*< THE MABINE RECOBD. H. J. WEB'S & GO., shin Brokers, Vantl Owners and Agents [KSTABMSHED Df 18110.] • u J WEonACOiwllloharierVMeels(prUketTr«rto. HMrUl attention Slwn lo OnsrlerlngTresssI" in tho |2S' Sunorlor Iron Ore Trade, both (or the season anil SfrCADE BUILDING. 101 8T. CLAIR 8T Cleraland, Ohio. TELEPHONE {nelSdine*, No,' 13JS. ~ DEVLIN & CO., ,_ VESSEL AGENTS, i General Marine Brokerage. tiraln, Ore Mid Lumbar Charter! N<ioUats4. Room 2, 156 Washington St.} CHICAGO, ILL, StftW c6 SE®%IMAN fv® and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention alio girsn to the punllase and ule of Iron On. Telephone. Wo. 18. Offloe, 130 Sonth Water-St., Olereland, O, THOS. WILSON . KJNAOINO OWNER Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight end Vessel Agent. , cravat »»d, d, tJAPT D « BECKER CAPT. HENKY BROCK 3), M. BECKER '& CO., Commeroial Brokers and Vessel Agents, Veuels chartered, purchased and sold, contracts msde (or ooere" and heavy freights, Ukt Superior and Eicanntn Iron ore ohartera (or aln lis trip or aeaaon a specialty IM Water St. Room 14 ■ — - - - . Coal A Iron Ei BuiM'g, MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No 101 St Clair Street, Boom 37. CLEVELAND, - OHIO PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, Now Baolc Bolldlnff, corner of Superior and qapk Btregt, Cleveland, Ohio, JAMES T. ROSE, ;el Agent and Broker, BOX 1010, DULUTII, MINN. *??: . JfortJonnTgwood tine 0(8teamen Special Attention Fall to Chartering- Vessels, CAPT J W MILLER OAPT B B MONTAGUE MILLER & MO XT AC UE, DULUTH, MINN. Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Weltjhmen. Soeeisl attention paid to Chartering Veseela, al o **lf king arid Trimming corgoea o( grain Corresiwu deme solicited. ALEX McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, Ovnen and ma dors of Yesaols wtalilng to get cargoes i£li!'. "°m ">l* Port ""' io we" lu confer with tne Wlllbegladto (urnlah Information in regard to cur, "fee, alio In relation to docks, depth of water, etc , al uolnth. Ante nay [new Iron ore port), Port Ar¬ thur, Wuhbih-n, Ashland, aud all pobu noar the ;"' }nd of Lalto 8 iperlor Oood gangs of men I ur- vuid on abort noilce forirlmmlng cargoes of grain, wdlngand unloading all kinds of freight KNEIP & MORRISON, PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, 115 Monroe SI Room M Chloago Admiralty ROBERT RAE, and Insurance Law Office, ;°m>J7^ Merchants' building, CHICAGO ILL ^~ aTm7b7r¥uI, Vessel Agent and Broker, "SExchaao.hi. Juttalo,N. V. t**IP YOU DO NOT BEOBIVE vL MONTHLY LI3T OF VESSELS 1™1ULF\ 8EN<> FOK :T WILLIAM FORDE, „ SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N.E Cor Columbua Are A Water St, —. 8ANDPSICY. OHIQ, DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. •"•••ii BolmsTIC * STEAM COAL GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders of the Iron Steamer Onoco, Yacht Twilight, and Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND. 0. Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, -----lUNOHWOMIll or— CORDAGE * OAKUM. Ganga of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of the rery heat qus'ity made to order AT ONE DAYISNOi'ICE MANILAandSISALBINDERTWINE Jjo^JJLLJSiW^ Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. * \ Acto^ JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers ------- ANODEALERSJN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths,-Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. Also, Life Boats that will pass Government.lnspection. and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A 0. S. RAND. a, B. BVBQBK, i ' . ' RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH <^Lnw aCw aSCii BMaaiw ^kW ^aW •wmIM "" ATTAIHED TO THE WORKS. ' easssesaaaassa.* ALSO PBEPABED.iTO4D0 "* WEEOKING AND TOWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re7 paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. ■ ti Ml- The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS. arranted Twenty-four Los. Buoyancy AND. MJLI, WEIGHT OF CORK, Aceordlnff to Requirements of V. S. Inspectors. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ALSO RING BUOYS. £ 11:1 til II r -7- ■« * PBAtr i co., toot of st iiarX-iT Detroit, mcu. SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-maiine Drilling and Blasting. STKKN HEARINGS KEPAIRKD WITHOUT GOINO TO "DRl'DOCK. 1 Wrecking Expeditions Accompanied. Contracts Hade for all Kinds of Diving Residence, 80 East Ohio St., Chicago, CAITAIN imiSCOLL, CUEVKLANI) AGKNTS. Approved mid nilopted by the Uultod States Board of Supervielne Inspectors'jftlso by the principal Ocemi, I.tike and Slvcr Steamer Lines, «« (lie only Relinble Life Preserver VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars, D. KAHNWEILER140,148 & 160 Worth St Near Center St.. New York. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lockport, Mew York, an Sole Ma/iufacturenoftlie Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OR WITH Our Self-fabricating Phosphor Bronze Bushinqs. •T*« maul In thtno Buihlnga la the Celebrated Phuplior<Bronae, the best bearing n,.Sl In the market and belnir perfect lubricators they are la»t auparaodmg all other M\m lor sale by B1HF OUANDLEHS erorywhore ' ASK FOR "ANOITOR BRAND" TACKI.E BLOCKS. Illuatrstid Catalonh" end prleo Ust milled free on application Bampla ordere soMclied Aorompanying cut rrpr.aenta ournew hlorh. PATENTEb NOVEMBER 13,1S83 CvcioNe Stcam Flut Clkanir raRJiDRIZONrAL AND UPRIOHT BOILSBS " CRES6Mflffi0^cmi^C0. SOt-S: MANUMOTUXSB ' CLEVILAflP. OHlP.O.a.A._____ KATZENSTtlN'3 SEU-ACTINO METAL PACKINO FOR PISTON BODS, VALVE S^EMS, Bta. Adopted and la use by the principal Iron Works and tittianiiullt} Oomps nles within th. laatolght yearain thlasnd Forslgn countnoa. For full pur* tliulars and referencta addreaa L. KAT2to8TLINACO 183 Chrlitopher 8t, near tVeat Skeot N. Y CAPT. TUOS WILSON, Cleioland agent. FOR SALE, ISTe-w- Iron 1\a.g\ IJliianalona7Hfuetlong, 17 feet beam, 11 foot deen, draft, 0 1 i feet, engine 20x20 u.» aloel bolleh 7 feet In dUmuter, 13 fiet long, allowed 112 pounds stusm. rhree Iron hriuil hooka forward, colllalon bulkhead forward wutcr light bulkhead forward of holler, Iron goal hunkers, water tight bulkhead stt at sbsft-gland. with water light Inn dock forming the floor or after esbln Iron-dsdn, bulwarks and deek houaes, Iron tow posts fit, IlaMyangle Iron frainss, wlth-reaerse bare on al¬ ternate bamee,« plate, alee! floor plalwi bouer, en¬ gine and bearing foundation of Iron For sale cheap when inuihlnery can bo completed by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118. wanted for The Ltres of all the Presidents I of the U 8. The lsrgeat, handeouieat, heal "14 for less than twloe our price lhsfait> _-3k In America Immenseproflis to agenU fiiut people want it Any one nan become . went Terma free lUiLErr Book Co , M(ilue