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Marine Record, May 1, 1884, p. 5

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.THE MARINE RECORD!, The most prominent Ituurnnce compantei which are inking cargoes of grain at 50 cents to Georgian -Bas and Buffalo are the Union Marine, of England; Commerolal Union, of England, and 8t. Paul Plre and Marine. By working her wheel while lying at the wharf In the harbor, the iteanwhlp Oceanic* caused damage to the r-chooiior Glad Tidings, towing by, which It will cost |800 to'repalr. \TIie survey on the icliooner Watertown at Miller Brotlun' Drydock has been com¬ pleted. She will be reoalkod all over, out¬ side and In, receive considerable new plank¬ ing, etc. Gnptnln Johnson's' fleet of Ave vessels sailed "tor Green Bay on Monday—the Alice, Olgn. Goodman and Clara. A diver Is at work on the schooner Otta¬ wa. She will be towed to Mlohlgan City, with n steam pnnipon bpard. It Ib thought that the owners, ot the Bnr- num will be oalled Upon to pay the cost of dotting of the steamship Onoko. Although U Is not evident that sift has received any damage from the ponderous blow given her, it Is said that the 'nsurance companies would refuse to pay either the hull or oargo Insur¬ ance should she founder on the voysgo to Buffalo, for which port she has oleared with the largest cargo ever carried by a lake oraft. Had the Onoko been a wooden vessel she would doubtless have been cut Into. It Is not often that the oollldlng vossel sustains all tl>«, damage. —"""In regard to the smoke consuming ordl- * nanVe, the decision of the supreme court will 60on be announced. T. W. Lr MILWAUKEE. SftctaUS tlu Ifatiiu Record. The schooner Morning Star has been sold by i. i*8toelll to A. Elliott for $5,100. The gale on Lake Michigan on Sunday was tlicmoBt severe since that oT October 10, 1882, and continued through the night at h thirty mile gait. An examination has been made of the «recked schooner Belle Brown, docked at Wolf & Davidson's main yard at a late hour on Saturday evening. Her bottom was fouiid to bo considerably chafed, and the onkum had all started from the seams. She will require a part new Tteel, soma new bottom planking and bilge Btrakes and r<t calking. The work of repairing her was com¬ menced at onoe. The propeller Wisconsin, on her arrival will go Into drydock hero for repairs. In the meantime her place on the Grand Ha- veti route will bo taken by the steamer City ol Milwaukee. On Monday next the City of Milwaukee will begin her regular sum¬ mer trips between this pott and Grand Hn- vui. She will leave heie every morning .mil return in the evening. 1 lie propelloi F. &-P. M.No. 2, Captain Duddleson, was docked at the Milwaukee bhlpyard Monday morning, had her old wheel removed and leceived a new Sheriff wheel. Captain John Evciison'a tug Is well ail- \ inqeil und will soon be rc,aoy to launch. &lie Is (14 feet over all, 11 feet beam and T/. liet deep. Her bollei, which is being built at Davis' is 0 feet 8 I nthes In diameter by 11 liet long, and her engine, 15x17, Is already here. The new tug will be used In harbor work at .this port. The steamer John A. Dlx, which for sev¬ eral years past has run In connection wltli the Goodrich Transportation line between this [oft and Manistee, has been withdrawn trum the line, and this season will run as an excursion boat out of Chloago. During the winter the Dlx has received considerable overhauling, her bollcrUias been put In thor¬ ough repair, and she has been repainted. She leaves for Chicago about May 16tb, and there Is no doubt but that she will receive n largo patronage In her new departure. The etoamor Corona, of the Goodilch lino, takes the place of the Dlx on the Manistee route. The Corona Is In good eondittou and well adapted tor the route. She loft Monday ,. night for Manistee oo her first trip, and will aUesnate with the propeller City ofLudlng- ton In forming a dally ronto between Man¬ istee, Ludington and Milwaukee. Tlio Good- i Ich company have now a dally line botw con Milwaukee, Manltowoo and Chicago, and as soon as the steamer Sheboygan comes out will have two boats it day from this port to <. hlcago. OODKNSBUUQ. The tug R. M. Falrlleld Is having hei en glno and bollei rorr.ilrod. norma. JftMefaf It Iht Martiu Ussord. ' Wm. Moiei, who has been ehlef engineer of the Anchor Line propellers for twenty years, died reoentlyatThomsavlllo,Ga.' HU homa waa In this olty and he will be brought here for bdrlaf. He was at one time engl near of the passenger steamer CU;y'of Buffalo and afterward a government Inspector of boilers, and was highly re^pecteST "' Captain John Manson has received orders to plan the oraft to be used for alight on Bar Point Immediately. Work Is being pushed on the new United States lighthouse lor Bar Point. It Is to be known as Pptnt /Etna. , The schooner K. Hallaran has been char¬ tered, coal to Milwaukee at 75o. George C. Finney, of Chicago, Is here to force the payment of the Insurance on the schooner Finney, so long delayed. A now development In the marine Insur¬ ance muss n na that Judge Sheldon on Tues¬ day granted a motion lor Receiver Crosby to transfer the books of the Continental In¬ surance Company to the goneral manager of the company, also removing Crosby as re. celver of the firm of Crofty & Dlmlok, and appointing Delevan F. Clark as receiver, with a bond of $8,000. The criminal pro¬ ceedings against Lorczo Dlmlok In the po¬ lice court were adjourned until the 30th. The Ice blockade In the harbor was lifted yesterday, and the schooners George M. Case and Mineral State from Detroit, and steamers Anna Smith and Edward Smith with barges entered. No vessels left port yesterday, but quite a number will sail to* day. The Union Steamboat Company are" lono> ing the H. J. Jewett with non-union men. OBWKOO. The senator Blood has received needed repairs and been repainted and presents a line appearance. She Is owned and will bo sailed by Captain Joint-It. Preston, who ex- pectB to leave port wltli his trim looking craft about the first of May. The Senator Blood will probably take coal to Dctiolt, but has notjefbeeii ohartered. The schooner William Homo wiirhe sailed this season by CaptaliALA. Germain. """" Captain James Illcks, who bought the William Home here, has taken coufmaiuTo? the schooner Belle Hamcomb. The canals of the State, the Erie, Cham- plain, Black river, Oswego, Cayuga and Seneca, will open for the season Tuesday, May 0. In previous yeius the canalB have opened on the same day, In 1857, 1807 and 1808. On six occasions the canals have opened at later periods, the most backward, time being In 1875i when tljey opened May I8th. Last year thjwjajiala were opened May 7th, and the previous yoar April 11th Since 1824 the opening day has occuired 27 times In May. The Oswego Times Bays the State assem¬ bly canal committee lias reported favorably upon Mr. Lewis's bill allowing the Hudson River mid Western Transportation Compa¬ ny to lay a railroad track on the bed of the Erio canal for a distance of Ave miles, for the purpose ol testing In a -practical way the advantagoof D. W. Cook's system pj towing by tractor or floating locomotive The sys tern 1b to be tried on a stretch of the canal to bo defllgnaWd by Superintendent of Pub¬ lic Works Shanahaii. KINGSTON Br. Bowen's steam yacht Annie will ply between Soely's Bay and Ottawa this season. Captain C Hinckley, of Capo Vincent, lias purchased the scow Carlton of ( aptaln Sheeley. —' In connection with the opening of naviga¬ tion It mav bo said that freight rates from Ottawa have been reduced bolli to Amerlcun and Canadian ports 10 per cent. To Albany the late will be (3,25 per thousand feet and $8.20 to New. York. AMHEUSTBORO.^ The Dominion government tug Trudeau, with the, dredgfdiallenge and two scows In tow, arrived her on Saturday, and ic- malned here waiting for weather. '1 hey aie bound for the Klngsvlllo harbor, and will probably bo engaged thuio for three mouths, removing olaj liom the shallow places, nut The* excursion stuiunei Massaisauga, Mailno Cin, Mich,,, arrlu-d light. The Massat-sauga goes to hei leieut puiihasci. the Hon A. O. Blood. I Captain M. C. Duilap launohed a swam Uajli boat here, of six tuns buthen and chris¬ tened the Crown PrlneH, , SANncacr. 'SptdaUo ihi iTortiu JUterd. v Sandubkt, April 20. This being my Initial letter this season from Sandusky, your correspondent deems It policy to speak of the great advantages of¬ fered by the harbor at this port to vessels sailing on the great lakes. A large body ot water bounded on two sides by long penin¬ sulas and on one other by the main land, af¬ fords a place of shelter, from the heaviest of gales for the largest of vessels. A Chan uel nearly seventeen feet In depth extends to the principal docks. The unloading and loading of vessels by the latest Improved maohlnery Is a main feature. The steamer Louise, which recently bent her shaft, Is on drydock here-for repairs. The barge Idsoe, recently sold by V: Dal- Ier<fcC'o.,of Put-In-Bay, to Lake Superior parties, has just come oil the drydock, hav¬ ing recehed extensive repairs. The steambarge Westford has received al¬ most a complete outfit ofnew machinery at this port. Captain Den C. Clary, has com¬ mand of the Westford again this season. ' Several coal laden vessels have already cleared for the upper lakes, but few arrivals have been reported. The Plummer Lumber Company expect eleven vessels from the lumber regions this week. The B. & 0. R. R. Co. anticipates ship¬ ping 180,000 tons of coal this season to other ports. The schooner Joseph Paige Is lay¬ ing at the B. & O. dock loaded with coal, -tnraltlng orders liom her ovners at Milwau¬ kee. Coal rates to Milwaukee Irom this port are quoted at 7*0 cents and to Bay City at 40. Many of the Rfcord's subscribers at this port w Ish to know why no distinction Is made In marine reports concerning the ar¬ rival ot vessels at Cleveland fiom the Ulands and Marblchead. Almost invai lably a craft Is repotted, as arriving from the islands, when lii reality she clciued Tiom Marble- head Peninsula. The government boat Haze is In port Ohlenmclicr Brotheis' new propeller Was launched fmm Oarftaln Monk's sliipyaid on MoiuIbj . Hei dimensions are as follow 100 leet keel, llOover all, 2.' feet "beam and 7 feet deep, She has been christened the Norma. The Shawnee, Coal Company has es¬ tablished a gene)al olllco at Sandusky with Mi. M. L Marsh, as agent, a gentleman thoroughly competent for the position, Mr Marsh expects to hiuitlle 160,000 tons of coal this Reason and the shipments will he to upper lako poits. A vossel brokerage oIHcd is run in connection ' C. P. W 1JAY ciiv The barge J A, Smith, belonging to the Tinner 'iranspoitailon Company, Detroit, struck a sunken pile hi tlio river at this port, staving a hole In her bottom and sinking In sixteen feet ol water. The ptopellet Arundell, of the Bay City and Alpena line, broke her shoe while back¬ ing She goes Into drvdock. pom cOiwyuiK. Navigation in the canal was opened on Monday the 28th April Vessels began look¬ ing up at Port Dalhousie at noon. Tlio harbor hero Is all clear of Ice. Tlio westerlj wind hasdilveit It down the lake and jam¬ med It in towards Bullalo. The schoonci Venus, with coal from Cleveland, and the tug Bob Anderson, from Det^blt, art the llrst arrivals. ' lBCANilU. Arrived on the 28th, schooner C»P.M Inch. bulleil, schooners E. Corning, C. P. Mlucli, C C. Barnes. An atlriiy occurred between the rival gangs ot oiu trimmers. Firearms were used and four men were wounded. More trouble Is .anticipated. STURGEON BAY. The schoonei\Ghitrlotte Ruab, on enter¬ ing the canal, Saturday night, ran Into tho noith pin, and sto\e a hole In her bow allow hei wiitur-llne. hho bus been re¬ paired Dining tho heiuy noitheily gale on Sun- d.iy night, the propollei PiHorJte went aground opposite this cltj. The tug Mar¬ shall" pulled her oil Monday morning In thue home, anil she loiltliiuul southward with lur bn^c-. hlie li unliijiiicd. 3 DULUTH, BpKM It, Ihi Itarlni ItKcri. , ' _ Tho Ice at till* end o( Lake Superior has juat commenced" tn show slgnl of breaking up, having moved a little southwardly undor the Influence of'aWvy north wind. It UTjadly linney-combed^ and with the tint veering of the wind to the N. W. will go out and break up. In the anttclpatlpn of this ovent the Quebec, of Samla, Is adver- tffiSd to sail tho 30th Inalt, Meanwhile the ' Bajr of Dulutl Is open, dredges nre at work In the harbor and tugs and small orafts are biyiy fitting out, for the summor campaign. The following steamers and vessels are now fitting out In. Duluth harbor for the lower porta: Steamers Quebec, Cnpt. Symes; Osceola, Cnpt, Murch; Egyptian, Capt. Lyons; Wallula,*,Capt. Lowe; D^ M. Wilson, Cupt. Hoi lister. Schooners Pell lean, Capt. Donahue; Guldo l'lilster, Capt.Burke; Xewcombe anil Manatowac, captains not yet named, Capt. Alex. McDougall It at present en¬ gaged In accurately mapping Duluth Hur- bor Irom actual soundings, /or the special Information of the different elevator and coal companies, etc., etc At the Instigation of the Board of Trade vof Duluth, a petition Is now being circulated and signed by our marine men generally for the establishment of a local Board of Steam¬ boat Inspectors at this port. Tho petition also requests the appointment and main- talnenceof a Sliulne Hospital Surgeon at Duluth. The petition Ib signed by nearly lOOowneis uud agents. The Duluth Chamber of Commerce Is for some unaccountable reason delaying action on the matter o( tho_rcmoval ot theDuluth_ CiiBtom house to St. Paul, as proposed by Congress this present session. A report ot their special committee was ready over a week ago} but since alien no meeting has been called and no action taken. Meanwhile Duluth is liable to waku up to the import- anceju*_tlll8 uuiUULwJienJt i»too late. ____ I C. F. J. , I pout mmoN. The tug Kittle Height, of the-Moffat Tug Line, Is hind iigiound just ahead of tho cut on the Canada side, blie Is about three and a ball leet out, mil is listed bad. The tug Bealilce is working on her. The wind- bound fleet got nway yesterday. The Commercial enys Capt. J, R Jones, of the steamer Floin, has every reason to be proud of clip early uml successful beginning ol [ his reason's work With his popular -steamer Ire*lily pnhited, with flags Hying, with a full load ot passengora and freight, he puslieil up tn AlpiMiu,, tlie llrst boat of the season, uud mtirtllj riturned to start ahead ol the otheis on thcli trip up. The Flora bus been well ovimhauled, anil with her new (j llntlei Is nhiO to ninko bettei time than be- Ioi«■ and botli ciipliiln and boat now onjo\ ino'e popularity than ever. KBNOMIA. The sehoonii ( N'oith, bound trou Chicago to this poll hud nil of her sails blown away In the gnli on Sunday, and was brought In the harbor by the lllc-gating crew. Chicago tugs wcie oil here picking up vessels CRUMMOND'S Mackinac Line, ror Mackinac, 81 Ipnncp, Clielwynnn, AlpLUii, Oscoda port Huron, Detroit titiu iiitcrniuJUtu fake anil river porta Steamer ATLANTIC, Oapt, D. Nioholsoii, LeaVo&C ovcland uvery I ridaj evoirlntt at S o'clock. The Steamer FLORA, Captain J. B. Jones, Sumo lino, U rtvoa Toledo for itmve norts evorv Tin ikluy morning tt H oAloil. lor furllur [uforinaiion R|inl> on bourn bonis or to CLEM-1 AN [> 10m\ AlllUNif CO Atfunti sjOOicomul Dock I ootof Supcrior-at, Olivt-liuul CAPT I W MILLUt GAIT H B MOKTAOl I MILLER & MOtfTXG UE. m BULUTH, MINN. Vflisel Broker* and Marine and Fire Inauranoe •Agent*, and Board of Trade Wclghmen. BnorlM attention pnlil to (Imrturhm ^aaels n\n* rtdi;hlnnatiil lrliimilUfTCUigofHof k"'iii Cormspou- loiKu MillcHod, FOR SALE One Iron Stocked Anchor, 2372 lbs, and Two Shot I 1-2 Inch Chain, Apply to ' C A. CHAMBERLAIN, Foot of Grlswold-st, Detroit, Mich. ;. 11

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