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Kingston Gazette, January 1, 1811, p. 3

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.' fee ft: in ikfoiiJ it. The French aimy U hud Lu bt- jii a I) it- ,.f (huvnt iom ThejtmCr tionoffh, mw*£t>m>m** corps of on a fhdden he hauled down every f-u], ,.,d l5>oouwit!i Lord We.hngton'o army is con- had all hands on deck employed with £///*» Finding he could not run away, nie com¬ manding oflieet had reeourlc to Lira■■■• ■ •,-,__ 7 * • ■ • This feetnS to me n mnfl ridiculous ili- * ^m-j • forfuuly the dtcXionai v will fur.iifli 1 nunc that (mill n»t lubjrcl you t<> homili- yfoa compaiiioua,or pronnk- more than y »<i rrav riadily aGcoinpIifh. ]t i« nut t<> b< (mm.. voted ^,,at VOP caM ^5" irn:c" l!!u"1' MtPfaJ -nd fchVious fuhjccb that has not b« en 1>. Uci fuid j-^ii.. : nrf ammmpoly (the vredi writ nb** alluded to J wtoe&, aid../ Bmh hme wn»fcd in a ten I Ll ;> porfimi, wiH }., f/yjf r.,lti/ry n,rr m,,re ?r :\r prevail //,/ !.• .,/hedwhv examples are urmvn fmm th Ihdled States ,.;■;,;- than frmi '* United Khpl&t * ">fuer, It is Lraufe biforc Mor.il writers mmk uctt'.i repeat ftOOl WW another. Human nature isu'w. y* the fame, and to be guided by limihrr vi w.-. The duties of life arc nearly the fame in (.ve¬ ry age, and enforced by fimilm motives. Do gotaffefi originality. If you poffefs any, vour leaders will difcovcr it ; hut to pretend to have it is to txpofe yourflf to ridicule Be ccr.tcnt wiih a name thit n'.av connect yoiur.odettly with former euayift%uot duim- "ir.g an equality, but difdaining to copy ; a name that cannot juflly raife inordinate ex- pfftations ; and while it confines y<m to known limits, ftill admits a luilkient rawjre; With fuch a title you may proceed to diili- patc mental delufions ; to deftroy perniviom prejudices ; to roufe the indolent, and awa¬ ken the carelefs. You have indeed no drums, routs, play-houfes nor mafquerades to cenfure or to piaife—but topics are not warning.— There arc many minute decencies, ivlw.-h con¬ tribute much to foc?al happinif*, and ought to be frequently inculcated. I uhm to fee the boneit Farmer re«dini£ your paw r^whPe 1 • I'M • • ' . niscnud'en are eager in tneii attention ; and from a warm delineation, ro\sn aiFeci/nf ta1.-, difcoveringr.e\v charms in vi«ii;cj^c\v beaut}' ij in religion, viewing the latts r no, only d-. mi. vedofthofe forbidding looks with whichV;- is represented by her tallefri.-nr^. but f m'.')..;•• fweetly on her followers in all hi Ratlve Wlmef-. Yiuv: en-., rt:. inner. .^.; r,;:iy he continrdlly vailed \ a bteia-y d:fcii!]ion, an eccentric character, a merry ii..,v\ rr a ho- fefqne djicu'ption m?y be ['jllowtd by a fei- Oii« paper on a religTaus ir moial :' [:],ci..-- A.l this may iv accotnplified by • flt,n;:^ \ title v.hich delights in baiaucin-^ it.j mind, retal'-riTio reeolieaiov) puft ttovQg&t ■ ,— ^%hmg tiicir m.nk« aiul demerit*: {:• ?.*) f;^- P^viial balance, rej.>:..2i:-: 'n wb.it h rood :c d fcmenti:^ for whrt is evil. A t«Iv ':civ v. fil not fufF- r them to fbrg-ct i h. !;• fj \.,Vt voo h o - walled // is ucrsfiiry hjhiw iini tL muludtcalmi »* 'J i. koy, December 4.—We have been fa¬ vored by aft'end with the following particu¬ lars of the lofs of the fchooner Bloffjm and crew. She failed from Aux-Cayc, about the fnit of October, bound to Philadelphia, r, ,v „>.. ,..... ., . ,.n - >, , y V1'la 16,000 dollars in cafh oh board. In .;.':•;';.:';;;;;;' !';■ CSH °i ****** «* ™™s a*« % on which ,he7 feiua, A.',-/. *? ~e»n >i 1 . ■! 7 - ■•/ , - ih'-re, the crews of which, after murdering , i: ffT £ ":inLLl i!j-: " "' 'L- "■ *C c:i;..trJ„ a„d Mr. Edward Your.., (broth! ...,-...-.,■.;/\6tf -mho v,m rh.,„j:!! totounhr. cr ,,f captain G. D. Young ofTruy) who was a paflenger on board, they drove the crew below, plundered her of the money, and then fcatrled and funk her, toother with the furviviiio- part of the crew. Our informant adds, that from fame circumilan- ees, fuff icion fixed itielf upon the harbor- maihrand fix others, who were apprehended ...1.■..,//.) „/ tnojt 1UGO twerc ctiXivtis to connlvr- ■aBthepevi: muzfrojedi af tiepvm rMphalifls. Mul //,.- J\J.\m yjjbkk h meant to h -.^;U J hi the formation of ova- Hruii &W mbjieam$eieh prevent wiy fhhig Me <■ mdlmlm to create a meriH?/j. Fu-r hto ll /■',: rrfors as a lul%: v;i- 7 1 • * mrtakiitg, r.'j puin /•,.•..;,, hi my opinion, fmm been d 'Offed to mtdt'it wore generally ufful ; tl-efmd k&g dmml imp flares cf fifty "dollars e.itL every ci.f of our jX .-;j fJ jet's will fa c::::>!rJ7c !)-'rr.n? idi. njiul mi! ; and if proper tert h' taken To limit the mtmher of fares tX*hkh {/>■!:, /e.fwi flail P'f-j\ :'S: if oi(r merchants, farmers ej7 meehamo >:"' iflit noi'falfa blind to //■.-//• O'Z'jti good) ev-.'-y mifehie'Dotts cot:fequeni$ that Las leen predict /, every oMacit that has heen nrffL rjj r-vci*, ma/khtts report that has hem fo indiiMriopfiy propagated* iciil apbear fo hdi\: pyoredrd jro.j one L*7 th* fume can ft—an av&wesi & dtterniined ly Tdity to the inltituhon. ffffiAn^ aiieadi &ccupkd too forge a ponton of your pail}) I <&til c&nlent wyftff nv&h fiat- iwf only one ol the principal advantages ibhlch •ioi'i fvfuli^ from the eflahltjhment of a Bjnk. BtsifeW of the inh-jldaitts of this difrricl are free from debt) nor from the manner in 'which l-ujin fs -Yt'/M- fu nnrjy cm'!urled, is this in any wifefin'£ rift tig—Credits of three, four, nay e- •veh ten wars luwe been aitotwef through the Id- /<>/.., as if (having the veflcl off a 1 J he people on board ih<*frigate were a /- ed at thefnj.poful danger tucy had .mi, ;:1,1 to fave then.lelves from being "rounded, im¬ mediately clawed off, and left the more knowing Yankee 4< to makehimh-li fcara ,w as fuon as the night rendered it prudent for him to hoi It fail in a fea two hundred fathoms defiP I Philadelphia Gazette. FROM A T.ATE GFRMAN PAPFP.. . Frankfort, (on the Oder) July 21. An occurrence has happened in our neigh¬ borhood which is looked upon a^ an exam¬ ple of divine jm ft ice. A woman^ believinjr her hufband killed in 1Z06 at the battle of Jena, married again without fcrtiple. The man had not been killed, but only w waded; lie was cured by the French, and enured the fervice in one of the Prufiian regiments and mod of the money being found upon which France railed at that period. After them., it was recovered, and they were im- ferving fur more than three years in Spain, he fuddenly returned to Pruffia. mediately executed. ney ■ KINGSTON i * TUZSDAY, JjNU.lRr I, I 3 I I. The Edhors prefent the Compliments of the Seafon to their refpecled Patrons. • * • • We are informed that the Provincial Par¬ liament will meet at York on the lit day of February. Oi, < l o continue theie. hef: era lit,' of the merchants cretins zvsvttl he a.< uiftrd as it is ruinous.—If thefi rcCi:tirrc; cte/V to /i-o/ich/e, obtain inch- neat L'f t.iy oa th: red fate of f&efaranr, to i'.ijh'mt lon'.i h; n'et/'x t"r relief* th.-fc who had been in tie ro/fhut habit <f affording it to him arc the w: v mm icho ryzu demandfatisfaelbn dcii.—I:r.;:c-r.■ r:;L / by '■,\s failure of r- . 7 • ■•'ft*' i o '•'■ Floods.—We learn from Marietta, that on the toth Nov. the Ohio was fo low as to be almoil impafTable for keel boats ; on the i^th it was almoft full bank?, having rifen about 30 feet, and it was feared would inun¬ date the upper point of Marietta. The Ohio title had backed up Mufkin^nm river twelve miles ; and fcveral New Orleans boats, in a fog, were hailed fome diftance upon the Muf- kingnm ! Much produce which had been long waiting, was embarking on the Ohio. Tiie Sokjuehamiah commenced riiinir on the 10th Nov. and in 36 hours rofe a perpendic¬ ular height of 20 feet ; on the 19th it was higher than had been known for 20 years. Accounts of floods in various other parts of the contry, are received 5 much property deitroved. and went to look for his wife. The latter was afraid to acknowledge that'fhe had got another in his place, and fufTcred him to go to bed, but immediately induced the new hufband to rid her of this returning importunate. Tire unhappy man is (trangled and put into a fi.k and then they fet off to carry him away and throw him into the Oder.—But the weioht of the body burfted the fack, and one foot came through. The woman haftentd to few up the t«»rn place, but did not perceive, that at the fame time, me feweJ the clothes of her accomplice.— Being arrived at the bank of the river, the latter proceeded to a pier and endeavored to throw over the bo lv of his vicTtim. He was dragged m with him, and was drowning, whilit the woman forgetting how important it was to her to hold her tongue, let 1 p a terrible cry. Some pea fasts ran up ; the two crinun^l were arretted ; and they confefTcd the crime with all its particular.?. Our accounts from the American consrefs ■ j are to the 7th ultimo—but uniiiterefcin-. y To Correspondents—u A Friend tb Justice," on the fubject of the town and CO \- ccuion lines, would' mtercll but. few of onr r •»««*"*»W6MW»0.«r- e J r - • cc\::.;t a/j.-.-t.T/.y. MESSRS. rRlKTER.S, jf-mUALx t'jc /.'.'.:.'.",' r*i$i .'/■■,.•.( r qahab have L'cr f/id and nvrkle-i ra: .';v /.*/"■ ,7 r*f a Biink if this town, itkasjiru\.& : .c as teiUf~J&if fxtrdordiaary, (/eat its opponents :;; theirf v--ral oljeclidns, lutve faded I j point out tie chi>f aod only evil, io which hl/iiiUthns of this nature are obnoxious j ti'id tf\'t its huvqcuUs in like man¬ ner hifve n.'-feciei'. • fljezv the Benefits, which it would yield, if an a& of incorporation rcrre chldimd—Li JomcaveceCa'c to remedy ihisfa'd" ureandiiegkft. andpnrpijeiy i- < .////•/>attejtiim of our fellow fu by eels fo a lehemr which in eon- tradiflmclion io the opinion of our remgaJo Ghri/l, I miijl ever corflder as pregnant wi','.> refill* the paf favorable to the adcanecarni of our fettle merits, the exfenfien of our cu am cere, and generally to the independence ard wealth of *ur Province, Iaddrcjs yen this (flay. Some few years after the iniepsv-diitce of the United States had teen ae!::r:c ce^ed, it was perceived thai their commerce wa: become fo ex- terfivc, that wi'hout the aid offlme other me- dium than fpecie (which in the cottrfe of trade had become excseelir^lv tea re e ) their ordinary • • • 1 iranfaBions at home could r.oi be cn'i'iued wiro that regularity as to paymeals, whi\l; is the life and foul of bufmefs, and tie leap, imlhmiiud to which, feldom or never fads to bring with k difgrace and ruin.—In ihofl days, io obfr-ue a dfecl in any part cf theirfyflem, and irifanity io cor reel it, was happily for them, their inva- nable praaice. In imitation therefore cf that country from which they had fu recent lj ff^ra- «»*» a charter was granted to the Bank of North America, at pre fat the oldfl. eflahfifb* nient of that hind on the continent—apprehen- five that Banks might become loo mime: eras, it is fata that the gene-al government had it in con¬ templation exprefly loprohibit their incrmfi, and excluffoely to encourage ami [itppori :ha' already erccled.—-However judicious ' this flan. tLy 'ut-withfanding in a' little wh'de departed from x[ h'n-orporating the Banhof the United Stales. Several of the more powerful Stales followierj the exampk of coitgref r, tWt} &uhhl,u 1 rf fla- ttngingn within their rea.h llc emola ueihs „ri- n from tlu f. injliuthah ., 1 'Una. mm, •. fflmhh' 9**ti&a It tticir rt faMiu lifec, tfimnbcr 'j.faru Li which hum Cou-■'■tinm-mIf /•><•, glared no [,„;dl e .er.i u, .,.. la , ; y - mflb , 6lc<!'p-a cj -Kjhtnji- t-.i.'.r'a. <h r,.-'/try., i he could without utroraucrtuce J pare from his- family —I'.rcourage it therefore, farmers ; in-, f rial your repnf.'uainis to promote its inco> j>o-. ration—entreat your by if! :a rue councillors not- to withhold fron) if theirfutiuion ; and above- ail, -remcrnbi r that it is the only harrier bdwecUi j -u & a lb dale rum COMMON SENSE. ^ 1 ■„...„, I'ROM THE UNITED STATES. ty nx 43 p< tier, as many q2> on the fecoud, 18s on the third, and jolb. columbiadson the upper. * • A great amount of property and IO lives have been loll in Hamburg by fire. FOUND, N the morning of the-'zotb infr. a vain- able SASH: The owner can obtain it on proving property and paying charge*. Dec. 29. SAMl. HOWL PORT OF QUEBEC, "~ " 7 " inwards this feafon, - - 627 The luDicribers have Outwards, - - - - ------0 A WHALE. Charleston, (S. C.) November 13. In boarding the mips in the oiring yetterday,, our boat fell in with the carcafe of a dead! Whale, floatinci on the furface of the wa¬ ter, about 6 or 8 miles to the eaftward of" the bar—it appeared ro be about 70 or So. feet isi length, and war, furrounded by a great number of Sharks, fome of them very large ones, who armeard to be fealting upon their .....66l The above are exclufive of the river craft. Almoft all of the vcffels were fqiiare rigged, and many of them from live to fix hundred tons. - juit received a confignment of Sixty Sides of ALBANY SOLE-LEATHER, which they offer for falc cheap fo' cam. Jan. 1, 1811. ABBOT & BASCOM. It h calculated (fays a London paper) that in the courfe of the lait ten years, thir* teen millions of wooden houfes have been def- troyed by lire, at Constantinople ! » New Art of Tanning.—The Lyconium new art of canning, lately discovered by J. Cash paid for Rags AT THE PRINTING OFF TCP., KINGSTON. 5 TANNING & CURRYING. fellow tenant of the ocean, loiuLti on. with great fat- O. Wood and Benjamin Wood, of Vermont, the fole inventory of the fame, for which THE th iiVCOCI!, lUiUIUJO Cliat. Htiv.il li-- **-»- ^^.'wvw.. urgh, (November 2d) lie had not heard of he arrival of King John [Befnadoue] in FROM SWEDEN. Boston, December 10.—Captain Haf- kel, v/hohas arrived here from Ruffia and SivedeOg informs that when he left Gotien- b ll Sweden ; and it v. as reported the Emperor of RuiFio had interpofed on the fubject, ar.d had required that the late King Gultavus Adolphus ftiould be raftered to his throne. C^r" It is fomewliat extraordinary that the Crown Prince ihould not have arrived in Sweden on the 2d November. He was at Hamburg on his way thither the 10th Oc¬ tober. The Ex-King. Gultavus Adolphus, at the beginning of October, was on .he Ruffian frontier ; and when at Pillau receiv¬ ed a meffage from the Emperor Alexander, inviting: him to Paeriburg, and giving di- k or rel- they have obtained Letters Patent from the United States, embrace the following advan¬ tages, to wit. Calf-fkms tanned in 48 hours Upper leather in 4 days Sole leather in 20 days after the fame is fit for the bark ; and will make better leather, with half the colt that is required to tan in the old way. Vermont Waflingtonian. The following is a " good thing," whether true orjalfe ; and, at leqft, may be confide red as highly defcriptive of the char abler of the peo¬ ple to whom it relates. We have never fen - nHE fublcribers inform tlieir f i :nds ar»d ,e public, that they carry on th- TANNING & CURRl'ING bufmefs, at their works in Kingixon, and pledge thtm- felves that their work fnall be well ei-ecutcd. They viiil tan hides upon (hares for fuch afi may defire it, upon liberal terms. Hide", will be received at the houfe of M. KoG£MS9 ad¬ joining Valuer's Hotel. Morocco and other Currying done at fhort notice, by a workman lately from New Yofk. MOSES ROGERS; JOHN ELLERBECK. Kingfton, January I, lSll. 15tr ma 1 a 1 a- During the revolutionary war ers, from one cf the Eattein ports, were commanders of privateers—they cruifed to¬ gether, and were eminently iuccefslul, do¬ ing great damage to the enemy, and making much money for themfelves. One evening, being in the latitude ©f ihe (boats of Nan¬ tucket, but many miles to the ealtward of them, they fpied a large Bricifh veffcl, hav¬ ing the appearance of a merchantman, and made towards her ; but to theii-ftftoniTament, **"".....r" ,,." ■: AtimM ;„ GIou. efter, found her a frigate difguifed. A very light lH!t ^^V^&^^^^t\^ breeze prevailing, they hauled off in difr- « rites thus : >< to « rff*** « **\.° ^ iUJuon^t,, only could be purine J, and the frigate gained rapid\f uponhuih For fule at this Office\ ■......"•' A DISCOURSE on the Chancier of ltPrmt' 1 , , , A KING GEORGE THE THIRD, , two broih- ?-.* , _ , , ■ r . • addrefled to the inhabitants of Britiih Amer¬ ica*—By the Rev. John Strachan, Rec¬ tor of Cornwall, (U. C.) Nov. 1 icctioiui that he receive every pea on the toad. The US accounts fay he was gone to Petersburg. Lateflfrom Liflon.—Wt have information of the" arrival ot Captain Coles, at Clou C -ftvr from Lilbon, which he left the 2d ot November* W'c have received no papeis I roitucva., there fe no doubt of whe Engliih KttJ Pu-Hi-uefc holding U aa long M «ey CAUTION. ^HE Public are hereby caution- edagai;tt puicnafiiij! 01 II ujfick Fv-om- mm/ot any orh^r perfou, i piece « fl.^nd b:ing th.- V/rft h2!l of Lot number iw.-nry one, cont;ftr..2 one hundred ic*es, in chc «h"-rJ conccflion i)i c t-.wnlhip ot Kttley, in the CvMtm: «f Ued«, anJ P,ovir.ee of Uoter Canj,!', RS Ittt or ' 'f ^ n fully paid faid H. Fvr-orr.a , •• faid f.'ceo: -— - hows his b<«d for a dce«» H thi (we. lEtiEMIAH WTARnES IGagtUn, Die, 19, 18ioi l i*

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