*f*!*y*i"r*° J Jt*, k -^ v • pr + ^ttmtjfi ** j* V« 1W' (.*_<*V> «^>"»*j»«-^ wHV^ ^fr~*k |<M»nf*p ^-ijW J — . „•*■ .*t^« -—«■ — »■ fc *> - •^ip THE MARINE HECOR'D. PROVIDENCE, RHODE *ISLAND, Original and only builders 0/ the" Providence" Steam and Hand Windlasses, Steam Capstans, Crank Capstans and Poy/er Capstans for Steam and Sailing Vessels, Yachts. Tug Boats, Wrecking Boats, Elevators, Dry .Docks, Etc. The Providence Patent Steam Capstan Windlass, » New Style. The Providence Patent Power Ilapstan The Providence Patent Capstan Windlass. ./ 1 The Providenoe Patent Steam Capstan. The Providenoe Patent Purtip prake Windlas^. SELLING AGENTS ON THE LAKES. Th6 Providence Patent Crank Capstan. D S AIM'I\; & 10 UPSON, WALION & CO MjI. WILCOX. BUFFALO, N. Y. I CLEVELAND, 0. TOLEDO, 0. JAMES P DONALDSON & CO. DUNHAM & HOIT„ . - G. D. NORRIS & CO. DETROIT, MICH CHICAGO, ILL MILWAUKEE, Wis ■ THE GLOBE IKON WORKS. - GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS,. BLACKSMITHS, BOlOER MAKERS,- AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS. Office and Works, Corner of Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, O. ITEAM J03 tiwszas- v W o ire prepared to fiirnUh on, shorty noticeCSiallonnry (Ji^Marliie,*tltber High Prosfere, Low Pressure, Con¬ densing or CotDpuutid.Ltiblnta, Horizontal o "Vurtlculf with or without graduating cut off Vertical Engines Kept in Stock. ffe keep nllVJrta of \tr)kfl] 'cugl»«B[ln Btoek, which we iiro prepared- to stll at reopLitiVo prices Blation- ury englno includes Govt rnur, I Urottle, Cylinder, and OHer 'Oil Cuffs and Wusto L< (ks. Murine Engine JucludLs link and KeteiBe Motlt n Circular Throttle (jllndrr Olltr, OllTuf b und battle Oock», same na Mationur) ►— no go\trnor or Qj wlntl hoB 7 H, D and 10, ha\ciilngl( irunkii wUhtepuraie journal wlion used with Ktutlumir^ tn^liiCH ^ Tiny are pr< Tided with good brass boxes In boil) ^ ends ol u nnetting rod und crou litad, ^ ith beat poesl- 1 ble provision mudu for Uiktiih up the weiir The Cyl¬ inder bttuni Lluta und Jowl r hi ad are cunt Inono pletc dtid the frame ejidvtf, mid Journals In out place, thirtby Itsntiiliig Uafllltyoldtrui gtiuuitund find coat siul Inauring a duruulo inachiin Tub ( yliudirs are matly omrcd with cast Iron lading Slide valve with largo porta. I Islou filled villi good luttulllo packing Mattrlul and wi rkiuanshlj gmiranifed uAiiiNE i^gimb blATIOIURY EWOIKHfl H aving provided cur new boil* r works wilh the most approved tools for riveting by steam, plan jng the edges, intend of chirping, drilling, punching, shearing and bending by steam power, we feel warranted in string *e can furnibh the best work for the least money in the following kinds ol boilers, which we enn build of eiihtr Iron or Steel Return flue Marine Boilers, Tubular Boilers, eithe. hor uofttal or \erticnl 1 oitu oti\e Boilers, Cylinder Boilers, Flue Boilers, Smokestacks and general plate Ir6njvoi k * ufiioFP T til ^-ffc^ ' TULt *UD« »01l,IB. Shio Chandler's List. BOILER. [WW/] .Celebrated Chain Sheave Windlass, with 'Ama-^. n , _ ... <________ j teev Bnyn. i Oe LOmmOn Patent WindlaSS.67^ Iron Works "Tatevt Steam Windlass X f 1 83