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Kingston Gazette, December 18, 1810, p. 4

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i 4 V ** iV6'oJ tw c r o e -» — r17- *& Kismxoji Gazhtie. TO t\T T V Y a BARTLET, TNFORMShis Friends and the Public, [ that he hai tfaii day received[, ^""J Lw for fele, a UAKGE SOPH* d 4BBOT&BJSCOM, rrin? GOODS : f -Opening 7?2- ABSJLOM MAXM% £$$* fVBODE of felfttii welcome, bail ! ^hv'Wl fed comforts ne'er (hall fail While jwrfc or crfJit cither bit fb itout : Thou wanderer's home, Kefoufce of thofc who onward roam, Till power or inclination, lo ! are out. J om T owe thee much, moil: gentle Inn, Hor tlrr Bit feme would e'er I witlefc hurt, Left, feeling wroth, thou have my unhons d To roll with pigs and beggar* b the dirt, Vet !Men, tavern, to my Jttft comprint, Amid thv jinsfe drip cm ear to lend, , \Vith vvtaried yawn, or execration »™» Think, piling think, how oft my jaws oil- tend. ( O O D FALL an» WINTER AMONG **»« ARE THE FOLLOWING: , UPERFlNE,fecon.1&r Black, p«p!e, jUteJsbqt- •Dry Goods, Hard Ware, rs and Crockery and Glafs Ware, "CONSISTING OF 1; Liquo :: Groceries, :: Saddles, kj> L. C-5 . Cv i\ \\ or's little length I trace, 3 Vo*x oft thy pan How oft Ipaufe each pi&tire to admire, Then, fetiate thus, avert my rmful face, And penfive turn my b-ekf-de to the gie. I tune perchance my voice, and droning hum Tli' extaticairs of Braiwm, SiuVid,or Kelly ; •Tis all in vain ; on thee I therefore fall, And ftriaiy charge thee ; ere again I call Provide relief for mind as well as belly. Which, in addition to his former Hock, will make his aft>rtment very complete : ti>e whole of which will be fold at the Montreal prices, f .r cam or any kind of produce. As he Is now doling btis buiinels in this place, no credit will be given, and goods will be fcld lower than can be pur- cWed in the Province ; and as he h deter* mined to fell all off, earnrtlly folfchs his friends and cuffomers to cail and examine his * *Caspi and the higheft price paid for PRODUCE, N. B. All thofe indebted, cither ly Note or Book Account, are rtquefkd tv male immediate payment. Km7ston, October I, l8lo. 2— tf i< 3 ^5 low prie'd Broadcloth* F-.rett Cloths Hunter's oo« Scarier, do. K-ftySj Csflimercs Baizes Ss Flannels C;rpet;ng Ftufcjngs & Blankets Plain & twill'd Velvets Thick fetts Genoa Cord Blue & drab Jerfsy Knit Swanfdown, worfre-1 Cord, Toilliiett Sc Meri'ailles Verting. SaMbu-y Flannel China blue Furniture Chintz do. Ditto Fringe Si lie Ss co ton Bandanna! Handkerchiefs Black & figured Silk do. Linen & cotton pocket do. Morocco do. Silk Sc cotton Shawls | Calfikins Printed & plain Eomba- Men's fhoes zettes jCoarfe Boots ROMEO WADSWORTH, Has received by the late arrivals from Ion Jon and Liverpool, o frejh J"apply of Drugs & Maldives; Which he offers for talc on better terms than they ever have been iold in this country. Among itfh'ich ore the following articles tie green PelilTe Velvets [amaica Spirits St, CiOiX do. French Brandy Holland Gin Port Wir.e L. P. Tener.fie do. Shrub £*yf>n, hyfonfkin & fin- glo Teas Pepper,A!lfi'ice &'Ginger MiiJcova-lo fugar RaiHns Ss Figs Almonds, Currants 1 amarinds Honey Indigo, Fig Blue Starch & Soap Plug, roll Sc fmokifig ' Tobacco C gars, and Rappee (nUtT Upper Leather 2 Tons Ailum loo ib. Antimony crude 5° - ioo - 300 - 100 «■ 100 - sS - 400 - 200 • Arnatto Aloes Aquafortis Nitre Fort is Gum Camphor Cantharides Caflta Clovt's 3 Tons Copperas -00 lb. Crem Tartar 30CO lb; Fl^.r Sulphur 300 - Fl»r Chamomile Fol Digitalis Gum Ammoniac Gum Arabic Gum Aflafcetida Gum Bei.z.ira Gum Elemi Gum Galbanum Gom Guaicum - GuttGamb. Gum Juniper 5° v* 50 ^ loo ^ 75 - 50 • BAGG & HAGAR, S" TAVE iaft r3,cei«cd from LonpoKj and ofur J^J_ for fa'.., at their Sto re & No. IOO St. Pr-vl Street, Montreal-, next doot joutb of M'jj'n. Bctkivs, Gem & Cc. A General Alibrtment or Gentlemen's {me Beaver Kat9 5 fiik IV'atcr Proof, Leghorn a.vi Willow do. ; Ladies 3nd Children's beaver and Oraa Bonnets,of tne lateft faflii;ns and beft quality. Al^o, Military Folding Hats, elegantly tr.mmed j Hat Tnmmnjgs, '&;. Szc. which were imported upon as good terms, and will be fold as cheap or cheaper than can be bought in the co"ntry. Thev have s'fo a variety of Hats of their own make, ' which rhey are willing ro warrant to be as durable as any ever offered for fiale in Canada. Orders from the countrv thankfully received and ftriaiy attended to. **» CASH paid for FURS. Montreal, Nov. 20, 1U10. 10 tf U- SADDLING BUSINESS. THE fabfcribers having remov¬ ed to thebnildino; occupied hy MeiTrs. Aebot cc Bascom, relVtrh'hlly Morm the Inhabitants of Kingston and its vicinity, that they are now carrying on the S/tDDL£, HARNESS & TRUNK-MAKINGhxx- iinefi, in their feveral blanches. They have now on hand a quan¬ tity of warranted work ; and their {toe!: compriiinjr almoll every article uiVrully kept in a SaduierVfhop, they flatter themielves that they {ball be able to anfwer all orders for work m their line—and tha* on as reafon- able terms, for ready pay, as can be pnrchafcd ill the Province. Conftant attention to bufinefs, and the quality of their work, will be their only elaira upon the public patrooage. *^Repairing dove on the fijorlrfl notice, C. WJLLISTON & Co. Calimancoes &Durants Wildbores Silk, lamb's wool, won!ed & cotton H »fe tamb's wool Gloves W.-rlted do. , R^d and blue Cap's Robe Patterns Fancy Ginghams *' Calicoes , •* Dimities ABIA B. SAYRE, C A 8 IN EF- MAKER, LTURN^ his lincerc thanks to the Jv Ladies and Gentlemen of Kingston^ for pail favors, and informs them that he /I ill continue? to carry on the Cabinet Making in its various branches, at his Oiop oppofite Caj)t. Earll-'s, where cuftomers may be iapplied with Cloci-Cofes, Sideboards, Dejls, Buok Ciifes, Bureaus, Dining Tulles, Bed- Jlcads, &c» <ffe. at the (hotted notice. Kingston, Ocl. 16, 181 c. Kingston, Nov. 6, 1810. 7 »f North T orlhrop. Ho/'rotI & Abbe* emoved from 4» TO BE LET, A SMALL room, tight and well lighted, in a central part of the town. A pply at the Gazette Office. Ocl:. 6. No. 54 St. Paul Street to No. 102, one door North of MeflVs. Bellows, Gates & Co. where thev have a General Afhutment ox DRY GOODS on hand, which they offer for fale on reafonable terms. N. W. Sc ABBE. Montreal, loth S'pr. I 810. iff Writing; and Wrap ping Paper for fale at this cilice* MONTREAL HAT WAREHOU At the Sign of the Military Hat, No. 54, Old Market Place, Be WitL J ibez D. T\ /TOST refpeclfully informs the Public, that he has on hand a mod extenfive and com¬ plete affortment cf HATS, HAT TRIMMINGS, Sec. 8<c. Amongst which are, Mo ft fuperb Military Hats, with orna¬ ments complete. Gentlemen's rnqjlfa/hionabU Beaver Hats, Do. Bet weens do. Do. Yeoman crowns do. Do.bl'k fuperilne green under do. Do. drab do. dc. do. Do. black do. extra large brims do. d do. Do. drab do. . do. do. do. oo. do. do. do. do. do. Left black water proof filk Ditto green under do. JJo. diab do. Do. do, green under filk Do. caftor Roram do. Plated do. GentPstarnffned leather Hats for travelling, Servants' ditto do. Boys' Morocco Hats of all colore. Do. do. Caps do. Mtns'fc Boys' fine Cordles. Do. . common do. • Do. Wool Hats of every defcripti< Gold and iilver tinfel Cord Bands. Common do. do. White and yellow tinfel Cord Binding. Coarfe and line Bowftnngs. Morocco of all colors fuitable for Fancy Tip Paper, do. do. Bed and common Glue. Ladies9rnqflfapjionabk beav. Hats & Bonnets, viz. White do. Maids' do. cc children's do. Light fawn do. Drab do. do. Hair, brown do. Olive do* Purple do. Blue do. And Green do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. o. do. d>. GO. do. do. do. HAT' TRIMMINGSr-vhz. Pink Lin in Red do. Orange Yellow do. £s Gieen Linings do. White Blue do. ition. Hats. Logwood, Coppeias, Verdigris. Aquafortis, Oil of Vitriol, Clothiers' Jacks. Hatters" do—Raffing Cards. Hat Brofhes of all kinds in nfe. Hatter's IroCs, Stamper?, Runners down, Pickers, &-. &c. 5- do. [peryd. BPkdo.fr. 1/6103/9 Plat Covers of every kind in uie. BINDINGS. Bell military bindings for cocked hats 5 Black Galloons from 10A0 %of per Groce. Beft drab do. Com. do. do. Beft black and drab Bands; Common do. do. White and black worfted Looping ; Common white Hat Buckles ; ft eel do. Yellow Union ditto; white do. tfcfc Cords and TaiTclsl of all fizes & colors, for Fancy Trimmings j Ladies' Bonnetn. Extra large Cords for Ladies' Peliffes. Fafn. fancy Trimmings for do. [Bonnets. Plumes of all cobrs,for Ladies' & Children's Ail of which will be fold at the moft reduced prices, for cafe or fhort and ap¬ proved credit. MvnirrA, Sept. 10, 1310. 1 rf Bik. blue, ourple, red & printed Morocco ihoes Seleaed Books Youth's & chi'dren'sdo. A General AlTortment of Hardware, Cutlb- Vy, Crockery, and Iron Hjllow Ware Bar Iron Anvil?, Vices nT.fter & Crawlpy ftetl .olorM & white MuPins H tfc & pocket Piflols fapan'd, feeder!, dotted & ! Shovels & fpados figur'd blk. Sc white do. • Frying Pans Na-Is Lfnoes& Laces I 6X8, 7X9, 7iX84? and Cotton Sewings 8X10 Window G.ais White & cnloi'd Thread j Thermomttera Tapes & fliirt Buttons P'ared fours SUck, purple, bine, plnk,1 Own Powder brown, buff, and (late Shot & Bar Lead color'd Cambricks • 40 - x5 • 30 . 60 - 20 - 25 - 30 * 20 - 30 lb. Gum Myrrh Gum Scammony, Aleppo Gum T'.ius Gum Tiagacanth Mace Magncfia Manna Nutmeg? Opium I'eruv-an Bark Jalap PowderM P.hubarb SJgo in grain do. in powder 3 Tons Glauber Salt* 715 Ib. Spe.macetti 60 - Tartar Emetic 25 - Su'ubii 30 - V.triol 56 - Tapioca 10 - Vermacilla 300 - Vitriol Roman 56 - do. Alb. '5 - 112 - 50 - 5 " ?-00 - 150 - IOO - 5c - 7,00 - 100 - i\z - ICO - 75 ' Gum Seed Lac 3000 - Salt Petre Gum ffc.ll L*c 300 - Pearl Barley Gum Maftic PATENT MEDICINES. f* ^ Anderfon's Pills Balfam of Honey Balfam of GiJead Batc.man's Drops Bottock's Elixir Bowden's Line Plainer Brit fh Oil CcuhdHt Snuff Corn Plaifter Court iticking Plaifter LV^y's El kir Daley's Carminative EarTa Remedy for the Hooping Cough E(fence Co*tsfoit Do# Peppermint Do. Pennyroyal ! Glatfes Magnefia Godfrey's Cordial Gnwland's Lotion Hooper's Pills james'Analeptic Pillt% do Fever Powder jpfuit's Drop9 Liquid true J3lu^ do. Nankeen Dye Loaenges To!o Magnefia Lozenges O-mikirk Medicine Refined Liquori:e Steer5*8 Opodeldoc S tough ton's Eitzir Tmct. Bark, Huxhem's Turlington's Balfam White Cotton Striped & ch^'.k'd do. Cotton Shirring Lining5: Plat; lias Brown Holland Silk & Cotton TJmbrelias Sstins, Lull rings Tarruie*, Sarcenets bilk & Tvvift fclack, blue, fcarlet&drib PeJi ffe Cloths Dkw Cords Ditto Tr mramgs -Iats Military Silk water proof Failiion. Eeavit CaiUr Roram ■ Men's & boy*s ^lt do.^ r)o, "do. fine Cnrdiel Leather Caps for children Hat icrews Lawn Hat Covers Beft twilled filk do* Lad'es'fafliionable Beaver Bonnets Ditto low pricrd do. EHenlial fait of Lemon Eif.nee of Miiitaid Do. do. Vinegar A genera! affortment pfDRUCSfc MEDICINE—atttong which arc iiAhmttMtl CephA'C S:;ujf Blue, BJ?c!c White Chalk Red do. Carmine Fiake White Frankfurr Black Indian P.ed Indian Ink Ivory Black Lamp Black EIT. Anchovies (^niuce f'UCe S.-ut-j Royal Civice » Ha rlsm do. • Steers's Opodeldoc Ijpnce pepperm hi » Muflard ■Bvffhsd LiquartCB Sel Po'tneni S j lip J re Windfor Soap " Burgamoi Chirks Worm dcflroy- Gold Leaf ing Lozenges Silver do. . Godfreys Cordial foory Blact yefoit's Dr<ps Black Lead Church** Cough Drops Anchovies Balfam Honey Ketchup Hooper's Female PWs Pink Root COLORS. Litharge Yellow Ochre Piufllan Blue, N©. *>2> 3 Rofe Pink Pumice Stone Rotten *io. Soar-ill Brown Vermillion Spanilh White 1 SAUCES. Cherokee Sauce Jndia Soy Mulhroom Ketchup 1 SUNDRIES* and Pester fynngfi Teeth Brulhes Vial Corks Bottle do. . Waf*r«* foperf'ne Wax, traling fuperfinc do. for W ne White leather Skins Billot us do* Court Plnfre¥ Sugar Candy Fior Sidfihur i. Gum Camphor Anderfons Scotch do. 'tames1 Analeptic do. lee's 1 Coifs I IFheoton'sjatm. Bitters Barky Sugar Imperial Tooth powder Teeth Infruwerts Lipfalve Crown Lancets .rp r.Ir.vp? Cr.mmon t Apothecary ftafes weights GameJ-bair Pencils Gal'ypots in forts Gold leaf Ivory Syringes Lozenges Peppermint Parent Comp. Mortars Pewter Ounce Mialures Windfor foap A L S 0, 100 Kegs White lead, i Chocolate ground Spermacetti CarHIes I50 do. Spaniflj brortrn do. do. Oil 50 deeri do, Cafk Raifins 50 Yellow j 50 Black Box do. 260 b, xe, Window Glafs Figs, Olive Oil afl'oried, 6XS, 7X9, Currants, Almond* 8XjtOj 7|X8|. Wrapping & Wcitirg Pt- A general aironment of per aborted ihop furniture, vialsaf- Mefs & Prime Pork forced, a variety of fur.. Plug & Pigtail Tobacco geon's inftrumencs. Pepper, Aiifpice ON HAND, CorFee, Loaf fugar Nutmegs Cloves Common do. They have likewife rented the New Store belcmging to Mrs. F?nkle, in Enuylown, where they are now opemn-r a General AfTortmcnt of DRT GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD IF A RE, and CROCKERY : all of which will be fold remarkably low, for prompt pay only. Cifli, Pet & Pearl Aflics, Wheat, Flour, Poik, Furs, Butter and Clieefe re- —- ccived in oavment. Conftant attendance will be M. given it each place ; orders from gentlemen of the faculty attended to on the fhort eft no¬ tice ; and medicine put up in the beft order. November 13, I 81 o. 8tf 'iiS "AS. Together with a General AHortm. 01 D-'Esf uf?, Press Paters, Ten, Teb Hooks, jacks, czc. Sec. Sec* Gunpowder, Hyfon, Young Hyfon, Hv J >n ilcin, Hyfon Chulan, Souchong, %* Commission- Business tran&&4 on the uftfa] terms, and Cafli advanced on any kind of Produce and other property left with him. Montreal, Sept. t$, 18 JO. -tf SHERIFF'S SALE. it r r Midland Dilhia, 1 Df virtue of a II to wit : 3 °f Fieri Facias, ^ fued out of his Majejly's Court of King s B rah, and to me direiled, againB the lands and tarn* merits ofDoctokPiukdle, at the full of Bryan Crawford Efj. I have felled and taken in execu¬ tion the eojl half of let No. 3, fecond concejfon oj the toiunjhip of Fredericljhurgh, in the counties of Lenox and Addingion, and dtflriB aforefaid, containing by ad me afar era cut one hundred acre?, and an improvement cf thirty-five acres, he the fame more or lefs ; which will be ad¬ judged to the highett bidder, at the gaol door in the town of Kingston, on Monday the lid of jfidyruxi^at the hour of 10 o'clock intheforenoon. And any perfon or pgrfons who may have any chlm fo the above mentioned premifes, hy mvffg/Tgf or other wife, are rr-uflc1 to untie the fame ■'■/.' zvn to me hefors the di>i of lire. CHARLES STUART, Sheriff. Sfxr'ijf'*£ GfieC) l$ih NovfjHih. $ff SHERIFF'S SALE- HandBi/lrm,% T* Y virtue of a Writ to wit. 3 JO rf Fieri Facias»iflik ed oet of his INiajcfty's Court oF King's Bench, nnd to me directed, againll the lands and tenements of James North, at the fnit of James Robins, 1 have feized and taken in- execution lot number twimty-fix on Weft Bay, in the townfhip of Maryiburgh, county ©f Prince Edward, and diftruft aforeiaid, con¬ taining by admeafurcment two hundred acres, and an improvement of about 40 acres, be the fame more or hfs, which still be adjudged to the higheft bidder, at the gaol door in the town oi Kingllon, on the 16th day of April next, at the hour ot ten o'clock in the fore' noon. And any perfon or perfon9 who may have any claim to the above mentioned prem- ifes, either by mortgage or othenvife, are re¬ queued to make the fame known to roe be¬ fore the day of fair. CHA R LES S ruA RT, SFri/f She, if s Office, Omherg, 1S10. Jtf PRINTED AND PUBLISH! i> Bv MOWER fisf KENDALL. iyBlank Notes, Cartk9 lluntlhii'-, £: hiindfowely exjeuted ai (hert r.ett '

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