THE MABINE RECOBD. ff. J. WEm & CO., ■ Uhln BMl«r», V«l»«l OWMM ud AdmIi. WP [KSTAMMUnBO IN WflfJ.] B,VXilonil»tm lo 0"«Jl.rlng Venal, .n Hit JPjJ's1 'Slr|,", ln.n Or. Trnda, bath lor the aeaeon and InCAOE BUILOINB 101 8T. CLAIR ST., A"""'" Cleveland, Olilo. I TELEPHONC{ite*idVn«>\ no.' maa. fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Amotion elao «i«n I" % I"'"*'" ,,,d "h •' Iro° ^.^ng'jgoth'wi&r.Ht.. CM».Un,l, O. THOS. WILSON lUNAfllNO 0*NKR Wilson's Transit Line. fen. Torw irder. Freight and Veiael Agent. oapt d' m iii-rKFR caw. iinvitY brook /A M. BECKER & CO., Commercial BrokerV,and Vcaael AgriiU, •V..M1. chartered, niiwhrwl and aold. conlrarla made " for oonrwind homy frpl|itil« ■ .kt supftlnr mid i>nnlllm Iron <n«> rduitFiafiir iln lie trip nr »mi«in n »|)wlnl»y " CMeUi 0 110 Y$ater'6t "H«»n> W I rol^nim"' "n, iwa GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders of the Iron Steamer Onoco, Yacht Twilight, and Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS, OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPRO.VED LIFE BELTS. Warranted Twenty-four Lis. Bnoyancy AND-JULL WRIOBt OF CORK, According to Itaqalramaata of V. 8.' Inapavtyora. SUPERIOR TQ ALL OTHERS ALSO RING BUOYS. —UAKuritTumiRi or- le to order AT ONE MOORE and BARTOW, Stiip Brokers and Agents, No 181 Bt flair Slnul, Ilnom 27 CI FVI.I.ANU • Mill) PALMER & BENHAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, "New Hank Bulldlnp;, <oruer of Htipertor mid Hand Street, Clp\u1nii<l,Ohlo. CORDAGE * OAKUM. (.aini»of AMERICAN, RU8HIA mil ITALtAV HEMP of tue aerjr belt qua'rty DAY'S N01KI. MANII.AaudSISALmNDER TWINE Office No.,JI3 WALL STREET, NEW Factory, Bfrookiyn, N. Y w > w v. ►3 CO ► 9 OB Approved and adopted by tlic United Statea Board of Supervising Iiwpectorn ;nlno by tiro Ocenn, Lake nn<T Blver Steamer 1MORCAN&RICE, Yessel 'Brokers, Marine and -Fire Insurance Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce, nKTfiiJJTl MICH. Special attention paid to Chartering Vessels CAIT 7 W MlIXkK, OA1T It R MONTAGUE MILLER & MONTAGUE, milTTTII, MINN. Vtitel Brokers aod Marine and Fire Insurance Arjentl.jirid Board of Trade Welghmen. itoeclal altanllon r.uld~Emvirti;rlnir Venili, a| o wishing and Trimming1 cnrgoei. of Kraln Correspon deme Holloilod. ' .1LEV McDOUGALL, VESSEL AGENT AND. BROKER, Owner* and ma tera of vo*mU wlililog to get cargoed of grain liom this port will do well to confer with tne. Will be Kind to (urnlull information in regard to rar- ^oe., ilno in relation tt dork*, depth of water, di. n Dnluth. Affaw Buy (new Iron ore i-ort), I*ort Ar¬ thur, WMhburt^ AtmliUMl* ajid nil fHtiiiiii ntjrir the wttrtjndtif Lake tiki erior flood Kimn*» of men lur- niilitd oq ahort notice for i rimming wrK <n of jraio, ImiIIob »nd unloading hII klnda of frelKht__________ JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent and Broker, ll<>\ lflltl, DIII.tlTII, MINN. lite am Ag'tfor ColUngwood LinaofSteaman Ipmlal Attention 1'nlil to Chartering Vr»«rl». JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN & CO., ino ^ri" HiuiaL.oii:nLS« Patent Yaivl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Band. Also, Life fioats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A. V&Atf d. (0., tOOT OF ST, AVBIX-ST DBTItOlT, MICH. >lnc», in tiro only Kullnble I.lfc Preserrur. VESSELS AND TKADK SUPPLIED. Send for Clruiilnrn. D.KAIIN\VEILER)4«. 148 AIM Worth St Vciir f 'enter St.. New York. KATZENSTEIN'S rifct.r.Arririo metal I'ArKINO FOR 1'IHTON ROD*, y\J.\ V. HThMS, EkJ. AdopHil and In dm bf tlio irMnclpal Iron Worki and Stcn^iShlp Oompa nlen wltl.ln tha loatolglit fcaraln thla and Foreign cann/riM. For full pti* tToulim and afaraocoa addreaa U KATlLNHTMlt AGO 14D Chrl.tnpliar 81, nrar Wo»t Struct N. Y CATT.TH08 WIISON, ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents SUB-MARINE DIVER,. Sub-ma) ine Drilling and B/astirig. HTKItN UKAIIIVtlN 1IBPAIRKD MITHOUT flOING TO. DKYDOCK. // 'recking Expeditions Accompanied. Contracts Hade for all Kinds of Divine. Residence, 73 West Ohio St., Chicago. WARNER & DRIBCOI.L. OLKVKI.ANV AGliNTS. T. E. WILSON, li7 I aSallr Hlreet I'liKAtm ■ n.l. HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents <* >nd SHU Broadway 111 liihallnHlilii-l. MM WAUKI F, «I» I UK A(IO. I I.I- . KNEIP & MORRISOL PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, _____118 Monroe Ht Room M Chlrago ROBERT RAE, iNralty and Insurance Law Office, Itooui 17, MerellanW building, (UICAIIO, III williiaT7orde, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. M E Car Columbua At* A Water Bt, HAN DUSKY, OHIO, All Kinds of Water DQXE PROMPTLY % ORDER 111 MiqUAItll ID-, 0 8 HAND li ii hunin.n. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH ' IDIBTT DOCS ATTAtHFO TO THK WORKS. ALSO PKhl'AKKD To/dO WRECKING ANfJTOWlNG wi I'll i iik Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. Upson & Walton?*, Hirer Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. CHAMPION GEAR & SPRINGS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Great Lakes. R. L. POLK & CO., The Well-known Direotory publishers, 40 Larned-at, Weat, Detroit, will have ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation, a Comp'ete Guide to the MAKITIMi: INTEltKHTK ON TUK LAKPS. They are the Easiest Ridine and Most Dur¬ able now in the Market.' CHAMPION GEAR CO, LOCKPORT., N. Y Write for Pntf List Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street." Telephone 118. nPUVrnQ wanted fur The Uvosof all tun President* A It till lU of tlie U H Tliu larttaat, haiadauimnit, bent book erer aotil f >r lu»i lliau twlou our price 1 he faat- ttt aelllnii book to America Iminenut proflU tu agonni All InlvUlgent people want it Aur one nan beoomo % aiiotuMful agent Taruu free IIaiirtt Book Co, 1'urllaiid, Main* ' 1 0641