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Marine Record, August 28, 1884, p. 6

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6 THE MAKIME RECORD. THfl NAUTICAL SCHOOL SHIP. Spxiat Oorwpondenci o/rta Jtfartnt JZeonf Nrw YonK, August ^5. The nautical auhonl ship St. Mnry'u tins arrived hero ngnln niter her ragtiliir ntinunl summer cruise to tho Medlterrnuenn, nnd will Mo In the Enst river, nt the foot of 26th ' street, during Uiu winter, trnlnlug boys to bo senmen. This ship In a vessel of the hhvv, and Is undtrthc chnrge of the boilrd of edu tion, nnd espCclnlly encouraged mid pntron lzed by tli<j Chmjiberof Cn'mmeieef She Is under the commnnd of Lleiitemint Edwin M, Shepnrd, nnd her ofllccrs lire nnViil men. To be eligible loi mlmlmlon the bojs should bent least Unci n } ears of\nge npd must pnss it rigid physlcnl exumlimllon to determine their fitness tor the hnrdnhlps of n snllor<s life. The consent of parents or giinrdlnn must In every ensu accompany an applica¬ tion made by the yoiithlulcnndldnte, direct¬ ed to the chilli niiin of thecxeeiitlve'coninilt- tec on nautical schools, of the board ol etln- tlon, 140 GiiumI street, New York. Boys who are residents ol tills ully, If they ciiii rend, write, nnd lepent the inultlpllca'ioii table, find no dllllenlty In shipping. After adnils s|pn tliey receive the uwap prrtctlt ill Instruc¬ tion In seamanship, and, beside, a fail ele montnry English education. The discipline is very strbt, and they have to-go through a great deal ol hardship and labor at times, but If they peisevere, the course ol training will, In their two years expeiience before the mast, fit them for responsible and lucra¬ tive positions abaft the must in the merchant service, v hich so badly needs American sea¬ men. And there are at present ftjw better openings for a boy of pluck and energy, « ho wishes to obtain a place of honor and prollt for him self. A veiy considerable number ofUhe former graduates of the school ship St. Mary's are now actiug as mates, both on steamships nnd sailing vessels, and there Is plenty of room for many more.. A steady and sober lad, who goes through the course of schooling and training on the St. Mary's finds it easy to obtain employment at sea, and if he.Is bright he will not have to wall long for promotion. But unless a youth has a strong predilection for sea. life, and unless he Is pretty well fortified against temptation, nnd equal to hard work, and full of courage to fnce dnngeramhemlure^xposurerhrhnd better stay nt home. Re must be able and willing tosubmlt to severe discipline, pu't up with rough fare and to do everything re¬ quired of n sailor without shirking. Hence, Jt is unwise and cruel to send there an) except a boy who la ndapted to the Hie nnd the work. Only the sons of residents of New York are admitted to the St. Mary's, it being port of the city public school system, but there are, however, training ships be¬ longing to the navy,which nrealwajs reach- to take good bojs from nnyr part of the United States. O. Foster Howell, trations drawn on blich bark by a quad I In¬ dian) has tho Interest Of Union no well as n value to students of folk-lore. "A New Englnnd .Winter," Is concluded, and "A Problematic Character," Is continued. Mr. Cable's novel, "Dr. Sevier," approaches tho conclusion, which will be printed In tho Oc¬ tober number, f From Coventry to Chester on Wheels," the opening Illustrated paper rocnunts the experiences ol Mr. Joseph Pen- no|l, the artist, during a trip on u tricycle in England. W. J. Stlllman's second pupor, descriptive of tils yacht Joilrney, "On tho Track of Ulysses," Is even more attractive tlian^hls flrtt paper. Horace D. "Warnor gives n description or "A Tropical Hurri¬ cane" In Costa Hlca. Ol biographical Inter¬ est is the paper on the French lexicogra¬ pher, "EinlleLlitrc." ProlessorS. P. Lnng- ley begins In this number a series of [litis trated papers on "Tho New Astronomy." An essay ol Importance to political science In this country Is Joseph Edgar Chamber¬ lain's analysis of " The Fbrelgn Elements In our Population." il'heRov.N«winan Smyth contributes a thoughtful paper on the fate Dr. Domer lind 'The New Tliepiogy,'" In "Topics of tlio Times" \\ III be found edito¬ rials on "The Polltlcai Education of the People;" politicians as ."Sheep and Goats;" "Art and Gongiessmen;" and "line-New Astronomy. C. E. BENHAM, 317 Detroit Street, KEEPS IN STOCK SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITH- * Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS, Theee Lamp, give a mora brlllanl light Ulan any Blgnat,Urm|> now in uh. Thoy havo boen adopted by tlio principal Oceair and Lake, Steamera and Venal, are (or tale In tho principal porti on the Atlantic eoait and lakes, **" French Wrought Iron Ranges and B oilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels, Manufactured by Send for dialogue. Felthousen & Russell 130 * 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO H. v ' THE STM GRATE. (1. C. 61818, Aft This.Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slaijk. &lole Iron Works, Mannfac'i, Offleo and Foundry, corner of Elm and \z£ Spruce-sto , CLEVELAN ^-' ST. MAKY's OHIO MONTPELIER, OHIO Lubricating and Lamp Oils of the Best Quality, MO A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS, CROCK¬ ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. TELEPHONE NO. IS40. BRECKENRIDGE, MICH CARROLLTON, MICH s EstablishecHni 8 y^, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARINE ENCJNES Cor. Detroit & Center-Sts, CLEVELAND, 0. LITERARY NOriUCS, Hinm's Maoaz1nb for September la n brilliant nnd varied number, beautifully Illustrated. The frontispiece In an engrav¬ ing by W. B. CIosboii of "An Ideal Head," from the original painting by the late George Puller. ElBpwhere In the number there la an interesting article on this remarkablo pninter by F. D Millet, with a tine full pige portrait. George H Bough ion continues his "Artist Strolls In Holland." "A Run Ashore ntQueenstown," by W*. H Rldelng, Unely Illustrated, will recall pleasant mem¬ ories to those who have crossed the Atlantic. ' Ernest IngerJoll contributes an Interesting nrctlcle-^effeotlvelj illustrated by A. O.Red¬ wood—<jn tho wheat fields of the Columbia. Miss Mary Gay Humpheys finds Tioiivlllea blase pleasure resort, but she Invests the subject witli unusual interest. From the graphic sketches by Redwood and pelnluri we turn with equal pleasure to the exqul sltely benutlful work of Alfred Parsons— illustrating Mi. Shaip's "Transcripts from Nature"—nnd of Mr. Gibson, In "Nature's Serial story." For the latter. Dlelmiin also contributes one of his best pictures. In the field of history we hnve the second part of Mr. Trendweir Walden's series on "The Great Hull of William Rufus." Robert Bu¬ chanan's article on Charles Rende is a per¬ sonal sketch. The reservoir system on the Upper Mississippi is the subject of an Inter¬ esting article bv J. G. Pyle, Illustrated by diagrams. 'William Black's novel, •'Judith Shakespeare," Is continued; and there are good short stories. In poelrv the number is unusually rich, Tho Editor's Easy Chair contains this month some very interesting 'hats of a purely literary character. Thi Skptkmbir Century. In Its contents tbe September Century alms to rival, the August "Midsummer Holiday number" In entertaining summer rending. Pictorlnlly, It Is also of ii popular,character. In the frontispiece Mrs. Mary Hallock Footo has glretj a refined Interpretation of "l'aiiolin," the heroine of a romantic story of Montoroy, »hlnh Thomas A. Janvier contributes to the number. The other short story of tho number Is a humorous dialect Btory of South¬ ern life, called "The Brief Embarrassment of Mr. Iverson Blount," by Richard Malcolm Johnston. Charles G. Lelnnd's "Legends ol the Paiaamnqiioddy" Indians (with illus- Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Steel and Iron Wire nope and all Ita Fitting*. 202 lo 208 Mb Waler-st, CHICAGO, ILL. PRESLEY & CO., Globe Drydock Shipbuilding, Drydocking, Re-1 pairing and Spar Making, CI.EVKIAND, OHIO. WM. & SON. Boat Builders, Steam and Bull Yacht*, Ilunt.nif, Flailing and Fleaiure lloata, Shell lloatu, Spoon Oiri, Footof Porter Av., Buffalo, N,Y W. W. LOOMIS, Erie, Pa-, SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Fishing Tups, Wrecking, Repairing and Vtvr Building with Moat Improved Facllttlea. All Work Guaranteed Corr«spond»nc« floliolted, N. C. PETEESON Boat Builders, PLKA0UBK BOATS AND SAILING AND HTKAM YACHTS, YAWL BOATS, IPOON OABS, STUBIUNO WllKKLB, ETC. ] 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, dkhioit, such. 0#B FACTORIES. HE GROT, AMR & CO., MANUFACTURERS AM> IHI'OIITHIIS or Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA- B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers' Goods Gemially 34 and^5_Soutb-st,_NewYork T. E. WILSONT Ail Kinds of Water Work BONE PROMPTLY TO ORDER HEADOOABTEM, Upson & Walton's, <River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE. Qnarter Interest mthelarge Tng uneonnemoat powerful tugi on the fakea She was built at St Catherines by Shickluna. rebuilt in 1861 sad meaauiYB 181 [new] tonnage. She is straight A2, with insurance T.iluntionof 816,010, and can boln<urea for fie,000 Will lell quarter for 83 400,jiart cuh, bal¬ ance on eaiy terms. Address Maiumb IiEconp For Saleor Exchange, Tug Annie Robeftsorw Her Irngtli oyer all ii 51 fret, breadth 13 fiet nnd df pth of hold 6 feet, draws fM fwt of wntir, meanirea 0 24-100 (new) tutu and 10 24-100 old Built In i860 and rebuilt this iprlog, nu\ deck frames and cabin, and machinery thoroughly overhauled Lnglne la 14x14 boiler S^fuet long and 4 8-12 in diameter and ul- lowed W pounua of steiim Warranted in Mo ] con¬ dition and aiihject to Inspection, Price, 13,800 cauh. Inquire at Mauink Record Office FOR'SALE Bar Imglh Ii 1S6 (eat, beam M fnt, and bold 10 feot 10 incho. Bolltr 1; (oil long 7 fiat diameter, three Ituei, two It-inch and one 17-locb. EoglM 2>bB. Oarriaa 240,000 (tat ol lumbar Speed, U mllM llgbc. and 11-3 loaded. Iaiuranco Taloatlon, H»,«O0 Ad- dnaa aUMKil HIOOM)OfBet, No. 144 Suparlor itriat, Olaf aland; O. FOR SAL. - A - Fine Harbor Tug, «Dimenaionao( bull 65 feot over all, 10 feet beam. 8 feat hold, and tnetaurta 46 ton* with T feet draft, can be madttfifeet draft TheotiRlne, IHVQ, la In flntV-claif condition, with all new briMea, new rlngi In cylinder and turn a nix-foot wheel, whlih vu new Lwt wtaon Tho boileV la one /ear old, it. lange anouiti to bum wood or coal and ii allowed 100 notnuU of iHomu. moe KMU, ind rou« b« iold IeiWb oftUrtr d»ya, Adotoa Huumt ItBooRD Ornci. FOR SALE, One-half Interest in a New Steam Yacht. To mi ENGINEER who will gWe hla own aerWcea, For full particular! addrosa, PFVI4N -A CO., Marine C«nTcyancer», J50 Waahlngton-«t Chicago Vessdlmen SHOULD IIAVE « OUR MURINE LAW BOOK. Containing all potnla of MAMNE LAW a. if- temlned by the United State. Courta -ON- Seatlneii, FrelghU, To«r»aj«, Colll.lDin, General Average, Ownerc, OhaurMra, Raatatiy, vDnie £nroiiDienta, Common Onrraera, OuUe. of Seaman, Maatera A Ownen, Bill of Ladlnic, TagM, *e. The Tolumn la handauinelr bonnd Initio* Board- totera, aud line Engllih clolo binding Sent to anr addreaa po.lage paid lor II 00 FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBUU8 BOIIFB, 44 Inobe. di¬ ameter 43 tubta 3 Inchea dlametor an* ISJeet long. •team drum 30 inches diameter, 40 lnohei high, n-oui gralea, tltlnga and breeoblnga, good order. BI„C91P,I-iND MARINK BOILER. In good order, Mil. ;-lt Inch Ironplato. diameter, 0 UA Olnchu ength. 18 loet, 120 tube. I (nrjiea in diameter, 11 lert 4 Incbea long, threo flue. 18 loohea diameter, <wo due. 1« J inchea lUameter, tuo Duo. 101-2 lnohea dlamater, nrr^iT boi, 6 feel loot, 4 feelhlglr; itmm chlmnej, 7 feot high. BEOONI) HAND MAMMEIWILEB four feet wld.i 01-2 feat long, i fHt high, alitj-four I 1-i Inoh tube, to luchea long, mat Irbu breetbng, good aa new. WPP, UA"D MAWNE ENGINE, deuble dlreot- actlng 818 inoh cjBuder, whart and wheel for Jatbt or tugi good aa new 313921 694081 6659

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