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Marine Record, April 24, 1884, p. 5

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THE MARINE RECORD ; Tho Clilcngo Drydock Co. have hnd Hie old wlieol, by wliloli they formorly pumped out their noutli aide Urydook, tnken out, nnd have substituted if powerful centrifugal pump, which is a very grout Improvement, „B It enables them to got the dock pumped out lu "bout two hour". They linve been vtry busy during the winter niontliB doing the following work. Tho schooner .Newsboy was In drydock nnd hud a through rebuild. The i6hooncr Mnry V. Ayor was In drydoek and got a rebuild nnd a now wlndlnas; tho schooner A. P. Nichols hail new frames and celling and * now cab^n \ tho schooner Rein¬ deer was In drydock nnd was rebuilt; the 6thooncr E. P. Royec wont Ipto drydock nnd received n general overhauling; tho fieaaibnrge Inter Ooenn went into drydock for rccidklng; the propeller Peerless ro» eelved new arches and a general overhaul-* nn," two govornmont sepws went Into dry- dock loi cnlklng all over. Tho schooner Rising Stnr v na In drydock foi fecnlklng, 'I he tug Wilson Brothers wni In drydock for gcncrnl repairs; the ttig Bob Teed wsb in drydock for 11 new shoe; the schooher Hcrrlntt Ross got a now jlbboom nnd top¬ mast; the sthooner Charles K. Wyman n new square sail yard; the schooner Sllgo n new mlzzeu must and windlass, her decks (..ilked nnd n genernl overhauling; the schooner City of Clilcngo a new mlzzen mast; the schooner Jessie Scnrth a now wind¬ ings nnd repairs; the schooner American Union a now windlass, main gall and Re¬ pairs; the schooner Ford River was In dry. dock for calking and general repairs; the steambarge Charles Reltz got a new wind la<-s, the schooner Danforth hnd her decks talked; the schooner Mediator had her decks calked; the schooner Marengo had new quarters, the steambarge Lcland had new r.ils anil a general overhauling; tho pro¬ peller J. I.. Haul lor agential overhauling; the schooner J. M. Forrest had her bottom talked and went out of drydock last Monday morning and the schooner Haoklcy went into ilndock Monday afternoon to get a leak Hopped nnd some calking. At Miller Bros drydock, tho ichoOuer Oakleal, Captnln James Dopegan, is In dry- dock getting Iter bottom calked nnd some general repairs and her cnbin llxed. The Oikleaf Is owned by K. P. Rojce ol hi-umabn; she formeily hailed from Alllai^ 0 , anil was launched April 14, 18(10, ami t- illtil from Cleveland, O., on her llrst trip with coal for Chicago on May 9th 1800. Her builder bus good reason to be proud of his work as there Is Beldom seen In n diydock n inure handsome or bcttei constructed vessel, and although she Is now entering on her nineteenth year her bottom Is as sound as a nxk she schooner Kate Hincbman Is also in ilrjiloik getting new kelsons, trainee, nnd i-pirtlal lebuild. The schooner James D. biwver Is In drjdoek getting* partial re¬ build. The keel of the new tug to he built for ,1 S. Dunham was laid on Saturday and will he rapidly pushed ahead. They are building loi II. II. sbufeldt, the distiller, a ticumbarge, length 110 leet, beam 22'.i feet, dipth 9 feet 1 be barge Brunette has gone out uf dr)iloik alter gettlngjicw Irnmeslore .mil aft nnd a thoiough rebuild. Parllciilais "I work done by this firm during the winter mouths will come in next weeks Issue. I lie Vessel Owners' Drydock Company have done consldeiablu work during the winter. Tho Bteambarge W. L Wetmoro is in drydock getting her bottom searched up uid calked,- now wale strakes, part new r|idder amUnew upper deck forward. The nhoonoi J. B. Penllcld, which has been re¬ named the A. K. Vlckcry, was in their dry- doik and got n through rebuild. The Union < oinpany's stcnmshlps J. Flake, Starucea, Newburgh, and New York have received gnu nil repalis. The stcniiiBhll) Harry IS. IVker of tho Leigh Valley CVs. Lino was in drydock and go; her bottom, topsldes, deck, .and celllng.calkod and some general repairs, 'I be tug Munson went Into drydock aud liad '"r bottom culke.d aud gonoial repairs. The tilioouor John Kclderhouse received somo repairs nnd calking to hor deck. Tho tug Pilule I,. Smith was In drydock for ovor- liniillng nnd bottom oalklng Tho barge' Jt-iuinliili Godfrey received anew main boom »"d repairs to deek and calking. Tho tug C, 'I'arkor received now wnlo stinkes, .stanchi¬ ons, lenders and bulwarks. The schooner C. A. King got some ropnlrs to hei deck rail •"'u Btnnchlons. Tho stennibnige D. 0. Whitney had hor colling nnd centre bonrd box oalkod and sonto repairs. Thoichooncr Orphnn Boy got ropnlrs to hor deck, hntohei nnd colling. 'I ho schooner Nassau now main topmast nnd now trussel trees on ftfro and main mnaj, nnd ropnlrs to her celling. Tho schooner Florettn had her colling re¬ paired and calked, now timber heads nnd' hatchcomblngs and her centre board calked, the. steambarge. J. P. Heath was In dry- dockforatrew shoo and bottom calking. Tho steambarge John Otis was in Urydook and received a now stern pipe, spme calking and part new rail. The atenmbnrge Impornl went Into drydock nnd hnd hor bottom senrched nnd a genernl overhauling. The schooners Pilot nnd Jnmalcn got some re¬ pairs. Tho schooner 1". Y. Avery, ccdnr-londed, arrived off tho harbor yesterday, nnd the tug PadUy Murphy wen^to her. The line parted three times, however and n now line h id to ba obtained In the harbor. The tug Mnry McLanc also went to her. She was finally brought to the markat In safety. She was out through the entire storm, and was roughly handled, but came through It with¬ out damage. A lew posts were lost off her decklond. The captain reports tho wind on Sunday morning at sixty miles nn hour, nnd a fearful sea running. The vessel made very fair we,atfierk it, considering, nnd did not leak n dropT1^ T. W. KSCANABA. Sfeelal Cdrrapomlerux of Ihe itarim Record , y Escanatu, April 19. The Ice moved out of Green Bny trom Snnd Point south on Tuesday night nnd on Wednesday It was still solid north of the point, but Btenmers could work their way to the docks In half a day, and if the rough weather continues ns It has since Inst Mon¬ day It will be broken up nnd driven out soon. This dnvjjjaturd&y, April 19th, nothing Is to prevent vessels from coming In, The Ice left in the Inner hmbor Is so honeycombed ns to be no obstruction. We expect vessels in Ironi Clilcngo nnd Milwaukee at any hour. You may consider navigation open at Esca- nabn. . Captain Ed. Coftey hns gone to Stuigeon Bay to take command of the Maxwell. Captain Klrtlnnd, of the" wrecking tug Le- viathnn, removed with his family to Che- boygnn, which port .will bo the Btntlon henceforth for the Leviathan. The same gale that biokoup nnd carried out the Ice in Green Bny nnd Little de No- quotto, opened the Straits of Mackhnw, nnd navigation, while it may yet be to some ex¬ tent impeded, may be considered open Last Wednesday an agent of the/Wiscon¬ sin fish commission planted a ii}illfjrni_ nml a hall of whlteflsh fry In Green Bai\a( this place. In a few da} a he will be livntr again wlili as many more, and the expectation Is thut the United Stales commission will plant thrice the number In the same waters this spring. A Wisconsin uihii Mil be here soon to gather spawn of pickerel to plant In llie" Inlunil waters of that state. Clear pine timber in considerable quantity Is taken out In tho vlclnlt} of £scanaba for shipment to Liverpool. It Is a new in¬ dustry hereabout, the first Bhipment being made last summer. The llrm of O'Ciillaghan & MuArlbur Bros", have over 200,000cublc feel on the Escauaba river, roajly to como down w ith the first water, beside a consider¬ able quantity already In the basin west of Tllden streetsbildgo. The firm ships lis own timber through to Liverpool. E. G. llUFPAIIR SjHLiitt to Ike jfcirlrw Record The propeller William Edwards sailed on the 22(1. 'llie Ico is quite solt and she ex¬ pel lenced no difficulty trom It. The Hist ar¬ rival last jenr was the steamer I). I.euty, Irom Cleveland, on Apill26th. There ate no other vessels yet rcudy to sail, but line managers are preparing to begin opera¬ tions next week, other craft will bogin May 1st. The northeast wind, which has pre¬ vailed lor the past two days, has loosenc'd up the ico considerably, aud there are now lingo strips ol clear water. The Edwauls will stop at Cleveland loi fuel, bhe Is loaded with coal lor Ch(cngo. The Edwards car¬ ries her own risk to savo the April Insur¬ ance ol 10 per cent. A dispatch says a barge passed-Poit CpU borne sately. birveial vessels are loading coal. The propellei 11. J. Jewclt went lor a inrgo on Sunday. Tho Boston was lying at tho Del aware & Hudson trestle on Monday. The Jny Gould hns commenced loading. The tug Experience of Buffalo, has been, grappling for the chains and anchors of. the Mnry Nnu, which went nihoro at Grand Haven last full, with good success. She nlao hnd n trial at what is left of tho Clnrn Par ker, which went nshorc Inst fall south of Grand Haven, nnd reports that where the Parker lies the water Is twelve feet deep and that she has worked dpwn Into the sand- mitil she Is twenty-three teet deep. DULUTH. J. W. Ml'ler and R, B. Montague ship brokors, have tformed a partnership for the purposo of carrying on the ship broker, nge nudgenorul shipping business In Duluth. Those gentlemen have bad mnny years er perlcuce in the shipping trade of the lakes, We tcel warranted in saying that nil business entrusted to thorn will receive cnrcttil and proper attention. Toledo/ R. Hallaran has chattered his schooner 'Hallaran, corn, Toledo to Buffalo, 2 cents. All the boats sailing from here this season have been manned with union sailors. But few dinners have been repotted thus far. ' The schooner Delaware cleared yesterday for Racine witli coal. MILWAUKEE. Special to thejfarlne Recori. The Inter Ocean Company boats are tho first of the season tor Escnnabn. The steambarge Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Monouhansett sailed for Escnrjaba. The barge Euieka goes to Chicago to loud grain. Most of tho vessels here will go for ore, as no grain will be shipped from here. Tho wrecking tug Leviathan goes to the schooner Belle Brow n on the beach here as soon as the sea goes down. The brlgnutlnc J. M Hill, on the beach, Is In bad shape, having sunk in the sand two fcer?. The schooner Guldo dragged her anchor and luul u narrow escape trom going on the beach. The tug Caroline Williams took tiro ten miles oil Big Point, An Sable, at!) o'clock on the 22d and burned until 10 o'clock, when she sunk. Her crew reached Pent- watur. She had in tow the wrecked schuouei Wiltertown, which had a steam pump on board, and was from NorthpoInt to Chicago. The Williams' was owned by Cinifleld, of Manistee, and was used as a wiecking tug. She measured thirty-nine tons, aud was valued at $10,000. On account of the heavy sen the wrecking tug could not go to the beached schooners Belle Blown and J M. Hill 'there Is no apparent change in their condition. The steambarge D. W. Rust lett lor Escauaba on Wednisday. i The lite crew at this port opened the cam¬ paign of the season in a noble manner, res¬ cuing with much dlfllculty the crew ol the brlgantlne J. M. Hill, ashore hereon bun- da) . They had scarcely arranged their ap¬ paratus when the} sighted the schooner Hello Brow n In much the same condition as tho Hill. The crew, however decided to rc_ main On the vessel. The Hill Is owned by. Charles and John Brfttijiaiii, who have a three quarter Interest In her, and Captain Dan MaTbee, ot the steambarge Geoige llurnham, who owiib a one-quarter Interest. The Hill had a cargo ol 150 cords of wood and n partial deckloud of hardwood lum¬ ber from Ilurnham's plei. She was lu com¬ mand of Captain Cole, and this was his tiist (lip in hoi. It was liei llrst tiip ol the sea¬ son 'llieJtellc llrown meusuies 217 tons, was built at i hlcago by W. Hates ft, Co , In 1S7J. She Is owned by Mueller, Christie & Co.."and valued at $1,000, Sire was com¬ manded by Captain McKlvltr ami carried a crew of sevon men, She was hound from Chicago to Charlevoix. Her owners were notlllcd by tclegiaph last night and the man¬ aging owner U expected inhere this muming. The tug Hues was ducked at the Mllwnu* kce qhlpj aril on hatuiuay, and the steam¬ barge R A SO) mom, Jr., at Wolf A, David¬ son's yaul The into on wheat fimil Chicago to Bui falo.ls .1 cents. Chatters wcie made Satur¬ day lor 100,000 bushels of wheat, The schooner E.J. McVea takes ties liom Ognntz H iy to It iclue at "'.. ccntv FRANKFORT. Special to llie Marine Record Point Betsy, Michigan, lifo-Bnving crew nro as follows: Thos. E. Mathews, keeper; Leouhnrt Ruhr, Martin Gulllckson, Robert Emory, Christian Kerwand, Christ.Thomp¬ son, Ralph Heater, Amlrow Lnrson, surf. menf'They arc a very good selection, and some of them have been In the service for years nnd are classed ns' tho host drilled men in tho eleventh district. Surfmnn Rohr Is said to be nn excellent signal man. Reports to-day state that n large field of Ice Is Jammed up in the Platto Bay, at some places crowded up twelve feet high. Tug Williams, towing a disabled vessel (three-masted, white) passed this ovenlng, the 21st, bound south. • C. B. SANIlUSKY. Special to the tfarini ltuord Tho bnrge Crocker, which went nshorc at Kelly's Island near the west dock ori-Sun- dny night, is n total wreck. She pounded so bndly on tho rocks thut she knocked her whole bottom out, nnd she has since been breaking up. Silo was formerly owned by LeiiiS Sloane, ol this city, who sold her to Gilchrist & Co., of Vermilion, from whom she was purchased last season by B. Hoose, of Detroit. She was In juch bad condition that cho could not ottnln nny Insurance, and Is consequently a total loss. She hnd becji In com mission thlrty-ono years. It was fortunate that si e was wrecked near enough to ennblo her crew to jump ashore. Navigation opeqed tivo days oarlior than lust soason. Captain J F. Farn ell, of Sandusky, hns purchased the schooner David Provost from Henry Howard, of Port Union, for $2,000. She will arrive this week with a cargo of staves for Hodgman & Co. MAChlNAW The steambaige Mnri Mills, of Detroit, bound for Manistee, arrived at 0 p. m. yes- tciday, tho first vessel of the season They will nttompuo make the pnssagetothc We»t. In the morning The Straits have been com¬ parative!} dec of Ice to lay. The Ico bridge south of St. Helena Island Is only about four miles wide and quite rutton. The llrst vessel that will passuorthwaid of the Island will undoubtedly get through. The'weath er is warm and 'here Is nu wind. l-AHl 1AWAS The steambarge Lowell ai rived fi oru Marine City with the barges Alice Richards anil St. Clair. The steambarge McBilar passed with one barge, bound for Bay City, CiiniOvaAN. The wind Iseastandstraitslu this vicinity full of running ice. The situation abovo re¬ mains unchanged. A ,blow from the same juaiter would undoubtedly open tho straits. KRAMtroni. The Williams can led away her Jlbboom In the blow. A tug towing n disabled three masted vessel bound south passed this even¬ ing, the list The tug Sullivan arrived from St. Joseph to fish here. There arc tlelds of Ice clinging near the Munltous and I'lalte Bay Sailed—Schooners Ne A house, wood for Milwaukee, Nellie Church, lumber, forShe- bo_\ gan OSWKQO. Owners of vessels do not seem to be In,a huiry about commencing business and this Is largely due to the rates established on hulls and the manner lu whloh certain classes of vessels appear 16 have been dis¬ ci Iminated against. The rates are regarded ns simply minions.—yum*. The Buy of Qiiluto Is now free of ico and the sleamci Hero Is making regular trips ' between Kingston nnd Belleville. . pom iiuriov Tjho northoiuiter that strut k this end nt Lake Huron has done damage to cailv starters* Carey's lumber report says thut stcambaigo Ogemaw lost two of her barges, and the City of Straits of Ogomaw'sHDw went ashore at Point an Barques, unties going to pieces In the stoim. 1'he Ogemaw^ had the William Young anil IC. C Roberts. OUDl'NSllUWl. The stcaiu}acht Rawson was launched on Wednesday lust. The Rlchlleu & Onlaiio Navigation Cot summers w'lll be lighted by electricity. The Ogdcnsburg lighthouse again sends lorth Its beacon light. The work of fitting out thu levenuo cut-, let Illbh was begun Tuesd i\. W

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