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Kingston Gazette, November 27, 1810, p. 4

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,1 -\ ; : ",- -»?->t< ¥ ■? v T POET R Y. ORPIUN BOT'S TALE. of employment, there will fee a Efficient fo^nd witling to exchange one eh> other. 1 merely adduce »»• r not be dilCOAtf- MONTRKAr the STAY.. Vj .jy—ftay, tor mercy's fake, And hi iu'a helplefs orphan's tale, Ah ! fun{; my looks muft pity wake J JTis v. »nt that makes my cheeks lb pale Yet I mV ■ once a mother's pride, And ', y brave father's hope and joy ; But it; I .'Nile's proud fight he died, And '" am now an orphan boy i number men* for I a courfe, a fmaller leak. The." i at my fellow lobjc-as may not b red from trying" the expenmen t on, of r, HAT \ At ihi Sign ,/ // jV:UTAHr ff4Tf yYo. J*kz D. Ik ,REfIOUSE is neverthelefs one danger t o be ihtt MOST refpcftfully inform ^ p^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ;| ^ A ,flve ^ plcte aflortmcnt el «'TS> HA r TRIMMINGS, &c -•:. .v|.;;,/ »{£ ;• foj-ji ;ti. . Poor fo ,-am child, how pleas'd was I, \V1k.; news of Nclfon's vicVry came ! Along « ne crowded (treets to fly ; And' ike the lighted windows flame. To foi i me home my mother fought ; She could not bear to fee my joy ; For w h my father's life "twas bonglr, All . made me a poor orphan boy. Staple's fbouts werelon^ and loud*; ' mother, (hudd'ring, closM hei ears ; 11 R< fbice, rejoice I'* fiill cried the acwd— Ml mother anfwer'd with her tears ! x »ie u " 0\ ! why do tears ftcil down your cheek," C led I, " while others fhout for joy V% Shef ;ifs,d me; and in accents weak, Sf.e call'd me her poor orphan boy !' rhat is an orphan boy^Y" I faid ; 'V-hen fuddenly (he gafp'd for breathy J her eyes c!os'd ! I fhrick'd for aid ; *bui ah i her eyes were closM in death i v- hardships fmce i will not tell ; But now, no more a parent's joy, h> lady, I have lcarn'd too vdl What 'tis to be an orphan buy ! »h, were 1 by your bounty fed ! Nay, gentle lady, do not chide j iTrufl me, I mean to earn mv bread : The tailor's orphan boy has pride. 1 Lady, you weep j—what is'tyou fay ? . You'll give me clothing, food, employ^ Look down,-dear parents, look, and fee ' Your happy, happy orphan boy ! apprehended ; " Memo mortallnm omnibns horUfafiil" when a man finds himfelf actu¬ ally railed fo far above the level of his fel¬ low creatures, it is difficult to fay where his flight may itop. 1 Humid therefore propofe that certain rettri&ions (and tho' I here dif¬ fer from your ingenious correipondent " A man of do trade or profefSoa," yet I hope it is with all the urbanity that ought to cbar- a&erife abrotivereffayift) fhould belaid up¬ on aeronauts in general ; and that the ilit- tanee afcerded, or the fpace pa fled over, jfhai) not exceed certain limits that may Le hereafter deemed moil expedient. My o)ly intention in throwing out this hint, is* that I ara not without hopes that, in conjunction with others, my project may aUmrf the at- tentim of the Ifgtfiatifrf. Though i reel a degree of compuncijn, Mcffrs. Editors, that 1 fliould thus occupy a page that might be otherwife filled by ef- fays more valuable, and conducive to the public good, yet 1 much hope that you v.iil feel inclined to afford me encouragement f nough to admit this ; as I flatter my fell that I entertain fomc other ideas that may poll; bly pioveof value ; particularly in the d;f- pofal. of our fpare (tone. When I couh:l-,~ do. Mult fuperb Military" Hats, whh orna_ ments complete. Gentlemen's mnji'f.nfihnalk Be,er ^at2t Do. Between? do> Do. Yeoman crowns do. Do.bl'k fuperline green unde ^ Do. drab do. do. ^ Do. black do. extra large b<ms do] Do. drab do. do. ^0> Belt black water proof filk Ditto green Under do. Do. drab do. Do. do. green under [ilk Do. caftor Uoram do. . Plated do. Ladie/w.9. tyjuonalk beav. Hafilfcl viz. White !>. Maids' do. & childrt Light fawn Drab V Hair, brown Olive Purple . Blue And G\ 'en do. Ao. do. do. do. do. do. rio.- do. do. do. do. do. do. A r TTRIMM/NGS^z. Pink i .^a R ed Orange l eUow c.o. do. do. do. do. & do. do. »'< Qe&tl's varuifhed leather Hats fo traveHJiig, Servants' ditto ^0< Boyb' Morocco Hats of all oej^ fo. do. Caps do. ins9 8c Boys' fine Cardies. (Do. common do. Do. Wool Hats of every kfcn.ptiona j* ild and filvcr linicl Cord B«|3fl vIreen Linings* Whiter do. h Blue do. [| Bl'k i4o.fv.i/( Plat Covers of every I kind in |ife. BIN»jNGS. bindin A f:r co its from T of to 5 Befl mil;: i Black C Bell dial Com. do. Bell black Common nd drab. fo. do. 03. do. r the fuperabundance here of tlfla^articl:- nd am credibU informed that at Wevv-YotL C1 and am credibly inj. ___ it has frequently been ft) fcarce as to fctc*^ the enormous price of D. I per Cwt. I &..P aitcmiSied that fo lucrative a branch of traJ fliould have been fo long overlooked—L us compute, Mcfhs. Editors, the fterlin^ value of only Grind ft one Iiland, and the al ( '^ ppear immenfe : on a modem: r 'mm on tiite and yellow tinfel Cord B|jjn^ aife and hue Bowftrings. ^rocco of all colors fuitable ir JldiSm ■jcv Tip Paper, do, do 'It and com mow Glue. 'trwood, Copperas, Verdigris Hiafortis, Oil of Vitriol, Cloth,rs» Tacj-3# Mters** do.— Ratfiog Cards. L Brufhes of all kinds in ufe. •Iter's lions,-Scamoers, Ruar. 1 Pick, t____ t Whiten: ' .ck wor ^ mi? j Common w.^te Hat l • , . ^JUdj Yellow r.-.;,,, d? J? ^5 Cord, and i:.:fei.O tiffr? U ; *^V Fancy■ T. i...r.jngsj ' Lal*lier/\ Extra large Cords for Lndij Fafii. fancy Trimmings for Plume? of all cclors,for Laili - ers, &c. <xc. S:c. down, All cr tvhich w ill b mod reduced prices, forcafii • proved credit. r Mont real, Sept. io, iSl3! Ci • / HA FE 0 TH f. P. Hi II TO PR T. }} ONE, who when afk'd could not comply, Excbim'd, " Ive other Sfb to fry." A Frenchioan who o'etheard the faying, ooon mifapplied 't, this odd way in "Pvouia'db liiat vfoh you do vilh, ' Bu* TmttflaQ and fry fame fi/b" currency ; a proportion of which mig it I applied to the eieclion of a college, and n] remainder to the improvement of the to;. at large With a fmcere wifh for the fuccefi o your paper, and the continuance of thof communications which can alone doit ere' it, 1 remain, &c. &c. &c. ABSALOM tiA^^Dl on „ WANTED, • N elderly SINGLE WOfa,% to n. at table and tike care of a l>|lft> j ^ . Lev Lyman HAV" -civcd by< vals • . R.ESH S;ky Tc SHERIFF'S SALF. ttmlDf/trUtA I>Y «rt» * ' Wr.V ■ r^ft. J Vof ^^ ^w, iff.;. P nbnt of Fna MajuL's Comt i Kiu,r»s ,r?m:h, and to me dilttM, a.-,,n„L |ie |a«da AH.nu /^;</» //vj. c^r ^;/ t!)(.:r(lf!U,l\t>w: Among tvhich are t/jc-jh^>^f!i. ,r\ ' Aloes • BritifhOil Annatto Ceph-iiic .S.uT, Ant.mony Chin- "., W.ii* *■ Cv»V.s Hflli • ?l • • ..... jjiVERyirv. ' \*he Editors of too A'hwcsToy Gjzettz. GENTLEMEN, FROM the liberality I obferve exercifed vour felcctions from contemporary eflav- s, I am induced to obtrude upon you the rrhaps ciuue iMeas^of one who is equally mcitous to dtft'mguifh himfelft and equally YuvJf^by ^ dtfintere(led'hope of doing good *the public.—The fub|tft, MeflYs. Edit- '# 5, to which I wi!h to cah the attention of i iv fellow townfmen, ib t}iat of OEJoftatJon,— U) the year 1783, M. Montgolfein, in con- fttiucnce of certain experiments, was indu¬ ced to believe that the idea of conftrudting k machine calculated to foar.in the air, was by no means fo vifionary or void of utility, m hod been generally fuppofed : the refult f)f long and curious invr-ftigation was the pvefent Air Balloon ; and 1 am only afton- ;Y!ud? that among tlie various improving conceptions that are now hourly developing, none of your coirefpondents have turned cheir attention to a lubjedl of, in my ham- wrong- Jgtio by the cat " The Queenco^ fame more or lefs, which will be adjudged to not help fmiung at this, and her admiraUn fhe h/gheft bidder, ar the gaol door m the was further heightened, when, at her & parture, he begged permlflion " to attc.j her maieftv to the Fallows in which ftooci;i mile out oi town* ■ A CERTAIN widower, fon of a very . miable woman, having for fome time paid (3 moil ardent addreffes to a young lady in fs neighborhood ; having made her manyp^. miles and aiTurances to induce her to becoic his bride, but finding her fiill obftinate r-i town of Kmgdon, on the j 6th day of April next, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore¬ noon, And any perfon or peifons who may havt any clajai to the above mentioned prem- ifes,eiiher t/^bortgagecw otherwife, are re- luefted tomaHe the fame known to me bt?- 0re the day of faie. CHARLES STUART, Sberjf Sha-if's Of.ce, OBahr 9, 181c. vf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, unfiling to Lftcnto his fmt, at length, a, ry--HAT the Copartnerfliip hitherto fub- turther inducement, he gave her the m :{ X lifting between James McN pofitive affuranee, that, if Jhe would maiy I M O N mmjhejhould lie iv'ith bis mother. CHEAP STORE. h'c cpMiion, infinite confequenee. Wnen Ave (Confide^ gentlemen, the many good purpo- ^fbs to which the A,#r Balloon might be ap¬ plied in a country like this, where the roads are in general to extremely bad, it Is much to be wifhed thatjfemeperfon may be found i'^.r.ciently patriotic to fet an example fo iaud-ible. Recurring pnitfcularly to our inland navi¬ gation, as a fubjedl of primr.ry importance, jt muft occur to the moll fuperficiai obferv- cr, that incalculable advantage might be gamed by being thus enabled to afcertain, not only the exact dire&ion taken by every T?IE Subfcriber informs Ii? friends and cuftomers, that he isomk more, (after a long and tedious illnefs) ea- bled to attend to bufipefs. He is rrr;t &n getfuiof pad favors, and hopes for the f* liberal patronage from his friends which fc has formerly experienced. HE HAS JUST RECEIVED, Afajh-fupply of Goods* And expects in a few days a further fuppl., which will reiivlci his aflbrtrnent quite on- plcte. He invites all thole who wifn to ;m:- chafe goods cheapt to call & inquire his pricpr, T, .. , - abb and S..„„„ McNabb, under the Firm of JAMES & SI MO fa McIMBB, was du'lMved, by mutual confent, on the twelfth inftant. All pe.fans having claims again* the laid Firm, are requefted to produce the fame for adjuftment to James McNabs, at ThoiW, And allpeiions .ndebted to the fa d Firm, are h-rebv ,e- qu.d to makepaym.nt to th= fa.d James McNabb, who a duly authorifed to,ec,ive the lame, and makr. M rrangemeots tf«W«i accounts. All en menn ea ered „«. W the date hcreof> wile|nj the fT-tc acount of each „f th, faid parfii. rbu.hnv, Is.n > JAMES McNABB, SIMON McN ABB. nfc-3ge- be for Noremb 8ie. ^ O TO BE SOLD, npHAT"a!Uab|.ft3ndfnraMEPrH.vTrt T Cantharidts Cloves Cinnamon Caffia Crein Tartar Calomel Camomile ' Cuppeias Fol .Senna Fior Sulphur Gentian Glauber Salts Gum Arabic — Copal — Aflafoetida — Guaiac Ifinglafe Jalap l-»iqiK)rice Mace Magnefia Manna Nutmegs Nutgalls rurkey OpitlPi Oil Peppermhic — Vitriol Perttviain I3a?k Pink Root Rhubarb j Salt Lemon Godfrey's Cord;5S Hooper'? Female P| James' Analeptic doj Jefuit's Dro^a Lee's Bilious: Pill* 1 Refmed LiqiAoriye XV Wind for Soar rr* oacro M jn mm « *, ;^z;fi"-<"«M" *- Weft Company have it in contemplation to make vhe experiment upon a large £cale : ft u LOtrputcd tlrat t:ie expencc of traofport- iiggoodi to the various poftsfktand receivinsr urirreturns,m.oot mucli lefs tliaa £40,000 Ha-ffax Currency per annum; and, by :h- int >duclio.': of the Ballooo fyflem, it tppofed a faviivjr will take place of at •erft iv-> thfrd . It is however expected that lorr... r-bftacl? will at ii.ll a rife from the c iculty of obtaining conduclors, bttt it k fQ^Hchas removdl from his former Hand to the honfe next bi.0"; Do.ft. Smith's, and onnofite Cant. Mun-v'. ox. Saltpetre Sugar Canny Peppermint I Honey '-Tartar F. me tic Roman Vitriol 'Viderfoo's Pilla Balfhrii Honev Spts. Tnrper Dry White ' Kegs White do. Red " Patent Ycl. Verdigris FrufSanBI' Spruce Ye 2000 Bool Sflye Flake Wh Black Lvi Ivoiy J3I«- Whitinrr Mx.v: Sj.:m,V. V:2 V HofePinlK '° Dutch j'i^-l'. Velvet d y in" : t>ecs \V.i-- crc"' V/hfve AV loa • Madder frh';' Camyw.n. aire -1 0111 re,' r*~ ^HP^t 1 ndicfa e ild L K ■; V A General All, , ■ b ,, iS MeNABE. nn nm • iala a-iToried—.T A '; •' *a f r-.i...y of thoC plying on • ; ' -dll v • dt ,.,„.., i>? thrown one ^PJ^ng-H Amputating fni 03 Comnufnon Bufinefs tianf; Montreal, ¥h S,y. :^c. ping Paper fori do ,rt |, ■ 1 /-1 *^",ntf* oIc Ghf. ncry *cda*ui , w 1 * 1 "• -. ; ir.«ie- Oll s PRINTED AND P* ;:■,. 1 r })v MOWER £3 KaiDAI.L r^V */j y..... , v

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