TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, April 3, 1884, p. 6

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THE MARINE RECORD. N0B1HEKN MICHIGAN LINE-OPEN¬ ING rnosPE'OTs. Frankfort, Mnrcli 27. S/tcial Corretpontlence 0/the Marine Record. i ThoBtonmoi-Grace BnVker, which hns piled here for the past two yours, hns bean sold . for.$7,000. Site will run.between Hiirbor Springs nnd points on Little Traverse Buy. "riie propeller J..W. Weston, Ciiptnln Wit. tern, will run bctwevn Miinlatce and Frank¬ fort. SJie Is nt prefont I'rozoir'lii lit Mii"ke- jrnn. "The Northeril MiuhiRiiii lino'bouts, Cluunpion and Lawrence, will make lids their stopping point to wood up. and the Goodrich Hue will nl«o run litre, this boliip/ „thelr northern tcruillius. The schooner Geo. \V. Wostcott, of Kon- oshn Is in winter quarters here. Captain J, Read has sold it one-half, interest In her to • J. Brydon, nf Milwaukee. She will hall from Frankfort next season.. Thr- only other schooner hailing from hero Is the Una. She was dismantled lust fall nnd is receiving new spars at Sheboygan, Wis. Lake Michigan Is.full of ice. A passen¬ ger who crossed on a lake propeller last week says they left Milwaukee on Monday evening and that It took them until Satur¬ day to reach' Manistee, There Is only a strip of aboutSweuty miles of clear water In the lake, the rest is in solid fields of .drift hie, -J|EW CANAL SUPERINTENDENT. ' j\t, a recent' meellng In Chicago of some of tho ofllcers.of tlio ship,nanal company tho position Of siiperlniondeint was tendered to Kdwilrd S. Minor, nf Sturgeon Bay,'and there Is probably no doubt that he will take the place, which hits' hitherto been Occupied by Gem go II. Sager. It Is not likely that .the company could havo' relented a person .better qiinliljcd to discharge the responsible duties nf the post than Mr. Minor.. He will devotehls whole time to the' work, and the Interests of tlie caiuil company will be dill- Kenily 1'arcTf for. Measu.res luiva already been taken by the superintendent-elect to improve the "owing facilities "f the canal. lie Inat week purchased from Ilagat:, Eng¬ lish & Thiall, of Green Bay, llielr now and powerful lug, the Henry Marshall,' payinu therefor $10,100. The Marshall was built last spring at ti cost of (11,.000. and Is well adapted, for tho work that Will be required of her. She will be permanently stationed at the canal, and will do the principal part of the towing. So lar as hns been in ranged at this date tho Marshall's crew Is as follows: Ed. Cox, captain; Joseph Swectinan, engi¬ neer; Frank Bacon, linesman. ------------------^-------------------------M ' ■ SOLDIERS' AND .SAILORS,' WIVES. Tho Woman's auxiliary Society of the Grand Army of the " Republic recently liirmcd in tho city, an organization which has done such grand work In other cities, not only among the families of destitute and suffering soldlersjind sailors, but the poor generally, are anxious to securc'-the address Qf all ex-BolClers or sailors residing In the ot becoming iicqnulnfed wlih the wile ot every person here w lm mtvciI under the Hag. Addresses may bo pent m the secretary nf the society or to Mr. Raymond, of the Soci¬ ety for Organizing Charity, Somo Icebergs twenty-live to thirty feet high jcity; The visiting committee are desirous are occasionally seen drifting along. Last week the drift closed in about Frankfort, and - for six or eight days not a sign of water could be seen, even from the highest elevation- Now It bus moved to- the west and caii be ' seen just In the horizon. Between the Mnn> itou Islands and tin! mainland It Is full of drift ice. Last week it was solid enough to cross and get the mall, now It is all broken up. Ac Death's Door the ice is reported thirty-nine inches thick and solid. A team crossed Irom Washington Island to Escauaba on,the lli'h. Travelers report that the Ice in the Straits of Mackinaw has seldom been so thick as now, and the whole foot of the lake is frozen solid. Teams come from Bea¬ ver Island to the mainland, forty miles, for supplies. I will now make my guess: Navigation for sail vessels on Lake Michigan will begin April lath and the Straits will pass the first craft May Ith or 5th. What say you all ? Respectfully, - » ' Chas. BL'UJIKISiTFII. NAUTICAL NOTES. Messrs. Wolt & DaViilnon are building a new schooner now on slock and in frame and although this firm Is already famous throughout the chain of lakes for tho excel¬ lent class of vessels built by them, It is claimed that the schooner now bulldii gwill be "one of the finest" ever built this or any other port. The new vessel Is of the follow¬ ing dimensions: Length of keel, rabbctt to rabbett, 10-1 feet; breadth of beam,32.!..' feet; depth of hold, III feet at slioalest place, and. is being built'cxtra stropg, having extra floor timbers sod futtocks between frames. The vessel will be Iron strapped outside of frames, and will rate Al star. The new schooner will cost.abmit $8-J,000,'and will have a carry¬ ing capacity ol about 32,000 bushels wheat. She will have three musts, and be fitted out with all the late Improvements. Captain D. Crnine, late master of the schooner Lottie Wolt has purchased a one-fourth interest In the new schooner and will command her. It Is expected that the new vessel will be- ready for sea about June 16. - " AHNAPKK. 'The schooner St. Cloud, Captain J. R. Doak, will sail from here on the opening of navigation with a new main gaff topsail and all her lower canvass newly liandeu. OODHNSBUItG. Tho yacht Mabel Is being fitted up nt- Clayton to go down to salt waier this dim¬ mer. Her centreboard has been taken ' out and a. standing keel of oak will be put on, anil an addition of Iron forbaliait. Her cabin is receiving an overhauling; more ' burins put in, which will give moie room. Captain Stehblns. her owner, wants to give Ills ynollt a taste of salt water. He will go to New York via the Gulf of St. Lawrence. ' Tun Insurance companies, it Is said have nil adopted the Lloyds register with the ex¬ ception of tfio C'ontenental. The Lloyds In¬ cludes the Canadian as well as American, craft, and is believed to be unusually clear of errors. - , ' • ' A SICILIAN DIVER. • In Sicily Just 100, years ag<" Nicholas, stirnamed "the diver," on' account of his many wonderful exploits, undertook in the presence of thousands of spectators to dive to* flie bottom of the Sicilian Gull, where there in a dangerous whirlpool, and bring up something which had been thrown In: Ileniaile the attempt apd succeeded. Again Something more precious was thrown in, and lie again succeeded. Finding that in the second nt tempt lie cncouuteil muiie submarine difllculties which lie hail not, expected he declined to make another attempt; but a Sicilian nobleman throwing in a gold cup studded with brilliants as the prize, lie dived into the surf and was never seen again. HARD A-PORT ANll STOP AT Capt. DahIke's OaNE PRICE BOOT AND SHOE STORE And Kxilmlno n Finn Lino mf Hpring Goo.Ih at "Very Low Price*. 297 Pearl-st., Cleveland,!). FOR- SALE, 2tf"e-w- Zrcn. TvLgr. PimedslotiH 7K feci long, ]7 feot noum, 11 feot deep; draft, 0 1-2 feet; engine, 2«x2i», uew steel 1ml ur 7 lout In dUnietcr, l.'l fret lung, allowed U2 |ioumlti i tea in. Throe Iron lirtuit lioultn forwardt collision lmlkheud forward, water Light luiUchead forward ofvl>ollei; iron coin Imnacu, wati-r tk'tit liulkliend nfl at ahaft •gland, with water ilght iron duk forming the Itoui of after cabin Iron dciit>. bulwurkuaiid deck houai'ii; iron tow .pouts nft. Heavy angle iron (ruinen, with nn urw burn on al¬ ternate, fr-mies: %j>latfc, steel !loor*|>lmes boiler, en¬ gine and bearing foundation of iron. For sale ci.eii|> when machinery can lm completed by GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, ri.KASUIlR DOATfl AND BAILING AND STEAM XfPlITt, Vawl coats, arooN oaiis, iTUKiiiKa wiikios,' etc. 385 Atwater st., Near Riopelle, DETROIT, MICH. ' Vesselmen SilOL'LD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, DISEASE CURED Without Medicine. , A Va\uaUe DUnevergfor eupplglng Ifagnetjtm to Ike Jla- manSgetem. JHectriclty and Magnlttm uHlleed '. ' at new before Jor Healing the Slcfr. -). « THE MAGNETON APPIANCE CO.'S Magnetic Kidney Belt FOR MEN IS • WARRANTED TO C0i$S:.t«XS "without meillrinoi—pain i.vtiik hack, mi't), iiiuuOn MM1.B, NHtlVOUS DSIUMVY, LUMOAOO, dlCNKIUr. PKKIL- ITV, IIIIKUUATJflM, PAIUUVUID, NKURALOIA, SCIATICA, DISKASIUOP THKKII1NUYU SPINAL DIMUSlta, TOItl'ID uvut, ftotit, Seminal KmlNHlon*. lm potency, A nthmii, Heart JiUeiuo, Dyapfmala, Conntlpn- tinn) Kryalpetiui, IniUffentlon, H«rntn or Itup- ture, Outurrli, Pllei, Kpllepay, Dumb A true, etc, When any d' Wllty of the GENERATIVE OR¬ GANS occurs, Lout Vitality, Look of Nerve Force and Vltfor, Wnnthiff Weakneii,- and ijl itioio Dla- eiuefcoft perwnal nuture,Irom whtteTeroRtifiA, tho contlnuouft itraini of M«gnoM«m porrowilng through ttlopartJ. mufli rettora tnem to t heulthy iclldn. 'ihero ta no mfiiuke oboiit'thls- »ppU»nco. Tn tup t a nii?Q • *» y°u ftr# •«"<jt«d with 1U tub L£UlDO.""iame Uaob, Wcbltneaii ■oftlie Hplno, railing of tlip Womb, LeucorrhoBa', Clu-ohlo Inflanimation and IJltieratlon of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage■ or Floodinff, Painful, Suppreuied and Irreuular Menptrnn- tlon, Barrennesa, and Ohanjre of Llfo title i* tlie Heat Appliance nnd Curative Affent known. For,all furnm of Female Dlflloultlea Ilia unaur- pBi»cd by anything betore InTentod. both nu a ctiratlVe ngeut,and *■ a arturoa of power and tltalizution, Price of either Belt wall Magnetic JdmIch, #10, fortl by expreaa C.'O. O^ and oxarabantlon allowed, or by mall Q,n'receipt of price. In ordering hcikI mwiatiredl waist, nnd fllifti of alioe, llemittnnce*ciin be mod* in currency, sent in letter at our riak. The At -gneton Gifrinents are adapted to all ngeK, arc worn ovi r t lm under clothinir, not next to the body like .tho iiiiiny Gulvanlo and Electric Jlmnbuga ndvertlacd ao exteualvely, .and ahoukl be taken off atiiJgln. They hold thnlr 11WER KUKKVSJt, and are .worn nt nil Bcnnonn of the j cur. Send stamp for ihe"NVw UepHiture In Modlial tront- meni Wlthont Medicine," wlih ttiounand)t-of teati- moi.lnlH. THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO,, 218 State Street, Chlcuffn, 111. Note.—Send one dolhr In pofltngo stompa or curren¬ cy, in letter at our risk, with site of shoe uaually worn, and-try out Magnetic Inooles, nn<l boconvlncal of the power residing In our other Mngnotic Appllaocea. Positively nOcoId feet when they are worn, or money refunded. ThiTeapMitlvo moodyTnrthtf abovo OiaouaTo itiouundaof caiea of the wont kind aad at long baTSt>Mn«ur«d. IndMd.toatRmr' lhatlw""--------------------- mdaof c»wi of the wont kind aad at long atandlna tMnouKd^IndMdjtoatRmjr !■ my faith Inlta •meter. Ji'iW&Sy0 °tSt'}sn ™"l *okam with a VAU UABLITBJUTI8B on thla dliwuw, to Wn/«niTBrer."Gr»o Bx> vnu * P. (X eadnaa. VII, T. A. BlOOVlt, 111 Karl flt^ Jt. Y. New Tort, PennsylTanla & otio rj, wew vohk, nojiT^sr a»d the ba»t. The Nhnrtrat anil QnlekMt Bnnt« to ritu.- bnrtr. Wnahlnston nqd ItnlHrnoro and tho Southoait, A flPWTQ »»nt«ltorT|ieUvo«(rf nil the Prosldl'lllil IHJIjMU or tin U. 8. Tliu lnrgeet, Jmnitsomcst, bent boQk erer lol't for lOpB'than twlco our prlco, 1 ho fnat- •Bt ipUIiik b»ok In A merica ItmncnBW profits to agents. All intelligent people wtint it. Any one con become a nuocenttil Rgent Tennti free. IIauktt Book Co., Portland^ Maine. TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE SHORE 4 MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. ConiniunclngSiitidiiy, No»emhorl8, nt*12o'clock noon" Iho llmeglTcn In the tlgureg below Jn the new atandnrd (Ninotiiith tuerhlinn) tima. which In thirty-threo min¬ uter slower tliun Clovcliinil time pmnor and twentv- clght mtnutea Blower than the tiiuo heretofore in ubo (ColumbuH time) by theso rotids. ICiutward. | Arrive. I Popnrl. •I 2Fa« *7 vi i V «1 07 a u "0 87 a M t8 07 a u 10 37 a u ,10 37 A >l "I 67 P at KiwlJJew York Expresfl......... N Y, BAA Eaprcn.,............ Elyrlu At comtnodnilon........... Poit Clinton Aceommodnlion Huftalo Accommodation......... N Y A B Kasl KiureaB........... Cin.A-St l>iulaIsip»B9........ Counetiiit Accoinniodutlon..... NottTnglmin [-nndrty only] ... Night Eapren...................... t» 43 r M'flO 07 p ll Weatwiird._________ | Arrive. | Di-pnrt7 Fuat Liinlied Exprec*.........,.....*]] W a m «12"iv> a m 0 « P )l til) 52 a M "■i 27 P ll °3 117 P ll l!:i» Mich Exprehn viu dimdutiky....., Chictigo Exprcka vlu " Mich Accoin, Norwulk..........., Conncaijt Accommadatlon....... Nottingham, [Nuuduy only]..v Toledo KxprorB \lu Norwalk . StLoulB Lx via Siimlusky...... C I'Ex via Norwulk........... Port Clinton Aecommodation. Reference uiurkB— ° Daily, i dally, except Monday. "2 22 A » (Ii 07 A M t8 12 A Jl 4 17 I'll >12 f>2 P M »1 112 p ii (li.02 p )l "i.,17 A ll ti 32 a M til 12 A ll 1 47 p ll rt 02 p U *1 2fl P SI •0 32 P « _ _ 14 32PJI t daily, oxcopt tinnday, BEE LINE CLEVELAND, COLUMBUH, CINCINNATI i INDI¬ ANAPOLIS. Coinmoncing Stintla),,-November lolh, truluaof Ihe Bou Line—Clovelnnd, Colunilinn, Clncinnnti A Indian- apolis Kallwai —will Icuve and arrive nt Ck'vehm l nn follows, CKNTIIAI. 8TANHAIIU TIHK, 33 mtlllltcs slower than Cleveland lime: Containing all polnti.o! MARINE LAW aa do- toraalned by the United Stat* Courts . ' Seamen,'*4 Frelttlita, Towatre, Colllsloni, Knroninenta, General Averatfe, Common Cnrrlera,' ■ 'DuUee or Seamen, Haatera St Ovrnera, 1>I11 or Lailinir, Watres, 4o. Tha Tolumn 1h tia'niUoiuely bnnnd In atlA* Hoard covers, and line Enuliali cluth binding. Sent toTany addxeaa |H>8tage paid lor 91.00. Ovrnera, ClmVuira, IteirlatTy, ofliu ' (Kfi * wce* "l '"""•• •5(w oulnl lrt* ""T absolutely JUU «ure. No risk. Capital not refjulreil. Header, If you Want bualneaa at which persons of either sux, yonugorold, uin make great pay all tht' limn ihey work, with ahsoliitecrrlutnty,'WrIto for purllitilurs to II.ilALi.K4,,ten,, Portland. Maluo No. I, Clnclimall'iV Columlins Express .... No. 11, Indianapolis A » heeling Exprena No, 17. Special tiiluilluiiM A Cinclpnatl Ex. No. 3, tipecisl Iud A tiL Louis Express No, 6, Col. Cln„ Ind. A St. Louli Express.. Ni.7;GalHon & C.L A W. Ace........„....... «7.'3|,A M 0.4ffA M 1.-20 P M •1.-40 I'M <«;40 P M 4:30 PM Arrive, »0:40 A M ll.'lll A M ".'.SO P H 0:66 P M "U.^O I' M 0.-45 P If 1:10 A M .No. 3, Col. A Cla, A Ind. Express...;.......... No. 8, GalllorA C. L. A W. Aco................. No 12, Hi, Lou1b,x Indianapolis Express.... No. 0, Col. Cln. A Initlunapolls Expren*..... No, 4, Columbus A (Inclnnntl Exprosj...'.... Mo. 10, Wheeling Express...................... No, 14, Col., Cln A N. Y. KnstLino......... i:iu A w Tratna marked* dully, all other trains dally excenl Sunday ' ' EtfTlckela by thin popnlnr routo for tnlo nt all regulnr Tcket Olllcc». . E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General Manager. Trafflo Maniujor. A: J. SMITH, General Passonger Agent. Cl.lSVI'XANII, OHIO. CCnlrnl or Nlnollolh Uerldlth time.83 ralnaltaalow or than Clovelnnil city tlmo.. " Until further notice tralni will leave from tke n„. Control Depot, Houlh Walor "Irootand VUduetisfoi lows: uct as fo|. i.50 a. n. n „.. -, .,. ATIMNTIO EXPRESS-(Dally) Pull U.jU (Ii 111, man sleeping and hotel couches from iA'avHIshiirgli 8:3,1 a. m. to New York, Albany ,n3 • Boston witboul change. Arrive nt Meadvllleal ID'40 • m. (dinner) Frnnklln at 12:08 p. m, Oil City 12:lo p m' Corry 12.HB p. m, Jamestown (Luko Chautauqut) 1.151! m . BnffJloo.-JO p. m. Rochostcr 8:20 p. m,; Horaelli. vlllo O.-OOp m. [Biippfr]; Corning 7:21 p. in. Elmiial(n p m. Dlnglionton 10:05 p. in., Albany »:00i. m. Bbtte? 1:46 p. ntjiirrlvlng at Now York fl:H a.m. o ton n m wmited Expmas-ThroiiBh Pun. 6i6\l])< ill. man sleeping coach from Cleveland t„ Now York. Arrives at Ueadvllle at 0:30 p. m , James, town 8:47 p. m., Sslanmnon 0:49 p. m„ New York 10:10a. ft. ".*ora ntflfl n Tn NI011T EXPRESS^ (Dally eJ0,M • ,UU Ui. llli Sunday) Seeping coach from Cleveland Hornellaville Arrive at Youngatown ut 1:80 «, m MMdvillc 8:25 a. in.,Carry 4:59 a. ro. Jamestown6,57 s' m. Buffalo 0:20 a. m,,' Rocheflier I2:6S p, ra., Heruella' vlllu, 11:00am .Corning 12:07 nm. IClmiraI2:40n. m ' Rlnihainptnn 2:10 p m„ New York 0:10 p m. Arrive' at Pittsburgh 5:50 a in., without change. O'QIl II Itl I'lTTSBOIHlII EXI'irnSS - Dally _ 6,L\I l),lll,Tliroiigli wlthtmt change, Parlor carat, inched. Arrl»e« at Youngsiown 6.00 p m Pltuburi 8:02 p. m., waahlnglon 7.1)0 a. jn , Baltimore 8:19 a k >f • 11 t| m MAflONING AO.lMODATION- ' ■till J), ill, Slopping nt till way stations, artlvinnat ' Youngsiown 0.55 p. in., Sharon 8:01 p. m.. SbarreBVllle 8:10 p. m. ' • fi'Mld Til PITTSBURGH EXPRESS - Dally _ OiSU Uijlii Through without change. Arrives at Youngalawr/9.30 a. ro., Sharon 10:80 a. m,, SharpK villi) ]0:40 o. in.,'Pltlabtirgh 12 45 p m., nottlrnlo« lenvps Plittburgh at 4:16 a. m., 7j45a. in., 12Ji5p. m. nhd 8:45 p m . f n M' a m YouNosTowN and Pittsburgh lUlJSd 111, ACOMMODATION-otoppIng at sit: Way stallona, arriving at Youngsiown 1:4011. m.,Pitted burgh. 5.45 p. m. Tralos arrive nt fjlovoland, 0:15 a. m., 6:80 D m 10.20 a m; 1:03 p. m., and 0:45 p. ra, ' sWThls is the only roulo by which passengers can roach Corry Elmirs, Blnghampton, New York City and intermediate points without change. No change to Boston and New England Cities. Baggage checked through to all points East Through llckula and information regarding the mule can be obtainod afthe oulco 131 Bank street, and ot new Depot of N. Y., P A O. B R., South Water street and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E. CLARK, Uen'lPass'r Ag't Clovelond, O. J. M FERRIS, Oon'l Man'gr, CloTeland, O. 11. L, roUTb.Paaaengor Agt, 181 Bank St. Cloveland. The Nickel Plate! , NEW YOIIK, 4'IIK'A(i4> A' BT. LOUIS RAILWAY. The pasacngcj Pqiilpnu'iit of this New Trunk Unt Is all now iiii'I in flupplled with Ibo latest appllanaas nect'Bsnry lo nitlo speedy and tomfortable travel. At Chicago, pnnaengor trnlne arilvv nt and leave from the Union Depot, Van Buron street, Following in the time in effect Nov. 18 1S83, and un¬ til furrhor notice: GOING EAST. Lv. Chicago......... 7.45 a. m........,.................. Arr. Valpaialw.. 9.37 " .........................."'„'. "• Port Wayne. 1.Q0 p. m.................................. " New Haven.. 1.35 ' ........................... '• West Lelpalo. 8.45 " ................................ " Arcadia......... 4.44 " ,........................ " I"ostoria_......'4.67 "................................ " Green Springs 5.44 " ...................; ,.„ " Belli'vue........ 0.10 " , ...........................'.'.. Lv. Bolloviio......... 0.20 ". '7(6 s,.m: Arr Olevelillid....... 0.03 ' 10,22 ' Lv. Cloveland.................. 1027 Arr Pnlnesvlllo.............. 11.33 11 ABhtllbiila.......t............ 12 25 p. " Conneiut..........S„......... 1.05 " Erie........................... 2.09 " Dunkirk___................. 3.47 " BufTulu........ Accom. 3 62 p. m 0.03 0.32 „ ... !."!'.".' MO OING^VAEMV) <10IN . 11.50 a. in. ...11.21 " .................... .. 1.23 p. in................... L,'nri> I..47 0.20 0.44 Lv Buffalo.. .. Ajr Dunkirk.. " Erie......... '* Conueaiii...... 2 2U " .................. o.]5a. in,. " ABhlabula..... 2.51 •* ...........,..... 6.^0 *' " l-alncsvllle...... 3 41 "................. 7 43 '• " Cleveland....... 4.5.' " .................• 8.65 '• Lv Cleveland......,\ 4.57 " Air Bolloviio......... 733 Lv Bullevuo................. " Green Springs...... •' FoBtolls..........................10.22 (Arcadia.........................10 84 " ... '....'.".'.. ".West Lolpule.................. 11.80 " ............. " New Haven............... 1 85 p. m.......,..... ; " Kurt Wnyilo.................. 1 50 " .............' *' Valpralso........................ 5 55 " ........... * Chicago.......................... 7.60 " .............. Trains run by the Nlnotlotli Meridian Time, which la nlue mlouteH slower than Chicago time, twenty.elght minutes slower than Coluinbua time, thlrty-threemln- ules alower tlisutCloretaud time, fprty-four minute* ■dnwer llinn Buffjiro time, and alxty minutes alower than llie Se'ventii-ftftli Meridian time. For Information, call an nearest agoul of the Com- puny, or address B. I'. HORNER, Geti'l Puasonger Agent, LEVIS WILMAMK, General Mauager.'Cleveland, O. Ito<-k\ River Accommodation'* departs at fi:20-a. m and 2:15 p III. Euclid Accommodation doparts at 7 M a m and 10:12 p ui. All trains dully t'xerpi Sunday. FOR SALE, ' AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBULAR BOILER, 44 Inches dl. ameter. 43 tiihns 3 Inches diametor uml 12foot long, ateam drum 30 inrhcB dlauioti-r, 40 Inches high; iruitt grates, lUtlngr-and lircochlngs; good order. SECOND HANI) MARINE BOILER, In good order; Shell. 7-1(1 Inch lion plulo; diameter*!) feet fl inches, luligtli, 18 feel; 12'J tulHsi 4 ini'lloa In dlumuter, 11 feel 4 Inches long, ttirce flues 18 Inches diameter; *wo flues 10 inches dlnmotcr, two Hues 10 1-2 Inches altimeter: lire box, 0 feet lotij-, 4 foethlgh; itoiiui chimney, 7 feet high SECOND HANI) MARINE BOILER four feot wide, 0 1-2 feet long, 6 (net high, Blxty-four 2 1-2 moll tubes 00 liielies long, cast Iron breeding, good as now. SEC'iND 1IAND~MAKINK ENGINE; deubledirect- acting 8x8 Inch cylinder, uhuft and wheel for yoiht or tug; good as new hECOND HANDMARINE ENGINE, high preasure, 28x'IG In good eouilltUin and formerly In Ihu amnuburgo J. S. Fay; 77

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