts from an Eifay on Potatoes, pilblifhed among the pa¬ per-, of the Bath Agricultutal Society. In thefe u prodigious diilcrLUee is n.>li».ed, be- tvvecn the produce from lar.-e cuttings and CLat from tmaty, in favor of lat'ge ones, as N.-.r to on::. That a coriiid:rable cUfTcrcncc of produce iTjicrht efeape the obfervaiion cf mere pra-di« cai farmers, who feldom make comparative experiment-, is readily to be fuppofed, aud that, ihc.ivfore, it might ftill be a difputed point amonglt them, whether large or fina.il < !'u':gs'coc moft profitable, ?s the author .,'ho rentes thofe experim<ntu a.lcris it is, ^r>d ?.', we kn-.v; it to be here. But we can 1. i.c.y 1.11 j.oic that >nv farmer, who liould fee one acre in his nn-hbor's field pioduce as much a-, nine in his own, would continue inattentive to the advantaffe of u&ns larger Seed. In the extracts, whew this amazing difpro- jjortion of produce ib mentioned* it is nor fta- ted wliat proportion the cuttings, ufed in -the one and in fie utlier caf', b^re to each ether. Probably there was a greater dif¬ ference than between thofe which are com¬ monly uftd here. However, if the bfs by plantii.-g fmall cutting*) fnould only be one half, or even one fourth part of that men¬ tioned above, full it would be an object hinh- ly deferving the attention of farmers. I thought, therefore, it might not be a ufelcfs experiment, to try two or three different fizes of cuttings, near to thofe ufually planted in this neighborhood, and to ma.k the differ¬ ence of produce, if any. For tin's purpofe, in the fecond week of June Iaft, I took an equal number of cut¬ tings, of three different fizes ; the large!*; (No. 1) were ibmewhat larger than thofe u- fually planted here. The ft end fize, which I (hall call No. 2, was lefs than one half of No. 1. The thicd ilze (No. 3) was about one third of No. 2. I planted 100 hills with each ll/e, Tmr cuttings m each hii). The bind, manure, and cultivation as nearly alike as 1 could Eiake them. From the firft appearance of the plants. 2 firiking difference, in favor of the large!! fhe, was obfervable, Many of the hills from No. 1, had ten, twelve, or fourteen flalks, ftroi-g and healthy. Thofe fVom No. 2, much fewer and weaker. Thofe from No. 3, m many inlt?.uces had not more than four ftalk•■:, and thofe fmall ai.d feeble. The dif¬ ference* tho gh fliil ve.y percept-'ble, was not fo gre.it toward the end of the fummer as at the beginning. _ In the h^ginnin^ of November they were ail taken up, and the produce weighed. No. 1, produced 280 lbs. No. 2, -» ■ - [ 1 thought you faid you were an Irifh man ? Prif. So I did your honor. Mag. Well, how could you come from Ii eland, unlefs in a (hip ? Pr'f Och ! by my fowl I came over in a gun-beat ! Mag> Would you like to go to fea ? Pt'j. No, yonr honor; I was ilek of it r-jv the iirft time I was on it. Are you a married man ? Ye;', your worlhip j but my wife's Mq. Prif. dead ! Mag* Pnf. Moil foperb MiU.ary Hat. p0. Betweens 00, Yeoman crown. Po.bl'kfoperhnegi^nnud.r do. Do. drab do. ^ p0. black do. extra large brims Do.drab do. do. Belt black water proof falfe Ditto green under 00. Do. drab <A0. Do. do. green under iilfc. l>a. cador Roram do. Plated do. ... Gentl's varpiflied leather Hats for travelling. Servants* ^to do. Boys1 Morocco Hats of all colors, Do- d„. Caps do. %Um' & Boys' fine Gordks. Do. common do. m i Do. Wool Hats of every defcnption. Gold and iilvcr tinfel Cord Bands. C'o.nm.M. do. do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Bmdmg. Coarfe and fine BowPmng<=. Morocco of all colors fuitable for Hats, iV.cy-Tip Paper, do. do. Beft and eommoi'i Cine. Loo-wood, Copoeias, Verdigri.*. Aquafor:is, Oil pf Vitriol, Clothiers' Jzcus. Ha'.ters5 do.— Raihnor Cards, rlat Brumes of all kinds in life. Hatter's Irons, Stampers, Runners down, Pickers, &e. &c ^<c. viz. White do. Maidb' do. & children' onnetg, Light fawn l)r..b do. Hair, bro^n Olive Purple Blue And Green o. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. r«'s do. do. do. do. do. do, do. UA? TRIMMINQSr~<viz. Pink Linings Green Linings Red do. ' White do. Orange do. Blue do. [peryd, Yelhnv do. IM'k do. fr. lyrito^A Hat Covers of every kind in life. BINDINGS. Bed military bindings for cocked hats; Black Galh.ons from re/to 30/per Groce. Bell drab do. Cr^i. do. do. Beft black and drab Bands; Common do. do. White and black worfled Looping ; Common white Hat Buckles ; (led do. Yellow Union ditto; white do. do. Cords and TuiTels") °f a'I i'/cS & colors,for Fancy Trimmings J Ladies' Bonnets. F-ara large Cords for Ladies' Pclilfes. Fidh. fancy Trimmings for do. [Bonnets Plumes of all colors, for Ladies' ee Children's Allofwliich^illbefoldut tk moll reduced pi ices, fo: cafll or lliortandap- proved credit. Montreal, Sept, 10, 18to. » tf MTincr your honor ! SHERIFF'S SALE. Midland Dillria, to wit : „ fund out of his Majfft/s Court of Kbig's B tnJ.<, and to me SreSea\ apn'mjl the hunts ami lam- }£ ton Mills, Wanted ro PvzcHJ*r, WO or three fpans (^t ilout HORDES. Inquire oi King* iu-c. £tr, ?8io. -Flave you any children ? None that I have the trouble of fatl O 4 Mag. Has not your mailer always been very kind and generous towards you : Prif. Faith it'fc after he gave me notJiin j, [daze your woifhip. Mag. You are a very ungrateful fellow, tkntheeqfl halftfht No.%yficamtconccJimQJ ^p,n: ,'„,,,•,,;,,..,, ,,,|lbl ,.iv(. „,„;,.- rn.rh* '^ Pnf W01 fc luck mine f.vr 1 had nothing the lownjhip of Frederidjhurgh in the counties j[ „„,r; (lf K rj,,.,., ,.• „ l},.v, , ,M,i lu.fl ""; :o be rn-ateful for, your honor. of Lenox and M&ngtim* and dijtnd ajhr.faid, a-ni othn a li-.r,...^, pi ,t; ■ . r|, „ (hts \m '^f'*^ containing ly adm-afrrancvt ovc hundred acres, &* n,*> ,,0> " "' ^i v, nitx. in ' "■ incuts of DocTot'P^iur, nt the fuit of Bryan ff ^ ^ ^^ CrawfirdMfq. Iba'uefcmedana taken in rxtcu- J ° I no • ou Ma1/. "Winch v^ould you rather ffo to* pinfon, or on ooaid the Tender :' Pnf. 'I'on mv fi/vvl voti'vt! Uft mi choice—for on: •-. hau aii'cj t'o *'. . Mag. Out oi Lit: two akernnmvs miiu choofe. Pnf I'jl trouble your worflifp 'o ch.oofe for me ;—for J'd never forgive myfeif if I chooic cither of them. Mag. Take him to the Tender. iV.y. By the powers, it's myfeif r at hopes they'll be nudercr of me than your and an imbrtmement of th'irtv five arrctf >■ ..•-' V.>:tl I lluUSc'Sr -m,o,.i. .,,..1 ;. 1,... p. ■ < I'"1 "'.'! '- Irt , foe lami nwre. u> . p y v '■> WH to *l- 2z^o mjQlb&K*. I -" vv.,,k *„| bc U hJ** 'h hHcfl Udder, at the ^0!door in wnrt w,rh * ,£,« ., .d d.f,varc, A,p'itaf.o„ffl { ■he town of J\in; .'"., on Monday the 22doJ fe?ketj»cfl in Ki.iyiU.„M.. Jo.n R-li, ;„ tr '■ %dy next,at the i.iur'fxoo'f loci in the forenoon. to,vn, orM.s. Dougla-, innhi ■■■ , in'j^^JS And am hcrfm or far tons <tuho may have town. NATHAN \v heeler aaa mJ r"J . r j-. , -.r , m,„ — .«r.«. ANDREW pick»ii*» any claim to the above mentioned premifes, by mortgage or othcr'wif^ are requeued to make me fame known to me before the day of fate. CHARLES STCfJRT, Sheriff. N >v. zo, rSiOt Sheriff's Office, l ith Nov. }8lO. &V ■f 4hr v/uHftio. »*©-^*'^»«. SHERIFF'S SALE. No. 2 24'>Y /63 I'le metiium weight ofa bufliel, upon fev- eral trial?, was found to be 61 lb. There¬ fore the produce of No. 1, was fomethiug a- hove 4 ' hu/hrla; and the difference between No. 1, and No. 3, neariy two bufliel.;. Thia 18 v,rf cnuKdtrnlite* J fan acre planted with enftiiig. fuch a,: N'o. 1, wtr.nd produce 200 STOUT OF A XIIEEP ; 0/?, THE EFFECTS OF CROWDED SPEECH. A SHORT time iince, a gentleman 'n^. Phi'ad. Iphia purchafed a noble Merino run at auction, and fent him by a fcrvant to his country rdidence, to gra'/e upon his faim, The gentleman being very rich, and occupi¬ ed wiih bufmefs, feemed 10 fpeak by the fec¬ ond, and throw out his words without fp.ice or ilop betw.cn them ; thinking, perhaps, his fervant might have more time than he. iC Haik'e lir, inform Mrs.-------that on------- day of-----------there will be a numerous party to dine with us in the country, and here's a fine Merino ram, fee that you keep him in good order >'—Now, by the food, he did not attend that the ram fhopld be eaten ! but that he (hould eat the choiced graLand clover on his plantation. Unfortunately for this " patriarchal ram/' his name was coup¬ led hi the naefFage with the dinnerparty, and the fervant emptied the contents of this budg¬ et in a hi ap« On the appointed day, the company a£ fcmbled at the villa of Mr. N-------; the dinner hour was not yet pronounced by the clock, nor pointed to by the dial. So it was propofed to take a turn over the field to fee the Merino ram, the flocks and tree.-;.— But Mrs.-------intimated to them, th it the lucklef. Merino would be iliortly on the ta¬ ble, This was certainly a furpri'fe upon Ac. -------, who Inoked V/h'.te as the gho/1 who fought king Pr't !»*/&,/, yJud told hi tn that his warlike fn was ."•/./. Why, patient or impatient reader, n._- J more be faid to caution you againft con fall nil of fpeech, or an improper colocaiiuu of words ? Midland Diftnci,! TJY virtue of a Writ to wit. \ J3 of Fieri Facias, iff-i- ed out o( his Maj« fty's Court of King's Bench, and to me directed, againft. the lands and tenements of James North, at the fuit of James Robins, 1 have feized and taken in execution lot number twenty-fix on Wed Bay, in the townfhip of Maryfburgh, county cf Piince Edward, and diftrict. aforefaid, con¬ taining by admeafurement two hundred acres, and an improvement of about 40 acres, be the fame more or lefs, which will be adjudged to the highell bidder, at the gaol door in the town of King lion, on the 16th day of April next, a£ the hour of ten o'clock in the /oi e- noon. And any peifon or peifons who may have any claim to the above mentioned prem- ifes, either by mortgage or ctherwife, are re- quefted to make the fame known to me be¬ fore the day of fale. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ocl&lef 9* 1,81D. %tf c? TO BE SOLD, THAT * suable lland for h Merchant orT kkn-Keepfr in the towiftilp of Frcderiekf bu.^li, b'Mdt-ring on the LitrleCretk, near BndA^'j M'lu The prope.-cv corfilh in a neat Dwcilii h ul'e, painted SpaniAbrow.i, forty-five fc-t in lenerh and twenty-fu fee? wide,i »clud ng i gaUtry in f ' which run? the wliole kn^ h of" the hcitfe ; the Wjj|* <*ud j. arcitiona a»e allbujlc of found b'jrnt brick - a g«w*H brick fhimncy with hvo i?re--»!dces: ftftJ are f;\/e rooms on th.-: timer fl i-?r, and one bed room on tfa^ iVcOtrd. Lk'Wii?, a good I>-^ |>ore hsuf ani a hone ftab'c, anrf itnvrards of two hundied acres n/ moft LaCELLEjWT LAND* bounded on it vtft fi-.ie by the Lttf'c Creek, and Oi the ealt fat by the e.iithslfof I.it {fat 13, extending from the King*g highway fouihe>ly>d w'i acrrjjstheJ3»g Creek. **^ *"0r fu t^,ir p3rticuJar-> apply to Joseph Fcs. svth. ETq. lC;ngllon,ort^tiie fi'bfcnbVarTh :./0*, i$thm*. iSlo, JAMES WcXABB. CAUTION. HPHE Public are hereby caution- JL ed againft put chafing or H .■(•jfcJc Fvrooro- a*n>, or any other p' rfbn, a piece of L3nd b.ing id: VVc-il \ux\t of Lot nuri'ber tvvi nry one, confiding of one hundred acres, in the ili r.l conceflj m of the tnwujhip of KitJey, in the County of Leeds, and Province of Uoper Canach, as the undcnigued hit fatty paid faid H, FyrM-ma:J tor faid prcnui;s—j&d holds his bond for a ceed 'f the fame. JEREMIAH WARDEN. Kfagitdfli Dec. 29, IS 10. 15 3«r TANNING & CURRYING. The fubferib nr r re THE ftibicribers inform their friends and the public, that they carry on the TANNING £? CURRTING butinefs, ?> that he has on hand a large quantity of their woiks in Kino don, and pledge .hfin- felves that their work (hall he well executed. Tkey will tan hides upon fhares for fuch aa may dtCux- it, upon liberal terms. Hides will be received at the houfe of M. Rogers, ad- jomn.tr Talker's Hotel. Morocco and other Curryino- done at foo t imiee, by a workman /utel'y- from New loik. MOSES ROGERS, p- .„ • 1 c ,, r. JOHN ELLERBECK. CASH DaiCl iOT K.AG5, Amnion, Janua.y r, if\u. I5tf x turns his finccre thanks to his friends and the public for pa(l favors, and informs them that he 'BOOTS,—.Men's, Women's and' Children's ShOFS,—Sole and Upper LEATHER- a few pair of Caftjron S LEI 0 US WES, and a general aiTortmcnt of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES—which he will fellaia veiy reduced price for cum or produce. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston, Dec. 1 j , 1w' r o- 1: ^ (Fj The l.i'diett price iri^ •/ (or >f■••«,d Flout.. AT TIH; 1* K I r r I >; ,; u y r ■ r . K n ' ' •' v RAP in SAT LING ! On the Ditfht of the 21ft ofOelober, ihe mip Alexander, Uall .d, TEN DAYS from The fubferibers have uft received a eon.lgnment of Sixty Sittes of r n ; 1 . ,• i- , .. ' . "-- Plrn*'llt^» (England) was totally I«.ft .,• .ALBANY SO! F 1 r; \Tnro »er wjU icrft 60 bufltelfc fu 4 acres thUufs Kennebu-k tivu . ^Gtuuttg. of Mj.'ic. whrchthey offer for fale chop for calh, Jan. i, i8ii. ABJJOT& BASCOM. Bv mout.r :.- j;;. nii m;l.

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