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Marine Record, July 10, 1884, p. 5

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THE MARINE RECORD. • onoil pioBjiectH for getting oil' without diim- aSo Thcro.wiiK 11 high wlu:l ut tlu» time, «hicb wns tli« i»rlnolpnl ciiiihd of tho disaster. The upward bound sto.nmors to Lake Su¬ perior mid Lake Michigan huvc, with low ex¬ ceptions, very light freights, nnLd In fnot ure ,,i biilhiat trim. There U much complnlnt of lute, ort-the nnrtof the 8upc'rliitcn,ileiit ot the St. Olnlr Flnte ship cniinl, owing to stoiimors ptfsslng through thnt thoroughfare iinder.full stenm, thereby creatineu heavy swell w hleh wnstiea away thc hanks on either hand. There are instances also where stenmers.pnss ench oth¬ er while In the canal, creating commotion ns well ns confusion. Now all this Is In direct delluuce of the" rules governing thnt thor- mighTurc, which arc conspicuous on large -ign- nt either end ot the canal. .The mimes ,.i -onieof these violator.- are mi riTord, and in due time they will be biought to lace the :iiu«ie. > A C'liii'idltiu has just iiil'nriiied me that jiieie 1-* tell lect ot water at the cnirniiccof I'ort.Burwell litipbiir ut the piesent lime, ' |!nt .11 there Is no call tor vo-sols visiting that -,|nc»' 'lion of its being n harbor ot refuge, • lie item has little or no Inn rest, J. W. II. CAl'i; V4NCKN1. if'tu'l 10 the Murine Jtecoid. fhe tug l'roctor, Win. Leonard, ufiuter, transported In the month of .lime from < hHrlotterKiiliLjliLVuii^itriiLJjoiljuLPoiiit to ht. I.iiwreiice river ports 3(),0U0 tons of coal ltl.UuUUUO leet of lunlber from Brockville to Uswego, beside doing a 'urge portion ol out- •lile towing, July nth the tug Wm. I.. l'roc¬ tor took a party of gentlemen from Syra¬ cuse, Montreal and Ogdensburg to Brock- \ille in llfty minutes and returned in forty- live minutes, a distance of twelve miles each way. / ' A heavy northeast gale prevailed at this liort Saturday, doing considerable damage, flie schooner Hod Dodge, Captain W. Kieh- ■inls, ran in here with her headgear carried away .uid leaking bndly. Captain Tony Weaver will command the deorge Cofe tills year, with Joseph Beams, unite. P.i-sed up, propeller Montcaglc and •clivoner Mystic Star. Passed down, Island Uelle and schooner 1*. M. Rogers. II. W. K. LORAIN. 'In Saturday night tli<j,tug Jessie, with the M.hoiiiier Wnwaiiosh in.tow, left here about .11:30. They had got but about twomllesmit when they were forced, on account of the licnvy sen and wind, to turn hack. A heavy »eawii» running auiosa the piers and the Jessie, unable to ► lumen her tow line, could not hob! the schooner up against the heavy >eu ami leelng that she win. about to strike the erfit pier, cut the tow line. The Wnwaiiosh let go both anchor,* iind rounded "ii iiiRt east of the east pier. The tug Chain '"•Ilain went out In answer to ii signal from tae Jcisie to ab8i«t in In luglugthe Wawaniish in, but tor some reason she did not attempt 'ogl\c the Chamberlain a line until after -iic had brought up outside ol the pier. The i liamberjiiin after bard work succeeded in getting her line liom the pier where it hud ..might when cut by the tug Je»sle and -tailed to tow her in. The Wawano'sh tinil . U'U'l out about llfteen fathoms of chain and 'tood ready,to slip hur anchois when It was discovered the Chambeiialp had got the line in her wheel and was disabled. The schoon- '•r and lug both drifted toward the bench, -he lllteeu fathoms of chain allowing them to tomb bottom but not Jiaid. Tbey'rc- inuiiied iu this position until about 10 o'clock when the sea had run down sulllclcntly to allow the Chamberlain, which had worked uounil between the Wawanosli and the pier, • to pass a Hue to the pier anil tlloti to thu Jesale.' The Jessie then ran outBide and towed the Chamberlain into tli« hsrbor. The Wawanosli rerbalnod outside until morn, hig.and was towod lujibout 0 a. m. by the "'K James Ainadeus. The Wuwiinesli was dniiiaged but lltttfc. She Is hound for Tort Edward with her cargo of SI" tons coal. A 'diver succeeded In removing the line from [l|e Chamberlain's wheel, snuiioifOAN. 1'he govornmontsteamer Fessonden struck ii fock near Prentiss Bay Tuesday night and nniiieillately sank In twelve leet ol water. '"'•inn pumps and u tug will be scut to her. MH.WAUKKK. S/iecfal lo the Marine Heard. Repairs have; boon completed nt Wolf & Davidson's yard, on the schooner America, In collision with tlio H. C. Richards recently, nnd she litis departed for Mnnlstee. ■ Ore freights nrc on thecals of 00 cents from Escnnnbn to Ohio portis, nnd sevornl chnriers wore mndo at thnt rnte, but shippers aro not over nnxlous to seouro tonnage. At 10 o'clock yesterday the United States Marshal offered tor sale In'tho United States Court room the lumber barge Snginnw. The case under which the order of sale was granted was brought against the Saginaw on ii claim for $500 by Captain Botsford. The wrecking tug 'Leviathan has released the schooner Lincoln Dull, which wenM ashore at Washington Island Inst fall, and Is expected to arrive Here with'her In the liiorn- tng. Tlie Lincoln Dull was built at Chicago by Miller Bros. In 180!). Is 20U tons burden! classed Bl. and valued'at tii.OQO. ' The Independent Tug Company purehn<cti the wrecked schooner Two Brothers as she lay supk lii the bay from Captain Wright and Monday afternoon tugs pulled the spars out of the bed, when she righted up. The old iiulk was ihen towed on the beach abreast of the life wiving station, where it will be stripped of everything and then, abandoned. The T wo Brothers has been lu service on tho lakes for fort}-six years, and for a number of years was owned at Chi-' cngn.-She wns built nt PrepcottrbjrWeeks in 1838, and wns 204 Ions burden. The schooner North Cape, having received new spars and repaired the other damage sustained in the collision with the seliooner Ahirn Cobb, went to the elevator and re» loaded her cargo of wheat for Buffalo. Milwaukee Shipyard Co. The new stelim- barge building at the company's yard Is In Inline and has considerable ol her outside plank'on, she will be completed In Septem¬ ber. The barge Monitor, which was on the beach at the North Mnnltous, Is In drydock getting general repairs. The sloop yacht Idler, which wns dismasted when about to lake pnrt lu the yacht nice Saturday, got a new mast. At Wolf & Davidsons shipyard. Th schooner North Cape, II, lVler-ou has rl ceived new main and miz/.en masts Sfiiif mi//,en topmast and some nil) and stanchions on the starboard side. Thestenmbnrge Oscar Townsend wns in drydock nniC got a now fore foot, some new keel forward and aft, somj; ni'W plank 111 her bottom, new stern post, shoe, rudder and rudder stock and some fastening nml calking. The schooner America got a new fore mast, fore' topmast and jlbboom. The new schooner James Mount', is getting her ciiblii completed and her i.pars put lu. She will be a splendid vessel when ready for sen, no expense being spared to make as complete a schooner as any. on the lakes. The yacht cfub legalta, held on Saturday last, lesnlied in a match lielween the two Chiiago > aibts Wasp and Verve. The Idler of the .Milwaukee yacht club also started but was soon nut ol the race through being dis¬ masted. The Wasp sailed past ■!■•• sinning point at II :;tii:'ill the Verve al 11 :l(8 :0.'>, for n race over a Irlangiilai course ol about eight teen miles. The Wasp steadily Increased hei lead and ciuiie in about 11 minutes ahead ol the Verve idler a very excllhig race sailed lu ,a hemy noilhwest gale. limb yachts were well handled and did their best to win and plnctlcally settled which Is the heltei yacht. Capliiln I'rlntllflllo showed that he could onlwill rhe sharp Utile cutter at every poliit when them Was enough wind and sea to niaki) good judgment -and good seninniK ship a necessity. The cause of the Verve's defeat lav In the fact that. she has not got enough beam and carried too much sail. That her crew handled tier well there Is uo disputing; Ii"'}'lllu" mor(" P,irl»1l)8i thaiuiny olher crew could lmve done. But the fnult lay In the boat. She would bury herscll In the seas and hor heaving boom, drugging with It the leach of the mainsail, would stlck"- lu the wnrnr three or four leet. Then ihe boat would iiluiost lose her headway. The tact ot life ii'iiilter Is she has not enough hull, not enough displacement t" ho H sucicss against such a bout as the Wasp, much less against the Idler and Countess. In perfectly smooth water and With a slight Inee/e she would unquestionably outsail any of hor rivals, because she can carry mine canvas lortlieslzo oilier bull than any of them. The Chicago yacht club will probably lose the Wnsp, ns Cnptnln Prlndlvlllo Is now con¬ sidering nn oiler of her purchnso by two Mil¬ waukee gentlemen. The Wasp and Verve will have nnblber contest nt the Chicago yacht club regatta on the 12th nnd will then fee. able to Ucclde which Is . the fastest, . W. T. SANDUSKY. i Spxlatlo Ihe Marine ItKord- Tbe steninbnrgo Norma Cnptnln Wheeler, Is on the drydock nt Cnptnlp Jlonk's yard where she is having n now wheel put III. • The ateiimbarge Red Jacket Is undergoing p^ through overhauling and rcpnlhfing. ' CaptaliL Wheeler of the slcambarco Norma broiighwho Information to tho city on Mon¬ thly that Charles Welnrlch employed by Oblenincher Bros, at Mnrblehead, was drowned at thtit place on Saturday. The iiiiforjunato man leaves a wife and three children In destitute circumstances, Captain Wheeler says, subscriptions were being raised for the immediate relief of Mr. Welnrich's family. The steamer R. B. Hayes, Wm. J. Slack- ford, inasler, will make regular trips to the favorite summer resort, Cedar Point, during the season. The ease of the Stale of Ohio vs. William J. Fiigiin wngJtwt for hearing In the Probate Court, Sankusky on Tuesday Cnptnln W. J. Fngan has been for many years mnstor of some ofthn best craft on the lakosfnndilnce the William Kdwnrds was built wns master of her up to the opening of the present sea¬ son. The case was brougtbt by Valentine Fries, owner ofthe Edwards. The warrant charged Kngan with a breach of the pence. The case wns culled, nnd the.dcfcndauttook not only the counsel ol th.e State by surprise, but his imiiiii well, by claiming bis con¬ stitutional right in objecting to testimony lu the form of depositions. lie said he wiWiiud to meet his accusers face to face. These deposition* being very material to the prosecution, they wcre.unwilllngio proceed to trial after Judge Merrill had decided In favor of Pagan's objection, and asked n con¬ tinuance. Cnptnln Fiignn wns ready for trial, but the prosecution insisted on acoutlntinnce, which was grunted October 7th. mAVKItssK cm V. Sjiecitilto Ihe Maitne lleiord. ILiuiinb, Lav it-Co. now own three stenin- ,The latgest, the City of Traverse, runs between Chicago and Traverse City, leav¬ ing Clilcnirq every Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, arriving at Traverse City Monday morning In time toconn'ect with Ihe steamer; City ot Grand Rapids, running between Traverse Citv.iind Mackinaw. The steamer Fiixioii runs Irom Traverse City to l'etos- key, touching at Intermediate poli'us, makes tbiee trips pet wi'ek.'tilld cIobc connection every Wednesday evening with the City of Traverse, aoing lo Chicago. >. KM'ANAHA. A/fcla/ to the Murine fccont. It will occupy the balance of the week to load the vessels In port. As Utile work was done In I In* mines last week It will he quite a while before they cateji up with the de maud. U'lllNUIOS. The si'hoonei 1'opsy, ol Manistee, laden Willi shingles, for (Tih ago, sprung aleak Sunday noon otl.Itlg I'uint Au habie, and was lowed into this poit and pninpfft out. She will be tun ell to Chicago. nsw l-.l.O. The I'nlted Slates signal station will be re¬ moved lo the custom bouse, .lulv III, where there will be more commodious quarters The yacht Maud,'lu getting out of the slip on the Fourth, struck a boll 111 Bond's dock, tilled and sank. The yacht will lie re- palied at once. l'OII4 CtM.IIUIINt. Messrs. Armstrong Matthews and Caiter Brotbcn, tug owners of this place, .have do- elded to-day, owing to the dull tlmeRjiud low freight, to reduce the rate of canal tow log from 20 cents per ton loaded to lucent,, per ton. and from HI cents per ton light to 12 cent- pel ion. ° M.llllJtlKI IK. The Forest Cily and II. II. Brown all Ived un the Till. The captain ol the Brown re¬ ports tlii' barge Magnetic, lu low, ol, the I'eiilliieiilal, aground on the tints in llie HaiiltrluT. A heavy wind win blowing at the time. The I ontliiental relemed her. MTFAl.o. BpKlal to the Marine Jlecord. Tlie schooner J. S. Austin, which was on tho South Miniiioii some time ago, hns gone Into one of thu Union docks for calking. Tjie schooner E. A. Nicholson Is out of drydock and will complete her repairs out¬ side. ■The tug hull brought through thc'canrtl from.New York by Thomas M. Ryan, wns hoisted out of tlie Evan's slip at Olbsoii's shipyard, preparatory to n rebuild. The soldiers' nml sailors' monument nt this port, the corner stone of which was laid July 1, 1882, was unveiled on the 1th. Tho statue Is eighty.live loot high to the top, and cost $.'ifl,000.'-f „ "' A telegram to Messrs. Crosby & Gunning, on Monday, stated that the little Canadian Btenmer.Erle Queen had suitk on the St.'Law- rence river near Ilroekvllle-, Out., op-Sunday w night, in lourteeir feet of water. She is loaded with wheal, ami was bound froiii Whitby, Out., to a port on the St. Lawrence. The pool has a pollcv of $1,000 on the hu'l, and the Thames & Mersey a policy on the corgo. .Captain George MeLeod, of Smith 4 Davis' olllce, left for the scene last night. Tlie Erie Queen was built by lioynn, at Port Howiiii, In 1871, and Is owned by Brauii & Co., oUlial place, valued at $7,001), and was ratted nt A2J4. She was 2113 tots iMiuhen, nnd has traded from this port. Charters nro now very light everybody , nlongthc doeks^coinplnin of the porvalling- — dullness. There Is very little conl here and hut a light tonnage.' The following engage¬ ments were reported yesterday; propellers Chlsholm, Clyde, Qci'anlca, and Fred Morcur to Chicago, 80 cents; propeller 1). Balk-mine and consort Northwest to Milwaukee, SI) rents; and schooner Senator Blood, San¬ dusky, 110 cents. Ciiqal freights .were weiik !H.; cents being offered, and boatmen asking It1, with no loading. A small amount ot rye Was shipped at 3'^ cents, but there was very Utile movement. The tiarge It. J. Carney is taking on board the, boiler for Captain James Davidson's now steamer telng built at West liny City. There are two, ench 'S^ feet shell by 17 |J' feet long, made' of II.HI Inch steel. The "'« ll..... M"S llx«lij-eiiglue lor the vessel is a fore-niiil-aft con. pound^S and .".2 by 45 inches. The Carney lias just been ihnioughly repaired nt the L'ulon sliipyaid. runi iiriiox. . The tug Rohb, bound down with lumber barges, broke her cross bend off Lexington last night, and was towed here by the steam- barge I. May. • The cutter rigged - sloop yacht Mable, from New York, was anchored In St. Clan ilver opposite the Port Huron it Northwest, em rallioad depot, .Saturday, bound for Chi¬ cago but walling lor weather. LIFE-SAVING APPARATUS. The Simplest and Cheapest ever Invented, Using Self-aotliiK, It lUi|Ulr«» no Attention Aftftr the Tuli* It<tn«rvolt- hftn <)uue Hern Filled ulth Sperm Oil. Manufactiired and for Sale Only )'i D.KAHNWEILER, 110 Worth Strut, New York. ! DEVUK &JC0.t VESSEL AGENTS General Marine Brokerage. i Onilu, Oro uml Luiiiluu' <;imrt«»r* N ego tint*! I. /ivoiit 2, i')!] Wasliinyton Si., | ' CUK.AliO, ILL, ' *.J..! T-.I

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