—-tr -"^s«iy.. *w^ 'VOL. VI. N0^36. CLEVELAND. Q.. SEPTEMBER 4,1884. dBQWW) TRE LAKERS A VOTE OF l'H\NKS. Copland, September 8. To the EtUtoi of the Marine Hecotd At a meeting of the executive committee of Cleveland Vessel Owneis' Association, held this day in the Board of Trade rooms, the following resolution was presented by Ciiptaln Geo. P. MeKav and unaniuiuuslv adopted. •'Btsoloed, That a vote of thanks be and the same Ib hereby tendered to the Mahine Rfoord for the Interest taken by said paper in n'l that pertains to the vessel interest* on the lakes, and that thin association sub¬ scribe for a copy for one year, the same to be delivered at the vessel owners' shipping Of¬ fice. B L. PENJJINGTdN-. Secretary and Treasurer." 12 00 Pn Ahhto Sinoli conn 6 Own CLEVELAND.' 1 lie Canadian tug Jessie will receive'a sot of .<Utna shaking grates at Lorain to day. C nptaln 8. A. ,Murphy, of the wrecking Jinn of MuffiJfrBfrJros.. Detroit, was in the citv Tuesday. Contract rates have conic In nicely this scason,lu many cases having ranged slightly higher than going rates. 1 lie new iron steamer William Chlsholm took on 2831 tons of coal at Axworthy's dock anil cleared for Chicago drawing 14S, feet of water. Morey Brother's new steamer, at Marine Oily is having ways put under her, prepara¬ tory to launch early next week. She Is 250 feet on the keel. * The new iron steamer William Clihtholm hi rived In Chicago on Tnosda}, with her cargo of coal, in time to meet the rise In grain freights. She made' the run in three days and a half. Captain P. Smith and others are engaged In taking soundings over the line of the pro¬ posed new breakwater, in order to report to tile corps of United; Stpia. engineers, who mi et here on the lOtVuf September. Die little pleasure steamer, J. K White, shorn of her machinery and ornamental uprcr works was taken In tow of the steam- barge Cleveland^ yesterday for Bay City, when her old owner, Captain Joseph Green- linlgh, resides. {A Among recent charters the schooner Homer, Captain Barnes, takes coal, ( leve- mid to Chicago (it 06c; the schooner W L. "'«*, coal, Cleveland to Houghton at 70c; tils' schooner M. S. Bacon, ore, Escanuba to Cloveland at 75c. Tlio American Ship Windlass Co has placed on tho big ateamer Australasia, launched at Jai. Davidson's yard, West Bav Ity, a steam capstan aft. in connection with •he usual itea.HL, windlass. Thii la a new eature on lake steamers. Shippers and holdera ol giain and other' merchandise are beginning to look around or tonnage as tho necessity f6r movement is "coming apparent, which hast had the ndonoy to brighten the horizon" of the "llnriuanand In consequence freights aiead- "iiclug a fraction, to %%o on wheat and 1)4. " corn Chicago to Buffalo, ore Marquette o Ohio porn $1, Eieanaba fo Cleveland 75c nil coal, Buffalo to Chicago fate05c. Since our last report the scow J. U. Porter w as In GJobe drydock to have aleak stopped; the stemobarge William Rudolph to have her stornbcarlngs and rudder fixed; the barge Harvey H. Brow n to have a leak stopped and her stern repaired, which wiib damaged by a slight collision with tho scbpbnor Ketchnm, after which the schooner Maggie McKao will go In for a now topmast, mude necessary by her tussel with the elements a few days ago; she will also have some calk Ing done. » The schooner Magglo McRea, Captain John Jrvlng, arrived here In tow of the Oconto. While off Dunkirk Saturday she lost two Jibs, topBalls'and topmast, and leaking badly became disabled and put back to Buf¬ falo. Under the advice of the underwriters rather than onload at Buffalo and repair, Captain Irving hired men to pump her and secured, the services nl the Oconto to tow her to Cleveland. Her cargo consists of 0)7 tons of ore from the new ore fields at Wellers Bay. Considerable difficulty and detention is met with this season by large draft boats in getting through the St. Marie canal. It seems that the engineers, In order to protect the sill at the guard gate, where there Is Uulte eighteen feet of water, left humps, or ridges In the approach extending out to¬ ward the end of the pier 000 to 1,000 feet, over which there is but about fourteen and one half feet of water A good point would be made If Colonel O. M. Poe, chiefof engl- neeis, could be Induced to dredge and blast out about one thousand feet of this entrance which would gl\e the necessary relief to these large ships, as they cannot load by one loot as deep as lust season. MILWAUKEE The tug Welcome picked up the capsl/ed schooner Brlgham, twenty miles off Grand Haven, Sunday, but after an hour's towing ttie line parted and a Grand Haven tug was bont to her. James Templlu, lookout on the piopeller Buffalo, suicided by jumping overboard In the Straits on Saturday, lie belonged In Buffalo. The Bchooner Island Cltr, lumber laden, Willie being towed down the K'urjcklnnlck river last Friday morning, struck a sunken pile and stove a large hole In her bottom through which she tilled almost Immediately. She was towed up lo a shipyard, docked, and given temporaly repalis to permit her cargo being removed The Island City, 61) tons burden, was built al St. Clair in 1850, rebuilt In 180B, rates Bl, and Is owned by Ml]]«t ot al., of Sheboygan., A new steambarge built after the model of the George C Markham, was launched at tht! Milwaukee shipvaid on Tuesday. The event was witnessed by a great number of people. She is Intended tor the lumber trade between east shore porta and Chicago, and will have a carrying capacity of 800,000 feet. Her name It Joy, and she Is owned one* third by James Sheriffs, the well-known pro¬ peller wheel and steam pump manufacturer, one-quarter by U. P. Morris & Co., ship- chandlers, and five-twelfths by the Milwau¬ kee Shipyard Co , and her cost, when com¬ plete, will not vary much from $20,000. She will be ready for business about the last of September. We have heretofore given her dimensions, but will repeat as follows: ■Length of keel, 180 feet; over all, 110 feet; 38 teet beam, 10 feet depth of hold In the ■lioalett place. Her engine Is 20x24 and her J boiler 7x18 of 7-10lnch 0(U Steel. She wlllj] have fore and aft cabins and will be provid ed with a Providence windlass from the American Ship Windlass Co , of Providence, R.I. B PEN TWATtR. 5/ecfa/ to the Mart)* Record The tug Nellson, Captain C. J. Heath, and schooner ExpeiIment have been wrecking what Is supposed to be the schooner John B. Wright. They have taken eleven hun¬ dred kegs ot-nnils out and some coal The oldest settlers claim that the schooner Wright v cut on the beach in 1855, but have no record of it She lays about seven miles north of Little Point Sable I understand that Captain Guyles, of your city,was master ol the J. B. Wright at one time. 1 As soon as we get through with the Wright we shall begin on the wreck of the schoonor Sklnner,~wlien Well lorward I will report as to progress. If you can give us any Information In regard to the history of tfieso old wrecks you will confer a favor. C. J. HeaTU. [The schooner J, B. Skinner went ashoie on the east coast of Lake Michigan In De¬ cember 1855, and proved a total, loss. She w is valued at (3,500. The J. B. Skinner was built at Conneaut, in 1840,- and length¬ ened In J844, measured Hi tons and was classed Bl. Captain M. Capron,-ol Conne¬ aut, -was probably master of the Skinner when eJfie was lost. _J_ , The J. B. Wright was built atfjuayle A Martin's shipyard, Cleveland, In 1854, and it as lost on her first trip. She had a cargo of nails and coal with a deck load of pork bands, from Cleveland to Chicago. Quite a number of the barrels wero picked up In the neighborhood of the disaster, near Little Point Sable.^ She was 384 tons burden, owned by Mr. K. H. Hanuon, who Is now of the tug A. A. Carnenter, collided with ,., }8th street bridge on Monday and lqat her u nlnbooni. The tug also got her pilot-house badly damaged. At the Chicago Drydock Company's yard the schooner H. I . Badger went Into dry- dock and had her bottom calked, the tug C H, Hackley, which was damaged by fire, is having a thorough rebuild; the schooner W. II. Dunham got part new deck, new main¬ mast and bowsprit; the propeller City of Dnhith had some repairs; the schooner A. J. Dewey a new anchor stock; the schooner Comtneice new davits; the barge Butoher Boy a new anchor stock, and the tug A. A. Carpomer had her pilot-house repaired. At Miller1 Brothers' drydock the .schooner William Jones was In for new celling and frames and calking, the schooner il. J, Gibbs for calking^ tne^johooner Sj_A. Woodjre- celved a new mb/enmast; tho schooner J. V. Taylor will have a new foremast; the tug Protection got tier wheel fastened; the tug I'. T. Vorlord was ironed for winter service; thejj D. N. Co.'s lumber scows Nos, 1,2, 3, 4, 5 anil 0 had their topsldet and decks calked. t The Peshtigo Ltiniber 'Company's Jug Boscobel broke her craakjiln 'v*U£ggk£9iL~. waT,~wlthher'tow, dela^i WM$ffi%r' whilst repairs were being made to her ma¬ chinery. FKXSKFOinV' SptciaiV the Marine Jleeord (* Cjptalrr Lockwood, U. 8. A., In charge of hlijbor's on this shore is here viewing the IpuS*. As we have only $5,000appropriation ' Chls'ykar, which Is not sufficient to build and place a crib, It has been decided to use tho money In repairs, new pllelng, etc. Captain M uthews of Point Betsy life sta- in Europe/and valued at $20,000, and was considered one of the finest schooners of her daj. .Captain C Gale, who now lives on the St. Claii river, In Michigan, was master of herat the time she was lost. He is probably between seventy-five and eighty years of age and had the reputation of being afraid of neither wind or water, and was considered one of the most attable and polite men of the times.—En J CIIICAUO. Special to the Vanne Record 1'. Ilageley, jacht and boat builder, under Lake street bridge, launched a very hand¬ some steam launch on Saturday last, hhels 30 leeHongover all, 7 feet 2 inches wide and 3 feel deep, and hi)lit for the Indianap¬ olis water woiks department, fiageley Is very busy building \awl and other boats The steamship Onoko took front this poit for Buffalo last week a cargo consisting of 100.770 bushels of corn and rye ,i The propeller William Edwardt and tow, comprising the Golden Age and Charles FoHur, brought cargoes of coat to this port last week aggregating 6,000 tons. Tho,new schooner, JamesMowatt,arrived in this port laBt week for tho first time. She Is a very fine schooner and was greatly ad¬ mired. The steaqiharge Nellie Torrent, lumbei laden, arrived here Sunday In tow of the tug W. Batchelor. The Torrent's machin¬ ery broke down In mid-lake, and the Batch¬ elor was Bent tqjier assistance and succeed¬ ed in finding her and bringing her safely Into port The schooner Emily B. Maxwell, In tow [Ion la building an addition to the building. tug A McMlllenleftforSt Joseph on the 27th to engage in fishing, It being un¬ profitable to fish here, there are too rriifuy engaged in the business at this port The scow Mlshlscott sailed for Milwaukee • she files the first Cleveland and Heudrluk's' flag that eame to Frankfort. The barges Gratwick, Fryer and Marvin left here Tuesday with two mllllan feet of lumber .for Tonawanda. The propellers Champlaln and. Lawrence of N. M.'llnehave a splendid passenger truffle 'during this hot weather. Every berth crowded with tourist* O. B CHEI1U1CAN The propeller .1 L. Hurd, of the Chicago and Lake Superior Line, bound for Duluth, struck a rock opposite Detour light at an early hour Monday morning, In a fog, and filled with water. Her passengers we're ta- kjMi oft by the propeller Van Raalte, and laken to Sault Sle. Marie. The tug Levla- ihnn, with a full wrecking outfit, hai gone to her assistance. She had on a full cargo oT merchandise and grain, which li badly damagod. The Hurd, 780 tons burden, w«j built at Dotroit by Campb>U In 1889 and re- built In 1882 She is owned)by Leopold A Austrian, qf Chicago, rates A2 and Is valued for insurance at $38,000. A diver is at work patching the hole In the bottom of the propeller H -d and pumps have lowered the water In her two feet; un¬ less the weather la favorable It Is thought she will break up and prove a total loss. She Is Insured (or $20,000 and (lie cargo la also covered by Insurance. M | Cbnlnutd on o'h page.