:?\?&. !P E V OTED.,T Q^c;o M^E R C E," eTT G tN EERING AHD SCIE NCE VOL. VI. NO. 30. CLEVELAND. P., JULY-24/1884. 12 00 To Akhcu Sjnolk Conns 6 Can siROUm THE LAKES. CLEVELAND. , The steamer Peiirl took out -quite n large party of excursionists yesterday. George Pressley. of the Globe drydock la rusticating with his family on the St. Law¬ rence. A watchman on the Kittle M. Forbes was lout overboard while-leaving Ashtabula harbor. The tug Forest City is getting her stern benring made straight which was knocked out of shape by a scow. It is said that the yacht Cyclone, duilni the trip to Port Huron, will try to measure the speed of the steamer Mary. James Ash Of Buffalo, part owner of the new propeller Calumet was In the city on Tuesday. He left an order with V. S. Nlckerson, marine aillst, for a pastel paint¬ ing of the Calumet. Custom Mouse Afllcials generally have been officially notified that the fees for reports and clearances will be ten cents each. This order Includes vessels of all dimensions In either domestic or foreign trade. Judge^Wclker, of Ihe United States Courts has substantially recovered from Ills late Ill¬ ness, anuy was in' the city on Tuesday lost attending to routine business connected with the court!. ' He left fpr his home in Woosler the same afternoon, and from there will go to Ion a to be absent about two weeks. In the case in the United States District Court of Upson, Walton.* Co. against the tug James Held, in 'wnleh the tug was li¬ beled on the 10th Instant for the sum of $45, claimed due for a capstan furnished the tug In 1883, Ihe owneisol the boat settled the mutter on Tuesday lubt by paying Ihe claim m and costs In full. i* At Globe drydock since our last report,tho siliooncr Oneontu had her bottom thoroughly calked. The propeller Pacific while In dry- dock had her buts calked, some leaks stopped, and some new plank placed. She is now in . I'regsley's slip where her repairs are being finished consisting ol a new stem, which has been put oh In an excellent manner, new stanchions, hand rail bulwarks and new deck forwaid back as lar as the cabin. A comm Ittee from tho board of trade and uty council, accompanied by civil engineer Force visited the breakwater to determine the necessary improvements to he made In older that It may nnswri the pin pone lur whli.li It Is Inlemk'd. No definite conclusion hub arrived at hut It would be well If ihe govern¬ ment could be led to adopt I lie MiggosiloiiB of the biiBlneBS and vessel men 'hat auoihei nnn or breakwater be extended fioiu the > hereon the east side of the il\er. Tho tug Sprague, Captain ,Iohn ltowon, with a tow of two 01 three schooner*, bound for Clcvelund broke her machinery oil Point iiuz Barques and was picked up by tiie tug Wilcox, Captain Glrnnlln, but the Sprague sprung u leak in Pigeon Buy and sunk. The N P. Sprague' was 08 tons burden, was built at Buffalo hy Jones In 1857 mid rebuilt In 1877, rated Bl. She Is owned by Smith of Cleveland and her insurance valuation Ib $7,000. The ciew was Baved. The sidowheol steamer l'eail made her re¬ appearance at tills poit Monday, after an absence of nearly three veins, sujs the Leader, much ol which lime has been spent in running on the lino between Detroit mid Mackinaw. She is now engaged to form a rvgular dally trip between .Cleveland and Pul-ln-Bay, and there to conncot with the steamer Alaska for Detroit, thus making another complete line between the latter port iindj Cleveland. Passengers leave this port at 8:30 a, m. dally except Sunday, and reach Detroit at 10:80 a. m.,of'thesumo day. 1'he Pearl was built at Detroit In 1876 by J. P. Clark and rates k\%. fine spent a teuton In running between this port and the Island*, and also between this port and 'Mucklnar. Her master, Captain John Edwards, is also a familiar face in marine circles in Cleve¬ land, he having not only sailed her during Those year*, but been In command ol her ever since she slipped off the stocks. Her corps of officers Include Mr. Fied Venoy, mate; Mr. E. N. Clark, olerk; Mr. Chailes Barron, engineer, and Mr. John Suple, sec¬ ond engineer. Chicago. Special to the Marine Record. There is considerable confusion just now between vessel owners and masters whose political ideas conflict as to whether the Cleveland and Hcndrlclk's or Blaln and Logan colors shall fly at the mast head of the vessel. Cnptutn Alex Gibson, of the schooner Maggie Dal), leads, oil with an example which should be freely patronized by owners and masters who wish to avoid disputes, for, though, an ardent democrat, he sails under the two political flags and feels quite coi tented. The contractors who are constructing a 2,000 foot pier off 'lhlitv third street, Hyde Pink, have notllled the United States ongi- necis that they have placed a bright white light at the end of It to answer as a danger signal. Vessel masters who are bound for South Chicago mid Michigan City in the night will bear this in mind.' Supervising Inspectoi Cook decides that the-tug Lucille cull not be licensed as a yacht because she has no bulkheads, as the law re¬ quires In a vejiseUleslgned forthe passenger trade Collector Spuuldlng has recoiled notice from the Secretary of the Treasury in ref¬ erence lo entrance unci clearance fees. The act relating to the matter is entitled an act amending section 4,l)iSl, United States Statutes It says that for certifying man¬ ifests and granting,u vessel permission to leave port collectors of customs will collect 10 cents, and also collect the sumo amount foi granting her a oertlfloateof arrival. Add to this tho cost of blanks mid tho coBt to ves¬ sels per trip is only 40 cents, or just one- third ol the cost under the repealed law. Deputy Oollectoi Green began to Issue papers under this act and vessel captains were agreeably surprised at the sweeping lediictliiii. The same circular also contains n reference to the Jaw reducing the cost of Inspecting vessels. The Lako Michigan * Lake Superior Co.'s line of steameis Were cr.owded with' paB- scngors on then-departure from this port on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Many per¬ sons have to resort to cots, as the state rooms are"all taken before hand. At the Chicago Diydock Co's dock the tehoonci Ellen Williams had her bottom calked; (ho steumbarge John Oils got some i repairs to her I udder; tho tug Satisfaction received a new shoe; the schooner E. M. Stanton, a new foremast; the schooner V. I., i D.infoith Boino I'cpaiis lo her stem and tjuuitei. Hotel Downer, the sUb-murinc dlur, I libeled the steam sand boat Imperial for $91)0, the amount olalmetl by him tor rais¬ ing her. Messrs. Tjtley, the owners, gave bonds for hor release. They claim the amount Is too large. Captain O'Brien, of the schooner Harriot Ross, caused the arrest ol Henry Schumakor, a saloon keeper, for having Hi possession some hard lumber, a portion of the schoon¬ er's cargo. Schumakor keeps a saloon con¬ tiguous to the lumber market, where tho Ross was laying at the dockj opposite the saloon. The case was called before Justice Woodman Monday, unci at Scliumaker's re¬ quest a continuance was granted for one week. A sad-accident occurred at Niblock's coal dock on Monday morning in consequence of tho fulling ol rijiphitform upon which was a large quantity of coal, placed there for tho purpose of coaling propellers and steam- barget. Several men were under the plat¬ form, one of whom, named Charles A.Jonep, aged fifty, was crushed to death, and an¬ other named Duncan McPherson, aged flftv-two, hud hie back broken and the spinal cord so badly Injured thut he cannot survive. Captuli) Comerford, of the schooner F. L. Danforth, Is collecting evidence on which to bring proceedings against Richard Powers, president of the seamen's union, for crim¬ inal libel. If Is alleged that on the occasion of the recent shooting aboard the Danforth, Mr. Powers made statements to reporters which were not true, and which greatly in¬ jure^ the character ol Cu'ptnln Comerford. The Rhoda Emily, the new Bteamship built for Ira Owen, of Chicago, at Trenton, is about ready for sen, and will immediately come to this lake. She will be employed In the Chicago grain trade, and also In the Bay City and. Alpena lumber trade. Tho officers are Captain, James W. Ilrlon;' mute, William Cannon, engineer, Joseph MeLeary. Captain Woods, of the schooner Adven¬ ture, which arrived here last Thursday, re ported that one of the crew, named Paul Beskl, aged about twenty-flvo years, fell overboaiij oil Sand Bench, Lake Huron, on the 2d of July. The captain iinmedl atcly had tho yawl lowered, but the poor fellow sank before It reached him. W. II. Hlbbard, who was a member of tho Chicago board of marine underwriters, and one of the most prominent marine Insurance agouti In Chicago, died at his residence on Wabui-li uunue Saturday night, aged sixty six \cuii.. A tilling memorial has been placed over the graves ol CiiplalnThomaB Fountain and his sou In liosehlll cemetery. The monu¬ ment Is ol granite, upon which is curved a wreikcd \eswl nlthii bioken mast and un¬ bent Mills. hcneniy men are itt work on the new ex¬ terior breakwater at Chicago. The work for tliG^seiisun has only juBt commenced, owing to ihe fact that the appropriation has only just become available. It will be prosecuted, If possible, until the end of November. At Miller Brothers' drydockf the schooner Lily Hamilton got some nejv plunk In her bottom; theschoonoi Ccculin got a new cen¬ treboard box, sumo new stanchions, cover¬ ing board and deck; the steumbarge. George Dunbar |(ot a new shoe and a new pleco of keel; tho sleambaigo Daisy Day got her stem bearing llxeil, the schooner Ail veil tuie got her bottom si raped. The piopellcr (It} til Duluth,of the L. M. A, L S. Line, which in lived Irom Lake Su¬ perior Sunday, had on board, .nearly 1,000 barrels of fish. The tug Commodore broke her crank Monday and '\l\\ be laid up for repairs. The tug Gordon brought In five vessels In a single tow Monday. Captain Drlpcoll, now of the tug Alpha, will take command of the tug Halliday. Captain Alex Qulnn has taken the wheel on the tug Mary MeLane. Captain Arthur Napier is running the tug Chicago, Manager John beingill. The tug Pearl B. Campbell has come here fiom Michigan City to tow, and will be commanded by Captain Dominick Barrett. The tug Gordon was presented with n monster broom, made lo order, on which Is painted: "Win me if you call." 'c- The steamers of the Goodrich line are very popular. A largo number of passen¬ gers travel daily on their various routes. The government building near the ap¬ proach of Rush street bridge is In a sorry plight. The walls are cracked In many placeB and the building I* shored up by tim¬ bers. The bad construction of the approach to the new bridge Is the cause. The deputy collector has removed to No. 6 River street ) where captains can obtain clearances, etc. The draws of the Adams street and Rush street bridges require dredging. The steam¬ ship City of Rome got stuck fast in both of those draws last Saturday, although she did not have on a full cargo. The'ulty authori¬ ties should see to this instead of making so much bother about a little smoke. The steamer A. B. Taylor, Captain Rog¬ ers, which runs between Holland, Sauga- tuck, South Haven and Chicago, brought ovor an excursion party, accompanied by theii band, from'Grand Rapids Friday, to visit the sights in this city. The sldewheel steamer Milwaukee, Cap¬ tain Smidlman, brought oyer a large party of excursionists, numbering some 000, from Milwaukee oh Sunday last. More'trouble Is In anticipation among the tug owners, us Inspector Merkl was around last week taking the names of tugs violating tLe smoke ordinance. The old schooner J. W. Blown, which sank In duo of the slips uptime South Branch' was taken to her timil resting place last Sun¬ day. Roeel Downer, diver, went down and lastoned some huwBors to hoi, fore and aft, and the tugs Alpha and Crane towod her along the bottom ol the rlvei out Into deep water Jn Lake Michigan, where she was d- lowcd to sink. • T. W. r>i I urn. kjiei till In I tit Mnnne ltixuid The Lake Supoilor News Bays it Is re¬ coiled on good authority that Captain TUos. Wilson ol Cleveland lias received a con¬ tract for taking Ihe 10,000 tons of sliver ore that Is coming to Dulutli lrom Montana The cargo and hull of the sunken propel¬ ler Winnipeg lias been examined and found to be almost worthless. Very little ot her original cargo is left la her' and the ma¬ chinery and boilers have been In water so long that ihGy are lit for nothing hut tho acrup heap. It is not probable that she will he raised. VheQilmsby and Clinton, charteicd by Miller A. Montague, cleaied on Saturday with JS,5I)0 bushels of wheat. Tho United Stutes Lll^htliouee hleamoi Wiiriliigton was In poit I i«t I'liesdav Willi III III! ( •«