—S. /• WEfBS & CO., Ohio Broker., VmmI Owner* and Agenti. 3 V [KSTABLMHISO IN 1BBO.] ii t wann*Co,wlllcharlorV«lioI«forU1ceTrade. „ „ui .uenllon Bl»on lo CinrldWng VoneN n lha fKiSuSrlw Iron Ore Trade, both for llio uuon and InCADE BUILDING 101 ST. CLAIR ST., *" Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHUIltinotldcnm, No. 1338. THE MAPINE fiEOOBD. SCOTT & 'BERRIMAK. Tire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. • Attention al«o gi"" ,0 ""! purehjao and aale of Iron %m Jl'aTa^wititr.^. CUvaland, O. THOS. mSON . i MANAGING OWNKIt Wilson's Transit Line. Oen. Forwarder. Freight »nd Venel Agent . OL«V«l.*ND, 0 GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. Builders of the Iron Steamer Onoco, Yacht Twilight, and Iron Tugs International and Record. OFFICE AND WORKS. OLD RIVER ST., CLEVELAND, 0. The. Neversink Cork Jacket AftD IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Universally known to be the Beit made and I Guaranteed to be Strictly According to the Stand¬ ard of the Umtod States Supervlilng Inipectori of Steam Venels. RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. CAPT » >' HEOKEB OAPT. 1IENHY BROOK <D. M. BECKER & CO., ■ ■ Commercial Broker* and:Vessel Agents, v«uili ehartered, pnrohaud and mid, contract, made * for ennne and heavy freight! U«t Superior nnd fennnba Iron ore iharUnfor iln •la trip or uiton a specialty ^ksw. Sreiaiini: Telephona No 9R3, ' MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, So 121 St Hair Street, Boom 27 CLEVELAND, •' OHIO PALMER & BEN HAM, Vessel Owners & Agents, New B»hU Bunding, cornet or Supeytor-jp*} BitndiStreet, Cleveland, Onto? *"^ ^M0RaAN&RiOET Vessel Brokers7TiIaniie-tm&| Fire Insurance Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce DETROIT; BOOH. Special attention paid to Chartering Veiiela. CAIT'j W MILLER OAPT.R.B.MONTAQTJE MILLER & MONTAGUE, duluth, Mnm. Vessel Brokers and Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, and Board of Trade Welshmen. i Special attention paid to Charter I rip Venali, alio wfiljjhlng and ^Trimming cargoeaol grain, Oorrwpon dencQ solicited. ' ALEX McDOUGALL^ VESSEL AGENT AND BROKER, TDTJ3L.TJTS:. Owner* and ma«ten of reiaela w lulling toiget cargoes ol grain from thli port will do well to confer with mo. Will be glad to (urntah Information in regard to car- mi, also la relation to <1ocki, depth of water, etc , at DuluUi, Agate Buy (new Iron oro iiort), Port Ar¬ thur, WMhburn, Ainltuid, aud all points near the west rnd of Luke H u erlor Good gang* of men lur- nlihed oq abort police fonrlmmlng oargoea of grain, loading and abloadlnft nil klndsVf freight. JAMES T. ROSE, Vessel Agent andTBroker, BOX lfllfl, DULUTH, MINN. Late Gen Ag't for Colllntrwood Una of SMamera Spec In] Attention Paid to Chartering Teniela. ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 USalle Street. CHICAGO, - ILL. HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents w Mi sea Broadway 114 U Halle Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAGO. ILL. KNEIP & MORRISON, PROOTORB IN ADHIBALTY, 114 Monroe St Boom 04 Chloajo. ROBERT RAE, Ittaitalty and Insurance Law Office, * n Room 37, Merchant!1 building, CHICAGO, ILL, WILLIAM F0RDE~ SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N.E Cor Coluinbui Ave * WntefSt, SANDUSKY, OUIO, Established in 1830. WM: WALL'S' SONS, —uaMuricroaiRB or^ S * OAKUM. Gana, of AMEBICAN, BD9SIA end ITALIAV HEMP of the Tery best qua'ity made to order ATONE DAY'S NOTICE. MANILA aod8IflAL.BINDER TWINE. Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory. Brooklyn. H. V. JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE:, DETROIT, MICH. - -:-DEAK& CO., ___w%_________________m_j jr. m-a wm ms .-.-. — - PatenTYoWlr^oakr-of~M]l_LenQths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats, Sail and Stemn~Yac?its~on~^and\^._______ Also. Life fioafrthat will pass Government Inspection, , and cost (ess than any Life Boats in U.S.A. DEAN i. CO,, FOOT OF ST AVBIN-ST DETROIT, MICH. SUB-MARINE DIVER, Sub-ma} ine Drilling and Blasting, "1 1 > M Approved and adopted by the United Status Board of Supervising Inapeotora ;nlso by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines, as the only Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. _^ P. KAHNWEILER UP, 148 tt loQjferth 8t Wear «,>i)ter at., New Yorlf. " KATZENSTEIN'S ~ 9ELF-ACTIHG METAL 1 PACKING FOR PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, KM. Adopted aad la net br tho principal Iron Worlu and titeansblp Oompa nlei within the laiteight join in tbh and Foreion countnea. For full p.r- tlculin and refereneos tddme L. KATZEN8TEIN A CO let Chriatophir 81, near W«t 8Uoet N. Y. CAPT, THOS WII SON, Clereland igcnt. O 8 BAND II B BUBOES. RAND & BURGER STtoN BEABINOS REP AIRED WITHOUT. OOINQ TO DRYDOCK. ---- ' WrecTdng Expeditions Accompanied. Contracts Made for all Kinds of Dmog. Residence, 73 V/est Ohio St., Chicago. WARNER H DRISCOIX, CLEVELAND AGENTS. T. E. WILSON, All Kinds of Water Work D0XEPROMPTLY TO ORDER headquXBtehs, Xbti Upson & Walton's, River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, iociport, Jfm York, art Sole Xamfacturmoftlie Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED ** • OR WITH Our Self-lubricating Phosphor Bronze Bus/unas. m.lal in tho mwlio', ""/"phPSdIeiu oTorywlii.ro 8lylM. ^'^Vj^^m^" TACKLK BUK.KB. ASK iru« l„1|,.nlJl0(i free on application Sample orders lollclled Accoiuuan»!«g cut r.prc*nl8 onr new block, PATH.H1*. SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH 3DI3-ST DOCK ATTAJ BED TO THE WORKS. ALSO PREPARED .'10|DO WEECKING AND TOWINQ WU'II THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels .Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. CANF1ELD Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs, ' Hawsers. Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, To be hid qd short noMoi, by mat for tcltgmph A.O, WUKELEIt, • CHAS. GNKAVLCH MaDRR«ra ^ re«kiii« Maitar '! 414 \.fl i i < 6664