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Marine Record, June 5, 1884, p. 3

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: • • :; J '•■ ••'• ■ ■■■• •• . " {_ ■ THE M AH INK RECORD. -v "" GENEIUtyNEWS. The roclnctloh of tho public debt during the■m'onih ol Miiy i» eitlmiited lit 45,000,000. Prom the .liike bluff, ticnr M|lwnu'keo Thursday evening n mlrnne mnde plainly Tl«lble the lighthouse nt Kiicliic. Amorlcan cotton rooiIb Inive been riinklng their way In Hiiytl_«nil arc slowly driving nut, mnn'ufMtiireB of Eh'Rtand. mid Europe. A little cnre oji tho piirt of our mnhufnotureri will seeure'.th'U market for them. , : The conference ol the Iron mitmifactorero .nnd workmen nt Pittsburg Sainriliiy refilled In )a«t year's scnle being aliiiierty.wlth the nildltlpn of 11 certiiln discount deinnndod by ■ the men, thusavertingMielliromciieil'etrlUc '■The dome steiimer Meteor, which was built to'cross the Atlantic In five tlitysl linn been token from Ronton to Bath, iinilltU aaid tliftt the Gobb Mnrine Iron Wpiks will 'try to make her engine work at the • latter • place. ' • Five seamen ot the senlli.g brig tjonfedir- »te, now hemmed In" by Ice In 'Notre Panic Bay, leiiched St. Juhii N.F.,Thuisdiiy,Muj JO, proving that aid be sent to the InmLliliiii crew on board,, iiiiuiberliiic seventy-four. They have no fuel, nil the provl<l«nP except a little bread have , bedn devoured, and the craft Is surrounded by an ocean of Ice in far «»the eve can reach. The Unlted^tittesU the only government which Imposes jm DTTrflsmon—coromerce lor the support of the lighthouse and buoy sys¬ tem. At present there are over 700 llght- beuscspn the American consts nnd rivers, and also, twenty-five flballng-llglit stuiloiiK, the-total annual expense-being $1,880,017. In addition to the above there are' nearly 0,000 buoys and beacons, which mark dan gers of less threatening character, Thi Bundesrath bus adopted a bill to sub- ulillze,bietiatis-oeoimlusteainshlp lines. Tho Qerrrinn Governient is authorized to grant 'private companies concessions (or. tllteen yearB to organize and maintain regular mail steamer sei vices between Germany and ports .". of Eastern Asia aud Australia, The North Germnn Lloyd has decided to. eutnbliali sub sidlzed steamship Hues' -to Australia and Eastern Asia. Special steamers will be con¬ structed for this purpose. The propeller Quebec had a rough time of it on Luke Superior. She was sailing In a direct course, from Fort Arthur for the Sault, . and when about sixty-five miles Iron) her destination tho Quebec's captain saw what looked like a fog bunk approaching the ves¬ sel. The appearance of the supposed tug alarmed Capffltn Pyriiea and lie ordered the helmsmnn to steer ataight into it. As it up- .preached ueiircr.it took the ulinpc of a wall of water as high as 'the .promenade deck of the propeller, iimlwhen It struck the laltei- it broke all over her. Volumes of water so heavy poured 1n on her promenade deck that a pot-lion of It, which was supported by , a stringer 8x10 Inches, gave way. It is thought to havo been a third wave, and it Is the first oiio ever known to have been en¬ countered in the history of lake navigation, ■ BOILER FLUF. CLEANElt.' Keeping the Hues clean Is one of the most important duties connected jvlth a boiler; when properly performed It cesnlts In alio ' crease in the expenditure fof both fuel and repalra and an: Increase in efficiency. One of thle/tifcst tools for doing this Work l» the cleaner which is manufactured by the Cres¬ cent Manufacturing -Company • of Cleveland, Ohio. A hose cohueote- tho cleaner with a pipe that IijiiIk to the,dome of I he boiler, in order to obtain dry steam. The conical shaped head of the cleaner adjusts itself to tho ends of thtt tubes, excluding the air, * thereby prev^iillngciindensallon and Insur¬ ing a dry oiiTrroht' <if> steam. The stoanr piiBses through the augur-sliaped passage, which U without obstruction from the In¬ duction end to the outlet, and Is delivered directly against the face of tlip tubes In an unbroken Bheet, continuing through the en¬ tire length In a whirling motion, and thor¬ oughly removing all ashes and other foreign matter. The cleaner need be held against the end «f each tube only for a "few second*, so that every tube tii the boiler can .be cleaned in a short lime. There are no parts needing attention, and the apparatus is ^ready for use at all times. F<jr these rea¬ sons the tubes can bo more frequently cleaned, thereby preventing tho formation of Bcalos, Improving the draught, and per¬ mitting the use of a poorer grade ol Kiel, The above mentioned tlrm nlho maimfac- turen tho "Crescent" steel tube scraper and . boiler compound for dissolving scale- and Preventing Its formation. SIGNAL LAMPS, - ' . ■ - i-ivrri-r— Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST.& AVOID COLLISIONS. Th™ L»ni|>i nl»o » marc tirllliint light tana any Slupnl Lamp now la u>?. Tfieylinifebofn udoptwl by t1in.prt»clpkl ilooun niul Ijlko Bleimiorl anil V«hI% «nd •re tor mlo la the prtnclpnl pnrln nn i lie Atlantic coo.t and |»kM, ' French Wrought Iron Ranges and B oilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured by Scad for riiulogiu. Fe11housen $t Russell, 130 * 1*1 MAIM ST., ntlFTALO jr. V." THE/ETNA GRATE. GrC. BAIESi Aft This Improved Shaking Grata EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. Qlolie Iron WorKs, Maunfac's., Office nnd Foundry, corner of Kim unit ' B|irucc-Rta„ CLEVELAND, O. ST. MARY'S OHIO. MONTPELIER, OHIO MR MC TORIES. BRECKENRIDGE, MICH CARROLLTON, MICH DE GRAUW, AYMAR H0„ MAN't'FACTURKRB AM) IMI'OHTKRH OF Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and STiVfhcliandlers' Goods Geiretatlg. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. Cyclone Stkam Flue- cleancr for h0bizont/u. and uprioht boilers — DM H TC ■......."- CRESCENT MANUFACTURING,CO . SOLI M ANUFACTUR C B » CLgyEy^Np, 6HIO O.8.A. & |J 8 South Water-st Cleveland Agents for Akron Rubber Oo.'s Valves, Hose, .Packing, etc. The repuira to the Hothemy will be finlslii'il uliout the Ihh of June. WM. HINGSTON & SON, Boat Builders, Strain mill Sail Yuehtn, UiuHIiik, KImIiIiikiiimI I'leiinure llouti,' Hhell 'lluutft, S|Hii»t UurH,"' Foot of Porter Av., Buffalo, N. Y W. W. LOOMIS, 25rie,-Sr'si., SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, FlHlillitf Tu)fH, AVrt^klnir. It^pHtrliiK mid l'li>r IlulldliiK.wltli Mo.l hiijirovi',! tm-lllllir,. All Work Ouaronteed. Correipondence Boliolted, "lTcrPETERS()N Boat Builders, FLBilUnjt BO«Tt AND IAILIXO AND ITUU TACDT1, tawi. nOAT<,lirooKOAM,n'KaHiN»wiiuu,rKi 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, BKritOIT, MICH.____________i_ BUTTS COAL CO., ,[|.1MITKI>.] B UT'TS CyimEL COM,. »Dd dualon I" OU Co«l», Nut Coal., .ml-Sleoiu iCoal ,' lor Tug», BargM, e(c. CLARK I. BUTTS, CLBVKLAMt. O. (Imi. ...1 M.iW- F.«H.BORN, aPLUMBERS. Mannfactnr rs of Hoiel Raimes & Lannilt'y Stoves, and Dealers in 111 128 SUPKHIOK ST., CI.F.VEI.ANp, O. Phoenix Paint Co., >UNUFACJ'UI1ERS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE A,SD-FACTORY • 36 Michigan St, C^VELiND, OHIO. 7*. D. XICKERS0M, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. . Vessel men SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing nil points of MAHINK LAW as do- (Ormined by tlie United Hi*tea Couru Henmen, FrolgliU, TowA|r«i - CollUlont, 0«ner«l A tern**, Owner*, OharUsri, ICevlttry, / K imminent*', Common Ciurlers, Duties of Seamen, Mm ten A Owneri, Bill of I^wllnK, Wifei, Ac. Th* Tolumn I* hand»omcly bouud Id stiff Tlotrd covttfB, atul line Knalinh cloth binding. Sent to any addr«bK ihipIi^o \u%U\ InrSl.iKJ; Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Marine engines or. Detroit & Csnfer-Sts. CLEVELAHO, 0. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co.; Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA RDPE OF THE7ERY BESTMAKE Stad nnd Iron Wire Hopi- mill nil Jti Fitting.. to 208 Mb faf-st, CHICAGO, ILL'. FOR SALE, Ulmcpsloni 7S feet long, 17 foot beam,, 11 foot deep; drilft, 01-§ fert; fnRino, »)x20, n«w R'eel boi'or 7 foot m diiiin.'ter,13 fvet l«mK, nllowed 112ii6undfJ8tcim. Throo inm breast hook** dirwnrd, col lb-inn bulkhead forward, water light bulkliciid forwnnl of bollor; Iron eoal bunkers, water tight bulkhcnd nftitt Hhuft-gland, with wnier tlclij Iruu deck forming the .floor of after c«b|n, Iron decks, bulwarks and deck'houst'i; Iron tow poiU ■ft. Heavy ongle Iron framed, wlllt roverw bars on al* tttrnnto fr-incs: :jj) plate, sieul floor pluies; boiler, en¬ gine and buarmg foundation of Iron. For Sajo cheap when nVnchlnery can beeompleted by •• GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. FOR SALE llcr length is 135 feet, beam 2ii feet, nod hold. 10 feot lOiiiellurt. Ikiiler IT fu«t long. 7 feet dlumctur; thcoo flues, Uvo UVincli and one 17-Inch. ' Kifglno 22x-12. Carries 240,000 fret of lumbur. Speed, U miles light, nnd 9 \-'i londed. lusurancu .valuation, llfi.800, Ad- dresa MaIiink Uhcoiih (Jfllcc, No. a Son to water Mroet, Clcvelaml, O. FOR SALE, . Julia of Kelley's I: JOft SALE. Quarter Interest iottie larne^TttE Samson, One of the most powerful tugs on the lnjfes. She wax built at St. Catherines by Slilrklunii, rebuilt Id 1681 . and measures 1H1 [pew] tonnage; tihu Is straight AS, with losuranre T.ilnatlonof 310,000, and can belaarired for 81D,00u. Will sell quarter for. $1,400; pari cash, bul- nnceon en*y terms. Address Makink IlF.oonD. For Sale or Exchange, Tug Annie Robertson. Length over all 51 3-10 feet, breadth 18 8*10 feet and depth of hold 0 feot; drawn 5% foet of .water; incisures OW-100 (new) tons, nnd 18 21-100 old. Hu|!t in 1880 and .rebuilt this spring, nav/, deck framea and robin, . nnd machinery tlioruughly ovcrlinuled, Knglno is 14xU.< boiler 8J..J fi'et long and -IK'12 iu diameter. War¬ ranted In No. 1 condition snd subject to inspection, Trlre, 83,KK>. Address Makink Ukcord Offick. FOR SALE, A Fine.Harbor Tug. Dimensions of hnlli>5 feet Over all, IC feot beam, 8 feet hold, and measures 40 loiia with 7 (cut draft; can tie inidnfifoct draft. TheeiiKlnu, lhx'JO, is.in flhtt-elnai condition, with all nyw braiww, new rtnga In* cylinder and turtiB u six-foot ivbcel, which wua new Innt'neiiion, The liollur is mie year old, Is Inrge enoujih to imrn wood or eoal und is allnwetl 100 pounds of «t«uiu. price $-l.70n, and miMt be soltl iimidc of tlility davH, Addiou MAhlNU.itKl-UltD OKriLB. HerdluieuHlur^nre SO feet long, l'» ft-cr beam, i foot drpth of hold. Hhu is Ihrcc yeamold und In gmnl con. dltlon. Adilresi totus ItKiNiiKiMKit, Kflluy'alDlaiiil, O. FOR SALE, • AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. ' SECOND HAND TUDUf.AIt HOILKR, U InchosdU ameiar 43 In butt .1 inches diameter and 12 foe t lung, Hteam urura :i0 Incheu dlameUir, 40 Inches high; front grutfs, nitlngH and lireeohings; good ordur. HKCONJ) HANK MAHINK UOILElt, in good order; Shell. 7-ft Inch iron plate: diameter, i) feet (Mnohu. lungth, 18 ftwt; 120 tubes 4 Inches lu diameter, 11 feet 4 Inches long, three flues 18 inches diameter: *wo flues 16 Inches diameter, two tinea 101-2 Inches diameter: lira tiox, 8 feet lon(;, 4 feel high; steam chimney, 7 feot high, SECONDHAND MARINE BOILER four feet wide, 6 1-2 feet long, 5 feet high, »l jty-four 2 \-2 inch tubaa 60 inches long, cast iron breechng, good as new, SECOND HANDMARINE ENGINE; double dlreot- acllng 8xfl Inch cylinder, whaft und wheel fur yacht or i'lng; good'aV new' 290081 �670

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