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Marine Record, May 22, 1884, p. 6

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6- THE MARINE RECORD. V .fcffKE JlND OCEAN TRAfVIO. ■ ' IN HIBTOniCAL SKETCH CONTAINING VALUA¬ BLE INFOItMATlON. SfMnl Comiftmdentt 0/ Ihi Hartm lUari. DamoiT, M)(y 10. The pnsaugo of vends from tho lnkea to the oconn, which toojc 1tB rise ns tnrly m 1844, Mini wns more gcnornlly entered lnl» ln"18S0 nnil DKbaequont yenrs, did not At nny time meet tho expcctiitloni ot those who tnnde the venture. Tho ciiiisoB might Imve been foreseen mid were obvious for sevcrnl reasons. In tho first plnce vessel cargoes . were limited In quitrtiftv, owtnjf to the en- mils lending from 'the' Inkee to tho ocenn wJilch would not n'dmlt the pnssngd of ves¬ sels rnrrylnK beyond 20,000 bushels of groin mid it llko proporlloi. of loimnge as .rcgnrdu other kinds of freight. To these difficulties may be added canal tolls and port charges,' which were, to say the least, eihorbltiuit. Why then, It may be asked, did so ninny Venture In tho under tailing? To this If may bo Br.le.fly stated that during1 that period fi eights between New York and Liverpool commanded a higher figure than over pre¬ viously known, while on the other hand the lake marine was vis Ited by a decadence, the fourth that had ever taken place on fresh waters. This stagnation ol business came on In 1858", and -was foreshadowed . by many for three years previous. A large number of vessels were lying Idle In nearly all the lake ports., while the" few that were employed worked with | the margin, on thewiongsldeof the ledger. The vessels that went to sea were no 'onger re¬ quired here, and the anticipation of disposing of them In foreign countries or finding employment In coasting while there, stimulated, many owners to hazard the ven¬ ture. While a few were successful in the latter move others were disappointed, and it may bo added that from first-to last the hike jind ocean trade never proved a success^anb It is doubtful that with the present low rates of freights between New Tork and Liver¬ pool the experiment will ever again be re¬ vived. In the following table we present a showing of the vessels thus employed from the beginning, cargoes, points of shipment and destination. As it will be seen, quite a ■ number having lumbercargoes went no far¬ ther than the sea coast, yet the results were jnuch (he saipe orv'eltber hand. The first voyages were made from Lake Ontario to Liverpool, and not until I860 were ship¬ ments made from the upper lakes: 1844—Brlgantlne Pacific, Captain George Todd, wheat and flour, Toronto to Liverpool. 1840-—Schooner Lilly, Captain Hunter, Btaves, Kingston to Liverpool. "-• 1847—United States revenue steamer Dal¬ las. Oswegd-to New York. 1848—Schooner Lilly. Captain R. Gaskln. flour, Kingston to Liverpool. 1840—Brlgantlne Eureka, Captain William Man roe, passengers, Cleveland to California. 1850—Schooner Sophia, Captain R. Gas¬ kln, flour and wheat, Kingston to Liverpool; propeller Ontario, 'Buffalo, to California; ichooner Scotia, staves, Kingston to Liver¬ pool. 1863—Schooner Cherokee, Captain R.'Gas- kin, flour, Kingston to Liverpool. 1854—Bark Arabia, Captain John Calder, staves, Kingston to Liverpool; schooner Cataraqui, Captain R. Gaskln, staves, King¬ ston to Liverpool; schooner Eliza May, Cap¬ tain Hunter, slaves, Kingston to Liverpool. 1855—Bark Reindeer, Captain Farwell, Slav, s, Kingston to Liverpool. 185(1—Schooner D.RIohmond, l.'optaln 1). C. Pierce, staves, Detroit to Liverpool. Ib57—Schooner Madeira Pet'came over from.Liverpool and returned with staves; hark C. J. Kershaw, Captain Moore, sravei, •Detroit to Liverpool; ship City of Toronto, general caigo, Toronto to Liverpool; bark Reindeer, Captain Farwell, general cargo, Toronto to'Llverpool. 18D8—Schooner Indian Queen, staves, To¬ ronto to Liverpool; bark Chieftain, Captain B. S. Wolvin, staves, Detroit t<> LI\erpoolj bark II. E.Howe, Captain Day, lumber ami staves, Detroit to Liverpool; brig Black Haw k, Captain S. Alexander, slaves, Detroit • to Liverpool; schooner Col. Cook, Captain {Humphrey, staves, Detroit to Liverpool; schooner D. B. Sexton, Captain T. A. Burke, slaves, Detroit to London; schooner Corre¬ spondent, Captain Robert-JeOrer, wheat, Detroit to Liverpool; schooner C. Reeve, Captain S. M. Hall, staves, Detroit to Liv¬ erpool; schooner Harvest, Captain H. Rum¬ mage, staves,*Detroit to Loudon; bark E. T. Adams, Captain Nelson, lumber, Toronto to Llvcipool; bark D. C. Pierce, Captain T ><is. Kl'ltl, staves, Detroit to Liverpool; bark C. J. Kershaw, Captain Moore, kimber and staves, Detroit to Liverpool rscliooner R. II. Harinon,»Captalii. Hjlntoon, staves, . Detroit to Liverpool; schooner J. F. War¬ ner, Captain A. R. Manning, staves, Detroit toGreVnock; bsrk-Pamells J. Flood, Cap tain Anderson, lumber, Gieen Bay to the West Indies. 1850—SchoonerG. D.Douimnn, Captain J. M. Smith, staves, Detroit to London; schooner C. H, Walker, Captain Sol. Rum¬ mage, staves, Detroit to Liverpool; sobooner Gold Humeri Captain'J^W. Pomeroy, and StJHolona, Captain S.'M. Hall, staves, Detroit to Cork; bark Chieftain, Captain B. S. Wolvin, staves, Yvallaceburgt6Liverpool; sohooner Hugh Barclay, Captain C. J. Chad wick, staves, Bear Creek to London;, brig Black Hawk, Captain S.° Alexander, wheat Chicago to Liverpool; schooner J. F. Warner, Captain A.. R. Manning, staves, Detroit to Greenock; schooner M. S. Scott; Captain 'Nelson Blend, walmit, St. Jo¬ seph to Cowes; schooner R. il. Harmon, Captain Thomas A. Burke, staves, Detroit to Liverpool; brig J. G. Deshler, Captain Charles Gale, staves, Detroit to Liverpool; schooner Evelyn Bates, Captain J. Peterson, BlavCs, New Baltimore to Liverpool; schoon¬ er Grand Turk,Captain J. H. Starkweather, ship plank, Detroit to Hamburg; bark Allies, Captain A. Farwell, staves/Detroit to Cork; schooner -Vanguard, Captain A. Davis, staves,.Cleveland to Liverpool; schoonei Republican, Captain Covllle, staves, Milan to Cadiz; bark D. C. Pierce, Captain Thos. Pennington, staves, Detroit tr> Liverpool; bai k W. S. Plerson, Captain A. Root, staves.' Black River to Greenock; bark Masslllon, Captain Lloyd, staves, Cleveland to Liver¬ pool; school,or Messenger, Captain J. M. A veiUI, lumber, Buffalo to Boston; schooner Adilatle, Captain J. B. Hall, staves, Ashta¬ bula to Boston; brig Caroline, Captain D. N.jMnlott,-staves Detroit to Liverpool; bark Magenta, Captain Hopkins, slaves, Green Bay to the West Indies; schooner .Indus, Captain Humphrey, lumber, Milwaukee to Boston; schooner Union, Captain W. Zea¬ land, Hamilton to Liverpool; schooner Mus¬ kingum, Captain Hlggins, walnut, Toledo to Boston; schooner Clifton, Captain Mer¬ cer, lumber, Sandusky to Richmond, Va..; schooner Energy, Captain R. Dill, oats, Os¬ wego to New York; schooner Typhoon, Captain Talcott, coal, Detroit to Boston, Mass.; brig Sultan, Cftiptaln Webster, ooal Buffalo, to New York; schooner Alida, Cap¬ tain Sheldon', staves, New Baltimore to,Bos- ton, Mass ; schooner Ada, Captain Clifford, walnut, St. Joseph to Providence, R. I.; schooner K L Bruce, Captain Mlxa, and schooner Kf Id Spangler, Captaln_A. Nichol¬ son, \va|niit, Toledo to Boston; schooner Me¬ tropolis, walnut, Toledo to New York; schooners W. B. Castle, Captain Nlokeison, and Sarah Hibbert, Captain Hmitoou, ooal, Cleveland to New York; schooner Vak-ila, Captain Thomas Donahue, lumber, Cleve¬ land to Boston, Mass.; tug Uncle Ben, Cap¬ tain F. S. Miller, lumber, Bullalo to Boston; tug Decatur, via Mississippi, from Milwau¬ kee to the seaboard; tug W. F. ( ushlng,' Chicago to Portland, Me.; tug Perry, Lake Michigan to New Orleans; tug President, Milwaukee to the seaboard. 1860— Sohooner Bay of Qulnte, lumber, Toronto to Liverpool; scjiooner Geo. Lald- law, Captain Campbell, oats and peas, To¬ ronto 10 Liverpool; schooner West Wind, lumber, Toledo to Boston, Mjiss.; schooner* Fashion, Captain James Draper, and Geo. W. Holt, Captain Chas. Haiiscombe, walnut, Toledo to Boston, Mass.; schooner Nep¬ tune, Captain Robert GiiekJn, staves, Toron to to Liverpool; schooner Illinois, Captain B. S. Wolvin, staves, Wallaceburg to Liver¬ pool ; brig J. G. Deshler, Captain Chas. Gale, staves, Detroit to Liverpool; schooner W. H. Merrllt, Captain McDonald, timber, Wal¬ laceburg to Liverpool; schooner Sophia Smith, Captain Butler, walnut, Toledo to Boston, Muss.; schooner White Cloud, Cap tain McTaggart, lumber,Gri'en Bay; schoon¬ er Charmer, Captain Comstock, wheat, Bul- talo to New York; bark Plymouth, walnut Hamilton to Liverpool; hark J. F, Park, Captain Duncansnn, timber, Belle River to Liverpool; bark Pride of Canada, Captain' Wales, staves, Toronto, to Liverpool; steam¬ er Northerner and steambarges Peerless, New York, America, Canada, A.'rabla,iLake Ontario to New York City; bark Niagara, Captain Hamilton, staves-, Hamilton to Liv¬ erpool ; bark Ntirman and brig J. H. Harmon, corn, Chicago to Boston; schooner Valeria, Captain Nlckerson, .lumber, Cleveland to Boston; schooner J. F. Warner, Captain A. R. Manning, staves, Detroit to Greenock; brig Caroline, Captain D. N. Malott, staves, Detroit to Liverpool; schooner St. Albans. Captain Scott, walnut, Chicago to Liverpool; bark Chieftain, Captain McGlashan, flout and meal, Toronto to Liverpool; bark E. 8 Adams, Captain Nolan, and. bark Alexander, Captain Mulr, limber, Wallaceburg to Liver¬ pool; schooners Twin Brothers, Captain W. A. Smith and Twin Sisters, Captain W. Jack son, walnut, Toledo to Boston; schooner Gem, Captain Mercer, corn, Chicago to Bos ton; schooner Forest City, Captain Lovell, lumber, Detroit to Boston; schooner R. N. Harmon, Captain T. A.* Burke, staves, De¬ troit to Liverpool; tug Salvor, Captain f • M. Hall, Buffalo; propeller Lacrosse, Buffalo to Galveston, Texas'; tug Gordon Grant, Mil¬ waukee to the sea coast; tug Geo. O. Vail, Captain Ear), Buffalo toNow York; sohoon¬ er Chief. Captain JolinJJorrU, walnut, De¬ troit to Boston; sloop Chance,Captain James Dunn, Cleveland to New York; bark T. F, Park, second trip, Captain Duncansoii, wheat, Milwaukee to Liverpool; steatnbargu Maple Leaf, Lake Ontario to NewYoik City. . ■ A Continuation ot the foregoing will ap¬ pear In a future issue,' with other Inlorma- tlon more or les* Important. J. IV. II. , C. E.. BENHAM, 317. Detroit Street, REErS IN STOCK I Lubricating and Lamp Oils of the Best Qpality, ■ AMD A GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS, CROCK¬ ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY, OPEN DAY. AND NIGHT, TELEPHONE-N|£ 1040. STEADY SMRBQplRD ' AND STOP AT Capt. Dah Ike's ONEPRICEBOOTANDSHOE STORE- And Examine a Finn Line ot Spring Gond§ nt Vary Low Frlcei. 297Pfiarf-st.,Cleveland,0. F. & H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Mannfactnrers of Hoiel Ranges & Laundry Stoves, and Dealers id House Furnishing Lioods. 128 8UPEHIOR ST., CLEVELAND; O. CRUMMOND'S Mackinac Line, For Mackinac, Bt. Tgnace, Cheboygan, Alpena^ Oacods, Port Huron, Detroit nnd Intermediate likmnrt rlror porta. Steamer ATLANTIC, Oapt. D. Nioholson, Leavei^lopniwd every Friday eyonUig at 8 o'clock,,. The Steamer FLOBA, Captain J. E, Jonea, Same line. Icavoa Toledo for above potts every Tuesday morning m 8 o'clock. For further information apply onlraara boat's or to CLEVELAiN [> FORWARDING CO.. Ageota, Office and Dock, Foot ot Superior-it., Cleveland. TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE UIORE A MICHIGAN SOUTHERN COmmsjiirdng Sunday, .May 1), 1834, at 13 o'clock noon the lime given In the ujurn below li th< sow standard (Ninetieth meridian) time, which I» thirty-thne min¬ utes alower than Cleveland time proper; Eastward/ r Arrive" I 'Depart. •1 10AM •6 85 A M , M 05 AII 10 IS tru No 4. Fait Limited Expreaa,.. S«I,NY,S1A: Expr.es.......... No 2li, Elyrla Accommodation.... Mo tit), Buffalo Ac'm vlaSandusk No SO, 1 oledo Accom via NorwalklfiO 85 A II No 12, N Y i. B Fail Kxpreia..... '1 65 P « No 14, Special NYiDoi Bxpree No2, Night Ex'vie Norwalk..... JJoK, Night Ex via randutky.. •12 05 a u «7 00au 9 40F1I tt 4a I'll 10 50 A M 10 60a U 1 25PM 5 00PM tlO 00 r M No 20, Oonpeaut Accommodation f4 25 r M, Weatward. ] Arrive. I Depart, No I,Fiat Ltalttd Expraea_.....,. itji o& A m No 23,Mith Exnmi via SandulVyl "8 15 am No 8. Chicago Erprera vja " .. |( 05 a M No25, Hlcli Accom Nonr.lt..... [.,............ Na 21, Toledo Ex via Norwalk... +12 lira No 5, St Loula Ex via Bandually.. f 12 15 p M No ll.Cbi Phc Fx via Norwalk.... »0 00 p M No 81, Elfrla ao to Elyrla only.................. No 27. Conaeaut Accommodation! f8 10 a u •12 06am <D3iVM 0 80am ■W 10 am « SO r m 12 40 P M •6 *' P M t4 80 r n bunday train for Nottingham^ Depart 8 80 a. m. and 1 45 p. m.; returning, leave Nottingham tit 0 05 a. a. and 8:45 p. ai. Beforenca marka— • Daily, f daily, aveept Sunday, {daily, except Monday. For full Information ne lo tnln.Rotl cotiliat.tionB ap- nl> at the now city llck*t oftiLC, corner scneca and ^t Clairatrcoll, Lttkeliliore block. ' BEE LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI & INDI- ANAPOU8. • Commenctna Sunday, May 11, 1884 tratnaof tho Bee Uoe—.< levelmid, Culumbua, Cincinnati & ludiau- apolia Ittril^H' — will liavr nml arrive ut ("luvuiuti'l aa follow., thNTHAI. HTAMJAllll TIMK, Hi iiiinutea alower than Ct« tlatid time. No. 4, Clnoh nuti & rolttliltiuB ExprCH,,.. No. 29, < iallon 4 vt healing Expren.......... No.0, Col., On., Ind t St. Eoull Ek... No, 6, Cot Cta„ l«d. 1 St. Loula Expreaa.. No.i7,Qallion ft CX A W. Acq......„....... No. 8, Col. 4 Cio. ic Ind. Expraai.............. No, iO.Galllon 4 C. L 4 W. Ace_____..... No 12, St, Louti& Indlauapolla Kxpren..., No. 2i Col. Cln. 4 luiliunapolls Expreaa..... No, 14; Columbui ,1' Cincinnati Expreu..... No. 22. Wheeling Expreu ,..'................. Ho,aTta>l,.OIn iH.T. Fail Ijne....... UopurT. "*T»tlAM 0:40 A M •0:40 P M •.aasPM t.-SO I> M Aiaava. •0 40 A M B 110 A JT •2 00 P II 9 60 P M > 4.15 P M 0-45 P II 1 16 A M '".^1 ""• . ••" " ; * ""T"u....... t iu /. n, TVaini marked • dally, all other tralna dally exoapt Sunday E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, 0enteral Manager. Traffle Manage*. A. J. SMITH, Oineral PaaatiDgur Jgent. CLEVELAND, OHIO. ' M Yort, Pennsylrania & fliiio m -^—,-------------_ , "•• 1»«W YORK, BOtTOIT AND TOB MtM^ - ■Hit Nhprlasit atiirl QnlakMt Bontc |* m(i. , bnrt, Wauhlnirton and BalUrtM^ ■ad that •nntbwai. ■, Central or NJnjtiolb Marfdlan time. St mlnnau j„_ er than tlevoland city time. • '- - """""»» Until iurthar nntloa tralna will leave' (mm il. . Contra!Depot, South Watar .treatand VliduelaVfJf. ujo a, m. raM.7.c„gE.ThX»ss" Leavlttahurgli 8:8» a,, rn. to. New YorkE'25 Hoi on without ohangn. Arriv.. at Xleadtlll,™%£* m. dlnncrUTranklln. al 12:08j) m, Oil Or» lili«i » « rn , Buffalo 5-60 p, m Kooheator 6jS0 p. m.i HoenSf^ vUlo OjOO P m. [aiipnerli qornlna: 7.25 6. nT. btofiafc " :20 p. m. ,iW""~------- 'Ing at N»w York 8:18Yin. ™"°" ii n m L",IT,EI) .EXPnEss-Througii pnt|. II Ui 111. man aleeplng; coach from ClwalaadtV New York. Arrlvae at MmiIvUm) at 6:80 p. m JamJJ town 8:47 p. m., Salmniinea 0:43 p, pj., New YtS 10:10 a. in. "■ llornellaVlllo Anlvo at Yoiittgittown ut 1-M a ™ Meadvlllc 8:25 a. m., Corry 4:5115. m. JainMlowne !?.' m, Buffalo 0:20 a. m„ IbMheaier 12*8 p, m., Hor„MiJ' villo,11.00a m .Corning 12:07nm. Elmirafa"oPT' Blnahampton 2 10 p m„ Now Vork 0:10 n m. Anh! at Plltaburgli 5:»0 a m. wltltoift oltnnge ^n* 9'9(l il ID "TTanuiWtK EXPiTess - Daily _ 6,iV J, 111, Through without change, Parlor oar al. Incited Atrlvea at Younaatown B.'OO n m„ pttuh,™ 8:02 p. m., Waahlnaton Uo a. m , BaltlmoTe's^O ..,? i'1. 11 ID 2 A".0NKP„ AOMMODATION- ' «iil lli 111, Stopping atoll way a'auom, arriving al . YoungHtown 0:55 p. ■»., Shaion 8.01 p. m., Sharpaivllit tjilU p. Ilia ' C^n'n m PITTSBURGH EXPRESS-Dally _ OiflU d, 111. Through without clttun. Arrfva. Z YounMotrellllOt.1,1, Sharon 10.80 a. m„ BltajiJ. villa ».401 a. m„ Pltiibitrgh 12 48p m., E^tnrSn. leavei Httaburiili at 4.16 a. m., 7j45 a. ri., IJaji pTi" and S:4jp m ' •• 111 1ft Q Til YOUNOKTOWN AND PITTBBUHQH 1U 00 d m, ACOMMOnATIONHitopnlng at a? Way atatloni, arriving at Youngatown l:4Dp,B..PItti! burgh, 6.46 p. to. - , Tralna arrivp at Cleveland,-6:15a. m.^tJOn m lO.aOat m; IK» p. m„ and 0:46 p. ra, '"■"•'•"'•i eW-Tbla la the only route by whtob tuaieiuna can raaoh Corry Elmlra, Blngbampton, New YgrTcitT and Intermediate notnta without ohange. No ehanie to Boaton and New England Cltlea. " Baggage checked through to all polnia Kait Through uoketa aocT information regarding,, the route can be obtained at the offloo 131 Bank atnaf, ana at new Depot of N. Y., P 4 O H B., South Wataratwit and Viaduct, Cleveland, Q, A. E. CLABK, Uen'l Paea'r Ag't Cleveland, O. J. SI FERRIS, Gen'l Man'gr, Cleveland, O. al. L. FOUTM.gataenger Agt, m Bank St. Cleveland. JThe^Niickel-Elate! new York, .Chicago * sT. iocw BAII.WAT. t -Tfj8 paaiengor equipment of thla New Trunk Line rIa all new and l» aupplled with the lateit appltancea neceautry t^o safe apeody ond comfortable travel. At Chicago, paaaenger tralna anivtf at and leave from the Union lloitot, Vttn Buren aureel. Following is Hie time in effect Nov. 18,1186, and un¬ til Xurther. notice: ^ GOING EAST. Lv. Criltago.........7.45 a m.......„.................. Arr. VMiinialw,. 0.87 " .................... " • Fort Wayne. 1.00 p. m.....................,',.......™ '< New Haven. 1.85 ' ......................'........ " We»t Lelpiio. 8.46 " ................................. " Arcadia......... 4.44 " ............ Foatorla.........4.67 Green Springe 6 44 " 6.10 • " " Beilevtte..... 6.1 Lv. Bellevue.........0.20 " 766 a. m. ... Ar. Lorain............ 7,50 "' O.lfl " Aecom. ArrQevelund....... O.OJ ' 10J3 " Lv. Cleveland.... _ ........... 10.27 ' 852 p. m Arr Paineavllle............... 1.1.33 " 6'05 " Aaltlabula...................,. 1225 p.m. 6 0S " Conneaut....................... 1.J5 " 6.80 „ "Erie.............................. 2 OK * ............ " Dunkirk.....„.................. 3.47 " .....„..,.. . " Buffltlo..,„.„................... 6.20 "• ........... OOINO WEST. Lv Buffalo......... . 0.60 a. m. •.............................. Air Dunkirk......:....U.24 " ..........,........... " Erie............... 1.23 p. m.................... Leave "Conneaut........ 2 20 " .................. 6.15a.m. " A.ntAbullc....... 2 51 •' ...........,..... 646 " " Palttesvlllo......8 44 " ................. 7 48 ' " " Cloveland........ 4.*52 ", ............... 8,65 '^ Lv Cleveland........4.57 "— 6.47 a. m.............. Ar Lorain ..........012 •' 7.85 ■' ...........„ Arr Bellevue.........785 " 0.17'" .......... Lv Bellevue....................... 0.20"" - ............... " Green Spring*. .............. S.44 " ............. •'Foatorla.........................1022 " .............. 1 Arcadia..........................10 84 " .„......„. " Weat Lelp.lc.................11.80 " ..........; " New Haven ................ 1 85 p. m................ ;" Fort Wnyne... .,............. 1 50 " >' Valpralao.......,. i.............. B 66 " ............... '• Chicago,-..................... 7.60 "............... Through tlcketa lo all polnia are on aaloat ptinclpal . ollllh a ottlie contpatiy at luwiot itATliH foranycluu of ticket. (1 Blred Buggnge checked to tleatlnation"^ Fur itiforniatlou, call ou nanroat agent of the Com¬ pany, or addrea. . B. F. HORNER, . " Geo'l Patuonger Ageet, LET'IS WILLIAM", • Genem] Malinger. Cleveland, o. f for tho working riant. Send ten conte far iioi- __,__lege and we trill mall you Jrte, a royal, valua¬ ble box of aatnple gooda tbut will -nut you in tho way of making moro-niouay in a few daya than you ever thought poulblo at uny bulincaa Capital not required. Wo will Hart you. Yntt can work all the lima or io enero lime only. The work in universally adapted to both ioxe., young and old. You enn eaally earn from 60 ceota to S3 ovory evening That all who want work may toat the bii.lncae, wo make thla uuparalloil ofler, to all who art not well satisfied we wilt aeud 91 to | ay for the trouble of writing u». Full particulars, direc¬ tions, etc.. sent toe. Fortunea will be made by those who give their whole Ume to t«e work. Great luccesa abaolutely auto Don't delay titan now. Addrraa Stwwn a Co , Portlantl, Mulne. (CURE fits; When TTiy ciiitiltlitii.ii inat.ii mural» in »top lliiim fir ■ t1nm*uidtIiintiAvit1inmniumuft1n,Im0«n»rMl>attlciir» imVvJJi.!!rt* ,!,B <H-,,U»B of FITR, KPILMi-HV or FILLINU BlOltNKttB • II(• hmg nuill. Jwmr»ni myrtmody Ui extra tli* wont «uti Buc»uiu utli«ni h*vo Mlod U no ruuon for no» now rwolvlng « cur1*. Uomt ftt uuco lur • traiUaa tntl • Km UottU of my Infallthli romody. (Jlvo>ipr*Mntiii4 IVt onic#. It cnwliyou nolhln»;r.ir • trial, tud I wilt cu/« you ________idtlni.t Dr M. tf KOOT^IM PtMl It, N»wYnrlc., APDI7T? 8ontl wix 4bd(3 (or poiutgv, and roaciu l HiiJL. frou, u ooibly box of tfoodi. whjeli «rtll help you to mure money right tw»y tftw nnyflikig «iie hi thla world. AIL, of eliior wc. luwwd fwm /Wat bour. The broad road tt> foKiuio opwia bofom tho workern.nbstilutcly nuro. Atoow uddruu^TuuiiACo , Angustn, Maine.

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