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Marine Record, August 7, 1884, p. 7

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THE MABIKE- RECOBD. S. J. ■WJE<B(B & CO., ship Broken, Vetul Owner* and Agent.. (KStAnusnBO in is/hi.] II J tygmiAC'o.wllleharlorVo.Belaforl.akeTnido. Knertal attention (Iron In Coarlerlng VoeaeN In lha {jkt Superior Iron Ore Trade, both for tho aouon mil tingle trip. « ARCADE BUILDING, 101 ST. CLAIR ST., /■ " Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHONE{n«.idi<iio"', no." iaa». "' BEVLlTTW., < VESSEL" AGENTS. General Marine Brokerage. Oroln.Ora and Liiuib*r flhntere Negotiated, Boom 2, 1 otii Washington St., CmOAOO, ILL, SCOTT tiftEfttRIMtitf. Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention also given to the purchaao and aafe of Iron • Ore Telephone, No. 18. ' Office, 130 Sorith Wnter-St., Cleveland, 0. THOS. WILSON 1UNA0INO OWNKp. Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vewel Agent. CLKVRLAVD -O CAPT D M BECKEH CAM HENKY BBOCK <D.r M. BECKER & CO,., Comrrteroial Brokers and Vessel Agents, Veaael* chartered, pnrchaaed* and told, eontracta mido for coarae end heavy freight* Luke Superior and Eacanaba iron ore chartera for iln- gle trip or aeaaob a •paolaltr .^.r/KonWVi Cleveland 1 fllephone So. VB "I , MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No. 101 8t Hair Street, Room 27 CLEVELAND, •' OHIO PALMER & BENHAM, 'Vessel Owners & Agents, New Bank Building, com or of Superior and Bank Street, Cleveland Ohio. MM$S T. HOSE, Vessef Agent and Broker, BOX 1010, DVhVTB, MINN. Late Oen AgH for OolllngvoDd line of Steamen Special Attention Paid to Chartering: Veaaela. CAIT J W MILI.EIt UAIT R B MONTAGUE MILLER & mtSTMUE, prtCTffTMINN, Vessrt Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Welghmen. 8m tl attention pi Id to riurtarlnif \euMs ilu w«lgl i £ and TiMromiDg cargoei of grjliv Correai>ou d«D(.H H>lictled. ~" ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Ownem itTid tna lorn of vo»suU wishing to RetncargouM ofgr»tn Ironi thiipnrt will do well to umf.r with m< Will be glad to furnish information in rigurd to uir- aoei, also in relation to ilook,, depth of watrr, i (c , at t>uluth, Agate Bny (new Iron ore port). Port Ar tliur TTuHhburn. ArihUnd, and all point* neir tlw west tad of Lolto 8 u erlor Good Bungs of moti lur nished oq short notice fonrlminlng ourgjoi of grain loading and tinloadlnff nil kinds of freight XNEIP & MORRISON, PBOCTOItS IN ADAIIKALIY US Monroe St Room M Chicago ROBERT BAE, Admiralty and Insurance • Law Office, Room 07, Mecohauta' building (UK U.O ILL aTmTbarnum, Vessel Agent and Broker, ^Exchange St. Juffalo, N. Y. tSTIF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LOT OF VESSELS f'ORsA.I.K. SEN') FOK IT GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves- x sels of every Description. Builders of the Iron Steamers Onoko and Wm. Chisholm, Steamyacht Twilight, Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, -UANUFACTimitRS or- CORDAGE * OAKUM. Ganga of AMERICAN RUSSIA ami ITALIA V HEMP ottbe very beat qua'tty made to order ATONE DAY'S NOTICE MANILA andSISAL BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory. Brooklyn, N. Y, JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers and dealers in Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN & CO., wts Paten.1 Yawl Boats of all Lengths; Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. .Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, > antHjostless^hanany-LifeBoats4nIISX -_ DF<{/ .(. CO, tOOT OF ST AVMS-ST DETROIT, MICH SUB-MARINE DIVER, Silb-maiine Drilling and Blasting. ■NTKIIN IIKAHJNGS KEI'AIRLD WITHOUT GOINU TO Dili DOCK. Jf'ieding Expeditions Accompanied -Contracts Hade fi-r all Kinds of Dmim. Residence, 80 East Ohio St., Chicago, CAITAIN DIUSCOLL, CLhVJ.LANU AOr-NTH. 0. S. RAND u, o. nunoEB. WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N. E Cor Columbiu Are A Water 81, ,_______ SANDUSKY, OHIO, DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOHE*TIC * STEAM COAL Cleveland, Ohio PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lodyort, A'eiv York, are Sale Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OK WITH Our Self-luhncating Phosphor Bronze Bushings. The metal In tbeio Buahlnga l« the Celebrated Phoiphor-Dronae, tho boat boirhm metal In tho market, and belmr uerfw.t lubricatora Ihojr are feet anpeiaeditig all o her itrloi For sale by SHIP CHANDLERS ererywb re ASK toil "ANCnoB BKAND" tACKLB HLOCKS. Illuitrnt d futulogut and piieiliat malltd frtoonai pllrallon SampleordKraHoatUled Acrompan»i,.«cut rr|inu.nla our nr» Llorh. PATI-NTH> NOVEMHhltl.l. IHH3 Ctcione Btiam Flu» _______ TOR JtOHIIONT^ AND tfjfflp HQIf H» "GRESCENTMNUFACTURIN^CQ. u_ ,P,h,BVi:'rAND- QH.LQ-O^.A. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH ZDZES-ST DOGS ATTAf BED TO THE WORKS.' ., ALSO PREPABED.<T0.D0 WEEOKING AND T0WIN& WITH THE Tug John (jregory.- Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE'BELTS, Warranted Twenty-Mr Los. Booyancy AMD FULL WEIGHT OF CORK, Accordlhf to Rei^ilremeDta of U. S. Inapeotora. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ~^I50 RING BUOYS. CO ► •n M Approved and Adopted by tlie United States Bonrd of Supervislne Inspeetora ;nlao by the principal Oceun, LMte and Elver Steamer Lines, hb the oillj Ilclliible Life Preserver £ESSEI,8—ANI> TRADE-SUPPLIED Send for Circulars D. KAHNWEILER140,148 & 150 Worth !*t Near Center St.. New York. KATZENSTEIN'S SI II-ACTING-METAL PACKING FOR PISTON ItODS, VALVE STEMS, tto. Adopted and in uae b; tho prlndpal Iron Worki uud Steamahlp Compa ntee within the laatelght rearaln tbta and Foreign oountnea For lull p,r. Ilcuiara and- teferencoa addreaa L KAT2LN!,TEIN A CO 1«9 Chrlalopher St near West Stroot N. Y CA11 THUS WII 80N, Clerelond «uj, FOR SALE, ^TeTxr Iron Tij.g\ Diinuuiiiiii, 7b li'ul long, 17 (tut I«.am 11 (cot doon draft U 1 2 feu. englno, I0i£l now al«.| li0||„r ^ fMt in dbiuutor, n ftet lcmg, allowed l]Ji ound.nalo.iii ihreu ln>n broiHt book, forward, ooIIIhIuii bulkbead forward water light bulkhead forward of Imllor, iron «oa| bunkere water tight bulkhead afLot ahaft-gland with water light Irun deck forming the Hour of after oabln IrondeLka, bulwarkaaud deck houaee, Iron tow noiu aft. Ueary angle iroo franiea, wlUi reverse bareonal- tornate fr iraea % nlale ateel floor platen, boiler,*«n- glno and bearing foundation of Iron-. Tor ante ohean when machinery oau be completed by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boat washing and general laun dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118 A drill TS V.1tad„',,JTfel1L,rM0» »U thermal*. .flUllIUO of the U S The largeat, hanrtaomea eaf*irtai sfi) muu.i.w ». «,« w o *uu targeai, nannat.__ book over aolrt for leaa than twice our price 11 '/,', V *JHW book'" A""'" Imiueuae pro Ota to aoufta. All Intelligent people want It Abt one can becotna a ' /LrJ

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