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Marine Record, April 24, 1884, p. 6

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6 THE -MARINE RECORD. OKNKKAL NEWS,. •, The salmon run in the Sacramento river In uniieinilly light mi far thin season, nntl the proupccts are not lliiitcrlng. Tho French iriinlioat Lutlii has bi>en ordered from Hong Kong to Canton to pro- ' teet European". ThcXathrop. Cal ,. lovee broke, anilthe San' Joaquin river la pprcndlng rnpldlv. If • the break cannot be repaired-ten tlioiwand .acres of wheat will be destroyed. The lines of the Into North Atlniklc l.'on-, ferenee reduced the eteerage passago Irom New Y,ork to Liverpool tq $18, and u still further reduet'ihi will be made If necessary, to compete with outside linen. At Key West, thi warships Alliance nnd Tenueiwe, two revenue cutters and,steam launches form a cordon around tho Island to'preveait the dopnture of nhy Cuban ex¬ peditions. . _ . The Quebelj Steamship Company has given an order to a Newcastle-on-Tyne firm fqr the cojittruetlon of a new.steamship tor the company, which Is to he put on tho New York and West India, route. At Buffalo, In the suit to compel tho pro¬ duction of tho books of the Insurance llrui of Crosby '& Dimmick, a detective sworo that he had seen an agent of the firm making many erasures and changes. The U. S. Local Inspectors of steam ves¬ sels at New York an April 11 began distribut¬ ing placard bearing.tho new rule of tho department that' forbids the occupancy ol the pilot houses bf ferry boats, etc., by any peVsons except those who hive bii*liu'S< In them. • / The large iron and sfcel steamship II. F. Dimock was successfully launched Saturday afternoon, at the shipyard of William Crainp & Sons, Kensington, in the presence of a large crowd ol people. The vessel Is being constructed for the Metropolian Sienmshlp Company, of New York, for services on the line between New Yorfi and Boston. The depression In English shipping, con¬ tinues without any sign of relief. The Mer¬ chant Shipping bill Is opposed strongly by ship owners who claim that if passed It "111 do lar more Injury than good. Sailors can¬ not' llud employment and any number ol steamers aro-lylng idle. Beyond completing old old orders tho shipyards are not busy and of tlm mhjiLOctober and cast her small , u i i i i ,i.n , -HUCJwf^hnuer the lee ol the shore, until new orders are obtained with difficulty. ]^f^ ,0 „,„, „,,„ urlftL.(, (|mvll t„ „.,„,,* „ Lights have been placed on the Inter national bridge for the season, Steamers when opposite the dummy light will blow one whistle thirty seconds, and in approach- 'lug the bridge from above will leave the buoys on tho starboard side and pass to the port side of the awing pier. Danger signals will be displayed if from any cause the bridge cannot be swung In time for vessels to pass. The Buffalo & Lake Erie Excursion Com¬ pany have completed their organization uud si ruck some picllmlnary stakes as to t lie routv of their vessel, the late United States sleaiier Perry. She will probably run regulrarly down the river, touching at T'ona- waudn in time for trains to the Fulls, and Mop at Sour Spring Grove and Niagara Vlew_ She has been named the rerlw(nkle. the name being a neat suggestion ol the lonner one and a.gond one Ih Itself. Smith and Davis have sold to Captain Peter ,1. Keunoy, of Buffalo, tho schooner Oroten, as she Is at Marquette, for $8,UU0. She Ih loaded with about QUO tons of railroad Iron Irom Ilotlalo to Duluth. The freight is $2.r>0 per ton—about' $1,600—which goes to the purchaser. The Groton was carefully over¬ hauled lust summer, under direction of Cap¬ tain George Mcl.cod, and put in good con¬ dition thioughout. She also received a new outfit. Sho has * straight A2 rating, and Captain Kenney has secured an excellent baigaln. lie will command her himself. Three weeks ago the tug Mnrlal, which . went from Chicago to Cuba, left there on her return to that port. The Muriel Jaosviietf by Mr. Walker, the stone qunrryn^f and contractor, who had interests In Cuba, and in In command of Captain Aleck Qiiinn, one of our well-lviiown lake pilots. She arrived in Chlcugo on tho 17th, and all on board are well. She left Havana Miiruti 11), und came up through.the Gulf, the'Miaslsslppi, the Illinois river, anil the canal. Captain Qninn will lie warmly received by lilt, iiiiinerniin friends In marine chi'lgs. lie brought up some fine tiopical' fruit, iiiimeinus lellcs ol Jils visit to Cubitj and a largo fund of In¬ formation, to suy nothing nf an endlos variety of entertaining yarns. Mr. Morrison's temporary withdrawal of the talllT bill to give precedonco to the pension appropriation blllj'ls variously com¬ mented upon,. It. was expected thnt«tho tm Iff debate would go on uninterruptedly for about.two weeks, but It Is nqw under¬ stood that he will yield to the appropriation bills whenever Mi. Randall lifts any for the House to consider, and that tho\lebate will thereby have several breaks, und laBt for tour or five weeks. It looks as though the chairman of the Ways and Means Comhilttcc, regaining confidence In his victory In getting the House to consider the bill, lias hopes that It may bo amended so as to win ovor to Its support the Democrats.who are opposed to It, and thereby sconce, its passago by the House. He Is disposed to show the opposi¬ tion every cbnsiderntlon to the end that he may, if possible, make friends for the meas¬ ure. Mr. Conger Introduced a bill for tho gov¬ ernment nnd control of St. Slary's'FallF canal. The bill gives the gcnoral superin¬ tendent full control over it. There has always been more or less conflict of authority and other trouble between vessel masters and canal authorities as to how long and where vessels shall lie in the canal, etc. The bill provides for this by giving all necessary power to the superintendent.- It also.pro¬ vides peniiltli-s for destroying or defaiSfig life ennui. The hill Is ijiiite lengthy and full of details. It was drawn up by Gen. Foe and recommended by him to the secretary of war in a repoit dated Detroit, December 10,1883. In his report Gen. Pue Bays: "The costly and important Improvement of St. Mary's Fall's cuniil, jtlcliigan, which now lepWeuts an expenditure of neilrly ja,000,000,TSMvlth- out the protection »f any specific law, and 1 deem it vety desirable that, legislation should be hud at this session of congress." C. E. BENHAM, 317 Detroit Street. KEEPS IN STOCK Lubricating and Lamp Oils of , the \Best Quality, AND A1 GENERAL LINE OF LAMPS, CROCK¬ ERY AND TABLE CUTLERY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. TELF.PHONK NO. 11140. ' STEADY SmRBOXLRD AND STOP AT Capt. DahIke's ONE PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE Ami Examine n Finn Lino of Sprlnjf GooiIh at Vary Low PrlooH. 297 Pearl-st., Cleveland. BODfFIELD C CO 8 South Water-st Cleveland New Toric, FeQnsylrania ft M • THE WISsAHICKON AT FAULT. In October, 1880, during the storm in which the Alpena was lost, thcscliooner .!. and A. Stronacn, with a full cargo of lumber, made for the harbor at South MuiiUou tor lefuge. Stress of weather had driven Into the same harbor thirty or thirty-live- other vessels, several of which were forced onto the beach. Tim propeller Wissahlckon, of jhe Western Transportation Line, entered the harbor about 1 o'clock in the morning tjhltrter of a mile of the lee shore, where she, kept her steam up to buck the alienor and to save such struln us threatened to force Iter adrift. During all the lime she had her side HghtB up and burning. The Stro'imch emered the hurbor about 0 o'clock In the morning, cast her anchor and paid nutaboutfoity five fathoms of chain, when the propeller,, with, her steam up, was observed winking down upon (lie schooner. In tho collision that followed tho Stronach .sustained serious dnmuge. The \Vl6snhlckon„wlth her anchor chafn leading under her bow, working uliead crossing the chain of the schooner,' and while the.'Vessels were In this position the chains btctune entangled from it„ henli. The schooner Immediately drifted u-hore, where she was scuttled to prevent her Irom poundinglo pieces. A libel wussubsequently filed against the propeller, und the hearing before Commissioner I'loudloot resulted In a report holding the pinpelh-r wholly in fault. It wan contended on the part of the Wissahlckon that she did not move from her uioorlngs, anil that the schooner lulled up across her bows nnd drifted down upon her. But the L'omnilsslnuei, after an elaborate review of the testimony, decided that the best evidence Introduced into the cii-f—that nf dispassionate witnesses from Iht decks of other wyssels—iind the physical Incts, satisfactorily1 ncipil^ed the Stronach lioin such a maneuver and threw the liurdeii of the fault upon Hie propeller.- The eliilin ol the owner of the Stronach, Captain John Anderson, ngulnst the Western Line l» quite a heavy one, and, under tills decision, must bo paid. Agents for Akron Rubber Oo.'s Valves, Hose, Packing, etc. ' F. * H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Manufacture of Hoiel Ranges & Laundry Stoves, M Dealers in 128 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, O. -TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE SHORE A MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Conmienring Sunday, November 18, at 12 o'clock noon Ihe tlmeglven In tho figure. below fa the now standard (Nlnetli'tn meridian) tlmt. which 1. thlrty-thrco min¬ ute, .lower tliun Cleveland time proper and twenty- eight mtnutea slower than the time heretofore In uao (Columbus lime) by these road..__________ WKW YOBH, BOBTOM AND THE KAIT The Shortest Bind QnlcltMt Don!* n« pj„ bars, Wuhlnt-ton and ItalMino.. and the Bonthvut. Central or Ninetieth-Meridian tlme.Mminn,.. .i or than Cleveland olty time, imnntei slot Until further nntleo trains will leave from ,l. • f Conical Depot, Houth Water airoet and VUduir!.^!* Iowa: -"iuciufoi. . 6.50 a, m, tXZKZ7&%&-/ Leavltt.»uigli 8 iia a. ro. to New York,""ba?, 55 lio.ton without Chang... Arrlv.nlMeadv Ileal Lo. m. (dinner) Franklin nt 12:08 p m, Oil CltriMn„ *■ Corrf.ie.as p. A, Jamestown (ilnko Cham fuouai i«m' m. Iu(raloo.S0p'. m. Honhntw S.-20 p. ™?H»'31 vlllo t:M p m [aiiDDsrli Corning MS f. "." EtoJSi* ' p in. Dlnghanton 10:05 p in., Anuuiy „:0o» mi",.,* 1:45 p.m.; arriving nt N«iw Ylirk6:lJa"n7 B°"°» 9 ■9(lT| HI WMITED EXPKESS-ThroiiKh p„n g.ilfll, Jill man sleonln^ cnoeli from ClevilaiA Now Vork. Arrive, nt Meadvlllu at 0:30 p. raff" ' town 8:47 p. .1114 Sulnuiuuoa 0:45 p, in. NewTt 10:10 n. 111. . v ,ct« 11'fin II HI. NI0«T EXPKI'83-(jia||, ..,„„ ll.UU D.,HI. Huialay)SeepingcSch'lron?CI,,ffl llornollnVllla Arrlyo nt Yoiuigitown nt 1*1 ■, _ MoadvlUe »:M n. u.., Corry 4:5111 „i. Jn,UMtow°, <£;' m. DutlBlolLliOn. ni.. luw'hrai..r io.b« „.„"." 5'".». villi), 11:00 am Hlnglmmptmi 2: . <nt rlttaburgh C:no a. ,u , wiinoiit clmnm LM J, ffl, Through without ci,EnM7F,,l„r'c"f.r tnclied. Arrives nt Yoiingelown s.^ p ,11 v\Zl!t 8:02 p. m., Wnjlilngioi; TSlO «. m , Baltimore's"11. i« 7,"11 V.' Ill, Slopfilng nt nil wny n'atlon., nrrlvlnmt , Youngstown 0:60 p. in., 8hmon 8:01 p. in., Sliarn'.vin. 8:10 p.m. * "'• 6:50 a--------------.................„, Yoqugjlown 0..80 n. in., Slinron 10:80 a. vlllo 10:40 a. ra., I'it'.burgli 12 4S p m., Ketnrninl lenvc. Plltiburgli nt 4:15 a n, 7.J11. Z "r..11™!* nnd 8:45 p ui n. ui., Lorry 4:511 n. 111. JnnjMtown 5 S71 1 n. ni„ Ilochoaier 12:58 p, m„ ]lllri,li!' , Corning 12:07 n in. Ellii™i2K'm' ilP!"^^w.Vork0:,0p.,„:40Ui Ithoui change.' "rri" lSXl'lfESS — n.nlly _ I-ITTSDUROII EXPRESS*- Dallv- Through without ehaugo. Arrive, at Sharp*. 7|45a. m.,I2t59p. a.', 1 fl % Q hi YOUNGSTOWN AND PITTSBUBQn 1U dO d HI, ACOMMODATroN-Stopplu. ,t .a Way itntlona, nrrlvlng at Youngetown 1:40 p.m. Putt .burgh,8.45 p. m. r ■"'"- Train, arrive nt Olovoland, 0:16 a. 10.20 n. m; 1:03 p. m., and 0:46 p. m, '••TThlB la Hie only route bv wh'ich ' P m., ronch Oorry^Elmlra^ Blngbampifln^Now York city Knaiward. Knat New York Expreea........v... N Y, B A A Expreai................. Elyris Accomuiorlntlon............... Portt'llmon Accoinuiodntlon ... BulTnlo Aocoraluodatlon.....'........ N Y A B Kaal hxpreas................ Cln.i tit. LniU Exprt'u............ Comio'tut AcconimiidatloD......... Nnltlnghuui [-undiiy only] ....... Night Lxpre**._______............. I Arrive. | Depnrl ■>! 07 A u "0 87 A M t» 07 A 11 10 87 A H 10 37 A u •15' "7 02 A M tlO 52 A u "2 27 F « "3 37 r u 4 22 a M 0 44 r 11 f0 42 I' M tlO 07 I'M Wctwiird. I Arrive. | Dt-part. FaalLliuiud lixpie-s .......,......Ml 5S a *°Vi 05 a m Mich lCxprehu viit S.uulu»ky....... ^2 22 A u '" " Cliloitgo HxprwH vln '* ......... go 07 A 11 Mich Accom, Norwnlk................,......... Conncniil Act'oiinii.nlutlcm.....„.., |8 12 A u Nottlii|;liiini, Lsiii»tny only)...... 4 17 r u 1 47 r M Tolt-do J'xprt-B vtu Ntiiwalk ..... ^2 r>2 1' u BtLoiil. l'x vlu bimtuiliy.... C I' Ex vin N01 whIk Piir^CliiiUHi Auimiiixidulion, HcfereiK. innrlvH—^ Dnily, t dally,_"exccpt tinudny gdiitly. ex^'l'i ^' '"liiy "1 02 r 11 ttl 02 r 11 <a 37. II 3?A« t«'!2 A u |3 02 l' M •1 25 I' M W 32 l': t 4 82l' ::'. :fc£ LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI 4 INDI- ». ANA POMS. Commencing Suiidin, November 18th, trnlneof the Bei- l.tuf—Clevelmid, Columbus, C'lnclnuntl A, Ilidlaii'- .poll, [tallwiti —will U-nve nnd arrive nt Cluvohiii'l n. follow., ckntiiai. tn-A.sUAiti) tihic, 38 mlnutea slower than Cleveland liuic: 'Englneur Well* Ima bei'n eiiKiiueil In tak- Iiir HoiiiitlliiKS .In tlii' hurbor. He Ilnds a bar aeroin llii- lliner end of the eana! iilinnt 125 feet witle with thlrteon feel antl fljrlii Inches ol-water over It. Two tlayh with a tlroilo;o 'would romovo thla. He tlnil'n mi. other bar lietweenihe Northwestern Fuel Co'a dock anil the N. P. dock, where no ilrotlgliiK hu« been done for ci'verul'yi'inv. A third mnallerahoul l« near the entrance o! tlio HI. P. & D. kII|>. All thrall three can lie reinoVPil riihlly lifl'oru the if>ieuiiii! ol liavl- Ration, and Sir. Welln will reciiiniiioiul that a portion of the appi'ci|irlatli\n now available lie iIhciI fur the put pone. Wheat lailen vi'— <■{•]" now In the liurlinr draw ul.....t l->,iiTct'ii feet nnd' a half. Tiiklin; 'it nil iiroiind ihe enjilneer llilnki-^ie linrliiir. in lietter eoiull- llon than last year.—Hiiliilli Tnm*. llcpart leuger. on and Intermediate points wJthout"chango.W No'chm'.. to Boston and New England Title.. '* Baggage checked through to all point. Ea.t ThtSJiftl tlckela and Information regardlna the route can be obtained at the ofllcu 131 Bank itreet and at now Depot ol N. Y., P A O B k, Soull. Water i'lr..t and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A, E. CLABK, Gen'l I'aiB'r'Ag't Cleveland. O J. M FERRIS, Oon'l Man'gr, Cleveland, O. M. L, FOVTti.l'ninenger Agt, 131 Bank St. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW YOBH, CHICAGO A »T. LOCI. HAILWAY. Tlio pnaaongcr oqul|imentof this New Truaklin. la nil now mill la eupplled with tho lateat appllancH neceaeary to snfe speouy nnd comfortable travel At Chicago, .pasauiiKer tralna anlv» at and leave Iron, the Union Depot, Van Buron street. Following le the time In effect Nov. 18.1188, and ua* til further uollce: GOING EAST. Lv. Chicago......... 7.48 a m...................... Arr. Valimialw.. 0.37 " .................. " Fort Wayne. 1.00 p. m................... .....•'"[...... " .New Haven.. 1.35 ' , " West Lolpslo. 8.46 " '.............\ ........... " ArcndlA......... 4.44 "................. [.......,' " Fostoria......... 4.67 " .'.]"'.".........! ]......... " Green Springs 6.44 " VBellovuo........ 8.10 " ••••—•■■■•• •.............. ■I.v. Bellevue......... 6.20 Arr Clevrlund....... o.oa Lv. Cleveland................ Arr Pnlnesvllle............. " Aslitnbula............... " t'onneaut................. " Erie......i............... '• Dunkirk......;........... " BuffUlo........................... 5.20 " ........... GOING WEST. Lv Bufliilo..........0.50 a. m. j Air Dunkirk..........11.24 " ..........."" 'J........"'." Erlo................ 1.23 p. m..........'.'.'.'..'.'..'. Uavi' 7.55 a. m. L0.2it ' 10-27 11.88 ii SSf 1225 p. m, 608 1.05 " 6.32 , 2.UD »' 3.47 •* Conneuiii....... 2 20' " A.htnbuln......2 61 " IIUlicsvlllo...... 3 44 " Cluvehind.......4.62 Lv Cleveland........ 4.57 Air llellevut,......... 7 35' Lv Bellevue................. Grt'uu Spring.. 11.47 9.10 0.20 0.44 6.15s. m 6 46 " 743 ' 8 65 " Fostorln.......................10 22 Arcadia......................... 10 84 " West lA'ip.lc................. U.HO " Now Hnvun .............. l 8.1 p. 1 Fort Wiiyuo.............. 1,10 " Vnljirniso..................... 5.55 " Cfiicngo.......................... 7.50 '1 Trains run by the Nlnoiioth Meridian Time, which il nine minutea.ltiwer Until L'hlcagi, lime, twenty-night miuolei, ulewor tliiiu Coluinbun lime, tblrjf-tlireeniln- ule* .lower than Cleveland time, forty-nfur milium slower than Ruffulo time, and sixty mUlutea 'slower than lheSovonl|>-nfth Merldlen tune. For iufiiriiiatlou, call on uenroel agent of the Com¬ pany, or address • . B. F. HORNER, Gen'l PiusoDger ABent. LEVIS WILLIAMS, «*"»«•* »» General Muungur. Clevelnnd, O. Rocky River Accommodation depart* At 6.-20 a. a nnd 2:15 |) lU. Euclid Accomiuodntion doparu, at 7:80 a m and 10 It p m. All trains dully except Sunday. No. I, RlnclimnllA "ulunilau I j,nre»s..... «7.!WAM No. 11, Ind,lnnni>ol1ii A W httdk>^EKpre.s No. 17, Speclul Coluuihu. A OlnclnnaU Kx.. No. 3, Special Ind A St. btuia Expraaa No, 6, Col tin.. Ind. A Si. Louis Exprci No. 7, Oalllon 4 C,L A W. Aco.„. J;.,,, No. 2, Col. A Clu. A Ilia. Expreea............... No. 8, Guillen A C. 1. A W. Aon................. No 12, 81. i.oiile A lmlluunpoalsKxpriv,..... No.0, (ol. Clu. A Ilnliiiiiu|Hill. Exixrea...... No, 4, Columbus A 1'iucliinnli ExjtrcN......,. No. 10. Wheeling Lxutcm..................... No. 14,Col., ..... aT< Y. fn»t line. 6.40 A M 1:20 1' M »1:40 P M •0:40 P M 4.80 1> t>l Tho DuUv Day arrived In 13tli from KeiMinnee. , Cbiinjjo on the Tniww uauked << ilnily, nil other brnlue diUUr eccui,! Sundny ^ ' E3f"'rieketa by thi* pnpnlnr rniito for sale at all regular Tckci Olflce,. E,B. THOMAS, :0. B. SKINNER, t.iiierul .\:aniii;iT. Tnitflc Manntjw. A. J. SMITH, (it-nurol PaaMOiiytjc Agoiit. cli:vi:lam>. oiiio. MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Great Lakes. R. L. POLK & CO., The Well-known Directory publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will havo ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation, a Complete Guide to the MAitrmn: intkhkhts on tub i.aki>. litvoapiioltlvu rouAHly ruriho sl..iv.~li.os.o; by lu u-J lhiiiiHnilBofrii|.usor tho wnnit klml .nil nf limir sundln4 .____L",----------...-__,., ...v n.i,Bk n,i,i, «,11. ... ....Iff Stl \tH}SSllSfi,TSa ""TTMHI faun. Wmlhor arltb . VAf^ enaaAi'.o.addnsa, HU.T.iVllLOOU^lnlMulBt.,N. Y. 14 4

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