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Kingston Gazette, November 27, 1810, p. 3

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h < " y " fi he 1 i.e W il g*i ' it s beautiful black 01 li^hb biowm It I' i "► attrui ted the attention a i | obtained tbc approbation of thempil kinuM ,| in 11, ii fuencc. ;• ,»:i»*M ' KINGSTON c/ ^a/ P U'- ..,tl--" •■' t>'> the Low. r PrbV»ce, «v, le the k« fvafon % J* when a pgftfcufar po 1 ^ P/^ G°odS the labor of lour hundred of the troops -..„-, drawn only by four horfc, (ihiTrett 7 "P Hard Ware' , i . ^uudl 20, der bis Command ; a work highly nfeinl fa ^^"rdrawn by fix, with led horfet T Crockery t Und ' V-friends the public, particularly the inhabitants .,f W-hJ he immediately halted h. !,orfe8 *? GlJ^nrV * I ....- finglilh li Jtfaha. ;.' liquor arid ;.* Grocer].s, •.' Saddles. rh K, will i the itiefs w and neveftj at kail for'the pref- «*Y oi imiwwsu, •«» «* « K— . —r« „> ...a . "~......^J f Utn::",°n '•„-. of the folders are not required for the ererecf* ^^tve ftrength was ita.ed at 31,000, Duke of Cadore ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^A.akinp deficiency of 9000 ; and fobfel ' — Hwuy lOllCil HIS ,mers * call and exam?* g Li t \Kx$\ /-Vrmltroog, is t irmiaii'i", wn «i-. v»» r- —"'"■" *~ —;« f , , ; ""......V "i Want» fatigue, Pick- Goods country thinlv inhabited, where the c vhW^ and defertion, J:, their march into Spain V-■ C » i ,of labor fo greatly exceed the numbikB'^ »« tne firlt return fent to the War Of' Da:df p "'nd ^ hi^heft [fie and at a time when the fervidcel'^ « Paris, from the frontiers of Portuia P PRnnTTOr ° ! --- was " " Tbe main roroa«Pr,akinff a be in toi'CC attc» if I,,,,. do-.ib:ful whither they f at alb" J _^_____ *IGAS VORCEL/UW. f *'■> 3go. (Cays a late Vermont tn in "the t. •. 1 of Monkton, Hi ere di^?'««[ for Iron ore, and rfWr ftr t from the furtace of the ) MIU a white fubftance, which • ^-^.Itince to white lead, they make jpntty. They acgor- • of it, .in"' tomf " to an- '.vifhes Th afterwards !d ?b-it t\* :-'ty ii.-e le t, j^matcrW to g*« '•' "'r,,'£ lu1,e 'fctherlth-y wotenvn. Confi lerabk «itie*Jf putty havertnee been made and ,'riabtW f-f fele, an-', >-y thofe who L»ufidif. it is wreferrtd '<':- Tflber' ^ A UtiiiVrr-ero^ was »K<: p-«% W«* »t. C ,6^'nvs fince, a ad iliVv exhibits a ..-1--------jrhcr. Ow- through this Province, the improvemem ^T^'A-J' whfen * manoeuvred bttween Lord which' u the gre-t dtfideraturn of the ptpub-J^11'" lie, affords ample opportunity for the t dif- play of fuch patriotifm. In the vicinity y o' & Kflf ^ . fcluftj-ild1 ineir o' ' Wed ,oKcve kingilon, York and other places, where t the troops aie Itationed, many miles of the « way might, by their aid, be formed into a cosoin- plete turnpike road, and durably finiflied d for carriages. Whether a portion of the I fol- diers might not be thus occupied, the n.ncxt iVaion, confiftebtly with the honor of f the king's iervicci and ufefully for the pu'u.blic, is recommended to the coniideration of t^iofe dhnftton 1 army and Cittdad RodnW it •as rated only at 26,000. Allowing a rcafonable deduftion for de- •h-nents, Sec. (tho' this being a fighting , ps; intended for field fervice, it would of LV«lebeas little as polTible diminiilied in way) there would be a reduftion of a • ourth from the original ftrength. Al- »g, however, that \he return of conva- PRODUCE " ""b _ K"Wton, Qaober 1, l8lo. FRANCK~PEMHFR~ JNFORMShisoMcS^a.o, X rublic in general x\x** h» u polite MelTrs. AlUtSBafcm'X,TV'» the bootv «a»JEawS£; - - -...........» w«w WllJ be continued, ,n their various branr" '^ «s may make up a confiderablc propor- * Orders in his lfne pronrorJv aa^A • N this deficiency, yet when we conhder t0> ^ f"....." J-' ' " ' Y ***** k £ » J --^----------------------_ -^ v lis corps had left Paris only 3 months is r«.commenaea 10 mc uu<uiub.»«« -* jwJ^i «- • „ c-xx a * ,, j , f , t r r • • *u ^ *K^ nVhr to u'- .;h. U ' '" u perfect Itate, and had not fought vvhofe ftation gives them the ngnt to u.'.JCIde.i /-■•,'. A r . h VV"UA «> .._ ..,....,„ I f R-i the inltance nrefents a uonion of. a ^ and favors duly acknowledged Kingston, Nov. 20, 1810. otf TO 5£ LET, importance of common febtfols, and v vvi c-rtat proorietv ; for m tbofe little fiof"^ msth, mafsofour fcllow-fubjctts »"»* cuvetheir education. The higher u*a.^^ IcTiiino are op^n to a final! proportion o • ^ Y Jr 1 - ■ I v wn> 111 a I IL '— ifft of cxpci fment, thoogrr *i *i'i town^m-the vicinity of the bed ; ( vas not till a tittle »noi^ than a year 'J thac any auequate lueafl were entert.ain- 1 ac fo the real properties and value of the iittyjluffi?* as it was called. The friends niTiVan manufactures will be pleafed ir, tl at this fo long negle&ed matcri- . new afccrtoiHed to be argil/a apyra, or fain tffu\>9 and that a company is now jwith a viYw of manufa&urmg it 1 Croci'.'ry an J China ware. A very ex- Yut -kfiid of (lone ware is already made, it with a certain proportion of jlue rlay. This clay ib found on fi^e of a hill rifing in an angle of degrees, and is depoiued \njlra- p variable number of degrees of Ipreffion, and the ft rata are inter- pins of pure flint fand, valuable [a&tire of fitrtt glafs ; flint (IpneS (jucntly found. The foil over rtnerally loofe meagre earth, tree ; and from the examinations >een made, *he bed'mayhe faid Binexhauftible. Irrtiyiis of 100 grains, they yield- We filex, the remainder were pure r ~ey water, and a very fmall por- femak °f ir<>n, though fcarcely per- u\tj/<hen fubmitted to a ftrong heat, wlepniL lolid porcelainous mafs, with^ id retafns its whitenefs. reat affinity for oil, and it is of the wlmle people. ocelhon to execution—N. T. SpeJalor. CURIOSITIES IN LITERATURE. The following notification was taken from WMbhc houfe in Bucks County, Pennfyl- t ■ s Sold ii <'. ck S .! m ■ 1 ! I,; ■ (Jttel J'i:.-- icth- a, Vjv'l.rJC Or MM) <3r SADDLING BUSINESS. THE iiibfcrihers hiving remov¬ ed to the building occupied by MdT: s. I Abbot & Bas^om, refpeclfiilly inibroi ;::- ' lolxabitanjLs of Kingston and its vic.';^^ tJ^t thej -' k r»h t'i* :' ■ i,E* a (iiiefa J* - sv /Is * I ■ in. , ,u.- 01. m tl.,pivqilaiifie..,oi wh^niaKe^he S3SS ffiU, obiea, will be * I ployed. With fon.e m,r,tor«ouS eNcept^s, iU «a« the general ftate oi lehools ni ^ province, in common with all other new «, As the country incrcafe* inpjoulation nd ■•ability to meet expeufe, bettei^'. «e* ca*e afforXd, and higher quulihcat,^ oujhtto be infifted "n. The pro<nefiive *}*'<*£* ftr requires this chan-e in the fts!/: of Ich- s. They who are entn.tted to employ P^f .ought henceforth to be more carehil in he fekciion of them. Rd|«ahlc perfons (hold be empioved, and they fliould be treaud vah marks of refpea and attention, m the w of their pupils, which will give weight to their inductions and aid them m the pv. crnmciit of their fchools. a The fchools ought alfo to be vifited a.fta- ted times, as at the end of each quartet;by the parents and fnehds of th; fchohrs,* the double purpofe ofwitneifing their an- » * « I \ _. A^ on in- • ' , ! ■ -'• 1 1 in a Saddler's (hop, they flatter tbetnfeh . -t .,('•, ?:■•] p ! • Vinegar Phrcs •s Y- b Cum i»'»i '3 •" the ground I ,. T- . l- ' : ' • ibels -ruci i\. nnm- brr of other Things two tedious to menfion ^^^Tfi^i b^'abk 'to anfwer all wd-, Vaudue to Begin a: A. Leven odock Con- ^ ^^ Vinc_and th;;t on a3 rCa! .n ciiions maid none on the day ot tail at tne • cwelennoufc of Jofeph ail'.ton Jar I ------- BY RE0UBST' permanent fooling the boundary lines of the different tozu Jhtps of this Province" II (- Aad belt further enacledby the authority cforefaid* That the courfes and diftances of t!i-r feid boundary Hues fo afcertained and ef- tiblilhed, (hall on all occaf-ons be, and beta- if-n to be, the true courfes and dittances of the boundary lines of the faid t-Avnfhips and corictfiions, whether the fame do, or do not, on actual meafurenient, coincide with the ind diftances in any letters patent of [Irurnent iu refpeft of luch able terms, for ready pay, as can be pitfetoK in the Province. * r ,-* Conllant attention to bufmei^ and the qualify of thar work, ^;;1 b^hur only claim upon the public patronage. ^ * J*Repairing done on the JborteJ! noli* C. W1LLISTON 3c Co. 7 « # Kingston, Nov. C, 1310. SALE I Kindlon, Sept. 25, l8tC 1 courfes a ABIA B. SAna, CABINET-MAKER,^ rrant, or other BUw-------- - .„ir,,i Cdaryline.nwnnionolandexp.elleJ. ■/Aw iff WW K Bllio 'en, jtfta. iixed in equal parts, it even im- kci t^V/'^hitenefs of the whitelead, and [egteail o its power of refilling the ac- of tif/ot-ftmofphere. It muft, of courfe, avf'^1 article in painting. beloictors are Meflrs. Dahiri, Muz- r&ar. They have applied to the ilati. *|rt,r.an Act of incorporation, in rt dftcVuV* h a committee, we underfiand, falrc«Y vBported, together v/iih the ex: live iTvvtMege of manufacluring for ten ors appointed to conduct ic, »»« ^ ..»r- and notice the performances. - At home, likewife, the children flioulcbe frequently examined and converted with.on the iubieds of their learning, to let theu,fce that their parent,feel int:refced in their pro¬ ficiency. Salutary inilructions, rcipectag morals and manners, will naturally be irter- mingied. No period or fituaUon oi hie » more favorable to good impreihons. In thefe and other fimilar ways, parents, although not very learned themielves nay, with SOc trouble, and much ^isfact.on, effentially aid in the education d^their jjwn children/to prepare them tor fomc *&* ./ r. In life FRAX*LM> occupation in nxe. * «•(! a .ilty ot telony, «•« without benefit of clergy continues to carry oppoiite in its various branchy at to « P H ^ ;,l^:v.. f «runot.ee t{ « TT^VE juft received tiom 1- H for fa'.e, ac the.r 1 Street, Montreal, «*' iV5. 100 5/. Paa MeJ'rs IS, Uaict -r n.Ayjj AGer.eraiAfTonm^tof Lalesand Ch F«im. Hats, elegantly enm^^^ ccrmi, a„d &c&c. which««« »»p<n«d up ^B^ be DouSl.t wi. m fold as chrap or CBW Midland D.ftnct, I to -:t ? 3 /I/ft/ ow/ and to rm itith, country. - HaT8 of their »*n T,.v have alfo a variety ot n ......_ III ^r French Lcffes tn Spain. durai,. as any mat, wK.ch rhey »J?^nfftte in C*hapa. ever cftcrea ru* ,. rCCCWr« be as J an !_____._ ' TheVatt amount of the loiTes fclftai •i geniots Disrovrp.Y.—Nathaniel G. «», at Ci iifl- barracks, in Pennfylvania, o'feti tht he has lately made the great- Hfcover-.,,, ClKm'flry hitlierto made in (Unit . .Salts, v!/.. the coloring human A-y pi foil whofe hair, is either v.'l.lie, • 01 mriy- ihe nairal d the French armies in Spain and P may be tolerably eftimated by the following ainedby OtERs from the coon«« ^j ♦...r>l ft'i£y attended to. * ft - C itU^' ^TRtAL, NOV. *0_I>»^_______ toil r _ .;, // pur draft** -let it be oee.,.0,.,. by J^™^ to 1:,. <uki„K U, «»«#* lipohtion, or c/.hrrwift:, "l ' * J^/oTJB OF'i^D'^Zo, with ^ - •^ £ &nto*>* jKu. OV»*

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