TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, July 3, 1884, p. 7

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[ The mabins recopd. MORGAN & RICE, Vessel - Brokers, Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce, I>HTRCHT| Midi. flpaojal attention paid to Chartering Yeaaela^ s. /.» wm<& & co., shin Broken, Viiul vOwnera and Agents. [E8TAIILIBHBO IN IBM.] ,1 j WKnB*Co,wlllobirlorV«Ml»forUkeTttifo, t.ii-lil attention (lion lo po»rt«rln« VmibI. m the iSiSuperior Iron Or* Trade, b»lh (or llio icudn and ' trip single . ARCADE BUILDING 101 3T. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHONEInaiWenw', No.' 1338. SCOTT & <BEft®IMdtf. • Fire and "Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers, \ttoiitlon ntw fftvoii to th- pttrclinio nnd aalo of Iron nr Tflnplxinn, No. 18, omen, 110 Scfutli WAtar-St., Cleveland, O. "t'hos. wilsonT MANU1INO OWNKR Wilson's Transit Line. Geo Forwarder. Frqght and Vessel Agent. CD IV It LAND 0 GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders of the Iron Steamer Onoco; Yacht Twilight, and Iron Tugs International and Record., OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. (1 B RAND If. D IIUIIQCB. CtPT V M HLCKEB CAIT lirNRY BROCK. <D. M. BECKER & CO., Commeroial Brokers and Vessel Agents, VmmIi chartered purchased and Bold, contracta niado for Connie and heavy frelghta, L,ke Superior nnd Escanaba Iron ore charters-for iln- Kle trip or aeaaon a apoclaky n«r„n 130 Water St Boom M PIot/oI jllll IIMCC, Coal* iron Ex Bulld'g, UltlVuldlllli ' felephone No OH MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, Vo 121 SI Hair Straat, Room n CLEVELAND, - OHIO PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New Unnk llulluinp;, corner or Huperior and Band Street Cleteland Ohio CUT J W HILI.EB OAIT It B MONTAUUE MILLER & MOKTtf&UE, ~- DULCTH, JONN. Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Weighmen *H>eclal attention paid to ChirturLnit NywMs al o weighing anil Trimming cargoes of hraln Cora-ipm deiue solicited. ALEX McDQUGtiLL, VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER; Owner* and taa'tort of vosaola wishing to get cargoes t>t grain from thiaport will do well to confer with tm ^ ill I ) glad to furnlih in formation in regard to ( ar- i r«( si*) In relation to tlocki, depth of water, etc, at ntilutli, Affat*9 Bny (new Iron oru port), Tort Ar ihur Wuahburn, AaliUml, and al.1*Hntrt injur the *est vii 1 of Lalco Bmerlor Good gangfl of men lur nlihi 1 >q Bliort noitce for trimming cvrK.ua of grain lolling und unloading; nil kinds of freight JAMES Z ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, BOX 10X0, DULCTH, MINN. Lite Gen Ag t for Collingwoodllneof Steamen >liep|iH -Attention Paid to Clmrterliiff V, ssels ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 USalla Street CHICAGO. - ILL. MBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents M nod IBS Broadway lit Lu Salle Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAGO, ILL KNEIP & MORRISON, raocTORs in admiraliy, llfi Monro* Bt Room 04 Chicago ROBERT RAE, lNrafty and Insurance Law Office, |^»UJ7, MercUanU' building, CUILAGO ILL. ^~A. "■ BARNUl,~"~~ Vessel Agent and Broker, '5 Exchange bt. Juflalo, N Y. HTIK YOU DO NOT RECEIVE iffo MONTHLY LI3T OF VESSELb '°* SALE, SENT) FOR IT . Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, -UA.imir.tCTUbeaa or- CORDAGE * OAKUM. Gahiji or AMERICAN RUSSIA and ITA1IAV HEMP of the ferr belt qua'tty made to order ATONE DAY'8!?01ICE MANILA snd SISAL BINDER TWINL ' ' Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y. YORK. JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE./DETROIT, MICH. DEAN/ & CO. Mm « ^m. rar n -ar_r w. jl. •"■» ■£ ». ss • Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. .Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A I>EAS ,1 CO. tOUT Ot \T AIIII AST JlhUtOlT, VIL1I SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-nidi ine Drilling and Blasting. VTHtN llhtltlNGS KhrUKI.l) WITHOUT CIpINt. TO I)K\OOCK If'iecknig Expeditions Acioiiipanted Contracts Made for all Kinds of Diying.. Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago, AUN1 It A DllISCOLI.. CLKVI I ANI) AGI 1M PENFIELD BLOCK CO. Lockpoit, New Yoik,a.re Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OK WITH Our Self-lubn-cating Phosphoi Bronze BuShinqs. Tin metal In Ihoic Bu«hli|j« li tliti Otletirate.1 Puoiphor-Bronw, tbo »e«t bearlnu m.iallnlliomarlei, and helnjt porfe< t lubricators they are laat iiipanoding all oilier atrial Foraalaby bllll' UlfANOLCIU otorywhere ' AHK *OIt " ANOHOB IIBAND" TACKLK IILOOKS. IluetraUd fatal i|ue nud prill llti luailwl (reenn a 111i"l >n Nmi|il» ordi rasoil.....I AecouH uir|ii| mt ■.pr.MMauiirnawllOfli. PAllMH)m»l MilhHll. IHHd Cvclone Stcam Flue CLrANCR FOR HORIZONTAL AND UPRISHT BOILERS "moil H to le iMCHia CRESCENT MAMUFACTURlNaCO. SOLE MANUFtkCTURERS CLEVELAND. QJLLQ_»0_J3 A-_____ RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH ID IB IT 3DOC2C ATTA< IIED TO THE WORKS. ALSO PREPARED ;iO.DO WREQKING AND TOWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory. ^ —~~~ Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Warranted Twenty-Mr Los, Buoyancy AND FUIX WKIOnT Or COBK Accordlnir to Requirement* of ir. n. Iimiiertora. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ALSO RIfG BUOYS Approved and adopted by Uio United Sbttea Board of Supei vlsln/r Iii8peotor8,tilgo by the lulnUpiil Oienn. Lnkc nnd River Stenmei Lines, UK the only Reliable Life Preserver VESSM8 AND TRADE SUPPLIED Send for Clrtnliirs D KAHNWEILER140,148 & 150 Worth Si Near Center St, New York. KATZENSTEIN'S bLI r-ACTINO MLTAL I'ACKINO J OR PISTON RODHi VALVJi STfcMS, Eto. Adoptitd and In ueo bf thu|irliui|]iil Iroo^Vorka nud Sti loisblp Coupu nits within iho hutilgbt yLaralu this and rorelgu gouotnea Fur fun p|N tlculara and nfojencia addnla _ I kAIYI NST1 IN 410 10J CbrlstoliliarSI, neur Wg»t Stnot N Y CAI"1 THUS WII&ON, Clutlmid aKiiit. FOR SALE~ 3ST©-,s77' Ixcn Tug1. DtmtiiBicniB 78 ftui Uiiik, 17 ft.ol U mu 11 ft t doon draft-y 1 2fo»t engine, iOxjii new niul lioldr 7 feet In dltuiLtur 11 ftit Iiidk. ulloMufl llj| t»umlHHlu«in Hirm intii lirujil tmokM furwur 1, tnlllfiDii liiillfliuiut forward, Hutir Unlit ImlklHHil Itrvrard (if Ixillti, Inm ooul I niU< ra waly tlirhl liulkliuad nfi »t shuft kIhiuI with u ittr ilulit in n dtt L fonnliiK tlu ,,|Hir f afttr cabin Jrou (Jo<|cn tiulvYUTkaaixl dotk liutism lnu itw polU nit Iltuvy utigle Inm frame* witli r<Htirrt»t>araonal- turnalu fr niea. % platii, at«ol Aoot plams boiler, tn- trlnu and bearing fmimUtiou of iron lorgalocQMp when miichlnory i in lw com plot*! by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 109 Water Street. Telephone 118. t firUfQ w»"t«d (or 1 lis 1.1 v,. ol ell the 1 reildmila UUlinlU "'Hie U a Tbo lan,nt, liandioiueit bwl book ever sol I f tr lors limn twko our price 1 be fast¬ est selling; book In, Aintrlca Iliiinunss|ironU to attants All Intelligent people went It Any out i an becwmi a snceeaaful sgent lernis live Ham an Book to I'nrlhnl Milnu 6 A--D

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