THE MARINE" RECORD. •b=z*r} !, RHODE ISLAND, Original and only builders of the" Providence" Steam and Hand Windlasses. Steam Capstans, Crank Capstans and Power Capstans for Steam and Sailing Vessels, Yachts. Tug Boater Wrecking Boats, Elevators, Dry Docks, Etc. The Providence Patent* Steam£Capstan Windlass, —N*w Style. The Providence Patent Powef Capstan. The Providence Patent Capstan Windlass. The Provldanoe Patent Pump Brake Windlass. •a JCheJBawJdenoe-PjtenL-SteamjCapatan^ SELLING AGENTS ON THE LAKES. The-Providence Patent drank- Capstan. D. S. AUSTIN A CO. UPSON, WALTON &, CO. M. I. WILCOX. ■—■—eeastaa—- BUFFALO, N. Y. I JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO. CLEVELAND, 0, DUNHAM A HOIT, TOLEDO, 0. | G. D. N0RRI8 & CO. DETROIT, MICH CHICAGO, ILL MILWAUKEE, WIS" " THE .GLOBE IRON^WORKS^-:----- GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS. BOILER MAKERS. AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS. Office and Works, Corner of Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, O. We ire prepared to furnish on ihort notice Stationary or |Marlne. either High Prettife, Low Pretiure, Con¬ densing pr Compound Engloei, Horizontal o Vertical, with or without graduating cut oft. Vertical Engines Kept in Stock. We imp all;ilses of tertlcal engine. In stock, which we.are prepared to aoll at respective priees. Station¬ ary engine Include* Governor, Throttle, Cylinder, and Oiler, Oil Cupa and Waate Cocks. Marine Engine Includes Link and Beverse Motion, Circular Throttle (yllnder, oiler, Oil Cupi and Waate Cocke, eame a. stationary,—no governor or fly wheel No*. 7, B, 9 and 10, baveslngle cranks, wltbaeparate Journsl when used with atatlonary engine. They are prorlded with good braaa boxes in boih endaol connecting rod ond erose head, with beat poetf- hleprovlelon made for taking up the wear, TheCyl- ' indet', BlcilA Chest and lower head are caat In one piece and tbe frame, elides, and journal. In one piece, thereby leeeening liability of derangement and first coat and Insuring a durable machine Tbe Cylinders are neatly covered with cast Iron laglug Slide valve with huge porta. Piston filled with good meutlllo packing Material and workmanship guaranteed H aving provided oar new boiler w'orki with the moat approved tool./or riveting by steam, plan ing the edges, instead of chipping, drilling, punching, shearing and bending by aleam power, we feel warranted in laying we can furnish the beat work Tor the least money in the following kinds of boilers, which we can build of either Iron or Steel: Return flue Marine Boilers, Tubular Boilers, either hor. iionta! or vertical, Locoirotive Boilers, Cylinder Boilers, Flue Boilers, Smoke Sucks and general plate Iron work. >" SUBUUOXS TUBE srfrv *UXL TVU SOILH. iia«iiix|[KKOiiiar. STAT10M1BY' SXOllfll "V Shio Chandler's List. Celebrated Chain bheave Windlass, with Ama-^ zeev Beam. ^ The Common Patent WindlaSS.tffofo Iron Works PaUvt Steam Windlass 5994