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Marine Record, April 3, 1884, p. 5

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± THE MARINE RECORD. H. G. 8pr»nuolhM had some general repair*. Captain B. El Patterson hna purdhuscd ft one-balf Interest In the Hi? A. Andrew* and wlll*+un nor again this Sanson. Captain Brownie Chnmbqffiiln of Detroit „lll command the tug A.y W. Cotton. Tlio tug Crawford Is bulng rebuilt by Hardy Brothers, her owners. The tog A. W. Cotton, the steambarge La Fayette and the new fish bout J. K. Seoor w ere Inspected on Tuesday by T. Fltzpatrlck jj. F. StanaM. MDINQTON. Special U tht Narttu IUmd. The post week has seemed like spilng The schooner Mercnry, Captain Loujs stirl (og, is being palutod and getting ready for business. The stoambaige Marshall F Butters has made one trip and is loading the second cargo-for Chicago. 'lliis vicinity was visited by n severe north caster on Saturday. Steameis F.Jfc P. II. No. 1 and No. 2 are making rognlai -or (1 illy trips between Ludlngton sj*l Mllwau kce. No'Ice visible any whew on their course riie-inills here seem in no'hurry to make a gtuit, the Ice In Pore Marquette lake Is still quite hard. , t -tobt Clinton. Special to the- itarliu Jlaord W J. Curtis Is building a schooner on vety flne-llneB. Length, 78 feet over all; beam, 21 feet; depth of hold, 0 feet. She will be Uiunohed In July. David S. Nash Is building for Bell & Co., flali dealers, a very tine flsh boat 40 feet in length,0 feet 0 inches beam, 3% feet deep. BUFFALO. Special (o tfw Marine Record. The first of the canal scows which are bQ- ing built for the State by James Mulhall, has been set afloat and is a very staunch and pretty craft. Mi. FelMnhauson, of Buffalo, has bought the stoaniyacht Edward Uaulon. Of the the steamers formerly forming the Commercial Line between Buffalo and Chi¬ cago, the Cuba was sold to Donalaon Bros, for $85,000, Captain Gebharclt ictalnlng one- eighth Interest and the command. The Col- oiado. In her shattered condition by the boll or explosion on boaid, was sold to Captain Mnytham for $10,000. She bus not yet been repaired. The Roanoke, Scotia, Russia, and Nebraska are In the bunds of Mrs. Hamilton, and will all be sold. The Laokawanna Com- pimy made bids on these boats, but their bids were so low that they could not be ac¬ cepted. The Lackawanna Company have the finest wharf In Buffalo, but as yot have no lake line. Old "Central Whaif" has been oleared oil and Is all owned now by the Lackawan¬ na. That this company propose to have a lnko line of steamers at an early day Is cleai nul evident. smith & Davis pnld $85,C00 lor the pro- peller Scotia. Captain Goorge B. Dickson, for over tneuty-flve yoarB miiBter of lake vessels and propellers, died at his residence in Buftalo, March 29. lie was \Vell known along the uitlio chain of lakes. Messrs. Palmer & Benhani, of Cleveland, were in the city yesterdav. hc. cumi'inNES. 'Ino stcambarge D D. Calvin and four barges has boen chaitered to take toal from Chailotto to Dulutli. Captain John Sullivan of St Catlieilncs, Is to take ohnrge of tlio stciunbaigo recumseh the coming season. The work is progiosslng rapidly on Cap tain Neolon's new composite boat. Arolilo McMaugh Is to be her captain. She will be ready for launching at the opening ot iiiiyI nation t ll'l' VINCI NT fyecfaf Is tht Marine Jfeccrd ' The Ice here Is very poor and the channel from the mouth pf the river to the hoiidof Carleton Island is wide open. 'llie steamer I'leropolnt Is expected lieic soon, and na\lgatlon will soon be iu lull toico. Captains Slieley and Illncklev are bus\ getting thoir scows In shapu lor tlio season, and it IS undelstood that Captain Hinckley l>"« sold his scow mid is about to build him sell a now and liugei one. Captain i\ L, Milieu and Captain II. Ilowaid are dally expecting orders to start for Dotrolt to tako charge ot the fitting out and work of the new bo«U building At the Detroit; Drydook Company's yard. It Is supposed that the work on the new lighthouse to be built on the hold of Carle- ton Island will 'soon begin. ^ BANMJSKY. Special lo IU Marine Heard F. W. Merrick, ship carpenter, is giving F. Grech's tug Myrtlo a partlnl rebuild and thorough overhauling, comprising np* fi anies and shell plect-a, new deck bejuns mid deck and a new.house. Her engine and boiler are also receiving a thorough over¬ hauling and her boiler a covering at a cost of about $1,800. 'Hie tugB Cal Davis and Annie Robinson, owned by Blemlller & Co., have'had n pai- tlal rebuild and thorough overhauling. The tidcwoel steamer EllaG., Captain J. G. Gillespie Is receiving ti new engine, the cylhitlor 18 inch bore by 4 feet stroko and their rigging in store, pieparatory to fining new crown sheet, erown burn and fine sheet to her boilers. Tlie engine Is built by Klots & Kromer, under Captain Gillespie's super¬ intendence and the woikon tlio boiler by B B. Kiilin. ' The tug P. L. Johnson, Captain 'J Hurs- ley, IshaUng a new lender rail, and geocral repairs. She will proceed to Detiolt and go on the drydock aid get her bottom calked and Ironed for the iCe. She will take on a steam pUmp there lor^wrecklng purposes, and will go on to her station at Pcquamlng, near L'AnBe, Lake Superior, about the 25th. The Johnson was puichased In.January last by the Hebard & Thurber Lumber Co. from F. Groch, of this city. She will he ro-- named the Dan Hebard when she nrrlvos at her new port of destination. A. Mathers Is making a complete Bet of new satis for the steambarge Westford and* a number of sails for other vpbscIs. The schoonei Wend-tlie Wave, Captain James S. Ellis, Is fitting out ready to start for Detroit w llli coal as soon- as possible. Captain W. V. Wheeler, who has been running the Steambarge Red Jacket for Olemachcr BiOthers for the last four and a half years, will take command of tlio new steanlburge building for them at j, E Monk's shipyard. The sldewheel Bteamcr B". B. Hayes, ( ap- tain W- J. Slacklord, lias been strengthened and has tecelved new bilge kelsons and a thorough overhauling She tins had a new water table to her boiler, and her boiler newly braced and strengthened. Shc"com- menced running on Monday. The Bldew heel steamer B. F. Ferris, Cap¬ tain A. J. Fox, commenced, running on ApilllBt. The Bteiimbaige Ohio, Captain J. C.Estes, line had a new rail, a general overhauling and a re-calking. The barge Ryan, Captain Wnlkei, has been refastcned and had a gen¬ eral overhauling. The Btcainbarge Yoscmito, Captain Win. Nell bus had a general o\ei- haiillug and rcfiiBteuing The Bchnonei Emeu, Captain John Hem, has had exten¬ sive repairs, recalking and some new canvas. The steanibiuge Sakle Shepherd was en J. E Monk'sdrjdock and gather wl eel tight¬ ened and her bottom painted. The Bchoonei Irene, Captain W. W. Collins, has been get¬ ting new caihcads, stainlilons, hatch comb- iuga mils and Calking. nio Robinson went ashore on Cedar Point ami lii'niediatelv tilled, She had thebaige Gailleld In ton at iho time and was taking her (mm Kollej's Island to Sandusky. A tug went to liei assistance liom Sandusky, on Sundav, with n pump and lines. Tlio sldewheel steamer Jay Cooke, Cap tain Geo. A. Brow u, lb hi lug fixed up ready to stmt on excursion trips to tlio Islands about tlio Titli of Apiil Hie sldewheel sunnier P. II. Wnlfei, Cap¬ tain J Wehleiiholi'i, Ins been having some lepalrs and u now smokestack, ami "ill commence running In tlio 6tone trade be¬ tween the Islands and Toledo at once, MAMIOWOC. ThesthoonorC.il Bui ton, which went on the locks at Halle)'b Hal hoi and iiiaih piovcd a total lor", will be tin next plat id m di)dock lot iithoiongh lehuiltl she «111 ha\c an tiiliie new bottom, ut u li nut-, new ktel,now statuhloiih and mil "1 lit' liiiittm W'ib ii'bullt Iroiu llie hull of tin old bchntiiit i Glcnbulah, whitli was htiiucd at Clilt igo timing the gieat the 'llio u|)ilis and lebulld on riie uppei woikB of the piopcller Menomonco ot the { Goodrich Lino aro' rapidly approaohlng completion. Slnco the close of navigation thoro have been thirty-eight transfers ol vessel property aggregating-$20^,780 recordod at tho Mil¬ waukee custom house. In the custom houBo at Chicago there were thirty transfers, ag¬ gregating $148,600. — Bund & Berger have Just complotcd a contract for a new three-masted schooner to bo built during the summer for Jonathan Boyee, of Gi and Haven, Mich. Her dimen¬ sions will he 134 feet keel, 29% feet beam and 10 feet hold, and will be completed about the first of August. A largo force of men are engaged In get¬ ting the Goodrich bouts ready for the open¬ ing of navigation. One day last weokn force of iidatly forty painters was at work. Some of our vessel men* are overhauling out for theffprlng. cmtuao. The Steamship1 Iron Chief, whloh sank In tho r|vcr two weeks ago and damaged her cargo, will be docked jit Miller Brothers' shipyard Monday for repulrs. The cause of the leak has not been determined. 8. A. Murphy hna puichased the barge Pringlo and will turn Her Into n Canada bottom. The new compound engine of the tug Michigan will be placed InJiei, apt! she will be fitted up in Al shape to attend to Canadian wrecking. The propelleiQXpuglas towed over the hull of George GilmaVs new tug, and tho latter lald'near WellB street during tho dny.Jintl was much admired by all who saw her. The new craft Is well and beautifully built, and reflects great credit on Mr. Martel, her builder. Machinery and boiler and finish¬ ing touches will be furnished hele in Chi¬ cago. TheJurTSfsome colors on the new qriu^Jfltflcates her name to bo tho John Gordon, She is named in honor of the well known agent of the Anchor Lino of steam¬ ers here. Captain Charles McCarl wl I com¬ mand her. . ^ Two moio Important vessel sales wore consummated on tho 20th. .John Kelder- house sella to J. C. Gilchrist, of Vermillion, Ohio, the fine schooners \V. S. Crosthwaite and B. F. Brueo, the consideration for botli being $50,0od. '1 lie vessels are sister ships, are of the same ago, measure tile same, and rate the same. They wero built In 1873, measures 07l tons and rate AJ)j. It Is generally conceded th-it Mr.Gilchrist geta a great baigin. Captain Olof Olson will sail the Bruce this season. The tug Blsmark Is now owned by Cap¬ tain Harry G. Blanchard, and will tow be¬ tween Bay City and Buffalo. The new propeller A. B. Taylor, which arrived is a fine little craft.' She was built at biiiigatuck by R T. Rogers, her master, and measures 51 tons, She will receive hei finishing touches heic The exclusion steamer Grace Giummond leaves Chicago Captain Ell Napier has seeuictl her and will inn her between Dulutli and Agate Bay. The Auchoi Line has seemed tho whole dock line fiom Clark to Wells atiect on tl\e lioith side of tho rivcf, and will hnio pleni) of loom this Benson for their propeller. On Saturday, about 8 p. m , tbeiug^n- .The Llnsiul, Uiitlalo and Ogdensburg Line will liavo a dock, freight houses, olllci, etc , pear Riixh meet. I he wood repairing o i tlio propeller St Paul will be complettd next ueik 'Die principal portions of the main and promenade docks aro new, and the cost of her lepaiis when finished win1 be ovei fll,- 000. She will be used oxcluslvel) ifafielgh boat, and will ply bctwqeu Hiiflulo ami Dulutli She will be eominniitled b) Cap¬ tain .seott, ol Toledo, Vessel sales recorded on the 28th Stcanu ci Biet Unite, Philip Mlltim to Jtiliu C Me)er, one-halt interest, ifl.JOO. Mc)orls now sole on nor. The tug Wilson Brothers, Tlihothy Tobln and Cluulos Schlaiker to John Ilamlcr, two-thirds Interest, $1,200. llniult i is now sole ow nil 'I he linll ol the lug Muitin tiicen, L Van UiUui toRobeil II Rittl, the whole, $12o. Hie hull is to be i»i\t-11 lit w iiiiithlnei) and htiik'i, ami will heciilltd the Uoblteitl, Wink his lit en coinnit nctil on the new cuifiluin lighthouse at Hal Point. II I.. Shan mid othiis- linvi bought the huge Stat til llie .\oith for $1,200 Conn ictb luxe been made loi 200,000 bushelCof wheat from Diiluth to Buffalo at four cents. The Canadian propeller Armenia, Cuba, and California will run between this port and Montreal, ^ Captain Oharlos Mclnnes, late owner of tho propeller Oneida, Is negotiating for the purolyise of a new steamer, Tho'steamsblp J. 'P. Donaldson and tpw mill C. H. Green anil low will probably bo engaged In the Luke Superior business this year. Mil w AUKKE. F. C. Miisnn, M. C. Parker, and John Savohind, of Milwaukee, have purchased the schooner A. B. C. F. \l. ot Mr. Merrill, of Chicago, (er*3,0OO. Captain Lewis Larsen has puroluiBcd one-half of the schooner Leo, of Grand Haven, for$l,000. AMnrniHTnuRo. The steambarge Ada Allen is carrying, block atone lrom Wh'lto'a dock to Windsor." Captain E. C. Cut field Is fitted out the tug Crusader, and Captain Joe Biroli, the tug Hercules. C. W. Danger o' the U. S. engineers, was In town last Saturday. He has been engaged during the winter surveying the Saginaw river. Navigation has again opened and tugs and tows aro agalir"travellng our gieat water highway, and the wolves come out to sun themselves. The City of Dresden will make her first trip down '.lie shore of Lake Erie anil to Pelee Island as soon as-the lake 1b clear of Ice She will make seml-weckly trips to Sandusky. The tug John Martin will be sailed this season by Captain P. Cailno, who sallca the Sallna laBt season. The Mai tin will go to DetrdtMhls week. She will bo engaged In towing binges fiom Bay Cltj and Saglnawi to Ohio ports. The steamer Riverside came dow n from Detroit Sunday atternoon. Several blasts from her whlBtle hi ought hmidiedB to the dock to receive her, and ft» a time Engineer Simnvms held a reception. She commenced her regular tiips on Monday morning, leav¬ ing here at 0 15 a. in., and returning, leaving Detroit at4p in. Captain C nughes 1b again In eominiintl, with Mr. Noble as clerk. Mi. Simmons, the popular cngincei, is again at Ills old post. The Riverside Is somewhat Improved the cabin las new cat pets, and her fnrnltiiie given a gentral njjuehing up, while she has been re-painted outside. A saloon has been built on llie lower deck, forward, which will be a convenience. Take her all ftroirid, she Is In better shape than ever befoie. s ! Established in 1834. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF MARINE ENGINES AND ram IAGHHEBT. Cor. Detroit & Center-Sts, CLEVELAND, 0. B00IFIEL0 & CO,, 8 South Water-st Cleveland Agents for Akron Rubber Oo.'s Valves, Hose, Packing, etc. MOJiGiItf & RICE, Vessel Brokers, Marine and Fire Insurance Agents, Room 20, Chamber of Commerce/ Dl.TKOri, MICH. Speoial attention paid to Chartering Vessels,

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