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Kingston Gazette, December 11, 1810, p. 3

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.' 1 1 I I ■ '. .. i •. M » i« C> /■ i « » l .... . - • 1 * ... * • * x • •■ i »* « I n .. . , ft die, /V //••■ f/ff */ f .: /■> .» «*> •/.//; / • * W ,'. < l-v/> whirfy faun ; 1 hi il\ aakrdjhm •> .; .,v-rr-. vultures /■".■ • ? ////m- // J.ij)„i,'t,. . „/ */?tf;/>y ,',9 ,l,;j\or) ,uij run upon Ox ; ihUdiflitufty oirnorrc, it mouldthen t>. p-'ca/mo to liiww ho-.u this capital uin be em- phycd, fc as tu yn!J ti profit emmlto the rijk thiti 'Will undoubtedly L- run* It is a well known faft, thai the great profitarifing. cm; to the Bank of England^ is from (h-lr difcrmnt ef fiir. mid 11 via the nalin >• m things in a new conn- try i-Lr lh:s, it -would be fully ,"i expo:/ ainch c- molnment fi am this department of the banking eeilahi B;vuk.;"i in New Ihigland ; tiie mif- ra'nitye of every aHcriipt to Form fimilar .-nTncialinn* 'in thele Provinces—thence (hrewdly arguing that what had been might r-raui occur, And although thefe gentle* men tn maintaining their opinions, evinced every dffpOiiuon to allow to others the priv¬ ilege which th'.v claimed of itidtfino: for them- telves, they not with Handing decided that in their view of the matter, a Bank was un- (Tat Sue fa the obdinacy of the commander of the boat, who perfifled in carrying fo mnch fail, th «t the boat waa Unable to rife the wave which broke over and filled ir. Mr. Pliny Blifs, of Burlington, often temon ft rated with the commander on tliia account, but was a^ of- !• n anfwered by abufive lai>guage. Mr. Blifs was faved by floating upon a bundle o(- Corn-brooms, which he lied together on board the boat,afterapprehendiug the danger. Eight of the unfortunate, we underlland, • i > r f\' .• if .*. A 1 '. > i I Is. mm! > - ^ • .* * • i. • ■ I . .. - > but .,-.,, v. r.'i ,?€ ■' i'*>-th;'irv pr'-'C/'^b ,;';•:/! fcj :•'} hoRv't en L'-.vv. r* f>T-the ptnV !V*,.,jd i, .rler'i:'-: ^ ; -5 hJd up t j (k:nj- • .:i )•■' aa •'U •' * • '|,:' > "- v-"'"' iuJ1„i rr, ., • V*en vv-Jitmt tfis v p'*t t ; mv n> v, '><••> I alfo i i ! i 1 ■ •:■ J. r,3o::,>,) :i,o.vs no :..».uion, and I cafmwvt ,L,] horn iou.ih prvjcTaiuVrfig vvluit I ec:i- ».c;ve to be my ^ fo^^S* Th: petvni-i i £t|Ui<!: to ^ •' covrefpon.tet cf you.'s \',lo :iicr,Ci Agrkoja.: inp-urlaifc papr, he, iv-il:* ui ich --^'.ruit elevatio i <,•- VtriVc:, u:i' cts to d^ipi!e what he rs pleaf- cd io vail " the lofiy as well a* pfufound iatcuiatjons of Mr. Ramly,w and ap.i-ars ilriuulrv to conceive the <-xecut.on i t ms Ba))•■-....) project aa impofhoiii'-y. 0»i llua ^Cca5on it is diiiieuit to avoid exuitumiug with CattiihiSj hlu-tdi fcuilonnr. trim cafaffitdMSith* My i. rents, Meii'^, Editor?, v.-,:re»mm- *.evR ui Uiv •r-, : when peaceful ennuxnuuty of Otiafe J iiifl lef'. them to i'.ice alone ftormj v/itl i • a::d butrcttui'/s of litia wi'!C V.'Oiid, i many tear1, til' y ^ave me then p.nt- '■n'l mjUjiiTto'ja and aeV-iee ; 4,; Abl.do n, quoth nvy iither, <; ih.e brend of the wiik- d rilleth the m.JUfch with gravel ;" l*fw "iTv^-y th-rn, iirs, mull b^ tbeii' Ifti.plN i.;."< dicti no ? To fpeak, however, moie fefioufly-^* "oul-l ^f,: your agrkttltutift from Brobdig- *t«:g, that view lug their magnitudes and rnei> ki ifl any p0ili; ^f view, what poihble eom- i^t'utive importaiee lie can h-.pe to cllabllin bttWecn a potatoe and a balloon•! I tan havv' no oljcciion to his ojvi.^ the world at kfgc the bell receipts for inakint? curds and hi . lul'l /hi •:,;!.;.' y in ?ny p-ickct^ with my head fluffed ZLuth j:ro]t.>::sy -lui/h abilities nearly equal to my tftighborti and tuith a fair praporti&n cf that lauddbk commercial ambition, thai has greatly aided hi rafing our nwt&er country to her pref- tnl exalted /!>■:*/'■■/'.% Iconf-fs IIhotdd feci much at a Its hyvj ("turn nwfrifor ray money, fo as to wet rrJUn'ded the 15 or 18 /'^r cent, that f had al- fotucd to ihs bank as dtjmunt. much lefs be re-. numeratedj\r mp perfualh cubic, and the mental aii;:bty that mm'i always attend a man mferefied in >-reat and douLifal ("peculations. It therefore foli'j-\'-<„, that if the merchant is unable fo to em- phy his money, thai after allowing the Bam all their emolmnentf9 he cannot refervt a living profit t: him ft If. he mujl ultimately fail, and with him van'./h all the fanciful vtfions of our air built Again another, end Tthink a very frious ob- iccfajuto this bankingJpeealation S it would m- crenfe the pedlars, or to fpeal more commercially, the itinerant merrLints in this Province, and God knows they ah uufy fufficiently abound I They would -multiply upon us like the locufis of Egypt* and from this plain andfimple caufe.— money* or our ideal money, paper, would be more plenty in the country, and confquenlly larger quantises >f merchandise would be fold, they would naturally become very principal holders of Otir paper money, and can it be deniedy that fo fod as iky had anfwered theirpurpfes in this province, namely, have fold their ware*, that they would immediately call on the hank to change, to the utmofl farthing, the paper that they held? plying to the legiflatufC for an act of incor- prnuion."—F.ts advocates were neverthclefs evidently in the majority, and being deuTGUB to prove that a fum of money fumcient to defray the previous expences could eaiily be obtained, although the contrary had been aflerted, they let on foot a fublcription which in a day or two placed that matter entirely beyond a doubt ; the amount fubferibed far exceeding their moil fang nine ex Deflations. Not to wander, however, too far from the plan laid down, fuffer me briefly to explain the general fcope and defign of the inilitu- tion. Banks, then, are of two principal kinds the one confiding; of a company of moneyed men, a&ing under a charter from the fcgif- lature, employs its capital in lending money upon good lecurity, generally at a rate of interell lefs than that allowed by the laws of the country—the other, an aiToeiation of private perfons, who dealing in the fame way, but tinder articles of copartnership, are individually holden for the amount of the (lock they may feveraliy poflefs in the-con¬ cern- In both cafes the method of proceed¬ ing is very nearly the fame—the amount or. the capital and number of Ihares, are firft de¬ termined—books are then opened in which thole who defire to become ilockholckrs in- (trt their names, and on receiving a certifi¬ cate of the number cf teres to which they are entitled, dep< fit a certain fum of money on eack fhare, which not only enables the Bank to proceed in its operations, but alfo "7 • —--------- JLucien Bonaparte and hi? family, Madam B. feven children, and a retinue, altogether upwards of 40 perfons, were brought here on the 23d hiftant, by Captain Bnrrfc, of the i omona frigate, who found them on board an American veffel off Cagh'ari, Sai- diuij, a few days back, endeavoring to be allowed to land, but which they were pe¬ remptorily refilled. It feems they embarked at Civita Vecehia, in the Roman Stales, a-- bout three weeks ago. He gives out, that as he has refufed to divorce his wife, become king of Rome, and marry his daughter (a- bdut 5 years old, and now here with the reft of his children) to Ferdinand VII. of Spain, he has been exiled from the Contin¬ ent of Europe, and that he intends proceed¬ ing to America. General Oakes waited on him yefterdny forenoon, anil informed him, that as he wifh- ed to land, he fhould be provided with ac¬ commodations in fort Rafcafoli, where both himfclf and family would be treated with eveiy attention, but that of courfe he mud be considered as a prifoner of war. He is, we learn, to remain there until direction* from home (hall be received about him. ••f1 *v!iir - — . ■ DIED. Lately at Three Rivers, much regretted, Mr. "John Mac Phcrfon, aged 66, au^ 41 vears a refident there : he always bore the character of an upright and honed man ; he ferved during the blockade at Quebec as a Volunteer. IViththls m-mry they would lay infnjh wares ~-.....- r- - ,- f r.lbrcriD. --------------------------------------------------------------- at N**, Tori and Albany, W*U &m. «rf fc^ft jg tliZd^ulafon, ^ *wtf m*h «nf*riljMaU*r other in regalcir fuccc'fon, like horfe leeches ,ng _•-. 1 J/'/-/ rtn m , is ciitusi 1 a uv; 'iu i I iirougi} dv hdiud, M'lTi.S. ix) nwitc ijliUOl >> would continue fur'h:'ng at one end and difehcug- tn* at the other, until ".- laddrained'our cum- 11 Ml that ,,;., mu Uikd conii .1 -pi ■; nw*;;- to a drg'-ee lie fcJ#, vlam c<'i.ipann>r the ].ii-h we i< fpeci- :" jralouly n«- iv>,**», :.t the topics upon w merits jvjly treat. " 'faith h->wev r obliges mt to declare, that were 1 inclined to examine hi: production ^critically as he has done mine, I fhould not gain much ; his ideas are generally deep, ■and his mode of t.Yprciling them fulhcicntly luminous : ifl were capable of attaching malevolent interpretations, I might perhaps fufpect that in fo flrongly recommending attention to " the rieh juice of their maple trees/' he held in lemembrance thofe old friends of ours, yclep'd fugar plums, the favor of which he may perhaps have not vet forgotten ; but, by his fo llrenuouily advifing the culture of hemp, I am too well convinced of his relpectability to attach to him fuch finifler motives, and therefore fin- cerely afTnre him, that I believe him per¬ fectly diiinterefted, and in enrneft in all he writes. , . With this concefiion in favor of his in¬ tentions, I remain, &o &c. &c. ABSALOM RANDY. written on iuej To the Editors of the Kingston Gazette. 4$ much has lately been fad, and a trifle thsfdjdt of ejlall'iflfmg a Bank in this place, it will in a greater or a lefs degree, naturally occupv the attention of all your readers. Will ym therefore permit me through ihs me¬ dium of your paper, to communicate my thoughts onihefubjea to the public ? I do not pretend to offer any arguments very profound or concafive, but I think lean point out a few objections that, to me. appear plain and palpable, and which may lend to a farther difuffion and a more minute h:- vefigation of a project that appears teeming with ccmjequcnccs the mcfl dfaftrous ; and 1 earmftly hpe\hat the public, and particularly the mer¬ chants of this town, will well weigh the full eel. and maturely deliberate, before they give birth to afcheme with which the profpfrity or abfclute 'uin of this difiriB mvfl he Jo intimately connecled. In the Jiff place, I woidd afl where we are to find a capital in aclnal fpscie, to eflabhfi a fund fufficient to give a reasonable hope cf fuc- cefi ? for lam inclined to brieve that an arti¬ ficial or nominal cap"al will never be commerfu- ratc to the end prjpofed ; and I fear that I but fiate a ?nelaneholyfucl when I fay, it but rarely happens indnd that this tbivit would not he much puzzled in rai/tnv a ihoufund 'aucdu r r ' 1 ' 1 ' 1—1 * /* Jiuwcver, w: will futpof this objection Jur* rnounr-d, me wi:l hnagalc :l<>>! we have got ■ - < c /.. . \.f.:,. *. to the j.' -v t,iI /par,' 1 could fay a great deal more on the fuljecl, but am afraid of occupying too large a f'uice of your paper, /wit, let from afplrit of appo¬ rtion, nor to prevent i a- cflahllfhment of a haul, but from a w'fh /hat Pte l<fl*-ff may U fait ly fated, that objections nay be removed, and that the projectors of what at prejtnl appears to me a mcfl chimericalfchem\ may do what they have not hitherto done, fhew a /latement that will hold out a reafonable p'rfpeel of fuccefs. They fay, to be fare, that Jyromietors, or flock- holders, will receive nike, FiFTdEiV, nay even tiventt per cent, for their mo my ; futh the eject ! But they have not yet coahfended to fljtw us the caufe. lfear that your fuaing correjponelent, Mr. ReiNDY, is again at zao'k ; he may wont fame capital for the tranfpottafwn of Grindjlone IJl* and. Let us beware tlat injleadof his propofed college, we are not uncir the necejfty of erecting an afylumfor thofe unfortunates amongfl us, that may be laboring under Unar influence, let us be¬ ware that this Bank, Ike the air drawn dagger of Macbeth, be not the hildofa bewildered una' gin a lion ! " Is this a Banker hat I fee before me¥** By giving the above aplace in your next paper you will give peace to The Ghoft of Ab'm Newland. as may be adopted for the government of the Bank, or forfeit the depofit.—Belore it be- v in.. Ui dine its notes, It h alio nfual lor th^ Bank to require from the liockholders live or ten per cent. 0:1 each Jhure, and in the comfe of its trade to repeat this call until it becomes poflcfled of a quantity of Ipecie, " fafhVient n.ot only to anfwer the common, hut alfo any extraordinary demand that may be made upon it." At this period it may¬ be coufidered in full operation—notes arc difcounted, enterprife and induftry encoura¬ ged, and the paper of the Bank thencefor¬ ward becomes the circulating midium of the country. In your paper of Lit Tutfday, " A friend to the Public** has, with great ability and candor, refuted the many objections which have been railed to the projected eilablilh- ment. It therefore only remains tor me to date, that it is the intention of its friends 'this evening to prepare and %n a petition to the legiflaiure for an act of incorporation ; to draw up articles of copartnerlhip, which in cafe a charter fhould be refufed, will pre¬ vent the defeat of the fcheme ; to agree on the form of a circular letter inviting the in¬ habitants of the Province to fupport the in¬ dention, and finally, to take fuch othcr deps as may be neceffary t 1 carry it into ef- fe& with the kail poffibk delay. S. H - BANK OF UPPER CANADA. 2- 'HE fubferibera to the dock of the _ _ b-'ve Bank, together with fuch other of the Inhabitants as are in favor of its cftab- lilhment, are requefled to attend a Meeting, on bufmefa of importance, at Waller's Hoi, , THIS EVENING at 7 o'clock—Dec. 11. TO THE SUBSCRIBERS. N is he re by given, that the firfl Kingston Affembly will be. at Walker's Hotel, on Monday, the tjth infant, cfely. •Tickets to be drawn at 7 o'clock pre- JOHN KIRBT, \ Wh, MITCH ELL, \ Managers: MASONIC. THE Brethren of Lodge No. 6, An- cient York Masons, propofe to attend Divine Service on St. John's day, at eleven o'clock, and afterwards dine togethe: at the King Hon Hotel. Any Brother in¬ tending to favor them with his company, will pleafe to fignify the fame to Mr. Walker on or before the 25th ind. Dec. 11. The fubferib Or 7n_c\ 3°>ocopounds word? ';'/'"* ,/;; / ri 1 41 • /•; For the Ijngston Gazette. MESSRS. EDITORS, BUT a few day having elapfed fmce the eftablifliment of a Sank in this place was projected, it may be poper for the informa¬ tion of yrpur more dihW readers to mention when and in what mmner it was did bro't forward ; to explain he general feepe and defign of the inftitmSn, and the courfe its friends intend to purfre in the meeting ad- vertifed for this cvenig. This perhaps is the more necedary, a- even in this part of the country, where its advantages will cer¬ tainly be mod felt, thtproject has met with no fmall degree of opp«fition, chiefly becaufe it was but imperfectly inderftood—feveral ve¬ ry refpeclable character having declared them- felves utterly unacquainted with the fubject. They did not helitate;o acknowledge that edential benefit mighty derived from an ef- tabliihment of the nature propodd ; but ac- cudomed from their eajicil days to nothing but fpecie, they dreajed the evils which a paper currency migh create—they cited with fmgular effect, he examples of the notes of the Banks in the United States, with counterfeits of yhieh almolt eveiy quarter of the Amefftra Union had been iniindated.~Tliey p:i*tvd out the failure cf KINGS T O N : TtTESDAY,JD&CEMU£R 11, l^IO. General Armlirong—arrived Boston, November 16.—After the Ga¬ zette went to prefs, lad evening the (hip Sally, Capt. Scott, of Bofton, arrived here in 32 days from Bordeaux, bound to New- York, with dxty paffengers, among them are General Armdrong, late Amballador at Paris, and his family. She brings no oth¬ er news than that of our affairs with France looked gloomy. The Sally on Monday lolt her rudder on Shogwom reel (L. 1.) and put in here for a new one. Ar. London Gazette. Nov. 19.—It is dated in letters by recent arrivals from Europc.tht Bonaparte hiddt alide his promife of tefeinding the Milan and Berlin decrees. This declaration feems to derive a drong degree of credibility from the circumdance of his late order to fell a'l the American cargoes lodged at Antwerp. turns his fmccre thanks to his friends and the public for pad favors, and informs them that he has on hand a large quantity of BOOTS,—-Men's, Women's and Children's SHOES,—Sole and Upper LEATHER— a few pair of Caft-lron SLEIGH-SHOES. and a general aflbftment of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES—which he will fell at a very reduced price for cafh or produce. RICHARD SMITH. Kingston, Dec. i 1, 181 o. 12 tf • C3*Thc highed price given for good Flour. The fubferib forms all thofe who are indebted to him, that unlets they make immediate payment their notes and accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney. THOMAS COOK. . 2:5 Kin-stun, Dec. 5, 1810. A» its padage Melancholy Accident. A few days finee a bout oa Burlington to St. Johns, was loft a- fix miles north of Cumberland head, eleven perfons out of twelve, which were on bond. Our foformant fcpiefenta this accent as haaftflg taken nlaje through from bo nt with PUBLIC NOTICE. idiand District, $ j > Y wrtui- of a warrant t0 r-uit : } J3 to m-dirctrc;1, Ugni cd by two 1.1 his Maj-fty's J iftices oi the Peace lor fa)d dirtrdl, NOTICE Is hereby given, that a meel- in" of hia Mijelrv's Juftices of ihe Peace for the ui- v.noo of Fronren'ic, will be holden at the Oourt-lWe inlh6tOwn<-f K'-ngllon, at eleven uVlocfe in .h'- fvircnopn on Suturdji 'lv ayth of thh prefent mjnth, for the purpub vt rcrievwng the Licetnes fof th- y a" next eofuing : iikewife for g anting n. w L'.^hfci to thole who w.lhto rna^c application f->r th- tame. A ■ ion, worn a-.d pwbffl h mit krseth will yi»r ihz;f aKr**t<uitee atccflfdrogty. JOHN UAKUSYi Kin&toa. Dec. 11, l8lo. H & Confraifc. ••

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