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Kingston Gazette, January 8, 1811, p. 3

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I ( I ^|,i i 2i,tp ii.i Km I'M II 111 Vii I iiu • U> In 4110I In 1 Ii.miU*, S-II. \K ,m .11>':- »,»i .*»*« in,)) 1 . ,1 .il»."ii \ luiv vbi ■ k i , was iil i; • \ ntin wilr, oil a * * I li%v v\ liicll InoUe 1 into LI - , , 2 ' ii.l. iii i;. . \ o.in wilr, 1 ,!..,;. lUt* t*XjM)Iu>ii III tick 1 Ik- will id.I i.vfatiol U w lio" *U-, a.i.i, l»y .1 inu.i 'wloiii V| I \ • I 1 jln'iwttttW1-' i'K' i'*'weh Kll Iroiii ilie Icohj'1 LvMMm^^H itrrvt, ;up1 the laifrkd miijile v.vivijuiu' f'vJ li.»ni vl.uv.'or, !>in alj ili-uih- .. ,v»'»|i .i 11: the Ii mus.— Th; c>'m1ivm;i- .,,., [jilt 1 ii it'll llu* ill u no mi oi the iic'.L ; . ilifhi '"Ii i!uu: WL'fV Itiuiv tn.i'i ;iii ln»u- |iaof ii:»'» us ..luirolcd fiuniall [flirts to KiuL* aiHilaU'Ajtff There MiV a! <iui forty #V,.u\ L-U'im. The &Mdo\;*in all llieliOll* \j i« ;- ixiu *;t; h«*w be* .» Lm^^'IV, ai.'l lucre ., . \.;v U\V tljtiivrii ul.j.e ih • il.l'.J-li.j- uf .*;; ',.K):iMs IWvC IlUt b-Vtti Un'U;i;;"-d. The /iujiU-s el jh.iUuis k:i!c\i arc ;i4u-tiiiy k.iovvn S|iujtH.tiUH to uiorr than Idly, itis ptelnm- litav arc fioic tliuis tulitv oeiious nior- iv w iMiuilvd in vcty ntucli iiMuiKci. Some p;pii? have heen alio killed in endeavoring p»txuuiTiiiiii tJ« iiames. The man who bad i lie care of I he CalUe called Wavtbtp^h, Iwviog tliax\ 11 awjy about jfx>i ty balls L.!»cd with c\jmhi;lliMesf when one of them Ixir.'j; too lutf burtl and killed him. At a ibort tiiftance from the waggon which eatrlrd fo nuteh diftrefs?, there \\'u$ a fecond following it9-equally loaded with powder ; but juil be- foit the exploli '.a, it fell LaeL—A little further there were fix otiiei of the lame kittd ; if they had iaimcdiately followed, as ueultamary, all ihe city would have beevi in one heap of ruins, it is irapoffihk to paint the conlternation aniotvgft the inhabit¬ ants. The number or f^Tiilies who have h»ft tucir houicsaini their Kmimi e> );> vcrv eoillld- a at Qfr-i&i to raoarii over Oosat u.u£\*» taaatg o;:c ^'ho is wounded. 'f.—Tlic greater nciKibsi' i^ i" iBoarnirtp^ According to accounts 'u^m Ijlynara iCa- Kwtei), a uniblo ruiu (pout defctnded in the Kfeuttbvj a7til and 2Stli of Auguft, at -icun.ijor and iis vim ity, thnatciiiog ifcl- *n*ttoH to the ..'u'le vill-'y.. Tiic water J*wed into tkg market pi-u'e ond iis neighs uurh'ood.ib hiflias to p^nctntt: the windows (tthe firlt 1I0..1 p. Mai«v puiotta fa'»ed them- I - J 1 *ei»csin the lcconj |pors, and oLhers on the 'OGr,; fi,.4i ->• .' V , }■, w it I■♦»«• rcr"!1,«'^ tjjt• lln .J-*. I'v'u.- ih.ui «,^ peiku*', Wvic fonui riv«*v bv - : ' >v»ent, .tunrv : '• v, h >:n .,• live ami euiifji tsitc-nvfly t 1 j%i\i.m-.\ '■', j, i, ,1 . ou' • ouhl afioid All t'ic bndjTcs 1 , j 1,iwtt.s wut- w.ilhr.l away, ninl a gicat iiiU&Itfi ofcaUtfi j.ciilind m the lie'.da. J'Vovi Bnutii America. 'Vi»c 1 •• !' 'l'" "u'^t-'ee fu>m the river Pla- ., Kaiv •• °.t Ki.- Jai.eiro, Was down to T!w J "••"■' :J- lh-* purlu 1 <> '■"' J lul1 v'.;"1"^'^ T >i'ey, unu-n Ka hy Iv 'ity. Limits, k:td I wo of h?« cur£i> Mi the 26th of Au.raih They wcreaccufed "i: dtii^ns fub^HIve <d" peucr, ami tivaionulile. Llfitcfv wascxti emely pop¬ ular, and ilr* Jt'tvta h.i'l too rauch reirfut to apDt.hciKl tbat the difcowlcnte^ would fci/..' any o-jjpoituaiiy whieh might oft'jr, ot ntl- ipu-y under his eoma-iand, and oppofmg un- &"rhi*dJr.e&i n, tke patriotic vi^ws of the new vroverm^ciit. Om of the thit ftejM o£ this r;ovemment had been the or^i^uhn of ;. Usa!X »rinrt laid to vv tc 1 >v » t I' vteiivber. \ Province i'f Fam^mv v> .. mount U ::boti5 -looo niei, au I.oNnoN, Oaob#r i5.~-A gentl-man hu aiiiwdni London, who waa nut only in com- !'""> ^th H« King of Sweden in Pruffia, but who wa» actually with hi,,, whe he at- cnlfivatmg cini and bein», for fetting horW ram, for writing with two j>en% and fdrraif- ing water by a perpetual motion ! In the oinmioii prtigrefv t>t improvement, we may anticipate for our readers u\ 1820, the fol- lowkig SCI EN Til 1C news : . .-. . — Mr. Strapper, of New York, has* comple- .' v met wtili thii gentleman, ana, aftp ttd his portable (having apparatus, confiaing "•'-ne co.nci,ti,n> n,u.:i«ed if he were an of Ik pair of .azors, with a grindllotie for ■ * ■ _ _* _ _ tempted to effed* hi, efcape to the Britifl. '-• 1. uudc, the lollowing. imcwftmg cbewn- »l'""-rs : On the h aeh, at PiJlau hU Ma- i'.'iy.lilhn.aa > whirl, qucftion l-rhg anfv*er- '-1 '" the affirmatiw, Gnftavus, afti.T paying l-'-.teompinnenr to the liuiilh Nation, faicf, tv L willI trull you without further inquiry • I am GtiHaVus AdolphUs 5 prqcuie rne a boat, and 1 will proceed with you to tour ihi>,." ■ J The gentleman loft not a moment, he ob¬ tained a boat with four oafa, th.e king leap-* eti into it, and they were pufhing off, when the giicird fuddenly appeared, and declared, pouning their fiielo< k*f that the crew were dead men if they moved an oar* The king inltantly re'auded, and the commanding of¬ ficer, with a t'ltmbling hand, preiented to his Majelty the orders under which hea&td. The king at liril affinued a lofty tone, bur v.'Hi t ftened by the modeft deportment of the commanding ofiicer, who added, ** yon may return to Germany, or you may pals on.v-a d to Raffia, but our in ft ructions are, that you fiiaU not no to Sweden, or enter on board the Englifn fleet* the heft liquor I had in the houfe ; and ibett put him into my own fleigh, and earned hina nearly a quarts of a mile. All this time my dinner was waiting for me ; and before my return it was quite cold, Co that I a> aooda» loft it. All this, Or, I did, and as you were admin 1 ft rat or on the eft ate, and a man of feeling, I hope you will have fame confidtr- atiom Indeed, fir, I cannot afford to lofe it, and though it may be out-lawed, yet in. conference I think you cannot refuie me." He was anfwered, that it was Angular to putting then, ir, order, a fcore'o* brushes, and apeipMiml f.juntain of lather ; 1 lie whole comprifed in the compafs of a mitlhell, and lo regulated by internal clo<& work, as to demand pay for a common aft of humanim attach .tfelf to any gentleman^ face, and that the public had been duly advertifed m iliave him without his knowing it. " ... - A diftillery has been ereCied in the ftate of Vermont for the purpofe of extrafting ar¬ dent fpirits from brickbats and old blue llock- The French papers ftate, that Ex-Hol¬ land is to be cut up into nine departments ; —that new Embargo, Nou-interecurfe law, and other French riLirietious, were in renew¬ ed operation in Dcnniark ami Pruffia ; and that the Princcfs of Bertiuc? had b'cen deliv¬ ered of a Prince ! Meafurcs for the equipment of a power¬ ful Navy, are making in all ports of Napo¬ leon's domains. KINGSTON : Tuesday, JauuMt 8, 1811. Inch they imaie&tcjj Enai-eticd into the m- rior of ti.e Proving. Tl;e c^V of lV- dnva, large and populous, vvhL"h had at fit L (l.chred a/ainillhe Ji.nht. fhrrendeieJ vvltil- o it oi;pofiiion—-\\w. inhabitutitt, wailing only Lr the favorable ooodrtiintty of evincing t!,'.i: patriotilm and love of freec'om, Lv- ntei-s iitid his adheteats had mark th.s their ftvo.i-hold, but were cbli-eci to abandon it with precipitancy. They tffcfre pnricd by a party of cavalry', feivicd, and carried to l>u- cno5 Ayres. "'From Cot'doV*, this army pmiucd its roarclr wcfiwavd, and, by latell accounts it had been r,3 ya completely iuc- ceWul in eft'.ctiug th-j views of the govern¬ ment, caufing its auihority to be acknowl¬ edged, feizin,; and dKperfing its oppontms. The Provinces of Peru and Chili, it «»* - «id, had declared themfeUes independent. On the other hand, the government o. Montevideo, and the people on the norihvr.i banks of the river Plata, ',<pp«-fed the Jun- ^ of Buenos Aye> and it- incisures, de¬ claring then, to be in rebellion to the legal authorities of Spain. Th« y hid rone fo far a* to [end their whole naval force to block¬ ade Buenos Ayrc«*. 'Htis armament, cmfillin,^ of erne frigate THE SEASON, Thus fi'.r, has been quite unfavorable to travelling, and to the trail faction oi the ordi¬ nary buiinefs of the farmer. But Utile fnow has fallen ; and with the exception of a very few days, the found of Heigh bells has not been heard, Southerly winds and rain have been frequent—the want of mud is not felt; while the earth has more the alped of April than January. ■ ■ ■ -■■ Horrid iv rimer in which CapUWrigbt hods murdered by order of Bonaparte* " Bonaparte thought that Capt. Wright knew perfons in Pans who were in cdrrcf- puidence with onr government; therefore, after the trial of Morcaii, the mod unprece¬ dented torrnres were applied, fuch as/crew- htg his ihmnlx, and rvhllng thtjohs of his feet iv,th lardyknd tlien fulling them upon hoi cop- per plates* They afterwards cut off an anny and then a ttg% and then told him he was un¬ fit to return to ^ own country, but that he Should be taken care of by the French gov¬ ernment if he would cdnfrfc all he knew ; to ____ * * which he replied, 4 That he fnonld be rebel¬ lious both to God and to his King were he to hold any communication with perfons who were capable of adding in the manner t'tey did.' Soon after he was llrangled, and conveyed fiorn the Temple in the dead of n;.-ht>' The above is extracled from a work re¬ cently publihhed in London, and if true is without parallel in the annals of modern bar¬ barity. ------- Another lAammoih Cheese. There is rev on board a North river floop at Exchange flip, in New York, a Cheese, made by the fame people who preiented the mammoth cheefc to the mammoth fage of Montiecllo. This eheefe weighs 1522 lbs. is live feet and a half in diameter, and 15 inches thick —New Tor/: p. tnga. Report fpeaks highly of the quality of the liquor obtained from thefe economical materials. The Ureets of Wafhiugton were lighted fur the fir ft time laft week with glow worms and fire bugs. 500 of thefe infects being confined in every lamp, emitted fo brilliant a light during the whole night, that people in their houlcs did not know when the fun rofe. The breed of glow worms is found to be much improved by admixture with the hum¬ ble bee, or apis terreftris. Experiments with the phoiometcr lhew that thofe which are five-eighths blooded emit in the fpace of an iiourtliree rays and a half more than ihe full- blooded. . [Bojlon Anthology. Curious coincidence of Names. Several years ago, a captain Phippennyfo£ the brig Sally, of cialcm, took on board at • he Capes of Virginia, a pih.t, Mr. Halfpen- uy, of Baltimore. At the'i boarding-houfe in Alexandria, they met with Capt. Penny* of that place. They drank together a bowl Ux punch, the landlord having prcvtou/ly oh- taincd other ft-curity for payment, us ihey Vcre not fufliclent, being worth but fix pence half-penny, viz. Phinpeuny 5 Penny 1 Halfpenny L C4 Important to Merchants. A letter horn a reipectahle houfe in New- \ ork has been received in town, tlatin^, tfiat upon application to Mr. Gallatin, for I -formation of the conltrn&ion which would be put on the Prefident's Proelamation for r'<;irfwmg the Noii-iwtercouric, in the event Oi the lilUlHi Oidci;. In CwUi;CH hv± Uw3j,^ repealed, he dated CXprefaly, that all veifth Mf*vfetg from Or--a*-B*itain, after ihe ?d oi 1 cbroaCy, would be feized, and held, until it fliould be known whether the Orders were repealed or not; and in cafe they were not, bo indulgences would be granted ; but the law rigidly enforced, in its u tin oil extent. On this qucftion being put to him ; \yill veifclshe allowed to come into the waters of the United .States after the zd February tor information, and depart ?—He declined giv¬ ing an anfwer.—S^lSoJlon Ex. C. Ii. Books. General MafTena went to faluie my lord Wellington at Btfa-cQW) (liuiaco) but lie tnoft tudottunately took a Bid! hy the horns ! The conlequenee was, a feoere tiffing U [^Freeman's Journal* The following anecdote is taken from a late Bof*- ton paper, and is afferled to he literally truey without the leajl exaggeration. In the town of S—9 lives a Mr. W—, a farmer of handfome property, and in eafy cir- cumftances, but notorious for his miferly dif- polition. About 6 years ago,an aged neigh¬ bor of his received his death wound by a fall from his horfe, before this miier's door. He had humanity enough to run to the relief of the maimed gentleman, took him up, and *«-.s his fleigh was at the door, put him into it, and carried him a few rods to a friend's houfe. In a few days the gentleman died, and his oldeft fonadminillered upon the eftate, which was fettled in the ufual form. A few weeks fince Mr. W. called upon the adminidrator, and, after a hefitating preliminary, addreffed him in the following words : " Ever fince your father's der.'rh, fir, fome- tlling has lain heavy upon my mind, which I have been deiirous to make known to you ; but which, for various reatons, 1 have delay¬ ed to this day. And now I feel almolt a- ihamed to tell you what it is ; but, indeed, Any perfon who infpetfs the very exten- fir, it preffea my mind fo hard, and appears ve kit of patents taken yearly from the of- to be fo much a duty to myfclL and family, N' ' J - ■ " ' ' that I mult reveal it. Now hr, you mult know that if it had not been for me, your honored father would have died in the road. At the moment when he fell, I wasjult go- A man lately furrendered hlmfelf at one of the watch-houfes in New York, and infill¬ ed on being committed, for poifonh-g his own mother and briber with arfenic, fix years ago. He confefed and defcribed the tac'ts ci.cumlbntnlly, ard pa-lilting in his lloiy, was committed to prion. INTENTIONS. r lice of the feeretary of 'ftate of the United States, will be prompted to believe that in¬ animate matter has acquired the power of voluntary motion, and that wheels & fcrews are driving into dilufe their old coadjutors bones and mufcles. The ingenuity oi our countrynnn has fo fairly domefticated the mechanical powers, and the laws of chemi - try, that any man may have hischeele toalt- ed, his apples pared, his coffee ground, his 1 viddine boiled, and his beef roafted, all by and G or 7 1'nr.iHer vclhb, aiiivcd in the oilt- cr*oada of Uiku'S Awt'S on the 3d Sep- ,......—-a . f contrivance. •:r,h. r. The, h ,1 nJt as vet proceeded to d,nt ?Ot of ^W^J - £ "^i,iesb,tdck,-.daui;d,h-,o!b!,,L- Noilm,gimthcmeh -> -1 _ 1 adinv tf, 6 U1' !»• it. N dcfpaireJ of, wheaxsc hear of ncehmes tor iot to fit down to as fine a roafted Ipavc-rib as ever was fet on any man's table in the llate of Connecticut. This is true, fir, and if you don't believe it as good a one as ever was cooked, you may aik my wife, and lne will tcrtify it.' Now fir, I left this excellent warm fpare rib, and ran to your father's relief.^ 1 took him up and offered to bring him into my own houfe, which he refufed. However 1 gave him a wine glafs full of cider-brandy, the newfpapers, all debts had been paid, and the whole bufmefs clofed for more than Jive years pall. This he acknowledged, but infix¬ ed that in equity he had a claim ; and en¬ treated thathe might not be denied. It was then propofed to leave trie matter, to refer¬ ence, & have a regular bill laid before them. The affair is not yet fettled, but it is expe£t- ed that tho* the referees will admit there is no legal claim, yet in equity they will allow him three cents for his haliFjIll of pipsfo, z- bout five mor- for attendance and the fleigh, and alio the eitimated difference between a ■warm fpare rib and a cold one. TO CORRESPONDENTS. The communication referred to in a fulfequcnt note of A. R. has not come to hand. Lines ly'* a friend" declined : aftbo9 the an¬ ther may, ^cannot Sfctroer their merits. The fcfh'ivitiT iins is given as afpechr.cn : " frVr charms every heart invades." WefympntMze with " Cognifus," and hope he willfettle n truce loith the Mufa, if net with his "jewel" before writing her another ditty. "Adm:raus" declined : we fhoald Me to hear from him on a different fuljccl. Regular Council Days for Land mat¬ ters throughout the year of our Lord 1811. TTEDNESDAY, 2nd January / V TUESDAY f22d do. 12 th February 5th March ' 26th do. I 16th April 7th May 2Rth do. 18th Jure 9th July 30th do. 20th A uplift 10th September in. oaowj 2 2d do. 12th November 3rd December 1^2 4th do. (Signed) JOHN SMALL, c. e. c. Whereas I the fab- feriber did, fome time in the month of Janua¬ ry 1810, give a note of hand for twenty dol¬ lars and fixty-two cents to Augttflin Barlhol- omcujy which note was not to be paid by me until the laid Bartholomew nSould fiuiih a faw mill for me upon which he was at work, as will appear by a written inftrument under1 the hand of the faid Bartholomew: and whereas the faid Bartholomew has never re¬ turned to iinilh the faid work. Thefe are to caution the public again 11 receiving or pur- chaling the faid note, as I will not pay it un¬ til the faid Bartholomew has finifhed the mill in qucftion, ASA F. REID. Kingston, Dec. 31, 18 10. 6*S "cheap storeT WHITNEY, has jufi receiv- • td and is now offering for (ale, a very extennve aflurtment of FALL & WINTER GOODS. •-----ALSO----- Hardware, Well India Goods and Groceries. All of which he will difpofe of (wholefale and retail) at as low a rate as can be purchaf- ed in "Montreal or Quebec. He mod cor¬ dially invites ihoie who are in the habit of purchafing by wholefale, to call and exam¬ ine for thcmfelves. Kingston, if! December, 1810. ntf St c premifes, and now in the liable of the fubfeti- ber, a BAY COLT, about two years old ; whoever it belong., to, will have it on applica¬ tion, and paving the exnenies. G. HAMILTON. Kingston,Dec. 25, 18to. FOR SALE, A SPAN of Englith HORSES* rifmo; of 15 lands high, (tout built, one 6, the ether 7 years old—excellent for the fad- die or harr.cis ; one a beautiful roan, the other a dark by. Thcv will be fold togeth¬ er or feparate, as may furt puiehafers.—In- qui.eof SAMUEL HOWE.

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