TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, September 25, 1884, p. 6

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6 THE MARINE RECORD PILO'lJ-BOLES FOB LAKE AND SEA BOARD. Bulcs and regulation! for the govornmont of pilots nuvlgatlng seas, gn\d, lakes, buoys, sounds, or rlverp, except rivers Mowing Into the Gull of Mexico, und.tliclr tributaries. Revised mat] adopted by the Board of Super¬ vising Inspectors Juno 10,1871,as authorized by act of Congress "to provide lor tlio.pettor security ol lllu on board ol vessels pjopellod In whole or In part by steam, and jfor other purposes," approved February 80; 1871, to tako effect January 1, 1872. (Amended Januury, 1875,1881, and 1882.) j Rule.I. When steamers are approaching ' each other "head and head," oi nearly so, It shall be the duty of each steami-i to pass to tho right, oi poit side of the other; and the pilot of cither steamer may be first In de- termlnlnglo piiisue iIiIm oourso, and there¬ upon shall give, as a "Ignal of his luluiitTon, one short and dUlliict bhiftt of lift" steaiii whistle, which tlie pilot nf iho other steamer , ihall answer promptly by a similar blilstof Ills steam whittle, nnd thereupon suoh steamers shall past to the right, or port side of each otlit r. But If the course, of such steamers U no lai un the seaboard bt eacH other ns not to he considered by pilots as meeting "head ami head," or noarlymo, the pilot so tirsl ill tided shall Immediately give two shoit and diillnct blnnts of hip steam whistle, which the pilot ol theothei steamer shall answer promptly by l*o similar blasts of his steam whlsile, and tliey shall pus* lo the left, oi un the starboard side, of each other. Notk In the night, steamers will be con¬ sidered as meeting "head and head" so long as both the colored lights of each are In view ol the other. Rou II. Wheimeamprs are approach¬ ing each other in an oblique direction (as shown in dhigram of the fourth situation*) they shall pass to the right of each other, as If meeting "head and head," or nenrly so, and the signals by -whistle shall be given and answered promptly as In that case specified. Rum III It, when steamers are ap¬ proaching each other, the pilot of either ves¬ sel falls to understand the course or intention of tho other, whether from p|gi)als being given or <«nsv> ered. erroneously, or from other causes, the pilot so in doubt shall im¬ mediately ilgnlfy the same by giving several short and lapid blasts of the steam whistle; and If the vessels shall have approached Within hall a mlleot each other both shall be Immediately Blowed to a speed barely • sufficient for steerage way until the proper Bignals are given, answered, and understood or until the vessels Bhall have passed each other,. Rule IV. When steamers are running In I a fog or thick weather, it shall bo the duty J of the pilot to cause a long blast ol the steam whistle to be Bounded at Intervals not ex¬ ceeding pne minute. Steamers, when drifting or at nflchor. In the lair way of other vessels in a logortlikk weather, shall ring their bells at intervals ol not more than two minutes. Bulk V. Whenever a steamer Is Hearing a short bend or curve In the channel, where, from the height ot the banks or other cause, a steahicr approaching from the opposite dl rection cannot be seen tor a distance of half a mile, the pilot of such Bteamers, when he shall have ai rived within half a mile of such curve or bend, shall give a signal by one long blast of the steam whistle, which signal shall beanBwered by a Blmllar blast, given by the pilot of any approaching steamei that may be within heailng. Should such signal be so answered bj a steamer upon the farther aide of such bend, then the usual slgnalB for, meeting and passing shall Im¬ mediately be given and ailswered; hut If the first alartn flgnal of such pilot be not answered, ho Is to consider the channel clear nnd gover'n himself accordingly. Bum. VI. The signals by the blowing of the steam whistle, Bhall be given nnd answered by pilots, In compliance with these rules, not only when meeting head and head or nearly so but at all times when pas¬ sing or meeting atadlstanoe within half a mile of each other, and whether passing to het starboard or port. Bulb VII. When two steamers are ap¬ proaching the narrows known as "Hell Gate," on the East river, at New York, side by side, or nearly so, running In tho same direction, the Steamer on the right or star¬ board hand of the other, (whon approaching from the west,) when they shall have arrived abreast of the north end of Blackwell's Island, shall have the right of way, and the steamer on the left or port side shall cheok her way and drope astern. In like case when two- steamers are approaching trom the east, and are abreast at Negro Point, tbe steamer on the right or starboard hand of the other shall Have the right of way, and shall prooeed on her course with¬ out Interferance, and 'the steamer on the port side of the other shall keep at a safe distance astern (not less than three lengths) until both steamers shall have passed through the difficult channel. Bulk VIII. When steamers are running In the same dlreetlon, and the pilot of the steamer which Is astern shall desire to pass on the right or starboard hand ot the si earn¬ er ahead, he shall give'one short blast of the sleam whistle ar a signal ol such desire and intention, and shall nut his helm to port; and the pilot of the^ steamer ahead shall answer by tho same signal, or, ffTlio prolor to keep on his uourse, ho shall give two short and distinct blasts of tho steam whistle, and the boat wishing to pass must govern herself accordingly, but tile boat ahead shall In nooase attempt to cross lioV bow or crowd upon her course. ' N. B. The foregoing rules are to bo com¬ piled with In all cases oxcopt w hen stonmeis are navigating In a oiowded channol, or In the vicinity ot wharves; under such circum¬ stances steamers must run and manage with gieat caution, sounding the whistle, as may bo necessary/ to guard against collision or other accidents. I Section 4238; Revised Statutxs. Rule twenty-foui. In construing and' obeying these rules, due regard must be had to all dangers of navigation, anuVto any speiial slroumstanco which may exist in airy par¬ ticular ca.90 ronderlng a departure from them necessary In order to avoid immediate tlinjgor.A , BuleIK. All double ended ferry bouts on lakes' Sim) seaboard shall carry a central range ofj.clear, bright, while, lights, showing all around the 'horizon, placed at equal alti¬ tudes forward and afr, also such sidelights as specified In seutiou 4283, Bevlsed Statutes, Blilo l'hiee, paragraphs B. and C. Local Inspectors In dlstrlpts having Jferry bunts, shall Whenever tbe safety of rmva. gatlon may require, designate for each line of Both boats a certain light, white or colored, which shall show all around*the horizon, to doflgnate and distinguish such Itnes from each other, which light shall be carried on a Hag-stall amldshjp, fifteen feet above the white range lights. Tho line dividing Jurisdiction betweeih pilot rules on western livers and lakes and seaboard at New Orleans shall be the lower limits of the city. "To follow Id i future.ltsui. c s Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OFALL KINDS OF MARINE ENGINES AND heavy mww. Cor. Detroit &.Center-8ts, CLEVELAND, 0 C. E. BENHAM, 317 Detroit Street. KEEPS IK OTrimr *» KEEPS IN STOCK Lubricating and Lamp Oils of , . the Best Quality, AND A BtNE^AL LINE OF LAMPS, CRoCK.. ERV AND TABLE CUTLERY, ' OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. TELEPU0NJ5 No. 1540, THE JETNA'GRATE. I], C. BABIS, Alt This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Sfack. Globe Iron Wori's; Hanufac's.,; OfflMind Foundry, eornor'oJElm and Spring-fit, CLEVELAND, O. ST. MARY'S OHIO MONTPEUER, OHIO BRECKENRIDGE, MICH Captain William Smith, foimerly wreck¬ ing master for the Mechanics iind Traders' Insurance Company, has been plated In tem¬ porary command of the tug L. B. Johnson. The barge Joseph hub sold at marshal's sale in front of theoustom house to Nelson Little and A. T.ICinner foi $400. The ves- sol formerly wastln'|>ro|ieriy ol Captain W. H. Reid. Masters of vessels report that large quan¬ tities ot phrngles fere floating nround Lnko Michigan. They are evlduntly fiom the decklondBOf vessels which were caught In the recent storms on the east shore. Op the 18th the steambarge L. F. Curtis and tow, lumber laden, tin. Bay City to Tonawnnda, stranded at Polni Lookout, Sag¬ inaw Bay, in the dense smoke occasioned by the forest Urea A tug was Bent to per res¬ cue The tug John Martin released thflaelioon- cr A. B.C. F. M. irom the beach iit-Glll's 1'ier and towed her to Norlhport: The tug Coe wjll take her [• Milwaukee. The tug Leviathan has gone to the schooner Alaska, ashore at Scott's Point. The veteran lake and ocean navigator, Captain Charles Oale, Is suffering under congestion of the bruin at his home on the | Si. Clair river. Captain Gale Is well-known to many old residents of Cleveland. Cap tain Henry Haekett Balled under him some forty yearsago. He sailed vessels for Messrs. Park and MacLeod. The schooner Krastus Corning |s ts re¬ ceive from Messrs. J. W. GroVer & Son an eutlre- now set of lower sails. These a 0 now ready for her In their lofts and will be taken by the Corning as soon as she arrives liere. . 0*& FACTORIES. - ca-rrollton: Mio DE 6RAUW, AYMAR & CO,, HANUFAOTUKBRS and imfohtkrh or \ Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine'Hardware and Ship-chandlers' Goods Genet ally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. T. E. WILSON, All Kinds of Water Work DOMEPSOMPTIil TO ORDER HEADQUABTbH>, Upson & Walton's, {River Street, ifr, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0, Quayle Is also ro¬ ll} e^mpipartleB, life being ton. _ 'cck'ed nf Scott's of Beaver Island, Iho bad ore from The schooner T'hoj celvilng a new foreta"' while the rest of/' repaired and put Tlio schooner Point, twenty miles"n will prove a total loss, Esutnaba, and was Insured lor $5,000 In the pooll The schooner T. H Hnwland, lumbor la- ] den, collided with rhe 10l|za Gerlaoh on the lOiht In the Straits, rwelvu mile.-, above Che bovgan, and the former was badly damaged and Is unable to prooeed under sail. The tug Morford has been sent lo tow hor to Cmcago The Gerlach Is but little damaged. The Gerlach belongs to Gerlach, of Here¬ in ml, and Is valued at $0,000. She rates Bl and measures J71 tons. Tho (lowland meas- mes 200 tons and Is valued at (8,000.' She Is owned by Anderson $ Co., ot Cblcirfco, rates A'J, and was hultt in 1873, by Rand & Burger, of Manitowoc CRUMMOND'S y Mackinac Line, For Macklnao, 8t Imace, Cheboygan, Alpena, Oaooda, Port Huron, Detroit and Intermediate fake and ri?er porta. Steamer ATLANTIC. Oapt. D, Nioholson. 'Leavea Clef eland every Friday evening at S o*c1qc0. During tha warm weathor and pleaiure aeaaoi Steamer Atlantic i FOR SALE. Quarter Interest m (lie lane The Samson, One of the ma-afrawworf ul tugi oo tile Jakea She was built ai Si CntWlues by Shlckluna rebuilt in IP81 and me isarca 181 [now] tonnage Hho la atntiulit A2, with Iniurotope t. IiiiitionQf'WQ.OW andean be insured for 119,000 TWIIl iell quarter (or S3 -HW, pari cgih, bul- oooa on tavy tenna. Addrm Maiuhk ItttcoRD For Saleor Exchange, Tug Annie Robertson. Uer length over all i* 61 feet, breadth 18 feet and depth-of hcud & feet, drawi 6W feet of water, nioaiures 9 24-100 {newl tuns and IB 24-100 old Built In 1880 and rebuilt this uprlng, new deck framea and cabin, and roachiqerv thoroughly overhauled Engine la 14x14 boiler 8W feet long and 4 8-12 In diameter and al- lowedfl* poanuaofiteam Warranted in Mo Icon- dltion and luhject to inspection, Price, 98,360 cash, Inquire al Makink Recoup Ofpiob FOR SALE H«r length li 1SS feet, beam is feet, and hold 10 feet lOtacaet. Boileri; feel loot, 7 feet dlineUKthne f. mo id- Inch nail one n-lnoti Enito* JBzti. lei 340,000 (eel of lumber n>td, li rollei light. IM loadad. Inninnea TiluiUon, 11(1,800. Ad. iMiBlNgKECOiiDOffloe, No. 144 Superior street, ol»nd, O (I Will eitenj the regular trip on to Petoiker, Darlbor prlngi and Oharlevolx .„. CL?V,W,„U FOBWARDINO CO, Agent.. i'OIBm and Dock, Foot ot Superlornl., CIotcUdU. FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. —DimeMlonaorhullfifi faetovar all, 10 feet beam. 8 feet bold* and meaaurt«4it tona with 7 feet draft, can be •siadtf 8 feet draft Tbe angina, 18xtt, la in flral-cliu condition, with all new brauei, new rings In cylinder and turai a itx-foot wheel, which waa new laataeaton Th* boiler la one year bid, ii large enotigh to burn wood orcoal and to allowed 100 pound* of aleaxn. Price Rfidll, and muat be aoldlnald> of thirty d»ra, Addroaa aUuiK« Rxoo«d Oririct, 4 % long loans; iliS."*"," 'nl6/o»t'« koptup ivrwnai aj«(yonJj//ortiittra(. HonoBtpoororm irate Ineaps oan ahad ecouta Tor partjc Ofmodorote Tnoons oanrtadOcouta Tor particu¬ lars, loanforrnii.otp AddrowT aAiiDNia.Jlaa- agcr, Pulnco nulidlnit, ClnolDnatl, Ohio. Vesselmen SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing all polnll ol MAI1INE LAW •• J»-i lonulned by the United StatM CourU -ON- I Seamen, . Freight., f VowngTe., Colll.loni, Oeneral Aversce, Owner*, Charters, Iteirlitry, EnraUmeiita, Comnion Carrieri, DnUet or Seamen, MaiUra A Owner., IIU1 or Ladlntt, WaKei. *"• The Tolumn li lundiomelr hoiind In •tiff B«rd ooren, »ud line Engllih clolh binding- Sent lo ar addroiu poitage paid Inr II 00 t forTale, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBULAR BOILI B. 44 Inehol dl- ameur 48 tuba. 3 lnohea diameter and It feet long, ■team dram 110 Inihea diameter, 40 lnehv high, front gratei, lilting* and breeohlngi, good order «,.8F,00,,!P.UAND MARIKK BOJLEB, In good ordar, Shell. 7-H Inch iron plate, diameter,» lent jSlnchu engtn, 18 (eat IM tube, 4 inches In diameter, II lw| * Inchei long, three Hum 18 lnohea diameter, two Hum 1« i Inches diameter, two dues 101-2 Inches dlameler. Ore box, < (est lone, 4 feothlgh, steam eblmner, 1 tiet high 8EC0H D HANn MAWNE BOILEB lour feel wide. «1-J feet long, 1 (Mt high, slxt».four »W inoh tubes 00 lucriin long, oust iron breeohiht, goodas new 8EC()ND HAND MAB1NE ENGINE, deuple dlrscl- jcilng 818 Inch oyllnder, ertaaCt tod wheel tot jacbl or tug; good as new | 694031

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