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Marine Record, June 19, 1884, p. 3

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1. fHg MAKjNE RECORD. were condcmnodi nnd a pnrt^tf this quhn- 1 tlty, It nppcnrs, nfter the plntonlinc] been rlv- otcd upon (he vonsel, bo Hint thoy hnd to bo cut out iiRnln nt (tront oxpeuee. • JlV. John dwelt nomcwhiit fully on tho rmomorclnl nspeot-of the question. In 1681 Mr. Wllllnm Denny showed that for n large 4.000 ton stenuMSFnrndlnit betwron London „nd CnleutGiTsleel uyisnt th»t time the most profltiibw muterlnl imployod. He riivo n vcry/fntereBtlnK comlpnrlson between u cer- tnln' slie ship In Irdii iiml n ship In steel, uhloli would bo required to curry the snme dene1 weight.- After elimrlng thnt the ftifel ehlp, nltnoufctmloiirer nt llret coat, would, . ui'VcrthelrtSjj/o the more pri.tltiililn of tliu ' two, ho went on to imnlyae whiit full in the in Ice of fteel 'would be required to brliijr tho iirtunl cost of the mcel ulilp, nnd the Iron ) i-liip to tho Biiiuc, nnd this he found to be 1!0<. per ton? Mr. John snld thnt Inst yenr two sister ves¬ sels were built, one of Iron nnd the other of ficol. They were of the following dlmeh- slons:|2(l0 fwt by 34 Icet by 10 feet 0 Inuhe* nioiildedvS.lOl Krors toiiiiiipe. The differ- ,mh'o m cnrrylnjj cnpiieity In fnvor of the —fWe\ ship wns fllty tnn&upoii n totnl of nbonl 1 150 tons, ([lid the dlf\erenee in the coat o( i ne two vowels wiib nome.wltift under £500, mi that'the cofLoX-tlttMlHl'erence-of-tlpiid^ weight between the two Khlps was lets .than HO per ton. wherens the actual eost ot the remaining deadweight was about £15 tier ion. In this two the dlferenee between the eost of Ir'm per ton nnd the cost of steel win 12 17*. 0d„ nndlf this be reduced to n dlf. lerenee Of £2 4s., nnd the steol ship be also - reduced In size, bo as to carry the same weight as tho Iron one, the former vesmel will be lound the cheaper of the two. With regard to the question of corrosion, Mr. John appeared to consider that ntecl stood at no creator dUadvantnge than iron,-suppos¬ ing that due care, were taken to remove all the scare Ironi the plntes before painting. He recommended sending the1 vessel to sea unpalntod tor n voyage, so that a slight gen¬ eral rust might take place, which could be removed and the bottom painted. The new steamer America, the flag ship ol the .National Line of steamers, arrived nt New York p. m.,of June 4, from Liverpool via Queonstowh, in command of Captain R. \V. Grace, formerly of the Spain. TJie vessel sailed front Queenstown at 10:35 ij. oi. of May 20, nnd arrived nt Sandy Hook at 10:15 p. m. of June 4, making the passage In the remarkable quick time of 0 days, 15 hours and 41 minutes. The America wu« launched on December 29 from, the yard of Messrs. J. &. Q. Thomson, Clyde IiHnk, Glasgow, Scotland, She is built ot steel and is of the following dimensions: Length, extreme, 480 feet; brelftlth% extreme, 51}^ feet; depth of hold, 85 feet 8 inches. Her gross tonnage Is about 6500 tons. She has live decks. The first or promenade deck, runs nearly the whole length of the veutel, and Is connected to a turtlo-back poop and loreoastje. The secouilvor upper deck, has on it the star Anys nnd the passenger accom modntlnn, the room for the ofilueis of the ship, ice houses; vegetable. roouiB, Ihrop rooms, indies' rooms, smoking rooms and gal¬ leys. The third, or main deck, contains nil tho tlrst-clnsB pnBsenger rooms, the saloons, pantries, receiving rooms, etc., while the extreme ends aro devoted to the crew nnd • stewards.. The fourth, or lower deck, is arranged so that tlrat-class passengers, emi- grants, and enrgomny be can led according to circumstances.' The fifth, or orlop deck, Is taken up principally with storage space lor the stores used bv the passengers, but may be used In parts alternatively for either. The vessel has accomniodatldn for 300 first- class passengers and about 700 emigrants, but if no eiolgiatits be carried the nura- "bcr of first-class passengers may be increased to " over '-500 'Bhe state¬ rooms are luxuriously furnished. Her ' cargo capacity measures 2,000 tone. She is brig-rigged, has a clipper stem, and is divided Into no Jess than thirteen water- light conipartmonts by complete transverse bulkheads, extending totlio upper deck in all eases but two. She Is classed In the Ad< mlrulty list as a vtwm'l which would float with any two compartments flooded. Thl» -(audition has been laid down by her own- 'rs as a necessary- one, as a precaution "Rulnat such accidents as belall ►lenmeie "ben they are struck on the bulkhead and 'wo compartments are thereby Immediately Hooded. The engines of the vessel are thrcu- cyllnder coinnoiind, one 68 Inches and two Jl inches, with a stioke ol (10 Indies. They wi lilted with piston valves over all the cyl- ilers. The crank shafts are bullr of mild fteel. The.boilers are seven In number, "'Wing 80 furnaces in all, and a working pressure of 08 pounds, Every foelllty has 'Mil afforded for getting cargo rapidly In '""l nut nf tho ship. With a lull passenger list Mie will cany coinparallvely little cargo, Vl't when the nniiiherof passengers falls oil' ,l10 will bo quite vipahlo ol cariylng n large eargo.—Jtarttimi Jttnitter. '■•'•'e disabled se'ci'ier Maria Martin fcuelied Undue on the llih, in tow of the '"K W. H. Wolf, and will be repaired at °nce. Captain Chambers of the vessel, ail- '"'Is now that she « as ihn one which col- '"•id .with tho schooner Emma C. Ilulchln- ""■ In addition to the Injuries which weie ^'"limited when she Hint appealednfft'hl '«Ko harbor, tho Martlji's .leek Is badly dniii- ■ "*»*■■' "y. the m|//en lopmaa fulling upon It. „ w°rk ?n «fio propeller- Colorado la pro- RresBlng fine pt Buffalo. Tho remainso/the exploded bollor,.togothor with tho Bound one, have been removod, and the engines are being repaired. One Is nearly sound, but the other was badly broken by tho lex- plofllon. Sho will have two now steel boilers, eight feet shell by fourteen foot long, built by the Htoarns Manufacturing Company, ready by August 1. It Ib probable that her nnmo will bo chnngod when sho cofnoB out. Tho Goodrich line runs two largo" nnd elegant side wheel steamer* dally, (Sunday excepted,) for Rncino and Mllwankeo ns follows: Leaving Chicago, at 0.00 u. in.' and arriving at Milwaukee, nt 5 30 p..in., .leaving Chicago, at 8.00,p, in., and arriving ft .U llwaukoe at 5.00 a. m. returning; leaving Milwaukee, at 7.00 a. m. (except Sunday iiml Monday,) nrrlylng at Chicago, 5.00 n. in. Passengers have, a good night's rest and no dust. Tho fair Ib only $2.00 Including dinner on dny trlp.nnd slntc,ronm berth on night trip, being $2.25 less than by railroad and sleeping car. There Is also a good con- iitMtliin with west bound trains out'of'MII- wankee, morning and evening. Olllco'and clocks, foot of Michigan avenue, Chicago'. T, G. Hiiilln Is superintendent and John Slugle- i»ti,_Q.Jr, A___—-------------------------5—. Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARINE ENGINES AND fflAFIJACHINEEI Cnr. Detroit & Center-St8, CLEVELAND, 0. •Sc^ntl far earning!,*, THE /ETNA GRATE, G. C. BARNES, Afft. This Improved Shaking "Grate EspeciallyA'dapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iron Worlcs, Madnfac's., < Office nnd Foundry, comic ol Elm unci •"' Sprure-sls,, OLEVEIAND, O. "• SIGNAL LAWPS, latent Fluted, Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. Tlieao I.,„,p, B|v„ „ nioro br||,„nt „„,„ ,,,„„ my mm] u mw |n iiM „Ii°!hr .I"" "i"1",'"1 "y ",0 l'rl"d""1"""" ,,n,, t"!Q 8lf">"«" »'»' V«»I«, .nd nro for unto m tl.e prfnulnnl port, on i lie Atlantic con.t Und likei. French Wrought Iron Ranges and B oilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured.by Felthoiiseri fc Russell, ■________• 1:,°* "IMWVST., miFPALO N. V. ST. MARY'S OHIO. MONTPELIER, OHIO o*x Fncmi.es. !^S«™% DE GRADW, AYMAR & CO, MICH MICH MlXl'FACIURfcllK AM' IMI'OlllhllH OF 4 8 South Water-st Cleveland Agents £jr Akron Rubber Co..'s Valves, Hose, Packing, eto.' WM. HING5T0N & SON, Boat Builders, Steam uud Sail Yncht^, HulitJng, FUlitnff and PleAMiire Runts, Shell ItoutH, Sjtoon Oord. F.ootof Porter Av., Buffalo; N.Y W. W. LOOMIS, Erie, Pa^ SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Flihlnif Tuga, WrerkliiK, Repulrlnn nnd Tier nnlldliic with ^loit Iiii|,ro\ed Farllltloa. All Work Ontrtnteed. Correipondrooe Bolioited. ~nTc. PETERSON . Boat Builders, PLBiBUUK uorra IND bailing xvo ktkxu yachts, YAWL BOATS, Sf|on OARB, ITKKIUA'O WHEELS, ETC. 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DKrjtoiT, JUCns BUTTS COAL CO., [LIMIThD.] Onl3r lv£iri.ers of BUTTS CtLNXEL COM, and detlernln Uta Cot In Nul C<»1», an«l 8te«io Coal 1 for Tuga, Eirgei, v.c CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND. O._______ Owier»J Mantger. FOR SALE, ' AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. 8FCONI) HANP T(!I)UI.AIt MOIL) It, U InchcfdU •mrter «:l t»W» > '"',||IM <ll«in»t<ir nod li/eet long. Si drum .mlnclio. (H.11101.T, «i Inchw lilgh; (roni gnm, Ultlni!" «ud l>roMlilogii| nuod order. SECONP HANDMAIUNr. BOrLEB, In BWl order; Shell 7-16 Inch Iron plum; dlnmoler. II del 0 liichea hinVA IBl"l. liU tulS. 4 Jm-lica t» diameter, 11 I«-el J nc&o»« II ree «">•• ■» i-che. dlamater: -«o Due. 16 Seh» dli" eler, t«o Hues 10 1-2 iuclle. dlu.uelerj lire box "tot lone. * 'w', ul«ni "°a"' olll'n,"»'.' """ l,l|!U- Sl'cDNII HAND MAK1NE HOILER lour'leet wide, OKMeet lorn:, S (eel high, alxlylbur 2 l-!l moh tube. 60 locliea loon. oo»t Iron breeding, good as now. bEC'Nl) HANDMAHINIC KNOINE; dauble dlrecl- MtlVn Bin lnehe> Under, ahull »nd wheel lor ynrhl or lug, t<'od as »i» ' Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings; * RUSSIA B0LT-B0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers' Goods Gemmlly 34 and 35 Soutlvst, New York. T, E. WILSON, All Kinds of Water Wort D0NEPR0MPTL1 TO ORDER J HCAnQUAIiTEIlS, Upson & Walton's, 'River Street,- Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE. Quarter Interest intticlarjic Tug Samson, One of the wont powerful Lugs oil the lakt-H. She wbh built at St. .Catherines bj SlUckluni. rebuilt in If Hi and metbarea 1H1 [new] ton Dime, She la atrutuht A'2 vrit\\ .nsuraticfi Tnluntion of $16,000, and can be ititiured fo,r 0,WK Will tell iiuarter for 83,-100; purl caih, bal¬ ance on cosy terms. AddruM Mauink RfiCoiiD. For Saleor Exchange, Tug Annie Robertson. LfDgth over all 51 3-IH feet, breadth 13 3-10 fi«t and depth of hold tt feel; driMmolu feet of water; tuvasUrea g»-100{new) toiia.andlS 24-lOOold. HuLU In 1880 mid rebuilt this iprintf. new deck frames and cabin, and machinery thoroughly overhauled. Engine ii 1-1x14, boihjrB^ feet .ong and 4 H-12 In dlurarter. War- rnnttd in No. 1 condhiou and mibject to Inspection. Trice, 8U,6(HI. Address Maieinic Hkcoiiu OhiCK. FOR SALE Her langth ii 13S (eat, beam 2G leet, and bold. Ill teet lOlncJiea. llnller i; feet long. 7 (eel illnmetor; Ibrea duci, two IB-Incll aud odu 17-lucli. Englae 21x43. CHrrlt'H 210,000 feet ol lumber. 8|ieed, 11 mllK Imhr, ami 0 1-2 loaded. Insurance valuation. tlA.SOl). .Ad- drra«MAlrlNl{BhaiHl)(Ullce, Xo Ml bu|iorlor ilreel, Cleveland, O., FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. Dlm«»»iona of hull id feet o\er all. IC foot beam.8 fetit hoid, and ineaBiirtM-lO toii» with 7 feet draft; eitto bo iiiHdu A feet draft Tliuruttlpu. 1»i2U, i» in nrt.t*claii condition, with all nuw hraiwe*, now rings In cylinder and turns a six-foot wheel, which was' new last aeavou. Tho boiler U one j-wir, old, In largo onougb to burn wowl unoaland Is allowed 100 P'">«ii»of ittcnm. Prke tnOii.uud mutti Im-m-IiI u.Kldeof,t)f|P{ dn^. Addtwut MAiu.Nh Ittamn <tn iti. ■ tp. PhcBnlx Paint Co., . MANUFACTUREH8 OP ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY ^ 36 Michiean St.. CLEVELAND, OHIO. V. D. NICKERS0X, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. Vesselmen SiiOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Containing all pojnla ol MABINlt LAW1 ai do- lermlnad bj the United tjtalca f'ouru Srmmrn, Ownera, , Frallfhta, Chairtera, Towsk«, Rearlatry, Colllaloiu, EnruUiiMiiita, C^tinerBl Avrraice, Coiuinon Oaurlnrx, Outlca of Seamen, - Mnatera ft Owner., Bill or Liullnar, Voiti, ie. The vollimn la Jiandaomelv Bound In jfiO' Ilourd covera, and line Fn^llah doth bludlng. 8enl to an/ nddreaa puHtaKa uald.for 11,00. (fCC » week al home. IS 00 outlU tma. I'ajr aloolulalr JUU >ure. No rlak. CaniUl mil required. Header, It you naut liUHlnenH at wlilili fn-r^ons ol either aex, Timngoruld, urn make greul par all the time rtirj work, wllh ali.dlutureruruu, Wrlli; fof nuUauUra lo 11. 1UI.LIT ,.H'li„ IVrllauJ. Maine. 1469 5 5659

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