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Marine Record, May 29, 1884, p. 3

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~~~~ DULUrH HABBOR. Sdilor of th* Ma#n» Rmri. Ddldtd, May 20, At » mooting of tho Dulnth Olmmbor o' Commerce, held on the evening of the 18th IniMint, whloh win fairly attended by, rep- reientntlve bmlnoni men, jnnttor» wore dli< dinned of »uoli funeral importiinee to the merchant marine of the liikea that your cor respondent herewith submits it report of the uido In as condensed u form as possible, for jour columns; A special committee, consisting of U. Fi Johnson Z. D. Scott and C. V. Bailey, lim¬ ing In charge the matter oi memorlnllzlug Congress In relation to the purposed conWil-;! Idatron of the customs dlstilots otjhe United Suite*, reported to the Chamber of Com- inerte ibsjtr memorial, which was adopted by the Chamber and ordered mailed to mem¬ ber of Congress generally, and ilso to the different chambers of commerce along the northwest.ern border, from fyike Superior to Idaho, and alfo those ol ilie lower lulus, with urgent requents for co-operation. J, he Vaquee moved that the mnttt-r'of rnngi! lights for (he hnt bur "be tiiken fron. Ilie hands ot the present committee and plnCe'l I" tl'° hands of another conrtiiltU'e with Ciiptnin McDougall ap chairman, w hluli nai tarried, and T. H. LeVaquee and C. P. Bailey » ere added to the same. President Slmo'nds called attention to the present condition of the harbor and Invited" diioueslon. Captain HcDougall was tlrsl called upon. He said he hud just finished n chart of the dredged area of the harbor from 3,000 or more sounding*, actually made, and had found that there were spots all over the dredged area not more than twelve or tlilr- jeen feet and others that were as much as tuenty-slx feet deep, and called upon the residing supervisor of public Works, Mi. Wells, w ho wsb present, to explain this gieat difference. Mr. Wells explained that the ipote were caused 6y tho large class of pro¬ pellers now coming to the port for which, the harbor was too shallow; that they won often run nground sofnewhereand in endeav¬ oring to get off would w.ork their screws so violently that, situated as they vverf, within a font or so of tliS bottom, they would tear holes sometimes to the depth the captain hart-mentioned. Cnptaln McDougall asked If thlscondition of affairs was always to continue, or if there could not be a system of floats liseri, as has heen done at the Sault, to show the shallow spots so that they may be removed. iMr.-Welli replied • "There Is no way to prevent the formation of humps such as have been mentioned except Uiediedgingof tin1 harbor to such n depth that the wheels of hea\ lly h\den propellers, In wot king their »ay to the docks, will not dhturb the bot¬ tom." While Captain McDougall hud no direct reply to this tie seemed to think Ihut these humps, ought not to be and suggested that Major Allen, the chief of en¬ gineers at St. PjiuI, might publish his pro¬ posals for bids for the Wedging of Dulnth imrbor in some' Dulnth oi lake pnpir. In- stent! ot exclusively in an Inland (St. Paul) paper so us to Invite competition, nnd thought this might havera tendency toward levelling the humps Mr. Wells said he saw no objettioruto ad¬ vertising hi Dulnth papers lor bids for dredging. » Mr. Johnson then BBked why the board of engineers, having In charge the Impiove- tnent of Duluth harbor, always found Jt nec- e««nry to recommend thesamoappioprlatlnu for tho hurbm of Sjipoiloi 'i» for that of Du lotli. He understood that these recomnipji- iliitlons were supposed to b« made for the Interests of cotniiierco, nnd he did not see » hy our chlel of englnoors slioujcl, j o ir nftoi JMr, recommend the s.mio amount foi »harbor that has no commerce to spejik of •s lor one that hn« a large commerce. Mr Mitchell, of the Tribune, then took "P tills, cudgel and Jald about him with It "nnWlfully, Mr.5D. S. Cash followed with a brilliant speech on the subjeot, ihow- ng plainly the disci inilimtlon against Du- uih and tile lamenesi of our past action In he matter of harbor Impiovcments.' Upon "Is motion a committee of five was appoint- fi »lth Captain McDougall a" clwlnniiii/1 "confer with tho hoard of englDepiB about "is proper rcLOmmendutlons for onr harboi ""," J-om.ernln«: tho best use of Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, CQTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers'. Goods Geneialty. ;|34and 35 South-st, New York. Prlatlong w|,on ,m„i,,. n, 8 {<usw o f Jollim, - - - - • appro- is wliou made. D. S. (' Johnson, Z. D. Sum and A. S Chase , «™ made members of thU coininittee. thfiM ?'t,(mien have uliciuivuntereil "Pon „„','",r* ""(l pnrpo'e to leme no stone of™ Td !!nt11 ,,le Picsentdl-ginicfuJ Mate ur llllrl>05 -'euiej to be ncrjlug slmme. 15. .THE. marine RECORD SIGNAL LAMPS, -with- ' 7) Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. • GET THE BEST & AVQID COLLISIONS. - There Mimps giro a mora tirillnut Unlit,linn any Slanal Lamp now In iik They havo toon adapted 1«\ Iho principal Ocran and I-nlio 8tennwi\ml V«>ielv.»nd aroforsnlotntho principal ports on I ho Atlantic count nnd IwIcca FrenclTWrought'lron Ranges and B oilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured by Send lor <ai lingua. Felthousenjfe Russell, 130 * 141 MAIN ST., HUFFAr-O N. V.' THE /ETNA GRATE. G. i BABNHS, A£t this Improved Shaking' Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. Glotc Iron Works. Maunfac's. Office nnd Foundry corner of Tim and &|mu-e-HU , CLEVELAND, O. f Established in "1834. Manufacturers of all kinds of MARINE ENGINES AMD -----. lOTIACHEI. , or. Detroit & Center-Sis, CLEVELAND, 0. ST. -MARY'S OHIO ELIER, OHIO MONTPELlfc 0#B FACTORIES. URECKENRIDGE, MICH CARROLLTON, MICH DE 6RAUW, AYMAR HO -7 ju\t kacu'Rhjis A\b nu'oinms or Cyclone Stcam Flu?"clcancr „ for horizontal and upright boilers FROM H TOI II IWCHtt II CRES^ENTMANUFAGTURINaCO, OLBVBLATMbV oytiy D.a.A. BQDIFIELDI CO »! 8 South Water-st Cleveland Agents for Akron Rubber Oo.'s ' Valves, Hose, Packing, etc. W. W. LOOMIS, Brie, IFa., SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Hailing TutfH, trucking, lteimlrlng iuhI 1'lor lllllldinunitllMaatLjiniirn\eil l'luIIUIib. All Work Guaranteed Correiporidence Solicited N. C. PETEESON Boat Builder, UKASURt 110AI8 AM) RAKING AND STKAU YACHTS, YA1VI I10AT8 HIOONOAIIS, IfrtKltlSO WHEKLfl ETC. 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DKrUOlT. MICH.__________^_ BUTTS COAL CO., [i imumi ] r Oiil3r ^v£in©rs of BVTT& CAMEL GOAL, ■nd denlera In Oa« Coal", Nat Coob, and Steam Coal for ril|<«, Biriiti, e c. CLARK I. BUTTS, CLEVELAND O ■ (Iwierii) Malinger. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. IIOnCNTK * UTEAU ClfveUml, <OAL Ohio moB • wiek at Imrae 85 00 mitnt In* 1'aj aliwlutilr SDD anro No rls«. <5|iital n»t rrqiilre.1 il^ler, II foi «ant bnaluua at wlilcli |i«r.iiii» ol MilMrtu, '"" "...I.i ..„ milir urLiii nurall llw llraa ILej jouugordd" uii> makr ptal I'ur all' ih« llraa IL.j work with at<nliiWotrialnly, wrllo for parUculara lo 11 Mlnxm- , Wo , 1'orllau I Main. F. * H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Mannfactnrf rs of Hoiel Ran£es & Lanndry Stoves, 'anil Dealers in i U8 SlU'CHIOn hi'., CLEVELAND, O. Phoenix Paint Co., HU N UFACTP-REHS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. ofhci" AsnrAcroity 3fi Micoigao St.. CLEVELAND, OHIO, V. D.KICRERSON, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. Vesselmen SrlOCI.l) IIAVK OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Cmitalnlntt nil poiim of MAHINK LAW «b di- Icruilned by ihvUnltnl btntia Couits --------0N--------. Semnen, Owneri. PftlKhU, Obttrtart, Tnwnar©, ItcffUtry, CollUloni, Kni-oUwenU, Genrral Average, Common Cnrrleri, Duties of Heathen, Matters ft Ownori, Ulllof LHillntf, ^Vatfei, Ac. Tim toIuuiu li haudiomely bouni) in itiff Do*rtl co*«rt, aud lino ttnirllBh, cloih blndliig Ueurto any ltd ires* pputi^e pild fur $1 DO Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE 7BRY BEST MAKE Steel and Iran Wire Hope nnd all Itn Flttlngi. to m Sum f atot, CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE, 2T©-w Ircn. TTj.g\ Dimomiona 78 foot long, 17 foot beam, 11 foot doom draft, 01>2 feet, engine. 20x20, new ■tool boi oi 7 fc«t in dl iinoter,It ftot long, nllowed 112poiinil8Hloim Xhreo Iron hredat book* fnrwnrd, coIIIcIod bulkbeiid forward.' water tight bulkhead forward of boiler, iron boo! bunkers, water tight hulk head aflat shaft glnnd, with Wuier tight iron deck .forming the floor or after cabin Iron detki tmlwarkaand deck housei, Iron tow pofti nft, HeATy anglo Iron framen, with rovcHc bara on tl* torntito frmici. %plalo at eel floor pluiefl, boiler, an* glut and bearing, foundation of Iron., For sale cheap when mnehihory nn bo completed by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. FOR SALE. Quarter Interest in tbe lamo Tag Samson. One of the mo»t powerful tugi on the lakes She wu buillatSt Catherines by Shfckiunn rebuilt In 1881 and measures 181 [ntftv] tonnage, Bhe 1b itrufght A2. with laiurance r lunlion of 916,000, and can bo insured for 910,000 Will ie;i quarter for 83 -100, part caih, hfll- unco on eaiy tenha. Addreu Marine lixcoiip ^ For Sale or Exchange, Tug Annie Robertson. Length OTOr all 51 8-10 feat, breadth 18 8 10 teat and depth ot bold 0 foot, draws 6U foot of water, muuurea 0 *I-I00 (now) tons and 18 11-100 old- flullt in \880 and rebuilt this sprlnff, now dock frames and cabin, Marine Record Oi hce .' FOR SALE. Her length U 1.85 feet, bi«m 20 feet, and hold 10 feel 10 inched Bailor 17 feet long 7 feet dinmeter, tl^rea (hies, two 1* inch and one 17-lncb Engine 22wff. Carrka^O.OOOfoctof lumber Speed,, 11 miles llpl and 11*2 loaded. Insurance ruluatfon, MA 800 Ad¬ dress Mamm* HkcokdOfflco, No 2 South Wafer street. Cloveland, O FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. Dimensions of bull 05 feet over all \6 foot beam, 6 feet hold, and mcasuruj 48 ton* with 7 U.M droit, 6m be iiindo 6 fcot draft Tbe ongluo, 18x20 Is In first-claa* condition, with oil new brasses, new rltiga In cylinder anil turns a slx-fdut wlicel which wns new last season Tbe boilor 1b one renr old, H largo enough to hma wood or coi)l and isullowul IIK) noundsnf Hiiam. P«We W "Oil, nnd must bo wold Inside of thirty dnys MA1UNK ItKCQKI) OVFlLlt. AdiWen FOR SALE, ' of Keller's I lit rdlmt unions arc fiOfoet lung H 'terbiam -1 feet dpplb of hold 8ho Is tliroo yearn old nnd In gmid con dltlun Addrtsti Joi'v ltuMn imkii . K« lltj'n iHlsnd O FOR SALE, THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBU.LAH liOILl It UlucbeadU ainoter 4J tubm 3 Injiua dlHiuuter and 12 feet lonf. steam drum UOinchoe (TlamoUr 40 lncbos high, froni grntts, jlltings and breeching*, g od order SI O^D HAND MAHINK HOILMt, In good order, Shell, 7-10 inch iron plutv i]lnuieter, t» fiot fl Incbw ltiugth, IK feet, l.!f> ti|bca 4 Inches In diameter, 11 feet 4 Inches long, three flue* 18 hiohe* dl>ini«ter. 'wo flues 16 inches dliuiptcr, two tluti \0l-2 inches d In meter, lira GoXiflJeet lonfi, 4 feothlgh, steam chimney, 7 feot high. SFCOVDIIAND MAUINLBOII Ht four juet wide, Cl-Jdet long, fi feet high, slxt)*!i>ur 2 l-U uioli tubea GO hit hits long cast Iron bruchng, (, >od us new SECOND HANDMAllINF FSCINP <leUbl*<lUecU ficiiiih-Bxti Ineht) Under, fclnift und wheel for yacht or tut, feood as n#H 897177 294014

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