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Marine Record, May 15, 1884, p. 5

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THE -MARINE RECORD. ------- vfc of freight, and »"• olouplriK nocnmmoilntlon for thirty passengers. Sho will nrrlvo ut and dep'nrt from O'Connor nnd Lnwlor'a (j0ck,.rrt>rtlicnit side of Ruth atreot bridge,' where Information cim be obtained an to —pMiengert and freight. ' The Chicago Drydock Co. lind the follow, jug vessels In their docks: The schooner Sophia Jane Luff to get a leak (topped; tug A,G. VanSchnlck, getting her stern bearing s fixod, schooner Tempest, to get a leak stopped; etenmbargc Argonaut to get Iter ■tern bearing fixed. The follow (ng were lifted at tholr derrick: M'ug J. V, Taylor had n lino taken out of her wheel; tug Shields hid her stem bearing fixed; steam csnal boat B. J(. Moore got a new shaft. The following received repairs: Schooner B. 0. Andrews got some new stanchions, rail and covering board; schooner Emma C. ' Hutchinson, a new cut head and her stear¬ ins gear fixed; tug Union, repairs to wale tlrnhe; schooner Amsden, stem repaired. Miller Brothers have had (he'following vessels In their diydocks: Propeller Lora got some new brasses to her wheel; schoon¬ er H, D. Moore, tome new bottom planking, calking and a new foremast; steambarge Monitor, a new stern pfpe and dead wood aft, and plank In her bow; the barge Mono-' kaume had her bottom calked; schooner Minerva got some calking: barge Mautenee, some calking, schooner Sumana, to get n leak (topped; schooner Higgle, repairs to centreboard box, calking and a new mlzzen- mast; propeller H. J.- Jewetfc with 61,000" bushels corn on board, 'for a new wheel. This fine steamship was docked at 10 a. m., the old wheel taker off and u new one put on and went out of dock at 12, o'clock, mid¬ night. • * ' The Bchooncr H. D. Moore la In the mar- shnl's hands. When the Moore went ashore . at the foot of Lake Michigan last fall, one of Canflold'a tugs was sent to her, got hep off, and towed her to Nortbport, whence she was towed to Chicago last month. The tug bills were not paid nnd the tug owners hail her tied up. Charters to Buffalo— propeller MUw aukee, w heat on through rates; propellers Tacoma and J. B. Lyon, wheat through to New York at O^c. Bute( are l)£c on corn and 2c lor wheat to Buffalo and SJ^c and <%o onjwheat, through — rale—to—New—York. Freights are slack. ^ T. W. DULUTH. 8j* it! to the Marine Record. Duluth, May 11 The steambarge Jay Gould arrived at 10 ,10a.m., on the Oth Instant, from Buffalo, with coal, and Is the first boat of the season to the Impoftonoo of the subject at It affeots Duluth and tho shipping Intorosts.ganerally, of the lakoi. Our Board of Trade has al¬ ready adopted'/strong resolutions on the subject and the Chamber of Oommoroe Is about doing to. ~ B. BUFFALO. BpKW le tht Marine l&mt. '1 he propeller Onoko cleared for Chicago on the 13th with 2,800 tons of coal. Captain James Davidson, owner of the (teambargc Hope, which carried a cargo of hot oorn to Buffalo Irom Chicago, thinks the vessel will not require repairs this season. The new steamer built by the Union Dry- dock Company, at Buffalo, is named the Calumet. The new |ron tug whloh was begun at David fell's yard In Buffalo last seaton, was launched on the 7th Instant. Her length Is seventy-six feet, beam sixteen .feet four Inches, and hold nine feet. It. Mills & Co.. and Donaldson Brothers, who purchased the propeller Cuba somp time ago,' Intend to make good boat of her. The hull Is in sound condition, and by the expenditure of about $25,000, mostly for ma¬ chinery, she can be put Into straight A2 shape. Captain Thomas Mavtham offered $14,000 for her somo time since, but could not get a clear title then, The Colorado waa also sold at marshal's sole and brought $11,080. The steamer D. M. Wilson .and consort ' Manltowdo, will, after having delivered car¬ goes of ooal at Chicago, be placed In the Chicago-& Ogdensburg line.. The propeller Araxes, Captuin L. Cook, whose boiler has received extendve repairs during the winter, is now in good shape. She will tow the bargeL. W. Drake, coal to. Toledo. Business Is quite active on die docks and the following charters were made on the 12th: For Chicago—PropeJIeis'Newburg, D. M. Wilson; schooners Manitowoc, George, M. W. Page, Sunrise, Guldo Pflster, H. R. Newcdmb, 78 cents. For Duluth—propeller Wallula on contract. For Toledo—propel- ler Araxes, barge L. y. Page, schooner St, Peter, 40 cents. The schooner H. ft. Newcomb has gone Into drydock for repairs and calking. The D. P. Rhodes will load coal at Cleve¬ land for J|ort Arthur. — Ship chandler's mTrtertatTnerrrand other* who have liens on vessels in this district, should bear in mind that liens must be en¬ forced before July 1, or they will be last. Ooal freights were active and firm. Ship¬ ments have been quite heavy recently. Ca¬ nal freights were steady at 3J6 cents on corn from the lower lakes. The U nlted Empire, I and 3K-ceiH»-on-w4ni»uo Nhw York»jylUi. from Barilla Is the first Canadian arrival, and the City of Duluth the first from Chlca- <"" so. The las: two arrived Sunday motnlng, the 10th Jnst. No lie has been seen at this end of Lake Superior since the 8th instant, when a heavy west wind quickly took It out of sight. On May 8th there- had been shipped" to Buffalo from this port 305,154 bushels of wheat. The tug T. N. Camp, which, It will be remembered, was the first boat out, on May ' 1st, had a close call dn u subsequent trip to Two Harbors. While running through heavy Ice about ten miles out she stove a hold In her bow and commenced to All rap¬ idly. By dint ol her pony, two siphons, a tin pump and the liberal use of seven buck¬ ets beside, she was kept afloat until she could be put In drydock. The propeller Stewart, close at hand, came promptly to her assist ance and remained with her till she made the harbor. The propeller Europo will ply on the route between Part Arthur and Nlnlgon.' Dredging In the harbor has ceased for the present, the appropriation being exhausted. All the dredges are, however, waiting the orders of Major Allen In reference to wotk In Superior harbor. l'he ferry boat Mary Martin, lan Into a sail boat in the bay Wednesday evening, smashing It. Twenty-ono persons wore on the (all boat. Sadoro Plumadora, the owner of the boat, and three unknown dock laborers wore drowned. I ' The editorial on the proposed oustoms consolidation in the lastlsauo of tlio Marine Rkcqrd has been read by many of our citi¬ zens with satisfaction. Our Duluth editors, not being marine men, «ro Just awakening a fair movement. It has been reported In several papers that the old Commercial lino propellers that have not been sold will at once be placed In com- °mls(lou, and that parties have arrived In Chicago to lit out tho Roanoke, which wintered there. F. L. Danforth, receiver In the litigation of Mrs. Hamilton against G W Hoyt and others, stated that this le- port was utterly false. He had decided not to place the vessels In commission, but to keep them tied up until they were disposed pf. The Iron prof ellers Scolla and 'KiiBria, and the wooden Nebriska.are at this port. There are no' negotiations pending for the purchase ol any of them, and In the present dullness, there Is little prospect of atiybodj taking bold of any of them. MILWAUKEE. Special It the Marine Rear*. The steam scow Commerce, which did ser¬ vice In Milwaukee harbor for several years, ha« been purchased by Toledo partloB, who Intend running her at that port After re¬ ceiving an overhauling, and having a cabin built on deck, she started on Saturday night for Toledo, but when below; Port Washing¬ ton she bum her heater and returned. The, tue: E. D. Holton won a pulling match whloh she had with tug H. F. Bues. A wrecking master tor the Insurance companies examined the wreck of the schooner Guiding Star on the beach near Fox Point. She 1b In tho same condition as when abandoned last fall. The Insurance companies will endeavor to Boll her. ar. IQNAOK Steumbargo A. Weston, lumber laden, from Manlstique to Touiiwandn, ran on Sim¬ mon's rcof at 3 o'clock on the morning of I loaded with squnio timber lor Buffalo, tin. nte tho lflth, also one of her tow. She. waa le-1 to Scotland, sailed on Fridaj • leased by the steamer Messenger, without damage "bat oitvu J^JiVJuttlnioro, of Bay City, haamaae tho following lumber olinrters at going rates: Steambarge Bay City, Bay City to Cleveland; barge Raynon Saginaw to Clove land; ateambarges Pnolflo, Bay City to Buf¬ falo ; Potomac, Tawas to Tonawanda; barges Sam Flint, Buy City to Tonawanda; Harvest Home, Crow Island to Tonawanda; A. H Moie, Saginaw to Buffalo; J, E. Potts, Bar City to Ashtabula; steambarge Empire, Bay City to .Tonawanda. The (tiling rates on lumber Jtrj aa follows: Bay Cltv to Buffalo, etc., |i; Bay City to Ohio, 91.50; Bay City to Chlongo, $2; East Saginaw to Buffalo, etc., M.25; East Saginaw to Ohio, $1.75; East Saginaw to C hlcago, $2.25. TOLEDO, Inspectors Stanard nnd Fitzgerald, of Cleveland, will Inspect the tugs May French, Bad Boy, J. H. Stevens and Sullle on Fri¬ day. The first regatta of thefToledo yacht club will bo held on Decoration day. The scow Adaln waB tied up last evening by a deputy marshal on the claim of Will- Inn) St. John £ Son for f IS" for wharfage. Bond was filed this morning and the boat rolcnsed. The schooner William Shupe, which has been undergoing repairs at Gllmore's dock the past winter, has come off the stocks and Is now fitting for service., The repair* cost about $3,000. KINGSTON. Freights on corn Irom Chicago to King¬ ston arc quoted at 4%c. and to Oswego at 4^0. The Gazelle has been released and has cleared up the Buy. The sohooner Plnalore will be sold at auction at Chaumont next week. A magnificent composite steamer, Iron frame, with wooden sheathing, owned by S. Neelon, was launched"at St. Catharines on Thursday. She has been namedJSIr. Leonard Tllley The fatorlte steamer Island Belle, wttiloh has so long and faithfully perlormed the service in the Cape Vincent, Alexandria Buy routo, will carry excursionesta this sea¬ son This morning the steamer Rothesay was jpJiLbxjii!ej1ff^sale_at_the mart, to Chfls. Fisher, of-Montreal, for $167000, The steam er will receive a general overhaulngatonce, and then be taken and placed op her old route between Clayton and Dickinson's Landing, making connections with the Prince Arthur. A company Is now being formed to have a regular line of steamers "rnrming-between-these point*. —Triero-were- only two bids—one $10,000 and Hie other $15,000. The reserve bid was $14,760.— ( ASHTABULA HARBOR. SpeoiaUo the Marine Jteonf, The new steamship Altmbaska arrived at this port on the 13th Inst, to coal, nnd de¬ parted on the same day. SAQINAW. The tug Standard, a recent pun-haso by Plnet & Molles, of Saginaw from the Stand¬ ard Oil Co., commanded by Captain James Molles, ran ashore at the mouth of Saginaw rlWjurccontly In a fog She was pulled off by the tug Dickson. OODENSDURO. Tho barge Hope, sunk near OgdehBburg, was broken In (wo by the heavy gale of the 2d tmtaut. On Thursday evening last the new steamer W. II, Haskell, of tho Ogdensburg A Cliaraplalu Railroad Line, arrived hero with a cargo of 67,000 bushels of corn, beside a quantity of Killing freight. The Haskell fs the largest vessel that to date has entered this harbor. Her excellent model and gen¬ eral appearance was much admired by a large crowd who had congregated at the dock to see her arrive, A letter has been received In this cl ty from tho authorities of the Utlcn Asylum, htatlng that Joseph Geurin, boat builder of this t.ty, who was recently sent there, could nut ru cover, nnd that lila death Is dally expected. —A'ewa. ^ JSCANAUA. Special lit the Marine Record Ore docks tiro crowded with vessels, a big lleet In port. Schooneis Uiglcr and Mull fire shipment luit week was 71,850 tons, of which tho Menominee mines furnished 40,- 400, and Marquette mines 81,193 tons. Steamers Cumberland and Morley; sohoon- ore" Thome* P. Sheldon, S. H. Foster, "Jo- seph Paige and Holvotla arrived on the 13tK Instant, and steamers Progressive. Hr- Grecn; soooncr* Fred A. Morse, San Dleajo, Hnttle C. Bell, Rosu Sousmlth, FlUhugh, Margaret Muir departed. Arrived on the 14th—Steamer* if. K. Fairbanks, H. D. Coffin berry, Cormorant; sohotner* Red Wing and Charles Wall. Sailed—Steamers Raleigh, J. M. Glldden, S. J. Muir, and Alcona; schooner* G,Sher¬ man, Lu.'erne, M. 8. Bacon, J. Burt, Ish- pemlng,-0. Marsh,Camden, Ida Keltb, Nar- ragansett and Montlcello. PORT HURON, l Special la (he Marine Keari ' Tho Admiral, D. D. Pfrter, of the Moffat T|ig Line, started Saturday for Mlctrlpicoten, on the Canada'side of Lake Sifporlor, to re- loase the propeller Argyle. The neiv steamer Algnmn, for the Canada. Pacific Railway Tmiisportlop Lme, pnssed up Friday morning. At Sarn'hi she w as vis¬ ited by large numbers who wen* delighted with her size, finish and general iippenrame. Tho schooner Annie M. Peterson, In tow of the Siberia, was run Into on the 14fh by Jhe schooner L. L. Lnmb, above St. Clair, both boutld up. The^Liimb was leaking so that she was docked lor repairs. The Peter¬ son's rail, bulwarks and stanchions were bioken on the port side. FRANKFORT Special la the Marine llecord The steamship Wm. H. Gratwick and her consorts It. L. Fryer and lelden E. Marvin, loaded over two million feet of pine 'lumber and cleared for Tonawanda on Thursday, the 8th inst. This is the largest shipment that ever left Frankfort in one fleet, The tue; D. P Hall towed the old tug L Q. Rawson to Manistee, where she will reooive a ' general rebuild and engage In harbor towing here. This tug was formerly owned at Algo. nac, and has done good service in and about Saginaw. She is now owned by-the Robinson Brothers of Frankfort. The tug Jay is again running as a ferry boat on Betsey lake The tug Boib is receiving a fresh coat of paint, and in company witb the Hannah Sulli¬ van, is engaged in fishing here. The, fane scow-ecliooner Mislilcott of Mani¬ towoc, was in port this week. She is a staunch built craft, of beautiful model, and said to be the nicest scow on (lie chain of lakea. She has on several occasions made 12 to 16 miles per hour, and her owners have every reason to be proud of her. C. I) -BHAS-OF-SALE. Treasury Department** Washington. Sir. Ih a communication ofHhe 7th lost, you submit Tor consideration of the Depart¬ ment the case of the eiirolluicntof the steam¬ er Ten Broeck. It appears that a Mr. Ohl«, of Minneapolis. Minn., sold the Ten Broeck to Johil McCaffrey, ot Le Claire, Iowa, and a bill of sale sotting forth that fact has been produced to you lor record and as a basis for the enrol'meiitot the steamer in McCaffrey's mime. Olds puiuhnsed the steamer of Gilles¬ pie A Hirper, uud she had been enrolled at St. Paul, In the names of the last named parties as sole ownei p After Olds made the purchase he conveyed her without enroll¬ ment to McCaffrey, and Olds' bill of sale recites only the enrollment In the name ot Gillespie & Harper. You ask if you shall enroll her as owned by McCaffrey, with no other enrollment recited than that In the name of Gillespie & Harpor. You are Informed that the department has frequently hold that if there have been several successive owners of vessel, and If thernrst In the series of owners shall have taken out marine docu¬ ments, and all the rest but one ilmll not Inrvo taken bucIi documents (register, enrollment or license,) the last purchaser may receive documents on producing a blllof sale reciting the only or last document Issued. (Synopsis ol doclsioiiB, 4,000.) No law forbids the transfer of a vessel through a line of many successive owners, and where many trans¬ fers have been made without the document¬ ing of the vessel, it would be practically absuid to require parties whoso Conveyances had been long before made to take out docu nacnts, nnd equally ilnwlie to deny docu¬ ments to the last purchaser, unless he should produce a bill of sale from tho last vendor leelling a document that novui;cxlsted.. The rule, thercfoic, Is that tho bill of sale, whU,h , Is to bu the basis of new marine documents, shall recite the last document Issued; other ultfv, a vessel might be debaired Irom umplo)mcnt till her ilnuirucnintlnn should bo authorized by Cungicss. Kniollment sue on QHU' bill ol s'llc. V<iy ro- spAtlulix. Cii HILLS J Foi ab.ii, ■ Secretary. <.

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