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Marine Record, September 25, 1884, p. 4

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THE .MARIN'F/ RECORD.. $he (Ajficirine (Record, PublUlied Every Tluunwtny nt M4 liliparlor Street, [Leaded HaUdlng.] L1POMEROY, Editor and Prornletor. TKKM8 OP SlinSCWPTlONl Ono year, poitago pniil.....................................82.00 Sir month), postage paid'..................................... I.OO Invariably In advance* Subicriptlona will bo continued until ordered,atop- p'ed by a writteo orilor, or at llio publication otnee' • • Tbo MARINE BKroitD ctn-tb found tor ull by the- following now e dealers,: ' CLEVELAND, OlUgitf} F Bowman, jornor »f Pearl and-Dotroit,* streeta. CHICAGO, ILL.-Josonli Omy.No. 0 West Randolph street. BUFFALO, N. V.—C. Robmor, Michigan atroot Swing Bridge. DULUTII. MINN'-C. F. Johnson, 117 West Supe¬ rior atroot. ■ .sABNIA, ONT -I), M. McMmter A Co. KSCAKAUA, MICH,—William lindley. •■MANIhTEE, MICIL-J. K. SoincrYlllo. Articles, letters mid (jttcrloa on all subjects arc solid- tod. (lint It might roup tho benefit* accruing from the detention of vessels nt Its doors, docs not desire to romnln under llio onus of .this expressed opinion, lot' It tnko the neutwitry measures for tho ri'tnovnl of tbo cnusp. by Immediate petition topurlinment, asking for better ninnngcmqnt of llio cnnnl, which. If grunted, will enhance Its locution tenfold If the inadequacy of the Wellnnd cnnnl to meet the requirements of the jjrowlng com¬ merce nf the Inkos, devolves'entirely upon tho miiiuigor of the cnnnl, the elilef engineer of public works- In (iimndn, not only from luck of vigor and enterprise, .but Ignornnce ot the proper innnngemont of, the Important work under Ills charge, wo Insist thnt It Is but right that ho .should be deposed nnd an slons Involved ItM-hoso fires on the Cuyn. hogn will creato n movement In tho sltigj market as unexpected Mils year ns it wot be strnngo'iiiid unnnturnl In Its boiu'oo. uyn. omji 11 Tun term of C. E. Coon°ns Acting Store. tary*of tlie'Trensliry under thospeclnl doslgyl nation of tho President expired Wednesday. No wnrrnnts for tho payment ol money front the Treasury cnn'Mie Issued nftev.thiit tiny, flinloss tho existing vacancy In tho ojlco of .Secrotnry shnll have boon filled" boforo thnt date. . It Is expected, howevor, .thnt tho np- [jpolntmont will be mndc to-dny. 'I'he frlonds of Mr. Coon arc still sanguine thnt ho will receive tho appointment. ADVKHTISINO RATES. Teueontappr Hoc, nonpareil measurement, or 81.20 per llicb,each insertion; tour wealsSI.00; villi a liberal .discount on orders miiountina to tHO.OO or over. All checks and dtufta should be drawn to tlioorder of A. A. Poiuoroy. ^r l-.ntercd at the I'ost Office at Cleveland aa second- class mull matter. If- CLEVELAND, OHIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 •f THE WEILAXD CAXAL. In view of the fact that the Canadian government Invites Amcrit'nn tonnage to nvajTTftclf of the Wellnnd canal and does not hesitate lo collect loll from such ton¬ nage, the American sbipinustei.- and the •American press have license to complain 1n cnseMhe facilities it offers arc not sustained and the privilege of suggesting that, while they are.working (or a standard depth ol _ Touiieen feet, tlioy profit by past experience and make It sixteen or eighteen leei, lo ac¬ commodate the growing dimensions of lake vessel's. Statistics sltow thin If tho Welland canal can he deepened sulllcleiilly. I o permit a larger class ol grain carriers to outer I,ake | Onlurio the matter of. tolls will, to a certain ■ ' extent,.be lost sight 6'f and tlieecotioinv that the (ret1 Erie canal makes liosslble will not prevail against the many nntural^dvaniagcs of the,Welland; or, In oilier words, the hike carriers can continue llieir successful com petition with railroads for ull' time. The average freight rate frum Chicago to New York In 1883, by lake tfnd canal, was 8.80 cents, and the average for the last ten y'carB 10.30 cents, while during the same lime the . all rail freights were respectively 10.51) and ITSO cents, and the average rate*from Chi¬ cago to Montreal 9.81, which shows an nd vantage in rates of .58 for Montreal over New York, but which appiiTontly has not been sufficient Inducement lo divert the grain trade from the Erie canal, as the spec¬ ulative and, thetelore, more speedy and . higher market In New York moie than over¬ balances thiseavltig In, carrying rales. Erie, therefore, holds her notable position as a successful competitor ol tho six. railroads i uniiing parallel to her .course, although Y The government buoy off Point Peninsula', [appointment made which will Insure tho nc- [ orDeI1 Bnj, which wns'ieporicd out of- posl- commodntlon.of the requirements that must' • - - -' niul will be made Iipon' It.' Tho fact thnt It is purposed to deopen the cnnnl to lourteen leet does not furnish criterion- for belief thnt commerce will bo any bettor accomodated tlinn.lt now Is, In the event of (ho present management remaining, as, a guarantee of twelve leet Is of no earthly; account what¬ ever, when n vessel drawing eleven feet ten Is detained from eighteen lo twenty-lour hours before being permitted to pnss, on ac¬ count ol low water In tho ucqucducf, which is supposed to be on a level witlrl.ake Erie, ant) In consequence of tile lock at Port Col- borlie being Wl open, Ihe lake,diaws the water out of the acqucduct during a high wintl.Y This being the probable cause of the nuisance ol detention, the remedy Is appar¬ ent, viz.: let Ihe lock nt that' point be kept closed. fa*- . from said lights, and should nr-omnMi, T ' Th?Hglittwlllhek.pt running nnuia, eloTjo of nnvlgntlon. , During thojjhliinco of tho sorison v„„ i »«fr._.nd oafta,™ wjll.bo r&ff owners onr ngiMit rcquestod by Jnmos Miller, 0| Mnrlno City, to contribute townrtl the nil,,.' and we hope the* will bo llborn |n & pntronngc, on which wo depend l«rtrel» S cotitlnunnco of the lights other veEPy ftr Very respootfully, ' ' ' John M. RoDEirrsoU, ______________ Albbht L. Hatch. [Contimitd/rom lit Page] rullul unofii they have dunofiill In [heir power to destroy It, even mnkUfe contracts, at from*80 to 50 per cent reduction on condition that no shipments be made by canal. The fact that the Dominion of Canada has recently considered mensiires for deepening Wellnnd canal to a uniform standard of four¬ teen feet, however, does not In the least mitigate tho evils ol detention thal'all ves¬ sels linve lo contend wltlint present. When > drawing over, eleven leet ten Inches, al¬ though the-draft uiav liave been measured .nt Por.t Colborpe, nnd » written pass, gunr- 'anteclng passage to n vessel drawing twelve feet, Issued to the tuaster. Thnt much dls- rsntls'iiic'lon on tho parlrof musters, o'wpera and shipper's bits been the legitimate result ol this condition of afl'airs Is but natural, and In one Instance, at least, when just In¬ dignation has been expressed too loudly, or with too much vehemence, the olllcor™ had ihe lenierlly to give utterance to^ils tkf. pleasure has been -inesied and, fined, irfhc town or village under ebaigc of collusion.! 'HIE VALUE (If FIRE 77 ti'S. ■ The necessity of a lire tug in the Cuyahoga was once more clearly demonstrated on Sun¬ day lasl, during the conilagation in Broun, Strong & Co's lumber yard, 'fliere Is no room fir argument, the evidence in all on one side. Having tulles of fiver frontage, nlong which Is siorcil alllho 'freightage of our vast commerce, the crying"need of such protection is self evident. The Incendiary .character op the last, fire, Iiiib rpused up- prehension'lo the highest pitch, nnd nil own¬ ers of property are tree to confess tha|t llie.y greatly, fear still further outbreaks. Oh'two (Iliferent occasions, recently Cleveland lias been obliged to send ofitsldc of the cliyilor llio engines. Of course Ihe people called iijflrti complied cheerfully, but a city ihe size ol Cleveland ought not lo be obliged lo call fui aid upon her neighbors anil thus cripple temporarily thelrflre-flghtlng resources, The most promencnt tact connected with the last lire was that the presence of a lire tug would most nssurjidly have saved" Brown,-Strong & Co's lumber yard. Tho engines were ull engagod In tbo yard of Monroe Bros. & Co.J playing on a lumber store house wlien »fire In the'midst ol the lormer yard, started by Incendiaries, was discovered. The hose was all unreeled,horses were iilihitc|iecllind they were in that unprepared condition which made u chnngo- of place of operations, and the obtaining of waler from a new sottrcp a mat¬ ter of considerable lime. Meanwhile the new lire, easily within reach of a lire tug In the river, burned on until It gained a headway that could pot be checked. After these re¬ peated warnings the city will be union to blame If a fire tug is not speedily added lo It* lire extinguishing force, and we take much pleasure In noting the unaininlty with which <lie necessary preliminaries were ,discussed in tbajuottiicll chambers on Ifomlay.ilvenltig, it report being recommended for tjho Itu- med/lato.appropriation of $50,000 to purchase a t/ro lug and horse engines Detroit. Tho round-trip dollur dnys to Do trolt nnd return, aie Wednesday^nd gstur duy, us usual. The line has enrried more passongorB this season-thin, ever before, and under the new management the steumersare more skillfully managed. The Hue proml.e, to broaden out Into a usefulneas and popularity nt once p'Wfltublo nnd grntlfylno- to tlus management, stockholders nnd friends.' Henry Howard Is president, C. A. Wnrd' : treasurer, and A. N. MoBiif, secretary nnd • geuornl mnhnger. , Tho steambarge Idod UuUe, which w„8 ngrouud nt the sou.tlicnst bend, was relenietl . by lightering her'cargo. The fog set In nt' ingby running on the north pier.' Her crew, I midnlghf,.and stopped nil passing ciaft until consisting ol II. Nelson, her captain and) morning. tlon, was founc by-OpmmoiloreCook, light, house Inspector, to be la Its proper place, and has been so nil llio season. A private buoy, placed by the burge Fayetlo Inside (lie government buoy for her own conven¬ ience, has been mistaken for tho govern¬ ment buoy and misled vessels. THE CAPELUA. The Utile schooner Cnpclla, which lias enjuyed tho dlsllrtcftj)n of being the'sinallest sail vessel ri'guhiiUnengaged III lake com¬ merce, wont to'pieeeVenrly yesterday morn owner, And his son, escapod by jumping on the pier. The Cnpellu has been In active operation since 1850, when she wub built nt Algonac by II. Nelson. Sho lelt tills port early Friday evening bound tor Michigan light and had got only a futv'iriilesdown the lake when she was- caughUlbnck by t ..„...!.—i.....i-..i ...t.i.t ---------' ... $ northerly wind which sprung up just befi: midnight.- Her foregaff was broken and her loresitll so badly torn that Cnpttiln Nelson concluded to put back lor the harbor. Before the Cnpellu renched the breakwater several tugs were sighted and their masters were requested, to tow tbe' little vessel In. They all passed her by, nnd In her disabled con¬ dition she could not weather, the north plir and reach Ihe harbor. She pasted Inside ihe exterior breakwater, went directly before \ •' the wjnd, becanso without her foresail she could not be worked up so as to rqrind the pier,' Captain Nelsou says he mistook the beacon for (he pierhead light, and as lie kept the Capella's course dliectly for,ft, Ire did not discover his error until It was too late to keep/fier off the pier'. ^There was consider¬ able sea running at the I line atidlt'dld not lake long for.the'little schooner to pound to pieces' ugiilnst the pier. The lookout on the Hie saving station mw the disaster and roused ihe crew, wlio wont to the rescue In the suit boat, but arrived too late to render any assletanc^.| Almost the only part ol the Cnpellu which,letnalne whole are her two spars. She Was valued at $1,000.—Inter Oft™. THE LUMBER FIRE! The burning out of two more large lorn- ber dealers onf the river, Messrs. Monroe, g put of if the rl Bros. * Co., and Brown,Strong & Co., puts an ugly look on tho whole business, and places it altogether*w|tbout the range of "fate nnd metaphysical aid." It Is clearly the work of Incendiaries. In the neuron, for motives, 'were we to truce ennso to eH'oct. as they do ill court, and lalio tho effect us the circumstantial instigator, It would not bo dilDctilt lo place tho responsibility, but lirj this case we do not think IbucIi a course of reasoning would do at all. The fires were undoubtedly slartcjil hyluwlossnnd thought¬ less men, whosojlndnds saw nothing beyond tho mischief they wero perpetrating. A few RARSEN'S Ibl.AND KANtiE LIGHTS. Ai.gonac, Mich., September 18. Are owned and kept by the undersigned. Upper light; red; lower light, white, show¬ ing north, abreast of Algonac In ihe south channel at the head of Harsuu's Island, which'divides the north and souih channel of Si. Clair river, where a large shoal ex¬ tends miRli from tlie head of the Island. The lights aio kept In the Interest of the lake'inaiuic and depend for theft keeping upon the voluntary contributions froin-ves sel owners and captains. Tbe-e lights are kept in lli/st class order, and are proven to he a great benefit to vcssols navlyatlug the TWO RIVKR8. * The schooner. Bessie Boalt, bound iroro Lelnnd for Milwaukee, with a enrg'o of wood, capsized off this port at 9 o'clock Sun¬ day morning. Her crew are. |iere all snfe, but.ibo wreck Is drifting about at tho mercy of the weather and likely to become n total loss. Captain Charles Smith, her master, has telegraphed for n lug and will endeavor to save the vessel if she does not sink. The Boalt wtisj exposed) to the henvy northeast gale.wliicli ragetl on Lake Michigan Friday night, dining which .she sprung a leak. Her crew pvmpcil all day Saturday and through¬ out tbe nlght'bul ihey'beciunefatiguedai'itl the vessel vyate,rlogged. Her cargo wuanll that saved her from going to the bottom^ When she capsized oil here the "crew took their yawl nnd reached shore. The Boalt la owned by Theodore Consul, of Milwaukee, but hails frtfhi Chicago. She was built nt Abnapee by Boalt 1808, registers 173 tons,Is classed U\)i, and is valued at $8,000. . . roitr ONTARIO. On Friday last the steambarge Engejy, from Henderson, loaded with stone for E, HomniiB, of Port Ontnrlo, In going )nto the harbor ran upon the .bar and became fast. After some trouble and delay she got of*'and into tbo harbor wllhout damage, with (lie- usslstniice of CaptujjpParker, of the life sav¬ ing croy.' ol Texas. great hikes anil rivers, especially the larger chins, for the lollo»iug rea^uus: 1st. These ruuge lights are opposed by lug vhoclalin that propellers and other ot ground there, thus depriving i earning large sums of money, as -lis' cm tied, in wrecking nnd pull- with the management ol the Welland canal, I more extensive lumber fires of the dl.nun- owni'™""or^i./1'^".'0."0 B,,?lUtJ 8,,tl8f>r um"' *► uiuioii |unmrs ot tlio grtal benefit' they.rcoelved ____...... jpposedby lug owners—who claim that propellers nnd other boats do liot ground there, thus depriving thoin from ••'••••.<••■• '■■-............ " they forme lug at vessels grounding thereon. 2d, Tug boat owners are not solicited to pay tor maintaining the lights, as such an attempt would be useleas.as the llghrVwould deprive them ot a large source of revenue In wrecking—as above stated, which ciits us. from their patronage. * * yd.:That prior to putting up tho lights, most any morning following a dark night, could be seen stranded on' thp shoal, from ono to six propellers wijli their consorts, mid other boi|ts,. cuuslng ihe expense of thousands of dollars annually to tbe veBsel owners, all of which is now saved to them. ith. The illlcleucy of tho lights Is also proven by the fact that up lo this date not, Qi|o stiyituor or propeller has been aground dur¬ ing the present season, only two vessels tow lnguiid they in daytime, towing up by not fol lowing range. Thl«,alone should satisfy boal hoy/received bay citt. The view ot the propeller Metropolis renched Bay City yesterday evening from Alpena, and repoit that the propeller-Man- Istlqiio Is on tho rocks at Black River in a very dangerous place. The Mnnlsilque was built by LInh & Craig, at Gibraltar, In 1882, mensiires 474 Ions, classed A2 anil valued nt $40,000. She 1s owned by Alger, Smith & Co., Detroit. The new steamship Austrnlnsln, on her maiden trip with n curgo of 17,000 barrels of salt for Chicago, struck off Point Lookout on Tuesday, but released herself wllhout damage. > KINGSTON. A dispatch to ihe Ontario from Bnyslde says: "The tug Sherwood, owned by llio Rnllibuu Company, was binned last evening at the Grainger's whurf, Sidney. Sho hail taken a tow ol cedar from Trenton to Deser- onto Iu. the morning, and was returning In tl c evening for a raft of logs. When opposite tilt) Grainger's wharf, Ihe captain stales, lie noticed 'tire nenr (he 'engine and going to tho . wheel house he tOQk the wheel an* Ordered tho men 10 go nnd extinguish tho blaJ&e.' Tho captain at once bonded the tug for the shore, but the fire sprtnd so'rnpldly that before ' reaching laud ho was driven from the wheel nnd the engineer had to Jump overboard. Fortunately the tug was headed for tho wharf which she struck, cnrrylnjii full henil ofsteimi, In less than "five' minutes from iho time, the IUn-wn8i1lscnv«rcd.."Jjlierc wero six .men anuTTwl^ati uboall. Tl$sa who could swim got on shore, nnd by shoving out rails mnniiged to snvo tli'o others. Everylhlni; nboad, Including the books were burned. ■ ' • r )

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