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Marine Record, April 3, 1884, p. 3

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THE MARINE RECORD. ~~ANCHOR LINE APPOINTMENTS. Tlio fullowlnir Appointments of cnptains unit onftlneeia of the Anohor Lino linvo been iiiiulo lor llio eoiiBon of 1884: Propeller India—EtlwnrilMoonoy, muster, „!-, E, Smith, mutineer. Piopullur Chlnn—Angus MoDougnl, mns- tei; Tolin Wise, ujlglneer. Propeller Jiipuii—Muitlrl Nllnnd, Minster; Charles Oga engineer. Propeller Wlnstow—Wm. W. Smith, mn«. tcr; N. J. Winner, engineer. ' p'ropellor Ailzonii—ltobert Smith, muster; John Miller, onglnecV. Propeller Clntloi)—II. A. Sluon, miieler; jiimCB L. Walker, engineer. Propeller■Lehlgh-j-Danlel Cotip;lilnn, nwa. tcr; George Wise,flnglnecr. Propeller Phlhidelplilij—John Leonnrd, innstci; George Campbell, anglneer. Piof-eller Aliinkn-rMlcliiiel Riley, muster,- '1 hen. F. Patrick, engineer. Piopellur Lycoming—James Todd, inns- cr; Henry L. Miller, engineer, Propeller Onnemimgli—Joseph Corcornn, master: A. E. Welch, engineer. Propeller Delaware—Chiules ChrUty, tnnster; William Eriklne, engfncoi. "Propeller Cilnentoejii—George • L. Hogg, master; D. Sulllviirf, englne>r. Propeller Juniata—Patrlek O'NpII, tnns¬ ter; John J. KHlllee, engineer. Prope'ler WUsnhleknni—S. E. Chntteisoir, mastei t Prod Potts, engineer. Propeller Annie Young—Thomns Casey, master; John Findliir, engineer. | Propeller Gordon Campbell—Daniel Mur- nhr, iinfter; George Itllnebry, englneei. Tug Erie—E. F. Christian, master; John JleMr.linil, engineer. Sehooner Allegluili}—Charles H. Wilson, miihter. > Schooner Seliuylklll—Geoige Blujr, mas- Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all " Descriptions. . MANILA ROPE OF THE VERY BEST MAKE Start' unci Iron Wire nono nnil nil Its nttlnffal GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO., Builders of Iron and Steel Ves¬ sels of every Description. _ _ OFFICE AND WORKS,' tor. Schooner Annie C irthy, muster. Sherwood—John Mc- SAFETY FOIi SAILORS. The following it-solutions were uimnl- niouily adopted nt the lust meeting of the Chicago Seamen's Union: Whkhi.as, We deem It the duty of the United Mutes Government to muke suitable l.iws for tl|tprevention of ur.neeessaiy dan l,tr In u dangerous vocation under Federal jurisdiction; and Wiifkkab, The bill now pending In the United States Congiess known as the "Fo- i.ii) shipping bill" for tlio better protection ol Auiuilcan seamen, Is a measure of long- tlel'iyed Justice; therelore be It A'tsuiucrf, That we urge Cdirgress to con- suler, us soon us possible, tlio aforementioned - bill, which we believe to bo ubsoluiuly uee- esBui j tor the snfety of tho lives ol Amei- ic.in seamen, und will ussuiedly do mviiy with u lurgu percentage ol tlio uunccessuiy destruction ol llle and properly occiiiring unniiully on thenu "Inlund suas," thiough 'the iguoiance and u\urlcc of uilsciupiiloiib le-sel mrncr*. J!isij(t)(.\juHit «e appeal to all wniking- men and towe cltl/ens In genciul, to use their inlliienio In urging Congress to puss till" bill, securing to sciimeu ami passengers, ulio are forced to travel on the lakes, the ►nine piotectioi) to llln and health that cltl- ?eiih on land hiive already secured unilei the Iuhh ot the stale of Illinois und ol tlie gen « il Government. I'jisldent Powers, of the union, Is at the lieuil oi a committee now in Wellington looking niter till' bill, and urging its pnssuge 1'hej have been heuid in eoniinittee 1111. U.MON KLLMtUdS, I'lii' (isuul spring elections at the vuiimis luuiiihcMOl the union along the lulies lime just taken plaie. Piesiilcnts elected uie its lullmts At Milwaukee, Joseph Beruuid; nt Ilullalo, Win. Thiiiuas; at Cleveland, i'hu Lynch; ut Detiolt, Andiew Forbes, ■it hi. Catherines, John Cute). At Toledo, Oswego, Kingston, Port Hope, and-Toronto the lesults have not yet been uiinniiiiccd \'.....illations In Chicago are made the llrst 1 uesilny In April and the election occurs the ««ouil Tuesday in April. MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Great Lakes. R. L. POLK & CO., The Well-known Directory publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation, a Comp ete Guide to (he MARITIME INTERESTS ON THE LAKKS. FOR SALE TWO FISHING TUGS. Both well adapted for Qnliing Ixmli or lugging, fol¬ lowing aro tho dimensions of No 1; I uujlli, 4*> 'feot, br iidth, 11 feet, depth, 6 fool, uiigino lOxlJ, now stotl -boiler, built in 188> Price SJ.MH), cash No 2 Length-. 4,1 fo t, brtwcUI., 12 1-2 feet, ilenih, 5 feot; bull! in 1881, engine Hxll, now boiler. Price, 54,000, cash, AIho one double marine engine ]| 1-2xj0 inches, 7- foot I'hllatlelpliiu who I, In Al condition Trice, Sl,4«0 cash AildrvwMAiUM*- Ki-cxmidOfkicb FOR SALE, Her length la 185 feot, beam 20 feet, and hold 10 ftct 10 inches Boiler IT feet long, 7 feet diameter, three tfuea, two 16- Inch and one 17-inch Lnglno 2liA±, Gurries 240,000 feet of lumber Speed, 11 milts light, and S 1-2 loaded. Insurance valuation. $16,300 Ad- dre8« Marink KkoordOffice, No.1! South \Vater street, Cleveland, O SIGNAL LAMPS, -with- . Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THEBEST&AvSi)COLLISIONS. ' These I.ninpi give a moreJirilimit light than any Signal Lamp now In use They have been adopted by tho principal Ocean ami Like Steauiom and Vessels, and are for wile in the principal ports on t lie Atlantic const and Jakes, French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels. Manufactured by Send for catalogue * - — —j Felthousen & Russell, ST. MARY'S OHIO. - MONTPELIER, OHIO lilO A- ill MAIUHT., IH'IM'AI.O, N. Y. OtfR FACTORIES. IMhCKISNRIDGE, MICH CARRoCLTON, MICH FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. Dimensions of luill<>5 feetover all, 1G foot beam, 8 feet ho d, and motiturcs 40 totm with 7 feet draft, can he limit! ti foot draft The uiglno, 18x20, Is iu flrst-clnni conditio^, witti ull new brakes, new rlngi in c>llndi i and lurnlt a six-foul wheel, which wits new last scatMio The holler la one year old, Ih Inrge euough to hum wood or coal and is allowed loo pounds ot Hteam. Price 84 GOD, snd tnuat bo sold iualdoot bixty dajti, AddiuHs MAHINI' Hkcoki) Oh-ick, FOR SACE, CANAL SCHOONER. Ono o( tlio best canal sohooiiora on the lukebr mitind in e\cfy particular and atraMhl V^. Capacity, uW) tons iron oie or 21.800 bushels ol win al Uan.be purchawtl for «8 500 On«-lhlrd to one half tush, liiilsiao on olisj teiuis! Address Maiuni. Ufiunit On-itb. M\MJF\CftM(Hm AM* IMPOItrKKM OV Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers* Goods Geimally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York, If You Want fhe Best STEAW PUMP For Mining. Kallrond nr Sltnmliont line, P«nf r.MIII, riiemlcnl or «"a» W opIih Tannery, ilrewcry or Kimor Jlrnnery, ItralnlnK quariTFH, cellnni qr Plnnm- tlonH, IrrlKatlnv or Hydraulic IHInlnit, MnkliiK Foundatlonn, Colter Dam, newer. Well Slnklnr and other Contracinni' Work, or IlnUInc' — Water for any kind or NnnufaeturliiK nr I'lre Purpoae, writo for nu niu» truttxl ducripllvo book on tho NEW PMLWOHETF.il, umtuiiilnu «njil]y mlucod ,X)rlcoll bundroilaofiOHtlmoiilala oto Malleil froo Prices 100 pi r cant lower tuau other. Every pump teitod boforo ihlpment and uruarantood as repreiented, ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Pulsomcter Steam Fump Co., 83 John St., Now York City, V.8. A. 3f fcoo I'rlccB next Ibsuo of this Pnpor.^tO A JSIl'Y FIKE TUG. liiiiicaS. Diinlinin, tlio well known tiijf- u«iiiM of Chlni^n, Iihh (loiiu nt hl« own pilMito t'X|ici)80 ulint will prove it £icut liyii-llt mill protPialoii to tht' city In oiiuo of llio itmoim.tlio kIiI|ioIiI|; In tlio limbor, 01 In tin liniibui viuil (Mall lut, in lnilociliiiiyiv4ic-ir il""K Hid linu i>l the liver. twUtlin; anil ininllvliiK a« II lines tlirougli tliolii'iiitol tho (liy mill lo the cxtri-nm mibni In foiiiIi, mnuli »i'-t. north, mill northwest. Ho Inn fur- niilieu tho tt,'K A. Monitor, one of his line, within powerful rotiiry puiiip'nntl fitted hoi out usu tiro tuft >ii"l Hhovtlll boon liaml when .over mi Hineijjonuy.lieiiiiiiidfl lior ' pii'seiice. Tho need ol Hiicti u preeuiitlon iipiliwt tire in the Imrhor lma Ioiik boon Iclt. I'lic city refnaed to bom the expoimc, mill Air "milium hun dono It out of bin own pocket I lie Moalici oiin lliiow a Mrenin of wilier lis "I'll, iiul bettor, tlinii itny of oorclty llio oiikIiicm. ^Ii. Ouiilmm litis nlxd furnlnliod llneo """in puinpB lor wrookliiK piiiponcn, und M'^lorduy lot Kooptrnet with Millei Itnilhcrii, tins ship builders, for tho bullillii); ol u liirps I'l'wei I ill nenjruliii; tug to bo imod (or wrcck- '"K o.\p,.0itlons. She will he built on plium (iblnliiril fiom Khbv, ot Detiolt, iinilwlll liinc nu ctiKinu 22x311. " i TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH U«« Iht MaBnelon Appliunco &)> ' Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY $.5. Thoy uro prlLelew lo nulla, aKNTiauitK iKDCinL- DHKN WITH WKiK I UNUH, uo ca<0 ol rVKUMONIi OK cuour in ever known wheui theao Kunnenls ire worn. They also prevonl nnil euro HhAllT divikoitim COUPS. KIIBUlliTISlI, Nfcl IUHII4, IMIIOiT 1IWUIIIKH, BimiKUIA, IA11IIKII, AM) AI.L KIVDIIUD UI»Ei»l» Will wkaii any servlctt for ihhkk YKAH8 Aro \oni OTir ll» uiidiir ■ lothlng......... nimiDDII It l» nocill«.« lo ileacrlbs tin symptoms IjAluUllDi ot iIiNiiuukoiis disease that fssupptaw (lie Ills and sWa-lli ol only too many of Iho Isfroil and hesl'iil holh sons IJihor, study and rcsrnn.h Id Aimrlei, tulouo and Ijisloru la ds. haro reiulti-d Iu Iho MaBiiotlo Lunif I'rotcUor, aHordlnn euro lor Cu- tarrh »Vmody wliiah contains NoDliooaiMiot inn HYtrrKM and with the.....tlnu'ius alteatu of MagnetUm nenm al'lnit tlimiiKli th" a mi t loci oruuns, xuar uuaToiih YuKU TO A 1IKAI HIT AITIOV Wit 1'IACK OUK I'llICE for IhU Apiillsnee at !(•• than one Iwouttethof tflo nrlce Mlcil hy others lor remedial upon wllloh you take all iIuiIuuilm. and w» Kal'MlAHT iMVmtllw iialrohaiieol Ihe iiAVY.I'Kliaova who Iuto Uled Imuo tilNO TIIKIH STOMACIH WITirOUI KrrKOT. HOW TO OBTAIN 3&xm&£>£r& Hot to you at nuee by mad P""!; peld- , „ .. •, Bind slanipjiir tho 'New Dapiiriun In Medlca Trxialnieut \v.iiioui iikdilink,!' wIth thousands of lesllmonlal. MA(lNMON AI.,.UANCI. fjo , ■>\» SUto Slrett, Cldcagn, III Notk —bend one dollar Iu |H)ntaijoatumi • or lurnin- ,, ln ].iior »t our rl k, with slio ol alioe usually Worn, •nil trr a nail "t our M"«nBllo Inaolo<, and be oon- vinced ol tho powir resldlnn In our Magnotlo Appll- nniea l'oaltlrel) "i"'1' /"' wl""1 ""V "f ,"'""• " moo**/ rtfuntUd SMITH'S PATEJffT j^ETALLIO LIFE BOATS, THE BXHSO1 J&N3D OJQiElja.I^EST. SEND FOR PRICES TO -SMITH'S BOAT WORKS, 168 South Street, New York, AnnTlfTI hend six renlsfor poatatKe, and receive rKifjh. fno, a cosily hoi of nouda which will help uiftu more money i lain uway tlun anything elio in hL world All, of tilijirr •», mBWtl from llrst liinir lli« brond road I" fortune opens heforn tho workers,almilulilyuru Atouco aildna.,TllOLACo , AubiisIii, Malm T.tE. WILSON, AIL1 Kinds of Water Work , B0XKPR0MPTL1 TO ORDER IlbAl>qUAKITI(,«, Upson & Walton's, {River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. Phoenix Paint Co., MANUJAClUltlMIH Of ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OtrlCL AjNDl'ACrOUY 36 XicHiean St.. CLEVELAND. OHIO, uULU tuvie mul wo will iui.ll you frw, a royal, v»inn- lilt Imix ot Biimplo gfunls liiuL will nut you in the w«,y "j <»( mtkliia umru iiiDiiey in u few ilnja than jrtm i ver tUtiuKlit~|koivttbtu At auy tiuslmiw tnpilul not roqulroil. Wo willHtnrt you "\i)rtcan worlc all tho time or ju H(»uro linn; only Tlio work'In unlwrdHlly uilupteil to txitli rii'Xfri, vouiiK and old Ymi i an euilly ij.ro ftoui fiOtents log.1, avtry evening Ttiatall who want work iiiny b'ftl tlio biiniiiLrio. wo mnku this uiinarnlltkl ofler, tn all who art not wtill eutUtlftt w« w111 atnd 81 to I ay for tlio (rouble of wi-iiinmiri full pirili uluri,dlr«t- tloafl, vit , i»tnt (rt*o lorttincirwlll bo umdo by thimo wlmuUo their wliolo time lo t"« work drout hiillli-i iibsolulely nuiu lH>n'i tit lay hturi now Addrma ^unsos \ to , I'urtland, Mulm 35 35 02

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