THE MARINE RECOPD. , topmast blown' away to the northwest galo onthelBlh. The gohoonara Lumberman with shingles, awl BOhoonor 0. Amsdop, lumber, for Chi¬ cago, are, loading hero to-day, , The prbpfcller ton A.43ummlnRs li mak¬ ing trLweokly trips to Trawae Bay. C.-B. nuinrALQ. SptcM U II" Jforliu Btard. ^ Smith & DhvIi have been itpprnlsod of the fact that the Oroten, whloh left here last fall ' (or Duluth has arrived at that port with a cargo of railroad Iron, She Wintered at Mnrquetto. " * - The sohooner Michigan and Nloholson ar¬ rived from Erie a couple of days ago. UnsU ness being dull at present, John Frldgcon, jr., of-Detrolt, concluded that this would be a good' tlmo t» have some minor repairs made on them. The Nlchohon Is to receive a new rail, some stanchions,(orceaBtlo deck, etc, and the Michigan a new 'jlhboom, rail, several stanchions, an upper planksheeri The report that the entire upper works of these vessels needed rebuilding la erroneous. BTUnGEOtf BAY. The steamer Corona finally made her tlrat appearance at this port this Benson, on Tues¬ day morning last week, and she Is now a permanent fixture on the new route. ^ The bout also calls at Menominee going and com¬ ing from Sturgeon. Bay, which will make It more convenient still for the traveling pub- jlct aB it wiU'put the east shore towns of this county in dlreot communication with Menominee and the west shore. Captain E. B, Qraham has sold his scow Rover to the party who formerly owned1 the little Bohooner Fond-du Lao. The Rover has been lying on the beach near Egg Har¬ bor lor the past few seasons, but will be got uji, lepalred and put In commission by the new owner. ,_ Hagan & English's new Bteambargels rapidly nearlng completion, and the owners expect to have her ready" for business some time next month. Captain Lelth received orders to fit out the schooner Halstead and proceed to Manl- toulln Island, .on the north shore of Lake Huron, and load with cedar posts and rail¬ road tleSi , „- - 'ihe Gregory secured a tow ol foi$r>r*B8els last Monday night frem Menominee. They were the Do Ion DeWolf, Minnie Slauson, Adirondack and Herschel, all lumber laden. fills poit must have a coal wharf sooner 01 later, and the'enterprising individual who supplies the want will eventually make u Rood thing out of It.—Advocate. The United States steamer Warrington, Captain Scott, arrived fiom Detroit with the machinery for two fog whistles, which are to be erected at the hike entrance to the ship canal. Captain Davis, lighthouse en¬ gineer, accompanied the Wiirrlngton, whloli also brought material for the construction of the signal station and u force of men to construct the bplldlng. The work w 111 oc- cupy (rom ten weeks to three mouths. The whistles are ten Inches In diameter, and'un¬ der favorable conditions can be heard at a distance of eight or ten miles. The War- rlneton left for Escanaba for the purpose of giving Captain Davis an opportunity to visit Peninsula point, where It Is proposed to lo- cute 'a new .lighthouse. Before leaving the buy (he steamer visited tho Sherwood Point lighthouse to repair the clockwork of the revolving lantern, the machinery of which has given Captain Stanley soma trouble for several weeks. The Goodrich steamer began her season's work on the new route from Manitowoc to this port, via the Door, this week. She con¬ nects at Manltowoo with the boats running southward, and touches atullthe prominent ports on this peninsula, and also at Menom¬ inee, going both ways, making a route which is moio convenient fottho travelers and more interesting to the excursionist than any previous arrangement made by the Goodrich line. With four pnBsenger and freight steamers running on Gicen Bay, the corona, Musko- gon, Welcome and the City of Green Bay, there Is no lack ot transportation lacllitles, and business will need to bo lively it all of these Btearnors And paying employment. Indications are that the ship canal will not make bo favorable an exhibit this season as it did last year. Loworfielghts and lighter shipments cause many vessel! to enter and leave Groon Bay through the Door to avoid paying the canal tolls and towage bills. I roivr uunoN, The tohoonor L. L. Lamb lies »t the Wolvorlno drydook, In consequence ol a bad aooldont latoWedneaday night the 14th Inst, off Hecorse Point, on the St, Clult river. The wind having run away, she anohorcd close to the bank with headlights In position. Captain Buzzard hod just retired, when a terrible crash was heard, and the sohooner lurched suddenly to one side. The steam- barge Bhoda Stowart, bound down the river with several vesaoln In tow, was passing bja- tween the schooner and the channel banki a diatanco of about 100 feet. Hor last tow, ther barge Bonora, had Btruek the schoonor, whose jlbboom was carried away and bows orushejl In. The night .was pitch dark, and It Is suppoied the tteambarge misjudged the distance between the schooner and the bank ol the river. The Sonora Is thought to be uninjured. , RACINE, The schooner Julia Larsen, In enteilng the harbor without a tug, on Monday, struck the dock, and the anchor hanging over the side was crushed through her planks. The life saving crew kept her above'uater until her cargo of lumber docked., ABRTABVLA tURnOR. ' Special lo Ma Marine Record " The schooner George Sherman, which was taken Into Sand Beach Friday In a disabled condition, arrived In tow of the tug Cuahtng. On Saturday afternoon the tug Dragon was successfully launched at this port. The Dragon has been rebuilt and is nenrly the same form as heretofore, the only perceptible changes being that she Is fourteen Inches higher forward and eight Inches aft. Her machinery will be reset as sdou as possible. On Saturday a broken raft was discovered off thiB port and the Bed Cloud proceeded to capture what she could of the floating logs. She Beoiired between four and five hundred and safely stored them In this harbor. It Is not definitely known to whom they belong or what fleet lOBt tjie raft. * AMUkRSTBURQ. The Canadian government has notified Captain T. B. Hackett to show a red llghtpn Colchester reef, Instead of a white light There will now be no fear of her being taken for u vessel at anchor. The lightship has been stationed, seventy-five' lathoms to the north of the north edge of {he reef. Vessels can shave her close to tho north, but should give her a berth of at least half a mile to the south. The captain of the schooner George Sher¬ man, which was so roughly handled by the gale In Saginaw Buy, and towed Into Sand Beach by the tug John Martin, reports that the only thing that saved the schooner In' the heavy sens was the use of oil. They first tried kerosene, but It was too light. On try¬ ing linseed oil It worked like a charm on the waves, and coused them to break quite gent¬ ly against the vessel its she drifted In a help¬ less condition. flNOSXON. The Bteamyaoht Lancet has been sold by Dr. J. H. Brownlflw, of Ogdensburg, to Col. S. B. Hance, of Cape VlnCent for »3,750. The Lanoet Is the yacht that defeated Mr. Packor'sKlde-wheel yacht Sport In a matched race three years ago. The Empress of India made hor trial trip, from Ploton to Desoronto on Thursday. * Tho steam yachts Llzile and Minnie and tug Lily are hauled out on Captain Davis' drydockforropalrBand painting' Tho yachts arc Amerloaft river boats. The mall boats will call at their American ports after tho 10th of next month. BARN1A. Mr. Longhead has offered to sell his ferry leaso to the Port Huron companj lor $0,000 or he will take $1,0(X) a year. It Is under¬ stood tho company has offered hlni $100 tir $500 a year. Not a bad thing for Loughead when tho lease for tho -J" yearp cost him only $200. *~ PORT ARTltUR. The propeller J. 8. Seavems, sunk In ten fathoms of water near Port Aitliur, together with hor cargo, Is reported to bo a total loss. She first struck a lock near Mtohlplcoton rlvor. Her oaptaln tried to make Grove Cape to stiand hef, but tho vea-' sel went down. -OSWKIO. The schooner Delawitie, which has been lying through the spring below tho bildge, has dropped don n near the N. T. dock and will fit out for tho lako trade. Doxirrn. I SpKfollo the Marint Jtuord. Tho Grace Grumrrond, Captain Ed, Naplor's rocont purchase for the north shore routo, arrived from Chicago Sunday after¬ noon she la a small sidowhoel Bteamor; 140 feet long w!M feet beam and registers 105 tons. She was originally built for tho revlnue service, we bollevo, or at any rnto has the peculiar government out about her. She Is calculated to becomo popular with excursionists along the north shore. The propeller Prussia, from St. Cath¬ erines; J. T, Rose,'Duluth, agent, arrived Sunday and will trade henceforth between Duluth and Mlchlplcotten. > The Cltv ot Fremont, hns been selected by Leopold & Austrian to take the place of of the lost Manistee on the Lake Superior South Shore Line. Hany Hurdon, agont for the North- weatern^ansportatlon Co., ol Samla, will have his office at C F. Johnson's book store for this season, as formerly. Tho eenson at Duluth Is now open and in full blast thero'are at present in this harbor twelve large American steamers and three schooners, four large- Canadian steamers and one schooner, which, with about twelve tugs, give the harbor a very lively ap¬ pearance. B. All flour received over tho St. Paul and Duluth road and unconslgned will be shipped east ^a Ward's lino. The water In the hay la fully a foot lower this Benson than it was lafcjt, according to the government gauge near the piers. Captain Moyles, a Bay City tug man, came as far as A'gate Bay on the Stone and from there came to Duluth. The captain talks of bringing one of his tugB up here to do har¬ bor towing. i The long time it takes to unload and load at Washburn has caused an enormous amount of grumbling and cusBlng among the officers of the line steamers.—HeYald. MILWAUKEE, The tteambarge Smith Stopped atMllwaw kee on her last trip, whore slio was placed In drydock to'receive a new sheriff wheel. The Tbos. H. Smith made the run from Milwaukee loathe xianal In" twelve houis without crowding her. The new sheriff wheel makes a big dlllerencc In her speed, and the owners and captain are well pleased wtth the change. The new propeller cost $225 besides tho cost of docking, etc. The new steamer W. A. Haskell, of tho Chicago* Ogdensburg line, made hor first ap¬ pearance at this port Saturday this being her first trip on the lakes. She had a cargo from Ogdensburg, and after a few hours' stop here left for Chicago. The Haskell and her slstoi boat, the Averlll, were but recontly completed at. Detroit. They are allko in every respect ami were built oxpieasly for trade through tlif Welland canal, largest boats through the canal. The Averlll will nrrlvo here in u few days. The schooners John D. Merrill, G. C. Trqmpfl, and Ernstus Corning from1 Cleve¬ land, the schooners B. F..Brace from Ashta¬ bula, the steainbargo William Edwards, with schooners Golden Age and3 Charles Foster, from Buflalo, are on their way to 'thla port. The 'Edwards and her tow havo 5,600 tons of coal. The car barge recontly purchased by Mann Brothers, of this cltj, from Detioit parties, hns been chartered to carry 000,000 feet of lumber from Tan as City to Michigan City, at $2 per M. ( aptatn Davis, of tho revenue cutter Andy Johnson, yesterday received n letter fiom tho TrcaBiuy department, notifying lil|n of the assignment or officers to the Johnso^i for this sensou T'heio nrb several chnn, from last jcai Tlrst Lieut. Slaniuirwlio fof several seasons past hits been on the Johnson, has not been reappointed in his place, tho letter- from tho department stating that an appointment would be made later. Walter 8. Howland, will sorvo again as second lieutenant. aT^. Lowe, a now appoint¬ ment to the Johnson, Is to be the third lieu¬ tenant. Chief Engineer Collins remains, with Frank B. Itandull as lliSt-asslstaut engi¬ neer. No second assistant engineer haa been appointed. Tliootllccis will all mrlvo this week, ami the Johnson will, in all pio- Uihllity, lea\o on hoi first ciulso ol the sea¬ son on Saturday, She goes first to the foot of the lake The schooner C. C Trowbrldgo was docked nt the Milwaukee shipyard on Tues¬ day. CAPK VIN.CEN1. Spetlat to the Matin Hecori. A bill has been digued by the governor of this state granting tho Ogdensburg and Lake Champlatn R. R, O. the right to lease, purchase or build, and operate nnd run steamboats and other vesiols for the trans¬ portation pf pniscngerB nnd lrclght between Ogdensburg Its terminus, Morrlstown, Alex¬ andra Bay, Clayton, BroekVllle, Kingston, nnd other ports and places on the St. Law¬ rence rlvqr and upper lakes. . Messrs. Sheloy, Hance & Peo, have pur¬ chased the stenmysoht Lancet of Ogdens¬ burg, for excursions' and'towlng. t At this date In tho reason the St. Law¬ rence has never had so much 'travel of.ves¬ sels and steamboats before, nnd It la expected that It will largely Increase nt the season advances. Saturday excursions from Kingston on the'beautiful little steamer Maud will soon commence, J. H. K8CANA1IA. » 8pectal to the Marine Jltooril The Goodrich steamer Depere was here Saturday last. Captain Raleigh In command. The captain was uninformed which one of the. lino steamers.wlll be placed on theEscti. nnba route. Ore Is going out rapidly. The shipments are linger than ever betore for the same number of clays after the opening of navi¬ gation, and more craft are added to the fleet constantly from the grain licet. 1'he Morley, of the Wabash (Toledo & Buflalo line) took out a cargo tills week ns did ships of other lines which were nut with the trade list year, Tho lighthouse supply ship Dahlia, came In on Saturday to set the buoys and All the oil eaiiB, nnd got hard on Sand Point. The Owen pulled her-off. Ore shipments for tho season up to and. Including Wednesday, May Uth 1834: 141,022 tons, of which 60^437 came from the Marquette mines and 84,595 tons from the Menominee mines. E. G. f PBMWAS1.R. Special lo the S/urliiaJftfont, The fiiio now tng'bullt* here by Captain O. Heath for die Pentwnter Brick nnd Tile Company, has been completed in first class Btyle nnd will be commanded by Captain Horace Irons, n son of Captain Irons one of - our oldest hike pioneers and who took the first vessel Into Chicago ri\ei. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Omen of LiaiiTiioust Inspector. 1 Eikvknui Disrnici. [• Dnnon.Micir., May 21,1884, J The llgbthouae tender Dahlia, on her last rip, placed a spar buoy, painted in red and black horizontal etilpos.jon tho 18 foot shoal 1', miles N. by W. ••% W. from Wau- goshnnce lighthouse.' , Seventeen and a half feet of water was louud on the shoal. By order ol the Lighthouse Board. i^___^ F. A. Cook. Commandei U. SrioChiBpeStor eleventh dis¬ trict. I'HOl'OSALS. Kilt SUPPLIES Otfur o» Suit opLifk Sawmi Stations, 1 Ninth District, ' BlWAlo, N 1 . May 21,1884 J Sealed propoaaU will ba rocolvod At (bUonUe until 12 o'clock nooa ol Tuoaday tbo 101b day of Juno, 1831 tor fuhitihiiiK iiipplloB to bo delivered at Alaunsillie Mexico, (>»\vo«o, Clmrlolte, «nd llulhlo. N V,, Erin, Pa , Patnesvlllo, Cleveland and Baliduaky, O , uad Louisville Ky , (or the uao of the 1 Ife Saving Ser\ lie la the Nlnib life baving Dlalrlot.or ebewhero, for the llscalyear ondlltg Juno 80,1S&5 Thopu|>pltoa needed coaalat of apparatus, abip-clian- dlt.ry, furniture, puint, bardwaro, and nilacellanaoua artlclua, all of which are enumerated In tbj epeUtlca- llona attached to the forma of hlda, which may bi ot» talned ou application at this olllco "Yopomtlato bo aildroaatd to tho undersigned and In. ..»wl "Pronoioli for bupplloa " lherlxhtlareaervod lo reject anyo- all bids, and li wuivo defects, Kdeemid for tho lutorvst of the Govern¬ ment V. P DOHHINH Supt. Ninth Life Satins Dlstrla W. W. LOOMIS, SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING, Flstiluii Tuna, Wrecking, ltoyulrlni; and Fler lluUdliiu- with Moat Improved Fu4 llltioa. All Work Onaranteed. Correspondence] Solicited. _ FOll SALE. Quarter Merest lHtlie large Tng Samson, Ono uf ttiotnont i>o\\orfiil tn^n on tho Jula? blio warf built at st Ull.ui.iiis b) Shlclluiiu rebuilt In 18tlL anil men mires 1M [ixm ] U>nuiiRO. titm U Btrulxht A.' w ltd insurunco Y»lui,tlou of 810,000 and mil bo Itisurod torSlDOOO \\ 111 6d|i|Uii termor ^t \Q0 t.urt .aflh, b&l- uucooit ia*y teiius Address,Maiiial 1(h\>iid *