THE MAPINE RECOBD. .S. J. WEB'S & CO., Shin Broken, Veiaal Owittrt.antJ Agents. [ ESTABLISHED IN 18B0.] H J WmnBACo,wlllcharlorVo,selsforLskeTrado. Special attention (Inn lo C arterlna; Vessel. In the Lake Superior Iron Ore Trade, both (or thp season ant! (Initio trip, ARCADE BUILDING 101 ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHONE { ubiiSmic'o'.'no.' was. "Tscoft & VEmnfiwT Fire and Marine Insurance Agents ami Vessel Brokers. Attention alio giren to the ipuitnsse and tale of Iron Ore, Telephone, Not 18. . onto*. 180 South Wator-St., Cleveland, O. ^-TMOS. WILSON ' MANAGING OWNKR Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. ■" OUTHiUlTu, o CAPT D M BECKprt CAIT. HEVItY BROOK 0. M. BECKER & CO., Commeroial Brokers and Vessel Agents, Veueli chartered, purchased and Bold, contracts made for ooarsfrand heavy freight*. Luke Superior and Esoannba Iron ore oharteri for tin* trie trip or uaaon a specialty . Coal A*Iron Ex BuiH'g ClCTBlfjDfl, 0. '_______ felfphone No m___________' MOORE and BARTOW, ' Ship Brokers and Agents, No 101 St Hair Street, Boom 27 CLEVELAND. • OHIO PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building, earner of Superior and Bunk Street,, Cleveland, Ohio, jams t. rose, Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 1010, DULUTII, MINN. Lata Can Ag't for Colltngwood Line of 8teamen Special Attafltlan Paid to Chartering Voiieli. CAPT, J W MILLER OAPT It B MOKTAOUE MILLER & MONTtiGUE, DUfjUTH, MINN. Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Inauranoe Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen ^ Social attention paid lo Chartering Veunla, «I<o weighing and-J'rUumlng cnrgnti of grain Odrretpon denco Hollcltedv XLEX McDOUGtfLL, VESSEL AGENT.AND BROKER, OXJIL,"C7T23:- Owners and luattera of Tesaehi w tilling to get cargoes ol grain from thii port will do well to confer with wo Will be glid to furnish Information in regard to car- ttoefl, also In relation to doc let, depth of water, etc , at Diiluth, Agate Buy (new Iron oro port). Fort Ar¬ thur, Wainburn, Ainland, and all points neiir the west end of Lnko Superior Good gangi of men tur- nished oo ihort notice for (rimming crguot of grain. loading and unloading flll kind* of freight KNEIP & MORRISON, PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroe St Boom 04 Chicago ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance i Law Office, n<|oia 87, MorctianU' building CIIICAOO, ILL. f AH. BARNUM, "^ Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exchange bt. Iluffido, N. Y. WIF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MYl MONTHLY LPT OF VESSELS ORSA.I h. SKN') FUK I WILLIAM FORDE, [SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. iN.E Cor Coluipbua At« A Water St., 1 SANDUSKY, OHIO, BUTTS COAL CO., k [LIMITED ] Only l^Ciners of BUTTS CANNEL COdk anil dealers In Qu Coala, Nut Coali, and Bloom Coal for Tugs, Bur get, etc CLARK I. BUTTS, ■ ^KVELAND. O Ctenerul Manager. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC * STEAM COAL OteveUnd, Ohio GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., M Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Desoription. Builders of the Iron Steamers Onoko and Wm. Ohisholm, Steamyacht Twilight, Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST.. CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, CORDAGE * OAKUM. Genua of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of the »ery boat qus'ity made to ordoi AT ONE DAY'S NOI ICE M ANI LA ai*d SISAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS JN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAM-& CO., Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats. Sail and Steam Yachts on "Hand. Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. DhAN .1 CO., fOOT Of 97 AVBIN-hT DETROIT, VICJI SUB-MARINE DIVER, ^ Sub-nun vie Drilling and Blasting. STKKN HEARINGS RBI'AIRED WITHOUT' GOING TO Dill DOCK. If'reding Expeditions Accompanied. Contracts lade for all Kinds of Dto. Residence, 80 East Ohio St., Chicago, CAI'TAIN DItlNCOLL, CLKVI LAND AOENTS Cyclone Stiam Flue clcancr rORJOBftONT^ AND UEfafflT MUM IfREaftEMl'MANOFACTURINfeGO, W aOLK MANUMDTBHM ' OLBVELATjIPi ,Qftlff--sJ..B-A.. ——_ PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lockport, Mew York, are Sole Manufacturers of (lie Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OR WITH SKUT-MJyillOATINO J l>HOSPHCiRvBKONZE .BUSHIK&S. ___*T.t., i- .1...... n„.unn u tAn HnlahratAd I'hosnhdr-Uronxe. tlio boat ^ronxe, tlio boat are fast air- The metal In thoso Bushings l» tho ColebraU(d pboaphor-Brona b*t£l?WoWII »4e marael, and belnir perfett .Tf-lnhr catonfttay —------- r^aedfnrall oil*stylo. .Forjaale by bllll- OUANDLEBa orerywhorek ASK FOl? " ANTjnOR IIRAND" TACKI.B BLOCKS. Theacoompauylng cuU ropraaent the «le«yo part, and a Plioaplior-DrAnie oil Lubrlullng Bu" blng t injlluto, thr for.uJr .8 applied lo I Ignuuit (tao and nl tlio latter aaappllod to Iron ahoavon 'llluelratid Catalogue audjriee Hat mailed free on a, plloal Ion. Hnmplo o i atfdjirlee orders qollcllod 0. S. RAND H, D. nURQEE, RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, - WITH SPIRIT DOCK ATTA< BED TO THE "WORKS. ' AL80_PREPABED(iTO..flO WEEOKING AND TOWING vr\ rn the Tug John Gregoryr Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. ' MANITOWOC.WIS. The Heversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Warranted Twenty-four Lis. Buoyancy AND HILL WKIOBT OF CORK, Acoonllns; to Requirernenta of U. S Inap«otora. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ALSO RING BUOYS. > ►s H is, ►J CO m Approved midyulopted by the United States Bourd of Superylgine Inspectors ;«lso by the principal Ocenn\ Lake and River Steamer Lines, as thejonly Reliable I,lfe PreSeryer VESSELS ANI) TRADE SU1TLIED Send for Crrotrli D KAHNWEILER146,148 & 150 Worth St Near Tenter 8t.. New York. KATZENSTEIN'S BELt-AOTINQ METAL PACKING JB FOR PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, Eto. Adopted and In uaa by tlio principal Iron Worka uud sttani&hlp Compa nlo. witltln^lho laitetght yiaraln tlila and Foreign countries For full pir* tlculara and references addroea I. KATZENbTLINACO 183 Christopher 81. near Wost Stroot N, Y CAfT TIIOS WII SON, Clovoknd egont. f OR SALE, 2^T©T77- Ixoaa. T"o.g-. IHiuciiriloiiB 7H foot Iobk, 17 f«ot beam, U foot deup, draff OiZfeut uunino'20iif) oewHioelboltur 7 feet In diiinutbr, 13 dot long, ullowod H2|)oumlHHtoani.'lhree Imn breaiat liookn forward, colllnluu Lmlklioad forward. water tight fculkhcnd forward of boiler Iron coal bunkers, water UztiMiulktieadaiut Hhaft gland, with water light Iron deck forming the floor or titer c*bln Irondecxi, bulwarkiand deck home*, Iroo tow port* aft. Hoaty angla Iron framw, with nveme ban onal- jtornale fr«m«. % pUle. iteel floor pUiw, bolter, en- 'gtne ana bearing lonndatlon of iron For nUo cheap when machinery tan ho completed by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boat washing and generalilaurn, dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118. ij wanted #r Ttie Lives of all tlio I'roaHenta] „„„.,.- of the U a Tho largest, hsbdsomeat, bea« book orer aolil for loss than twlco our price 1 he faslJ eat ai Ulng book in America Immenseprodla to aganta. All luielligunt people want It. Any 0110 can become a anotoasful agent Tonne free Haw wr Book Co PortlaDd,, Malue \ 1 I K\ 714