THE MARINE RECORD. PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, Original and only builders of the" Providence" Steam and Hand Windlasses, Steam Capstans, Crank Capstans, and Power Capstans for Steam and Sailing Vessels, Yachts, Tug Boats, Wrecking Boats, Elevators, Dry Docks, Etc. . ' The Providence Patent Steam' Capstan Windlass ( New Style. The Providence Patent Power Capstan. The Providence Patent Capstan Windlass. The Provldsnoe Patent Pump Brake Windlass. The Providenoe Patent Steam Capstan. SELLING ACENTS ON THE LAKES. ^smamt The Providence Patent Crank Capstan. D. S. AUSTIN & CO UPSON, WAL'ION & CO. M. I. WILCOX. BUFFALO, N. Y. I JAMES P. DONALDSON 4 CO. CLEVELAND, O. DUNHAM & HOIT. TOLEDO, 0. | G. D. NOBRIS & CO. DETROIT, MICH CHICAGO, ILL MILWAUKEE, WIS. . THE GLOBE IRO^N-WORKS. GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS, BOILER MAKERS, AND, IRON SHIPBUILDERS. Office and Works, Corner of Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, O. Wt aye prepared to furnish on short notice Blnliouiyy or (Marine, either High Prouu-o, doming or Compound Engines, Horizontal o Vortical, with or without gridui ?! Vertical Engines Kept in Stock. *V c keep all BizeS of vertical engines In stock, which we are pn pared to sell at respective prices htution- iiry engine Includes Go\crnor, Throttle Cylinder and Oiler Oil Cups and W a»to Cocks Mnrltiu Puglne includes I Ink and Iteverso Motion Circular Throttlu Cylindrr Ollir, Oil Cups and Waste Cocks same as ptuttun»r) — no go\ernor or 11) wind Nob ) 8, D mid '10 lia\unfi)iflL crunks witheepntulu JourniU whenused with hi ill niary uiglne* 11(0) are | rovidsd with k<>k1 linuut Imxen in troth •mis of luiiiieiNn^iod niid cr as lieu I with butt poaaU Ueprutlaloii mudo for tukitiK up (lie weir Diet) I luder Stcnm Clubland lower head are liihI iu ot e jlceunnd tlu frame alid-es and J mmnla in ouo | it-eu tin re by lessening liability of derm guiionjiind first cobI and Innuringtt durallo nulehliu I lie (>llnders are neatly covered with cast-iron lading Slide valve with 1mr^o porta I Iston flllid vllh good iitetnillc packing Material and workiuansliii (siiaranteed , Low Pressure, Coa¬ ting cut off. Hovirg ptvidcd cur new both r works with the most approved tools for riveting by steam, plan ing lie ic'jtB irsusc) of chipping, drilling, punching, shearing and bending by steam power, we feel warranted un 60) irg we con furnish the best work for the least money in the Jollowing kinds of boilers, whi c h w e con bi ild of either Jrcn or Steel Return flue Marine Boilers, Tubular Boilers, eithe. hor. i7on ml or tcriical locon olive Boilers, Cylinder Boilus, Flue Boilers, Smoke Stacks and general plate Iron work. SUBUEIHU I, mi- ^f±^ ruLL Tun, BOtLIR. kuitiNF titoiM-a "TATIOV*lt\ KNOINP8 Chandler's List. TUBULAR BOILER l.i.jyft..ll.)i / Celebrated Chain Sheave Windlass, with AfiTti--, _ _ .... ,. <_______________ zeen Beam. i fie UOITimOn Patent mwmS.Glabe Iron Works Patent Steam Windlass J